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Aims We used a 10-year field experiment that consisted of mowing and fertilizer treatments to evaluate the role of niche limitation in seedling establishment of species from different functional groups and of varying local abundance in an old field undergoing succession.Methods Seedlings of nine different species were planted into a successional field subjected to mowing and fertilizer treatments for 10 years that resulted in different plant communities and resource availability. Species representative of the factorial combination of three functional groups (C 4 grasses, C3 grasses and legumes) and three abundance categories (abundant, present, or absent in the old field) were planted in four treatments resulting from the factorial combination of annual spring mowing (mowed and unmowed) and fertilizer application (annually fertilized and unfertilized). Survivorship, relative growth rate (RGR) and biomass were measured to determine the role of niche limitation on recruitment and growth.Important findings Mowing increased the establishment success of seedlings. Fertilization had little influence on seedling performance and survivorship. C3 grasses had the highest survivorship, while C4 grasses and legumes had equivalent RGRs, but higher than C3 grasses. By contrast, survivorship of legumes was unrelated to mowing or fertilizer, suggesting that establishment of this functional group was dependent on other, unmeasured conditions or processes. Species already present, but at low abundance, performed better than locally abundant or absent species. Propagule limitation may restrict the arrival of a species. However, recruitment and establishment was subject to niche limitation, which varied among species, functional groups and whether a species is already resident at the site and its abundance. Thus, species interactions restrict establishment during old-field succession, supporting the niche limitation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aims Species abundance distributions (SADs) are often used to verify mechanistic theories underlying community assembly. However, it is now accepted that SADs alone are not sufficient to reveal biological mechanisms. Recent attention focuses on the relative importance of stochastic dispersal processes versus deterministic processes such as interspecific competition and environmental filtering. Here, we combine a study of the commonness and rarity of species (i.e. the SAD) with mechanistic processes underlying community composition. By comparing the occurrence frequencies of each and every species with its abundance, we quantify the relative contributions of common and rare species to the maintenance of community structure. Essentially, we relate the continuum between commonness and rarity with that of niches and neutrality.Methods An individual-based, spatially explicit model was used to simulate local communities in niche spaces with the same parameters. We generated sets of assemblages from which species were eliminated in opposing sequences: from common to rare and from rare to common, and investigated the relationship between the abundance and frequency of species. We tested the predictions of our model with empirical data from a field experiment in the environmentally homogeneous alpine meadows of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau.Important findings Our simulations support the widespread notion that common species maintain community structure, while rare species maintain species diversity, in both local and regional communities. Our results, both from theoretical simulations and from empirical observations, revealed positive correlations between the abundance of a particular species and its occurrence frequency. SAD curves describe a continuum between commonness and rarity. Removing species from the 'rare' end of this continuum has little effect on the similarity of communities, but removing species from the 'common' end of the continuum causes significant increases in beta diversity, or species turnover, between communities. In local communities distributed in a homogenous habitat, species located at the 'common' end of the continuum should be selected by environmental filtering, with niche space partitioning governed by interspecific competition. Conversely, species located at the 'rare' end of the continuum are most likely subject to stochastic dispersal processes. Species situated at intermediate locations on this continuum are therefore determined by niche and neutral processes acting together. Our results suggest that, in homogeneous habitats, SAD curves describing the common-rare continuum may also be used to describe the continuum between niches and neutrality.  相似文献   

Camera traps (CTs) are an increasingly popular tool for wildlife survey and monitoring. Estimating relative abundance in unmarked species is often done using detection rate as an index of relative abundance, which assumes that detection rate has a positive linear relationship with true abundance. This assumption may be violated if movement behavior varies with density, but the degree to which movement behavior is density‐dependent across taxa is unclear. The potential confounding of population‐level relative abundance indices by movement would depend on how regularly, and by what magnitude, movement rate and home‐range size vary with density. We conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis to quantify relationships between movement rate, home‐range size, and density, across terrestrial mammalian taxa. We then simulated animal movements and CT sampling to test the effect of contrasting movement scenarios on CT detection rate indices. Overall, movement rate and home‐range size were negatively correlated with density and positively correlated with one another. The strength of the relationships varied significantly between taxa and populations. In simulations, detection rates were related to true abundance but underestimated change, particularly for slower moving species with small home ranges. In situations where animal space use changes markedly with density, we estimate that up to thirty percent of a true change in relative abundance may be missed due to the confounding effect of movement, making trend estimation more difficult. The common assumption that movement remains constant across densities is therefore violated across a wide range of mammal species. When studying unmarked species using CT detection rates, researchers and managers should explicitly consider that such indices of relative abundance reflect both density and movement. Practitioners interpreting changes in camera detection rates should be aware that observed differences may be biased low relative to true changes in abundance. Further information on animal movement, or methods that do not depend on assumptions of density‐independent movement, may be required to make robust inferences on population trends.  相似文献   

Aims The Inclusive Niche Hypothesis has not been validated for plants using ecophysiological performance. The few experiments have measured growth and competition but not the physiological response of plants. A metallophyte plant that hyperaccumulates aluminium (Al), Plantago almogravensis, showed a defined spatial distribution by occurring mostly on vegetation gaps associated with metalliferous areas (geochemical islands). This case was used to determine, in situ, whether the Inclusive Niche Hypothesis was suitable to explain the extent of the species realized niche.Methods The vegetation associated with P. almogravensis geochemical islands in the SW coast of Portugal was mapped. The biotic (neighbouring plants) and abiotic (edaphic) components of the niche were correlated with parameters of the plant's ecological and physiological performances (plant density and cover; leaf C and N concentration and isotopic composition; growth). The results were obtained using image analysis, abundance and morphological measures, isotopic signatures and chemical composition.Important findings The species showed better physiological performance where its ecological performance was lower due to trade-offs with environmental constraints. The species' realized niche was mostly limited by shrub competition and soil Al-toxicity. These limits contribute to explain the rarity status of the species: the species has a poor capacity to compete but, due to an enhanced Al-tolerance and Al-hyperaccumulator trait, has the ability to find refuge in geochemical islands that are too harsh for most other species. This work, based on ecophysiological field studies, provides support for the Inclusive Niche Hypothesis relating to plant species.  相似文献   

The niche is a fundamental ecological concept that underpins many explanations of patterns of biodiversity. The complexity of niche processes in ecological systems, however, means that it is difficult to capture them accurately in theoretical models of community assembly. In this study, we build upon simple neutral biodiversity models by adding the important ingredient of overlapping niche structure. Our model is spatially implicit and contains a fixed number of equal-sized habitats. Each species in the metacommunity arises through a speciation event; at which time, it is randomly assigned a fundamental niche or set of environments/habitats in which it can persist. Within each habitat, species compete with other species that have different but overlapping fundamental niches. Species abundances then change through ecological drift; each, however, is constrained by its maximum niche breadth and by the presence of other species in its habitats. Using our model, we derive analytical expressions for steady-state species abundance distributions, steady-state distributions of niche breadth across individuals and across species, and dynamic distributions of niche breadth across species. With this framework, we identify the conditions that produce the log-series species abundance distribution familiar from neutral models. We then identify how overlapping niche structure can lead to other species abundance distributions and, in particular, ask whether these new distributions differ significantly from species abundance distributions predicted by non-overlapping niche models. Finally, we extend our analysis to consider additional distributions associated with realized niche breadths. Overall, our results show that models with overlapping niches can exhibit behavior similar to neutral models, with the caveat that species with narrow fundamental niche breadths will be very rare. If narrow-niche species are common, it must be because they are in a non-overlapping niche or have countervailing advantages over broad-niche species. This result highlights the role that niches can play in establishing demographic neutrality.  相似文献   

We studied ecological correlates of body size (abundance and niche breadth) in gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in 28 regions of the Palearctic. We predicted that smaller species would be characterized by higher abundance than larger species, all else (e.g. host species) being equal. We also predicted that host specificity of mites would decrease (that is, number of host species they use would increase) with an increase in their body size. We focused on mites collected from host bodies that include a) species that feed solely on host’s blood (obligate exclusive haematophages), b) species that feed on both host’s blood and small arthropods (obligate non‐exclusive haematophages), and c) facultative haematophages. We expected that the relationship between body size and abundance and/or host specificity would be more pronounced in obligate exclusively haematophagous mites than for obligate non‐exclusively and facultative haematophagous mites. Across all mite species across regions, mean abundance correlated negatively with body size. The same was true for obligate haematophagous species, but not for facultative haematophages. When mite communities on the same host in a location were considered, the negative body mass–abundance relationship was found in only 3 of 44 communities. Nevertheless, a meta‐analytic (across host species) estimate of the slope of this relationship appeared to be significantly negative. No significant relationship between mite body size and host specificity was found in the analyses across all mite species as well as in obligate exclusive or obligate non‐exclusive haematophages. However, the number of hosts used by facultative haematophagous mites decreased significantly with an increase in their body size. We explain the relationships between morphological (body size) and ecological (abundance and niche breadth) properties of ectoparasites by their interactions with hosts or physical environment.  相似文献   

物种-多度格局研究是揭示群落组织结构和物种区域分布规律的重要手段。该研究以青藏高原东北部的甘南高寒草甸为研究对象, 基于野外调查和室内分析, 研究了不同坡向的环境因子、植物群落分布, 并利用RAD软件程序包对其进行了拟合分析。结果显示: 在南坡-北坡上, 土壤含水量从南坡(0.18 g·g -1)到北坡(0.31 g·g -1)呈现递增的趋势, 土壤温度从南坡(22.33 ℃)到北坡(18.13 ℃)以及光照强度从南坡(744.15 lx)到北坡(681.93 lx)均呈逐渐减小的趋势。物种-多度分布曲线的斜率从南坡向北坡依次减小。随着坡向由南向北转变, 物种-多度和物种多样性都呈递增的趋势。通过6个模型对坡向梯度的物种-多度分布进行拟合发现, 甘南高寒草甸区的物种-多度分布主要是以生态位模型为主, 其次是随机分布模型。青藏高原高寒草甸微生境梯度上的物种在总体上的资源分配模式是以固定分配模式为主, 稀有种的资源分配模式是以随机性模型为主, 常见种的资源分配模式则是以确定性模型为主。  相似文献   

Aims Much recent theory has focused on the role of neutral processes in assembling communities, but the basic assumption that all species are demographically identical has found little empirical support. Here, we show that the framework of the current neutral theory can easily be generalized to incorporate species differences so long as fitness equivalence among individuals is maintained through trade-offs between birth and death.Methods Our theory development is based on a careful reformulation of the Moran model of metacommunity dynamics in terms of a non-linear one-step stochastic process, which is described by a master equation.Important findings We demonstrate how fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs can generate significant macroecological diversity patterns, leading to a very different interpretation of the relation between Fisher's α and Hubbell's fundamental biodiversity number. Our model shows that equal fitness (not equal demographics) significantly promotes species diversity through strong selective sieving of community membership against high-mortality species, resulting in a positive association between species abundance and per capita death rate. An important implication of demographic trade-off is that it can partly explain the excessively high speciation rates predicted by the neutral theory of the stronger symmetry. Fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs generalizes neutral theory by considering heterospecific demographic difference, thus representing a significant step toward integrating the neutral and niche paradigms of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Co-existence among potentially competing species can be favoured by niche specialisation and/or by reducing the overall intensity of competition via aggregated utilisation of fragmented resources. We investigated the respective roles of niche specialisation and aggregation in the case of nine congeneric monogenean parasites on the gills of Roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) belonging to the genus Dactylogyrus. The position of each individual parasite of the nine Dactylogyrus species was recorded. Niche breadth and niche overlap of parasite species were estimated. Comparative methods, which take into account phylogenetic information of the analysed species, were used. We reconstructed a phylogeny of the nine Dactylogyrus species based on morphological characters. We used the 'aggregation model of co-existence' in the model to test if species co-existence is facilitated when intraspecific aggregation exceeds interspecific aggregation. We observed a lack of negative correlation in abundance between pairs of parasites, and a negative correlation between niche size and parasite aggregation, for both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. Our comparative analysis showed that parasite abundance is positively correlated with niche breadth. Then parasite abundance, and not interactions between Dactylogyrus species, seems to be the most important factor determining niche size This result gives some support to niche segregation by specialisation. Niche size was negatively correlated with both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. No relationship was found between an increase of interspecific aggregation with an increase of niche overlapping, which suggests that competition may play little role. A lack of competition could be also confirmed by the lack of negative correlation in abundance between species pairs. A parsimony analysis of the evolution of gill distribution indicates a change in one parameter of the niche (arch, segment and/or area) at each branching event.  相似文献   

J. B. Hughes 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):375-383
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed for the commonly observed, positive relationship between local abundance and geographic distribution in groups of closely related species. Here I consider how hostplant specialization and abundance affect the relative abundance and distribution of lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). I first discuss three components of specialization: local specialization, turnover of specialization across a species’ range, and the minimum number of resources (or habitats) required by a species. Within this framework, I then consider one dimension of a lycaenid species’ niche, larval hostplant specialization. In a subalpine region of Colorado, I surveyed 11 lycaenid species and their hostplants at 17 sites. I compare this local information to continental hostplant use and large-scale distributions of the lycaenids and their hostplants. Local abundance of a lycaenid species is positively correlated with its local distribution (the number of sites occupied), but not with its regional or continental distribution. Neither local specialization (the number of hostplants used within one habitat) nor continental specialization (the number of hostplants used across many habitats) is correlated with local lycaenid abundance. Continental specialization is positively correlated with a species’ continental distribution, however. Finally, while generalist butterflies tend to have more hostplant available to them, differences in resource availability do not explain the differences in butterfly abundance. Although local abundance is correlated only with local distribution, I suggest that abundance-distribution relationships might emerge at regional and continental scales if local abundance were averaged across many habitat types. Consideration of the scale of a species’ resource specialization (within or among habitats) appears to be key to understanding the relationships between resource specialization, resource availability, and a species’ abundance and distribution. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 12 December 1999  相似文献   

Aims Although the niche concept is of prime importance in ecology, the quantification of plant species' niches remains difficult. Here we propose that plant functional traits, as determinants of species performance, may be useful tools for quantifying species niche parameters over environmental gradients.Important findings Under this framework, the mean trait values of a species determine its niche position along gradients, and intraspecific trait variability determines its niche breadth. This trait-based approach can provide an operational assessment of niche for a potentially large number of species, making it possible to understand and predict species niche shifts under environmental changes. We further advocate a promising method that recently appeared in the literature, which partitions trait diversity into among- and within-community components as a way to quantify the species niche in units of traits instead of environmental parameters. This approach allows the switch of the focus from ecological niches to trait niches, facilitating the examination of species coexistence along undefined environmental gradients. Altogether, the trait-based approach provides a promising toolkit for quantifying the species ecological niche and for understanding the evolution of species niche and traits.  相似文献   

Two of the most prominent explanations for a positive interspecific relationship between local abundance and regional distribution are the resource breadth and the resource availability hypotheses. Here we test these hypotheses by characterising habitat use of British breeding birds using extensive census and environmental data. A group of 85 bird species was considered for study along with 34 land use or environmental variables, which were used to generate four ordination axes by Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Measures of niche breadth and position were derived from these synthetic environmental axes using standard procedures. Across species, none of five measures of abundance and distribution chosen were correlated with niche breadth, whereas four out of five of these measures were correlated negatively with niche position. Repeating the analyses using a method designed to control for phylogenetic non-independence confirmed these general patterns. Birds that tended to use resources that were more atypical of the environment tended to be rarer and thinly distributed, while those using typical resources were common and widely distributed. Performing the analyses on subsets of the data based on species sample sizes did not alter the conclusions. On the assumption that our analyses properly capture patterns of niche use by birds, we find little support for the resource breadth hypothesis, but considerable support for the resource availability hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aims Comparisons of the trait–abundance relationships from various habitat types are critical for community ecology, which can offer us insights about the mechanisms underlying the local community assembly, such as the relative role of neutral vs. niche processes in shaping community structure. Here, we explored the responses of trait–abundance relationships to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilization in an alpine meadow.Methods Five fertilization treatments (an unfertilized control and additions of N, P, K and NPK respectively) were implemented using randomized block design in an alpine Tibetan meadow. Species relative abundance (SRA), plant above-ground biomass and species richness were measured in each plot. For 24 common species, we measured species functional traits: saturated height, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) in each treatment but seed size only in the unfertilized control. Standard major axis (SMA) regression and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) analysis were used to analyse species trait–abundance relationships in response to different fertilization treatments.Important findings Positive correlations between SRA and saturated height were raised following N, P and NPK fertilizations, which indicated an increase in light competition in these plots. In P fertilized plots, SRA was also positively correlated with LDMC because tall grasses with a nutrients conservation strategy often have a relative competitive advantage in capturing limited light and soil nutrients. In K fertilized plots, neither the trait–abundance relationships nor above-ground biomass or species richness significantly differed from that in the control, which suggests that K was not a limiting resource in our study site. These significant correlations between species traits and relative abundance in fertilized treatment suggest that trait-based selection plays an important role in determining species abundance within local communities in alpine meadows.  相似文献   

Determinants of local abundance and range size in forest vascular plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim For a large set of forest herbs we tested: (1) whether there is a positive relationship between local abundance and geographical range size; (2) whether abundance or range size are affected by the niche breadths of species or niche availability; and (3) whether these are affected by the species life‐history traits. Location Northwestern Germany. Methods We measured abundance as mean density in 22 base‐rich deciduous forests and recorded range size as area of occupancy on four different spatial scales (local to national). Niche breadth was expressed in terms of habitat specificity (specialists, generalists) and of the ability to grow across a broad range of soil pH. The species’ pH niche position was used as a measure of the importance of habitat availability. As life‐history traits we used diaspore mass and number, plant height, seed longevity, lifespan/clonality, pollination mode, dispersal capability and flowering time. Results There were mainly no positive relationships between the abundance of species and their range size, as tested across species and across phylogenetically independent contrasts. Forest specialists were generally distributed less widely than generalists, but habitat specificity was not related to local abundance. Species with a broader pH niche breadth were more common, but the positive relationships between niche breadth and abundance or range size disappeared when accounting for sample size effects. Clonal species with few and heavy diaspores were most abundant, as well as early‐flowering species and those lacking dispersal structures. Local and regional range size were determined largely by habitat availability, while national range was positively affected by plant height and diaspore mass. Main conclusions Different processes determine the local density of species and their range size. Abundance within habitat patches appears to be related mainly to the species life histories, especially to their capacity for extensive clonal reproduction, whereas range size appears to be determined strongly by the availability of suitable habitat.  相似文献   

A topic of great current interest is the capacity of populations to adapt genetically to rapidly changing climates, for example by evolving the timing of life-history events, but this is challenging to address experimentally. I use a plant invasion as a model system to tackle this question by combining molecular markers, a common garden experiment and climatic niche modelling. This approach reveals that non-native Lactuca serriola originates primarily from Europe, a climatic subset of its native range, with low rates of admixture from Asia. It has rapidly refilled its climatic niche in the new range, associated with the evolution of flowering phenology to produce clines along climate gradients that mirror those across the native range. Consequently, some non-native plants have evolved development times and grow under climates more extreme than those found in Europe, but not among populations from the native range as a whole. This suggests that many plant populations can adapt rapidly to changed climatic conditions that are already within the climatic niche space occupied by the species elsewhere in its range, but that evolution to conditions outside of this range is more difficult. These findings can also help to explain the prevalence of niche conservatism among non-native species.  相似文献   

Aims With a few exceptions, most well-known field biodiversity experiments on ecosystem functioning have been conducted in plant communities (especially grasslands) in which different numbers of species are planted as treatments. In these experiments, investigators have either kept the total seed weight or seed number constant across treatment plots. However, although in some cases attempts have been made to randomly choose species for planting from a designated species pool, the issue of possible 'hidden treatments' remains unsolved. Particularly, the total and relative abundance among species and across treatments could still affect the results. This study aims to determine whether treatments related to planted seed abundance and seed size may contribute to observed productivity.Methods We re-analyzed data from four biodiversity experiments based on a common seeding design (i.e. diversity treatments).Important findings We show that diversity (richness) treatments usually involve a hidden treatment related to the planted seeds (i.e. weight, number and seed size) that ultimately affect plant density. Thus, the un-intended hidden treatment of seeding more seeds on more diverse plots contributes to the productivity to some degree. Such derivative but often neglected hidden treatments are important for further improvement of experimental design and have significant implications in ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Neutral theory and community ecology   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
J. Chave 《Ecology letters》2004,7(3):241-253
I review the mathematical and biological aspects of Hubbell's (2001) neutral theory of species abundance for ecological communities, and clarify its historical connections with closely related approaches in population genetics. A selective overview of the empirical evidence for and against this theory is provided, with a special emphasis on tropical plant communities. The neutral theory predicts many of the basic patterns of biodiversity, confirming its heuristic power. The strict assumption of equivalence that defines neutrality, equivalence among individuals, finds little empirical support in general. However, a weaker assumption holds for stable communities, the equivalence of average fitness among species. One reason for the surprising success of the neutral theory is that all the theories of species coexistence satisfying the fitness equivalence assumption, including many theories of niche differentiation, generate exactly the same patterns as the neutral theory. Hubbell's neutral theory represents an important synthesis and a much needed demonstration of the pivotal role of intraspecific variability in ecology. Further improvements should lead to an explicit linking to niche‐based processes. This research programme will depend crucially on forthcoming theoretical and empirical achievements.  相似文献   

Rafael D'Andrea  Annette Ostling 《Oikos》2016,125(10):1369-1385
Among approaches to establish the importance of niche differentiation for species coexistence, the use of functional traits is attractive for its potential to suggest specific coexistence mechanisms. Recent studies have looked for trait patterns reflective of niche differentiation, building on a line of research with a deep but somewhat neglected history. We review the field from its foundation in limiting similarity theory in the 1960s to its resurgence in 2000s, and find the theory of trait patterning still in a stage of development. Elements still to be accounted for include environmental fluctuations, multidimensional niche space, transient dynamics, immigration, intraspecific variation, evolution and spatial scales. Recent empirical methods are better than early approaches, but still focus on patterning arising in simplistic models, and should rigorously link niche space with trait space, use informative null models, and adopt new metrics of pattern as theory develops. Because tests based on overly simplistic expectations of trait pattern are of little value, we argue that progress in the field requires theory development, which should entail exploring patterns across a set of conceptual and system‐specific models of competition along trait axes. Synthesis Traits relate to ecological performance and are easy to measure. Trait patterns can thus be a practical tool for inferring community assembly processes, and have been extensively used for this purpose. Classical trait patterning theory dates back to the 1960s, and despite heavy criticism still persists in empirical studies. Here we highlight steps needed for traits to realize their potential. These include firmly linking them to niche axes, and updating pattern expectations to consider recent results from models of niche dynamics, such as the emergence of species clusters. Further theory development should reveal whether there is a common traits‐based signature across different niche mechanisms.  相似文献   

Factors that determine the relative abundance of bumblebee species remain poorly understood, rendering management of rare and declining species difficult. Studies of bumblebee communities in the Americas suggest that there are strong competitive interactions between species with similar length tongues, and that this competition determines the relative abundance of species. In contrast, in Europe it is common to observe several short-tongued species coexisting with little or no evidence for competition shaping community structure. In this study we examine patterns of abundance and distribution in one of the most diverse bumblebee communities in Europe, found in the mountains of southern Poland. We quantify forage use when collecting nectar and pollen for 23 bumblebee species, and examine patterns of co-occurrence and niche overlap to determine whether there is evidence for inter-specific competition. We also test whether rarity can be explained by diet breadth. Up to 16 species were found coexisting within single sites, with species richness peaking in mountain pasture at ~1,000 m altitude. Results concur with previous studies indicating that the majority of pollen collected by bumblebees is from Fabaceae, but that some bee species (e.g. B. ruderatus) are much more heavily dependent on Fabaceae than others (e.g. B. lucorum). Those species that forage primarily on Fabaceae tended to have long tongues. In common with studies in the UK, diet breadth was correlated with abundance: rarer species tended to visit fewer flower species, after correcting for differences in sample size. No evidence was found for similarity in tongue length or dietary overlap influencing the likelihood of co-occurrence of species. However, the most abundant species (which co-occurred at most sites) occupied distinct dietary niche space. While species with tongues of similar length tended, overall, to have higher dietary niche overlap, among the group of abundant short-tongued species that commonly co-occurred there was marked dietary differentiation which may explain their coexistence.  相似文献   

The potential for ecological niche models (ENMs) to accurately predict species' abundance and demographic performance throughout their geographic distributions remains a topic of substantial debate in ecology and biogeography. Few studies simultaneously examine the relationship between ENM predictions of environmental suitability and both a species' abundance and its demographic performance, particularly across its entire geographic distribution. Yet, studies of this type are essential for understanding the extent to which ENMs are a viable tool for identifying areas that may promote high abundance or performance of a species or how species might respond to future climate conditions. In this study, we used an ensemble ecological niche model to predict climatic suitability for the perennial forb Astragalus utahensis across its geographic distribution. We then examined relationships between projected climatic suitability and field‐based measures of abundance, demographic performance, and forecasted stochastic population growth (λs). Predicted climatic suitability showed a J‐shaped relationship with A. utahensis abundance, where low‐abundance populations were associated with low‐to‐intermediate suitability scores and abundance increased sharply in areas of high predicted climatic suitability. A similar relationship existed between climatic suitability and λs from the center to the northern edge of the latitudinal distribution. Patterns such as these, where density or demographic performance only increases appreciably beyond some threshold of climatic suitability, support the contention that ENM‐predicted climatic suitability does not necessarily represent a reliable predictor of abundance or performance across large geographic regions.  相似文献   

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