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通过测定小麦拔节期叶片的光合气体交换参数和光强-光合速率(Pn)响应曲线,研究了氮素对长期高大气CO2浓度(760 μmol·mol-1)下小麦叶片光合作用的影响.结果表明:在长期高大气CO2浓度下,增施氮肥能提高小麦叶片Pn、蒸腾速率(Tr)和瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi);与正常大气CO2浓度相比,高大气CO2浓度下小麦叶片的Pn和WUEi增加,气孔导度(Gs)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)降低.随光合有效辐射的增强,高大气CO2浓度下小麦叶片的Pn和WUEi均高于正常大气CO2浓度处理,Gs则较低,而Ci和Tr无显著变化.高氮水平下小麦叶片Gs与Pn、Tr、WUEi呈线性正相关,Gs与Ci在正常大气CO2浓度下呈线性负相关,但高大气CO2浓度下二者无相关性;低氮水平下小麦叶片的Gs与Pn、WUEi无相关性,而与Ci和Tr呈线性正相关,表明高大气CO2浓度下低氮水平的小麦叶片Pn由非气孔因素限制.  相似文献   

大气一氧化碳浓度升高对植物生长的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
大气CO2浓度同对植物生长有促进作用,对C3植物生长的促进作用最大。短期CO2浓度升高时,植物光和速率增加;在长期CO2浓度升高条件下,植物光鸽上降并发生光合适应现象。这可能是植物在长期CO2浓度升高条件下植物源库关系不平衡引起的反馈抑制作用以及营养吸收不能满足光合速率增加的需要所引起Rubiseo活必和含量下降。在CO2浓度升高条件下植物的呼吸也会发生变化,根的分枝和数量增多,根系的分泌量和吸收  相似文献   

不同氮营养水平下草莓叶片光合作用对高CO2浓度的适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同氮素水平(12mmol/L,4mmol/L,0、4mmol/L)下生长的‘丰香’草莓在富C02(700μL/L)和大气CO(390μL/L)下的光合作用。结果表明,高氮(12mmol/L)下,在富CO2环境中生长的‘丰香’草莓叶片未出现光合作用下调,富CO2下草莓叶片的净光合速率、最大羧化速率(Vc.max)、最大电子传递速率(Jmax)、碳同化的电子传递速率(Jc)和光化学猝灭系数(qp)等均显著提高;而在中氮(4mmol/L)、低氮(0.4mmol/L)下,富CO2下生长的草莓叶片的上述参数均出现不同程度的下降。富CO2下,无论氮素水平如何,草莓叶片的光呼吸电子传递速率(Jo)均降低高氮草莓叶片的非光化学猝灭系数(qN或NPQ)降低,光抑制降低,而低氮则相反。上述结果说明,氮素供应不足时草莓叶片在富CO2下光合作用出现下调,因此生产上进行CO2施肥时应适度增加氮素的供应。  相似文献   

The rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has resulted in extensive research efforts to understand its impact on terrestrial ecosystems, especially carbon balance. Despite these efforts, there are relatively few data comparing net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the biosphere (NEE), under both ambient and elevated Ca. Here we report data on annual sums of CO2 (NEEnet) for 19 years on a Chesapeake Bay tidal wetland for Scirpus olneyi (C3 photosynthetic pathway)‐ and Spartina patens (C4 photosynthetic pathway)‐dominated high marsh communities exposed to ambient and elevated Ca (ambient + 340 ppm). Our objectives were to (i) quantify effects of elevated Ca on seasonally integrated CO2 assimilation (NEEnet = NEEday + NEEnight, kg C m?2 y?1) for the two communities; and (ii) quantify effects of altered canopy N content on ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration. Across all years, NEEnet averaged 1.9 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 2.5 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca, for the C3‐dominated community. Similarly, elevated Ca significantly (P < 0.01) increased carbon uptake in the C4‐dominated community, as NEEnet averaged 1.5 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 1.7 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca. This resulted in an average CO2 stimulation of 32% and 13% of seasonally integrated NEEnet for the C3‐ and C4‐dominated communities, respectively. Increased NEEday was correlated with increased efficiencies of light and nitrogen use for net carbon assimilation under elevated Ca, while decreased NEEnight was associated with lower canopy nitrogen content. These results suggest that rising Ca may increase carbon assimilation in both C3‐ and C4‐dominated wetland communities. The challenge remains to identify the fate of the assimilated carbon.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of elevated [CO2] (700 μmol mol?1), elevated temperature (+2 °C above ambient) and decreased soil water availability on net photosynthesis (Anet) and water relations of one‐year old potted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings grown in treatment chambers with high fertility at three sites along a north‐south transect covering a large portion of the species native range. At each location (Blairsville, Athens and Tifton, GA) we constructed four treatment chambers and randomly assigned each chamber one of four treatments: ambient [CO2] and ambient temperature, elevated [CO2] and ambient temperature, ambient [CO2] and elevated temperature, or elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature. Within each chamber half of the seedlings were well watered and half received much less water (1/4 that of the well watered). Measurements of net photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water potential and leaf fluorescence were made in June and September, 2008. We observed a significant increase in Anet in response to elevated [CO2] regardless of site or temperature treatment in June and September. An increase in air temperature of over 2 °C had no significant effect on Anet at any of the sites in June or September despite over a 6 °C difference in mean annual temperature between the sites. Decreased water availability significantly reduced Anet in all treatments at each site in June. The effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on gs followed a similar trend. The temperature, [CO2] and water treatments did not significantly affect leaf water potential or chlorophyll fluorescence. Our findings suggest that predicted increases in [CO2] will significantly increase Anet, while predicted increases in air temperature will have little effect on Anet across the native range of loblolly pine. Potential decreases in precipitation will likely cause a significant reduction in Anet, though this may be mitigated by increased [CO2].  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which plants of six species were grown for one full season in greenhouse compartments with 350 or 560 μ mol mol–1 CO2. In the first experiment two levels of nitrogen supply were applied to study the interaction between CO2 and nitrogen. In the second experiment two levels of water supply were added to the experimental set-up to investigate the three-way interaction between CO2, nitrogen and water. Biomass and biomass distribution were determined at harvests, while water use and soil moisture were monitored throughout the experiments. In both experiments a positive effect of CO2 on growth was found at high nitrogen concentrations but not at low nitrogen concentrations. However, plants used much less water in the presence of low nitrogen concentrations. Drought stress increased the relative effect of elevated CO2 on growth. Available soil moisture was used more slowly at high CO2 during drought or at high nitrogen concentrations, while at low nitrogen concentrations decreased water use resulted in an increase in soil moisture. The response to the treatments was similar in all the species used. Although potentially faster growing species appeared to respond better to high CO2 when supplied with a high level of nitrogen, inherently slow-growing species were more successful at low nitrogen concentrations.  相似文献   

以开顶箱内经过6个生长季高浓度CO2处理的原位土壤种植的红松幼树为实验对象,研究了500umolmol-1CO2对针叶光合作用及相应光合参数的影响.实地条件下测定了净光合速率(PN)对光合有效辐射(PAR)及胞间CO2浓度(Ci)的响应曲线,根据光合作用的生化模型,推算出了Rubisco活性或数量限制的最大羧化速率(VCmax)和光饱和条件下由RuBP再生能力限制的最大电子传递速率(Jmzx),以及表观量子产量(AQY)和最大净光合速率(Pmzx)等.5001umolmol-1 CO2使红松针叶的VCmzx降低了4%,Jmzx和Jmzx/VCmzx比分别增加了27%和18%,均与对照差异不显著,所以红松针叶经过6个生长季高浓度C02处理仍未发生光合驯化.在各自生长条件下测定的PN-PAR响应曲线表明,500pumolmol-1CO2使Pmzx增加了94%,AQY增加了21%,Pmzx增长高于AQY和Jmzx的增加比例,说明500umolmol-1CO2使红松针叶对光的利用效率增强.500umolmol-1CO2下的最大气孔导度(gcmzx)和最大蒸腾速率(Emzx)与对照比增加了一倍,与Pmzx增加的幅度接近.500ummol mol-1 CO2下和对照条件下的Ci/C2比均随环境CO2浓度(C2)增加呈非线性下降趋势,在较低Ca处(Ca≤200umol mol-1),500umol mol-1CO2使Ci/Ca比下降了l%-7%,较高Ca处(Ca≥300umol mol-1),500umol mol-1CO2使Ci/Ca比增加了5%-20%.CO2浓度变化会改变Ci/Ca比,由于气孔的调节作用,Ci/Ca比最终还是要维持在一恒定范围,且气孔对较低的CO2浓度更敏感.  相似文献   

Arbutus unedo is a sclerophyllous evergreen, characteristic of Mediterranean coastal scrub vegetation. In Italy, trees of A. unedo have been found close to natural CO2 vents where the mean atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is about 2200 μmol mol?1. Comparisons were made between trees growing in elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations to test for evidence of adaptation to long-term exposure to elevated CO2. Leaves formed at elevated CO2 have a lower stomatal density and stomatal index and higher specific leaf area than those formed at ambient CO2, but there was no change in carbon to nitrogen ratios of the leaf tissue. Stomatal conductance was lower at elevated CO2 during rapid growth in the spring. In mid-summer, under drought stress, stomatal closure of all leaves occurred and in the autumn, when stress was relieved, the conductance of leaves at both elevated and ambient CO2 increased. In the spring, the stomatal conductance of the new flush of leaves at ambient CO2 was higher than the leaves at elevated CO2, increasing instantaneous water use efficiency at elevated CO2. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements suggested that elevated CO2 provided some protection against photoinhibition in mid-summer. Analysis of A/Ci curves showed that there was no evidence of either upward or downward regulation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2. It is therefore anticipated that A. unedo will have higher growth rates as the ambient CO2 concentrations increase.  相似文献   

植物光合作用对大气CO2浓度升高的反应   总被引:78,自引:1,他引:78  
林伟宏 《生态学报》1998,18(5):529-538
近年来大气中CO2浓度急剧增加使人们重新对研究CO2浓度升高对植物光合作用影响感兴趣。预计在未来的100a中,大气CO2浓度还将不断增长并达到当今的2倍。CO2排放量的增加不仅加剧了地球上的温室效应,也将改变全球生态系统中碳的平衡。离浓度CO2对植物光剑作用的影响表现为短期和长期效应。短时间地供给高浓度CO2促进阿 光合作用,而长时间生长在高浓度CO2下抒使某些植物光合能力下降,出现了光合适应现象  相似文献   


Definitions of the variables used and the units are given in Table 1

The literature reports enormous variation between species in the extent of stomatal responses to rising CO2. This paper attempts to provide a framework within which some of this diversity can be explained. We describe the role of stomata in the short-term response of leaf gas exchange to increases in ambient CO2 concentration by developing the recently proposed stomatal model of Jarvis & Davies (1998 ). In this model stomatal conductance is correlated with the functioning of the photosynthetic system so that the effects of increases in CO2 on stomata are experienced through changes in the rate of photosynthesis in a simple and mechanistically transparent way. This model also allows us to consider the effects of evaporative demand and soil moisture availability on stomatal responses to photosynthesis and therefore provides a means of considering these additional sources of variation. We emphasize that the relationship between the rate of photosynthesis and the internal CO2 concentration and also drought will have important effects on the relative gains to be achieved under rising CO2.  

  Table 1 . Abbreviations  相似文献   

The interactive effects of multiple global change drivers on terrestrial carbon (C) storage remain poorly understood. Here, we synthesise data from 633 published studies to show how the interactive effects of multiple drivers are generally additive (i.e. not differing from the sum of their individual effects) rather than synergistic or antagonistic. We further show that (1) elevated CO2, warming, N addition, P addition and increased rainfall, all exerted positive individual effects on plant C pools at both single‐plant and plant‐community levels; (2) plant C pool responses to individual or combined effects of multiple drivers are seldom scale‐dependent (i.e. not differing from single‐plant to plant‐community levels) and (3) soil and microbial biomass C pools are significantly less sensitive than plant C pools to individual or combined effects. We provide a quantitative basis for integrating additive effects of multiple global change drivers into future assessments of the C storage ability of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

高浓度二氧化碳处理后凤梨光合作用的恢复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对紫星凤梨和丹尼斯凤梨在高CO2浓度[T1(600±40) μmol·mol-1, T2(900±40) μmol·mol-1]下处理150 d后转移到大气环境中30 d内的光合作用、光合关键酶活性等的恢复情况进行了研究. 在大气环境中紫星凤梨T1、T2处理的净光合速率分别比对照低7.41%和13.33%,丹尼斯凤梨T1处理净光合速率接近于对照, 而T2处理略高于对照;两种凤梨T1、T2处理叶片中淀粉与可溶性糖的积累在恢复30 d时接近对照组的水平,Rubisco与乙醇酸氧化酶活性与对照的差别减小,但仍低于对照.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on growth of forest tree species are difficult to predict because practical limitations restrict experiments to much shorter than the average life-span of a tree. Long-term, process-based computer models must be used to extrapolate from shorter-term experiments. A key problem is to ensure a strong flow of information between experiments and models. In this study, meta-analysis techniques were used to summarize a suite of photosynthetic model parameters obtained from 15 field-based elevated [CO2] experiments on European forest tree species. The parameters studied are commonly used in modelling photosynthesis, and include observed light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Amax), the potential electron transport rate (Jmax), the maximum Rubisco activity (Vcmax) and leaf nitrogen concentration on mass (Nm) and area (Na) bases. Across all experiments, light-saturated photosynthesis was strongly stimulated by growth in elevated [CO2]. However, significant down-regulation of photosynthesis was also observed; when measured at the same CO2 concentration, photosynthesis was reduced by 10–20%. The underlying biochemistry of photosynthesis was affected, as shown by a down-regulation of the parameters Jmax and Vcmax of the order of 10%. This reduction in Jmax and Vcmax was linked to the effects of elevated [CO2] on leaf nitrogen concentration. It was concluded that the current model is adequate to model photosynthesis in elevated [CO2]. Tables of model parameter values for different European forest species are given.  相似文献   

The combined effects of elevated CO_2 and cadmium(Cd) on photosynthetic rate,chlorophyll fluorescence and Cd accumulation in hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance were investigated to predict plant growth under Cd stress with rising atmospheric CO_2 concentration.Both pot and hydroponic experiments were conducted and the plants were grown under ambient(350 μL L~(-1)) or elevated(800 μL L~(-1))CO_2.Elevated CO_2 significantly(P 0.05) increased Pn(105%-149%),Pn_(max)(38.8%-63.0%) and AQY(20.0%-34.8%) of S.alfredii in all the Cd treatments,but reduced chlorophyll concentration,dark respiration and photorespiration.After 10 days growth in medium with 50μM Cd under elevated CO_2,PSII activities were significantly enhanced(P 0.05) with Pm,Fv/Fm,Φ(Ⅱ) and qP increased by 66.1%,7.5%,19.5%and 16.4%,respectively,as compared with ambient-grown plants.Total Cd uptake in shoot of S.alfredii grown under elevated CO_2 was increased by 44.1%-48.5%,which was positively correlated with the increase in Pn.These results indicate that elevated CO_2 promoted the growth of 5.alfredii due to increased photosynthetic carbon uptake rate and photosynthetic lightuse efficiency,and showed great potential to improve the phytoextraction of Cd by S.alfredii.  相似文献   

Leaf gas exchange parameters and the content of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in the leaves of two 2‐year‐old aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones (no. 216, ozone tolerant and no. 259, ozone sensitive) were determined to estimate the relative stomatal and mesophyll limitations to photosynthesis and to determine how these limitations were altered by exposure to elevated CO2 and/or O3. The plants were exposed either to ambient air (control), elevated CO2 (560 p.p.m.) elevated O3 (55 p.p.b.) or a mixture of elevated CO2 and O3 in a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) facility located near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA. Light‐saturated photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were measured in all leaves of the current terminal and of two lateral branches (one from the upper and one from the lower canopy) to detect possible age‐related variation in relative stomatal limitation (leaf age is described as a function of leaf plastochron index). Photosynthesis was increased by elevated CO2 and decreased by O3 at both control and elevated CO2. The relative stomatal limitation to photosynthesis (ls) was in both clones about 10% under control and elevated O3. Exposure to elevated CO2 + O3 in both clones and to elevated CO2 in clone 259, decreased ls even further – to about 5%. The corresponding changes in Rubisco content and the stability of Ci/Ca ratio suggest that the changes in photosynthesis in response to elevated CO2 and O3 were primarily triggered by altered mesophyll processes in the two aspen clones of contrasting O3 tolerance. The changes in stomatal conductance seem to be a secondary response, maintaining stable Ci under the given treatment, that indicates close coupling between stomatal and mesophyll processes.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and attendant increases in growing season temperature are expected to be the most important global change factors impacting production agriculture. Although maize is the most highly produced crop worldwide, few studies have evaluated the interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on its photosynthetic physiology, agronomic traits or biomass, and seed yield under open field conditions. This study investigates the effects of rising [CO2] and warmer temperature, independently and in combination, on maize grown in the field throughout a full growing season. Free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology was used to target atmospheric [CO2] to 200 μmol mol?1 above ambient [CO2] and infrared heaters to target a plant canopy increase of 3.5 °C, with actual season mean heating of ~2.7 °C, mimicking conditions predicted by the second half of this century. Photosynthetic gas‐exchange parameters, leaf nitrogen and carbon content, leaf water potential components, and developmental measurements were collected throughout the season, and biomass and yield were measured at the end of the growing season. As predicted for a C4 plant, elevated [CO2] did not stimulate photosynthesis, biomass, or yield. Canopy warming caused a large shift in aboveground allocation by stimulating season‐long vegetative biomass and decreasing reproductive biomass accumulation at both CO2 concentrations, resulting in decreased harvest index. Warming caused a reduction in photosynthesis due to down‐regulation of photosynthetic biochemical parameters and the decrease in the electron transport rate. The reduction in seed yield with warming was driven by reduced photosynthetic capacity and by a shift in aboveground carbon allocation away from reproduction. This field study portends that future warming will reduce yield in maize, and this will not be mitigated by higher atmospheric [CO2] unless appropriate adaptation traits can be introduced into future cultivars.  相似文献   

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