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Intracellular recordings of membrane potentials of mudpuppy lingual cells were made with micropipette electrodes. Three types of cells were distinguished by their responses to chemical stimulation. Surface epithelial (SE) cells outside of taste buds responded with large membrane potential and resistance changes to a variety of stimuli representing the four taste qualities. Salts and acids evoked particularly large potential changes, and MgCl2, acids, and quinine greatly increased the membrane resistance. One type of taste bud cell (TB-1) was characterized by large depolarizations to K salts, and the other type of taste bud cell (TB-2) characteristically hyperpolarized to MgCl2, acid, and sugar solutions. Membrane resistance changes accompanying TB-1 and TB-2 cell responses were relatively small compared to those of SE cells. Electrotonic coupling was observed between pairs of SE and TB-2 cells but not for pairs of TB-1 cells nor cells of different types. After recording cell responses, dye-marking allowed verification of results in situ and histologically. From the identification of cells in section, it is hypothesized the TB-1 and TB- 2 cells correspond to light and dark cells, respectively. Responses of TB-1 cells imply a taste receptive function; wheras TB 2-cell responses suggest secretory, supportive, and (or) receptive functions. Factors affecting cellular characteristics, non-taste bud cell responsiveness, response mechanisms, and function of electrotonic coupling are discussed in relation to taste reception.  相似文献   

Isolated cell preparations of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were utilized to examine the effect of ice encasement at −1°C and exposure to ethanol on metabolic and biochemical properties of cells. Following icing and ethanol treatments, passive efflux of amino acids increased gradually with duration of exposure to the stress, and closely paralleled the decline in viability of cells. In contrast, uptake of 86Rb declined much more rapidly than viability following exposure to icing or ethanol. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy studies revealed no significant change in molecular ordering within the cell membranes following icing or exposure to ethanol, whereas a small but significant increase in order was detected in the noniced controls. O2 consumption by isolated cells declined only gradually due to icing and ethanol treatments, and remained relatively high even when cell viability was severely reduced. These results indicate that the plasma membrane is a primary site of injury during ice encasement and that damage to the ion transport system is the earliest manifestation of this injury.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated taste receptor cells from the frog tongue were investigated under whole-cell patch-clamp conditions. With the cytosolic potential head at –80 mV, more than 50% of the cells had a stationary inward Na current of 10 to 700 pA in Ringer's solution. This current was in some cells partially, in others completely, blockable by low concentrations of amiloride. With 110mm Na in the external and 10mm Na in the internal solution, the inhibition constant of amiloride was (at –80 mV) near 0.3 m. In some cells the amiloride-sensitive conductance was Na specific; in others it passed both Na and K. The Na/K selectivity (estimated from reversal potentials) varied between 1 and 100. The blockability bysmall concentrations of amiloride resembled that of channels found in some Na-absorbing epithelia, but the channels of taste cells showed a surprisingly large range of ionic specificities. Receptor cells, whichin situ express these channels in their apical membrane, may be competent to detect the taste quality salty. The same cells also express TTX-blockable voltage-gated Na channels.  相似文献   

Activity of the glossopharyngeal nerve was recorded with bipolarsilver wire electrodes while taste stimuli were applied to thelingual surface in anesthetized mudpuppies. Taste stimuli wereinjected into a continuous stream of distilled water which wasrunning over the tongue, KCl, CaCl2 and LiCl2 at 0.4 M elicitedbrisk responses, as did HCl at 0.2 M and quinine at 6 x 10–4M. Sucrose, glucose and saccharin did not elicit responses.Twenty amino acids were surveyed for their ability to evokea response at 0.04 M: 1-arginine, 1-valine, 1-phenylalanine,1-tryptophan, 1-tyrosine, 1-glutamic acid, 1-lysine and histidinealways evoked responses, whereas other amino acids either didnot evoke responses or only occasionally evoked responses. Thesupernatants from solutions of minced worms and minnows andPurina Trout Chow were effective taste stimuli. Pre-adaptingthe tongue to Ringer's solution by running a continuous streamof Ringer's solution over it eliminated responses to quinineand decreased responses to NaCl. Pre-adapting the tongue to10–4 to 10–3 M amiloride, a potent sodium channelblocker, did not alter the responses to NaCl, LiCl, or othertaste stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary Taste discs were dissected from the tongue ofR. ridibunda and their cells dissociated by a collagenase/low Ca/mechanical agitation protocol. The resulting cell suspension contained globular epithelial cells and, in smaller number, taste receptor cells. These were identified by staining properties and by their preserved apical process, the tip of which often remained attached to an epithelial (associated) cell. When the patch pipette contained 110mm KCl and the cells were superfused with NaCl Ringer's during whole-cell recording, the mean zero-current potential of 22 taste receptor cells was –65.2 mV and the slope resistance 150 to 750 M. Pulse-depolarization from a holding voltage of –80 mV activated a transient TTX-blockable inward Na current. Activation became noticeable at –25 mV and was half-maximal at –8 mV. Steady-state inactivation was half-maximal at –67 mV and complete at –50 mV. Peak Na current averaged –0.5 nA/cell. The Ca-ionophore A23187 shifted the activation and inactivation curve to more negative voltages. Similar shifts occurred when the pipette Ca was raised. External Ni (5mm) shifted the activation curve towards positive voltages by 10 mV. Pulse depolarization also activated outward K currents. Activation was slower than that of Na current and inactivation slower still. External TEA (7.5mm) and 4-aminopyridine (1mm) did not block, but 5mm Ba blocked the K currents. K-tail currents were seen on termination of depolarizing voltage pulses. A23187 shifted theI K(V)-curve to more negative voltages. Action potentials were recorded when passing pulses of depolarizing outward current. Of the frog gustatory stimulants, 10mm Ca caused a reversible 5-to 10-mV depolarization in the current-clamp mode. Quinine (0.1mm, bitter) produced a reversible depolarization accompanied by a full block of Na current and, with slower time-course, a partial block of K currents. Cyclic AMP (5mm in the external solution or 0.5 m in the pipette) caused reversible depolarization (to –40 to –20 mV) due to partial blockage of K currents, but only if ATP was added to the pipette solution. Similar responses were elicited by stimulating the adenylate cyclase with forskolin. Blockage of cAMP-phosphodiesterase enhanced the response to cAMP. These results suggest that cAMP may be one of the cytosolic messengers in taste receptor cells. Replacement of ATP by AMP-PNP in the pipette abolished the depolarizing response to cAMP. Inclusion of ATP--S in the pipette caused slow depolarization to –40 to –20 mV, due to partial blockage of K currents. Subsequently, cAMP was without effect. The remaining K currents were blockable by Ba. These results suggest that cAMP initiates phosphorylation of one set of K channels to a nonconducting conformation.  相似文献   

Summary The isolated frog lens epithelium can be maintained intact in both appearance and electrical properties for more than 24 hours. The mean resting membrane potential was –80 mV and the cells were depolarized by both high potassium and low calcium Ringer's solution in a manner very similar to that of the whole lens. The epithelial cells were found to be well coupled using both electrical and dye-injection techniques. Electrical coupling was measured using separate current-injection and voltage-measuring electrodes and the relationship between the induced voltage and distance from the current-passing electrode could be well fitted by a Bessel Function solution to the cable equation. The values obtained from the fit for the membrane and internal resistances were 1.95 m2 and 25 m, respectively. Exposure to octanol (500m) or low external Ca2+ (<1m) failed to disrupt significantly the intercellular flow of current. There was evidence to suggest thatraised intracellular calcium does, however, uncouple the cells. Dye coupling was investigated by microinjecting Lucifer Yellow CH into single epithelial cells. Diffusion into surrounding cells was rapid and, in control medium, occurred in a radially symmetrical manner. In contrast to the electrical coupling data, dye transfer appeared to be blocked by exposure to 500 m octanol and was severely restricted on perfusing with low external calcium. Differences between the electrical and dye-coupling experiments indicate either that there are two types of junction within the cell and only the larger type, permeable to Lucifer Yellow, is capable of being uncoupled or that there is only one large type of junction which can be partially closed by uncoupling agents.  相似文献   

Gustatory receptor cells, isolated from the lingual epitheliumof larval tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), possess avariety of voltage- and ion-dependent conductances, includinga transient Na+ -current (INa), a voltage-gated Ca2+ -current(IA). a transient K+ -current (IA), a delayed rectifier K+ -current(IK), and a Ca2+ -activated K+ -current (IK(Ca))- By use ofwhole-cell and excised-patch tight-seal recording techniques,we examined the effects of taste stimuli on the conductancesof taste cells from the tiger salamander. Depolarizing receptorpotentials elicited by NaCl were associated with slow, gradedinward currents which were composed of amiloride-sensitive andtetrodoxin-(TTX)-sensitive components. Potassium chloride producedmaintained inward currents, which usually showed both phasicand tonic components and were only partially blocked by tetraethylammoniumchloride (TEA). Citric and acetic acids elicited slow depolarizationsin taste cells. Under voltage-clamp, acids produced graded inwardcurrents which were composed of two components: one attributableto a transient block of voltage-dependent K+ -channels and asmaller component which may have resulted from an increasedconductance to cations. Quinine hydrochloride elicited slowdepolarization of taste cells which was associated with a slowlydeveloping maintained inward current under voltage-clamp. Quininesuppressed both voltage-dependent inward and outward currents.In some taste cells, L-arginine elicited small outward currentswhich were attributable to an increase in K+ conductance. Inother cells, L-arginine produced a decrease in voltage-dependentoutward currents and generated depolarizations associated withinward currents. These results indicate that several independentmechanisms, including amiloride-sensitive Na+ -channels, andstimulus modulation of voltage-dependent K+ -channels, are involvedin taste cell responses to chemical stimuli. More than one mechanismis typically present in a single cell. 3Present address: Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical andDental University, 5-45 Yushima 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan  相似文献   

The structure of the taste organ and the physiological propertiesof the taste cell of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) after theglossopharyngeal nerve transection were investigated. The frogtaste organ is composed of taste, supporting and basal cells.As nerve terminals within the taste organ degenerated, nerveresponses to mechanical, chemical and electrical stimuli graduallydeclined and finally ceased in 7 days during the summer and15 days during the winter. However, the taste cells still hadresting potentials and responded to four basic taste stimuliby generating receptor potentials with the various lengths ofduration, even 140 days after denervation. The glossopharyngealnerve transection affected the magnitude of resting potentialssignificantly. However, the taste, supporting and basal cellsmaintained their normal structures 140 days after surgery. Itis concluded, therefore, that neural dependency of the frogtaste organ is not as great as that in mammals.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the frog taste cells during gustatory stimulations with distilled water and varying concentrations of NaCl were studied with intracellular microelectrodes. Under the Ringer adaptation of the tongue, two types of taste cells were distinguished by the gustatory stimuli. One type, termed NaCl-sensitive (NS) cells, responded to water with hyperpolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with depolarizations. In contrast, the other type of cells, termed water-sensitive (WS) cells, responded to water depolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with hyperpolarizations. The membrane resistance of both taste cell types increased during the hyperpolarizing receptor potentials and decreased during the depolarizing receptor potentials, Reversal potentials for the depolarizing and hyperpolarizing responses in each cell type were a few millivolts positive above the zero membrane potential. When the tongue was adapted with Na-free Ringer solution for 30 min, the amplitude of the depolarizing responses in the NS cells reduced to 50% of the control value under normal Ringer adaptation. On the basis of the present results, it is concluded (a) that the depolarizing responses of the NS and WS cells under the Ringer adaptation are produced by the permeability increase in some ions, mainly Na+ ions across the taste cell membranes, and (b) that the hyperpolarizing responses of both types of taste cells are produced by a decrease in the cell membrane permeability to some ions, probably Na+ ions, which is slightly enhanced during the Ringer adaptation.  相似文献   

Membrane retrieval in epithelial cells of isolated thyroid follicles.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Follicles from rat and pig thyroid glands were isolated by digestion with collagenase. The epithelial cells of isolated follicles maintain their structural and functional polarity as shown by incorporation of 3H-leucine and autoradiography. To trace the fate of surface membrane, isolated follicles were opened, stimulated with thyrotropin and incubated for various time intervals with cationized ferritin (CF), uncharged dextran, native ferritin (NF), and latex spheres (0.5 mum in diameter) which were either pre-coated with CF or added together with CF. Uncharged dextran and native ferritin did not bind to the luminal cell membrane, were taken up in small amounts and accumulated in lysosomes; anionic NF was not found in Golgi cisternae in contrast to uncharged dextran which occassionally reached a few Golgi stacks. CF bound rapidly and in clusters to the luminal plasmalemma, preferentially to coated pits, was taken up by endocytosis, accumulated in lysosomes after 5 min and reached the Golgi cisternae after 30 min. Latex spheres were taken up by engulfment through fusion of microvilli and reached the lysosomes. CF particles coating the latex spheres may detach at this station and reach the Golgi cisternae. The findings show that the route of small tracers depends on the charge of the tracer, in agreement with results obtained by Farquhar [8]. Vesicles carrying NF can be traced to lysosomes only, whereas vesicles containing uncharged dextran or - more conspicuously -CF also fuse with Golgi membranes. Large tracers (latex beads) reach only the lysosomes, but CF taken up with them may move to Golgi cisternae.  相似文献   

Summary A frequency domain equivalent circuit analysis of isolated ventricular cells indicated the presence of an internal membrane structure which has a total capacitance four- to sixfold larger than the surface membrane. The internal membrane was mainly attributed to the sarcoplasmic reticulum since other morphological studies have shown that its area is many-fold larger than that of the surface membrane. Corresponding estimates from the transverse tubular system indicate an area less than that of the surface; thus this structure is not a likely candidate for the observed internal capacitance. Measurements in hypertonic solutions showed that the access resistance to the internal membrane reversibly increased as the tonicity was elevated. Freeze-fractured electron microscopic studies confirmed that hypertonic solutions increased the volume of transverse tubular system, which thus appears to have little relation to the access resistance. The most probable source of the access resistance is the diadic junction to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which therefore would electrically couple it to the surface membrane.  相似文献   

Metabolic properties of isolated sheep thyroid cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Electrophysiological properties of isolated rat liver cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The electrophysiological properties of isolated rat liver cells were studied using the patch clamp method in whole-cell configuration. The membrane potential in isolated hepatocytes was -42 +/- 7 mV (n = 20). The input resistance (Rin) and the time constant (tau m) were 51 +/- 17 M (the range of 34 to 180 M omega) (n = 20) and 4.2 +/- 1.0 msec (the range of 3 to 16.5 ms) (n = 20). Assuming that the specific membrane capacitance is 1 microF/cm2, the membrane resistance and membrane capacitance were 42. +/- 9.0 K omega cm2 and 87 +/- 27 pF. These values indicate that isolated rat hepatocytes are not abnormally permeable or leaky. The current-voltage relationship was linear with no rectification. The depolarizing pulse from the resting potential did not induce fast or slow inward currents even when norepinephrine or high Ca2 (3.6 mM) were applied. This indicates that there is no voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel in the isolated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Membrane properties of rat embryonic multipotent neural stem cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We have characterized several potential stem cell markers and defined the membrane properties of rat fetal (E10.5) neural stem cells (NSC) by immunocytochemistry, electrophysiology and microarray analysis. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrates specificity of expression of Sox1, ABCG2/Bcrp1, and shows that nucleostemin labels both progenitor and stem cell populations. NSCs, like hematopoietic stem cells, express high levels of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) as assessed by Aldefluor labeling. Microarray analysis of 96 transporters and channels showed that Glucose transporter 1 (Glut1/Slc2a1) expression is unique to fetal NSCs or other differentiated cells. Electrophysiological examination showed that fetal NSCs respond to acetylcholine and its agonists, such as nicotine and muscarine. NSCs express low levels of tetrodotoxin (TTX) sensitive and insensitive sodium channels and calcium channels while expressing at least three kinds of potassium channels. We find that gap junction communication is mediated by connexin (Cx)43 and Cx45, and is essential for NSC survival and proliferation. Overall, our results show that fetal NSCs exhibit a unique signature that can be used to determine their location and assess their ability to respond to their environment.  相似文献   

Studies on endothelial cells metabolism have been limited by the lack of availability of a procedure for obtaining such cells in quantities adequate for direct in vitro analysis. Viable and well-dispersed endothelial cells in high yield have been obtained from the cavernous bodies of bovine penis. A preliminary characterization of the metabolic properties of the isolated cells has concerned the respiratory activity and some aspects of the carbohydrate metabolism. This study points out the following metabolic characteristics of endothelial cells: (1) a low respiration that is inhibited by high glucose concentrations (Crabtree effect); (2) a very high glycolytic activity in aerobic conditions, with a low Pasteur effect; (3) a very high potential activity of the hexose monophosphate shunt relative to the actual flux in the pathway. The biological relevance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

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