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The bacteriochlorophyll a-binding polypeptide B806–866-β was extracted from membranes of the green thermophilic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus with chloroform/methanol/ammonium acetate. Purification of the antenna polypeptide (6.3 kDa) was achieved by chromatography on Sephadex LH-60, Whatman DE-32 and by FPLC. The complete amino acid sequence (53 amino acid residues) was determined. The B806–866-β polypeptide is sequence homologous to the antenna β-polypeptides of purple bacteria (27–40%) and exhibits the characteristic three domain structure of the B870, B800–850 and B800–820 antenna complexes. The two typical His residues, conserved in all antenna β-polypeptides of purple bacteria, were found: His-24 lies within the N-terminal hydrophilic domain and His-42 within the central hydrophobic domain. This polypeptide together with the previously described -polypeptide form the basic structural unit of the B806–866 antenna complex from C. aurantiacus.  相似文献   

The amino-acid sequence of α-amylase isolated from the pancreas of the ostrich, Struthio camelus was determined. The α-amylase (OPA) consisted of 497 amino acid residues with pyroglutamic acid at the N-terminus and no oligosaccharide. Amino acid identity between OPA and chicken, porcine and human pancreatic α-amylases individually, was found to be 88, 82 and 86%, respectively.  相似文献   

The kinetic analysis of l-amino acid uptake by the green alga Chlorella revealed at least seven different uptake systems to be present in cells grown autotrophically with nitrate as nitrogen source. There is a ‘general system’ which transports most neutral and acidic amino acids, a system for short-chain neutral amino acids including proline, a system for basic amino acids including histidine, a special system for acidic amino acids, and specific systems for methionine, glutamine and threonine. The ‘general system’ is possibly the same as that which can be stimulated by incubation of cells in glucose plus ammonium (Sauer, N. (1984) Planta 161, 425–431). The incubation of Chlorella in glucose induces the increased synthesis of six amino acid uptake systems, namely the above-mentioned system for short-chain neutral amino acids, a threonine system, a methionine system, and a glutamine system. These results indicate that the uptake of l-amino acids by the green alga Chlorella is as complex as in other free-living organisms such as bacteria or yeast. The small number of amino acid uptake systems found in cells of higher plants, i.e. two or three, seems therefore to be a consequence of integration of the cells in a tissue supplying a relatively constant environment, and not a consequence of autotrophic growth on mineral carbon and mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   

A (1 → 3)-β-glucan 3-glucanohydrolase (EC has been purified approx. 190-fold from extracts of germinating barley. The enzyme has an apparent Mr 32 000, a pI of 8.6, and a pH optimum of 5.6. Analysis of hydrolysis products released from the (1 → 3)-β-glucan, laminarin, shows that the enzyme is an endohydrolase. Sequence analysis of the 46 NH2-terminal amino acids of the (1 → 3)-β-glucanase reveals 54% positional identity with barley (1 → 3,1 → 4)-β-glucanases (EC and suggests a common evolutionary origin for these two classes of β-glucan endohydrolases. The barley (1 → 3)-β-glucanase also exhibits significant similarity with a (1 → 3)-β-glucanase from tobacco.  相似文献   

The structure of the chlorosome baseplate protein CsmA from Chlorobium tepidum in a 1:1 chloroform:methanol solution was determined using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy. The data reveal that the 59-residue protein is predominantly alpha-helical with a long helical domain extending from residues V6 to L36, containing a putative bacteriochlorophyll a binding domain, and a short helix in the C-terminal part extending from residues M41 to G49. These elements are compatible with a model of CsmA having the long N-terminal alpha-helical stretch immersed into the lipid monolayer confining the chlorosome and the short C-terminal helix protruding outwards, thus available for interaction with the Fenna-Matthews-Olson antenna protein.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin from the triturative stomach of gastropodic molluscBursatella leachii has been determined. It is composed of 146 amino acid residues, is acetylated at the N-terminus, and contains a single histidine residue at position 95 which corresponds to the heme-binding proximal histidine. The E7 distal histidine, which is conserved widely in myoglobins and hemoglobins, is replaced by valine inBursatella myoglobin. The amino acid sequence ofBursatella myoglobin shows strong homology (73–84%) with those ofAplysia andDolabella myoglobins.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the peptide subunits of the peptide moiety of the sacculus polymer (pseudomurein) of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was elucidated by analysing overlapping peptides obtained from partial acid hydrolysates of isolated sacculi. It is suggested that the peptide subunits are attached to glycan strands via one of their glutamyl residues. Another glutamyl residue may crosslink two adjacent peptide subunits to form a dimer. The calculated molar ratios of the amino acids and the percentages of the N-or C-terminal amino acid residues of the supposed dimers are compatible with those actually found in the sacculus polymer.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 and α3β1 integrin promote keratinocyte survival; however, the downstream signaling pathways for laminin-5/α3β1 integrin-mediated cell survival had not been fully established. We report the unexpected finding of multiple interactions between 14-3-3 isoforms and proapoptotic proteins in the survival signaling pathway. Ln5-P4 motif within human laminin-5 α3 chain promotes cell survival and anti-apoptosis by inactivating Bad and YAP. This effect is achieved through the formation of 14-3-3ζ/p-Bad and 14-3-3σ/p-YAP complexes, which is initiated by α3β1 integrin and FAK/PI3K/Akt signaling. These complexes result in cytoplasmic sequestration of Bad and YAP and their subsequent inactivation. An increase in Akt1 activity in cells induces 14-3-3ζ and σ, p-Bad, and p-YAP, promoting cell survival, whereas decreasing Akt activity suppresses the same proteins and inhibits cell survival. Suppression of 14-3-3ζ with RNA-interference inhibits cell viability and promotes apoptosis. These results reveal a new mechanism of cell survival whereby the formation of 14-3-3ζ/p-Bad and 14-3-3σ/p-YAP complexes is initiated by laminin-5 stimulation via the α3β1 integrin and FAK/PI3K/Akt signaling pathways, thereby resulting in cell survival and anti-apoptosis.  相似文献   

Two α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases carrying enantiospecific activity for the etherolytic cleavage of racemic phenoxypropionate herbicides [(RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionate and (RS)-2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionate] from Delftia acidovorans MC1 were characterized with respect to protein and sequence data. The (S)-phenoxypropionate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (SdpA) appeared as a monomeric enzyme with a molecular weight of 32 kDa in the presence of SDS. N-terminal sequences revealed relationship to α-ketoglutarate-dependent taurine dioxygenase (TauD) and to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (TfdA). The (R)-phenoxypropionate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (RdpA) referred to 36 kDa in the presence of SDS and to 108 kDa under native conditions. Internal sequences of fragments obtained after digestion made evident relationship to TfdA and TauD. Two-dimensional electrophoretic separation resulted in the resolution of up to 3 individual spots with almost identical molecular weights but different isoelectric points with both RdpA and SdpA. The structural differences of these isoenzyme forms are not yet clear.  相似文献   

Laser light scattering has been employed to investigate changes in the hydrodynamic properties of δ-endotoxin crystals of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD1. Crystals are polydisperse. Estimates of the mean hydrodynamic diameter agree with those obtained by light microscopy. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) at a final concentration of 1% results in swelling of the toxin crystals. Dithiothreitol-induced solubilization of the swollen crystals indicates the importance of disulphide bridges to the maintenance of the assembled crystal.  相似文献   

The conformation and dilute solution properties of (2→1)-β-d-fructan in aqueous solution were studied by gel permeation chromatography, low-angle laser light-scattering photometry, viscometry, small-angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy. Fractions covering a broad range of weight-average molecular weights (Mw) from 1.49 × 104 to 5.29 × 106 were obtained from a native sample by ultrasonic degradation and fractional precipitation. For Mw < 4 × 104, the intrinsic viscosity [η] varies with Mw0.71, indicating that the fructan chain behaves as a random coil expanded by an excluded-volume effect in this molecular weight region. For Mw > 105, [η] exhibits an unusually weak dependence on Mw and finally becomes almost independent of molecular weight. This behaviour is interpreted in terms of a globular conformation of the high-molecular-weight fructan molecules. Small-angle X-ray-scattering measurements and electron microscopic observations support this interpretation of the values of [η] observed.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of Caragana chamlagu (Leguminosae) convert (±)-α-ionone (1) into (±)-3-oxo-α-ionone (3) as the major product and β-ionone (2) into 5,6-epoxy-β-ionone (6) as the sole product. It is interesting to note that the cultured cells of C. chamlagu convert regioselectively the cycloolefinic part of 1 into the corresponding unsaturated carbonyl compound, allylic alcohol and epoxide as the oxidation products, whereas the suspension cultures of Nicotiana tabacum (Solanaceae) convert the unsaturated carbonyl of 1 into the corresponding saturated ketones and alcohols as reduction products.  相似文献   

The dynamics of β-xylosidase biosynthesis from Aspergillus niger B 03 was investigated in laboratory bioreactor. Maximum xylosidase activity 5.5 U/ml was achieved after 80 h fermentation at medium pH 4.0. The isolated β-xylosidase was immobilized on polyamide membrane support and the basic characteristics of the immobilized enzyme were determined. Maximum immobilization and activity yield obtained was 30.0 and 6.8%, respectively. A shift in temperature optimum and pH optimum was observed for immobilized β-xylosidase compared to the free enzyme. Immobilized enzyme exhibited maximum activity at 45 °C and pH 4.5 while its free counterpart at 70 °C and pH 3.5, respectively. Thermal stability at 40 and 50 °C and storage stability of immobilized β-xylosidase were investigated at pH 5.0. Kinetic parameters Km, Vmax and Ki were determined for both enzyme forms. Free and immobilized β-xylosidase were tested for xylose production from birchwood xylan. The substrate was preliminarily depolymerized with xylanase to xylooligosaccharides and the amount of xylose obtained after their hydrolysis with free and immobilized β-xylosidase was determined by HPLC analysis. Continuous enzyme hydrolysis of birchwood xylan was performed with xylanase and free or immobilized β-xylosidase. The maximum extent of hydrolysis was 25 and 30% with free and immobilized enzyme, respectively. Immobilized preparation was also examined for reusability in 20 consecutive cycles at 40 °C.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of ribosomal proteins S11 from the Gram-positive eubacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus and of S19 from the archaebacterium Halobacterium marismortui have been determined. A search for homologous sequences of these proteins revealed that they belong to the ribosomal protein S11 family. Homologous proteins have previously been sequenced from Escherichia coli as well as from chloroplast, yeast and mammalian ribosomes. A pairwise comparison of the amino acid sequences showed that Bacillus protein S11 shares 68% identical residues with S11 from Escherichia coli and a slightly lower homology (52%) with the homologous chloroplast protein. The halophilic protein S19 is more related to the eukaryotic (45–49%) than to the eubacterial counterparts (35%)  相似文献   

The extracellular β-agarase LSL-1 produced by an agar-liquefying, soil bacterium Acinetobacter sp., AG LSL-1 was purified to homogeneity by combination of ion-exchange and size exclusion chromatography with final yield of 44%. The enzyme has a specific activity of 397 U mg−1 protein and with a molecular mass of 100 kDa. The agarase was active in the pH range of 5.0–9.0, optimally at pH 6.0 and temperature between 25 °C and 55 °C and optimal at 40 °C. The enzyme retained 63% of native activity at 50 °C suggesting it is a thermostable. The activity of the agarase was completely inhibited by metal ions, Hg2+, Ag+ and Cu2+, whereas 25–40% of native activity was retained in the presence of Zn2+, Sn2+ and SDS. Neoagarobiose was the final product of hydrolysis of both agarose and neoagarohexaose by the purified agarase LSL-1. Based on the molecular mass and final products of agarose hydrolysis, the β-agarase LSL-1 may be further grouped under group III β-agarases and may be a member of GH-50 family. This is the first report on the purification and biochemical characterization of β-agarase from an agar-liquefying Acinetobacter species.  相似文献   

A novel enzyme, β-phenylalanine ester hydrolase, useful for chiral resolution of β-phenylalanine and for its β-peptide synthesis was characterized. The enzyme purified from the cell free-extract of Sphingobacterium sp. 238C5 well hydrolyzed β-phenylalanine esters (S)-stereospecifically. Besides β-phenylalanine esters, the enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of several α-amino acid esters with l-stereospecificity, while the deduced 369 amino acid sequence of the enzyme exhibited homology to alkaline d-stereospecific peptide hydrolases from Bacillus strains. Escherichia coli transformant expressing the β-phenylalanine ester hydrolase gene exhibited an about 8-fold increase in specific (S)-β-phenylalanine ethyl ester hydrolysis as compared with that of Sphingobacterium sp. 238C5. The E. coli transformant showed (S)-enantiomer specific esterase activity in the reaction with a low concentration (30 mM) of β-phenylalanine ethyl ester, while it showed both esterase and transpeptidase activity in the reaction with a high concentration (170 mM) of β-phenylalanine ethyl ester and produced β-phenylalanyl-β-phenylalanine ethyl ester. This transpeptidase activity was useful for β-phenylalanine β-peptide synthesis.  相似文献   

The psychrotolerant bacterium Shewanella sp. G5 was used to study differential protein expression on glucose and cellobiose as carbon sources in cold-adapted conditions. This strain was able to growth at 4 °C, but reached the maximal specific growth rate at 37 °C, exhibiting similar growing rates values with glucose (μ: 0.4 h−1) and cellobiose (μ: 0.48 h−1). However, it grew at 15 °C approximately in 30 h, with specific growing rates of 0.25 and 0.19 h−1 for cellobiose and glucose, respectively. Thus, this temperature was used to provide conditions related to the environment where the organism was originally isolated, the intestinal content of Munida subrrugosa in the Beagle Channel, Fire Land, Argentina. Cellobiose was reported as a carbon source more frequently available in marine environments close to shore, and its degradation requires the enzyme β-glucosidase. Therefore, this enzymatic activity was used as a marker of cellobiose catabolism. Zymogram analysis showed the presence of cold-adapted β-glucosidase activity bands in the cell wall as well as in the cytoplasm cell fractions. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the whole protein pattern of Shewanella sp. G5 revealed 59 and 55 different spots induced by cellobiose and glucose, respectively. Identification of the quantitatively more relevant proteins suggested that different master regulation schemes are involved in response to glucose and cellobiose carbon sources. Both, physiological and proteomic analyses could show that Shewanella sp. G5 re-organizes its metabolism in response to low temperature (15 °C) with significant differences in the presence of these two carbon sources.  相似文献   

A water-insoluble (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan (PCSG) isolated from the fresh sclerotium of Poria cocos was carboxymethylated to afford a water-soluble derivative coded as C-PCSG. The carboxymethylated (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan was fractionated to obtain eight fractions according to the nonsolvent addition method. The weight-average molecular mass (Mw), radius of gyration and intrinsic viscosity ([η]) of the fractions were determined by size-exclusion chromatography combined with laser light scattering (SEC-LLS) and viscometry in 0.2 M NaCl aqueous solution at 25 °C. The dependences of [η] and on Mw for C-PCSG were found to be , and (nm), respectively. Analysis of Mw and [η] in terms of the known theories for wormlike chain model yielded 633 nm−1 for molar mass per unit contour length (ML), 5.5 nm for persistence length (q), and 20.2 for characteristic ratio (C). These results indicated that C-PCSG exists as a relatively extended flexible chain in 0.2 M NaCl aqueous solution. Therefore, the introduction of the carboxymethyl groups into the β-glucan improved significantly the water solubility and enhanced the stiffness of the chains.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress plays an important role during inflammatory diseases and antioxidant administration to diminish oxidative stress may arrest inflammatory processes. Boron has been implicated to modulate certain inflammatory mediators and regulate inflammatory processes. Here we investigated the role of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) in modulating the effects of boric acid (BA) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) formation in THP-1 monocytes. Interestingly, we found that BA had no significant effects on both TNF-alpha production and intracellular GSH contents, whereas it could inhibit LPS-induced TNF-alpha formation and ameliorated the d,l-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO)-induced GSH depletion. Twenty-four hour incubation with BSO induced a decrease of the intracellular GSH and an increase of TNF-alpha. Treatment with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) did not significantly increase intracellular content of GSH but significantly reduced the secretion of TNF-alpha. BSO-pretreatment for 24h enhanced the LPS-induced secretion and mRNA expression of TNF-alpha further. BA inhibited LPS-stimulated TNF-alpha formation was also seen after GSH depletion by BSO. These results indicate that BA may have anti-inflammatory effect in the LPS-stimulated inflammation and the effect of BA on TNF-alpha secretion may be induced via a thiol-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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