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马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹花序和果实的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据在云南采集到的标本,对竹亚科牡竹属马来甜龙竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述,对马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹的果实特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

竹亚科箭竹属两种植物花序的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据所看到和采集到的标本对竹亚科箭竹属两种植物云龙箭竹和元江箭竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述。该文对箭竹属的分类提供了更丰富的参考凭证,对今后该属的修订工作有较大的意义。  相似文献   

楼梯草属的花序不但是反映该属进化趋势的重要器官之一,而且还是该属的属下划分及种间鉴定的关键性状。本文基于大量的有花标本研究,并参照模式标本及相关文献资料对该属的三种植物花序形态进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

四种竹子的花器官形态描述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年来南京林业大学竹种园中4种竹子出现开花现象.首次描述了鹅毛竹(Shibaoea chinensis)和异叶苦竹(Arundinaria simonii f.heterophylla)的花部形态特征,补充描述了月月竹(Chimonobambusa sichuanensis)和福建茶秆竹(Arundinaria amabilis var.convexa)的花部形态特征.  相似文献   

融安黄竹小穗和小花的形态发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扫描电镜对融安黄竹Dendrocalamus ronganensis的小穗和小花的发生发育及形态结构进行了研究。其小穗的发育过程是: 小穗原基→第一颖片原基→第二颖片原基→第一朵小花的外稃原基→第一朵小花原基→第二朵小花的外稃原基→第二朵小花原基。小穗为由2个颖片和1-2朵小花组成的假小穗。其小花发育的过程是: 内稃原基→雄蕊原基→雌蕊原基。内稃在发生上由彼此独立的两个突起形成, 随着发育逐渐愈合。观察结果支持内稃是双起源的说法。雄蕊原基近两轮发生。雌蕊原基由小花原基的中央部分直接发育而成。在小花的发育过程中, 未观察到鳞被原基的发生。该种的小花是无花被的, 结构较为简化, 为外稃和内稃包裹的雄蕊和雌蕊组成的结构。与近缘类群做比较, 探讨了小穗和小花在竹亚科中的演化。  相似文献   

箣竹属和牡竹属(竹亚科)叶表皮微形态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对箣竹属21个种(包括箣竹亚属5个种、孝顺竹亚属2种、单竹亚属4种、绿竹亚属9种和亚属未定1种)以及牡竹属5种叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和研究。所得结果表明气孔保卫细胞上乳突的数目和分布存在一定的规律,并具有一定的分类价值。绿竹亚属的叶表皮微形态特征界于箣竹属和牡竹属之间,但更接近于箣竹属。因此认为在分类处理上,将绿竹亚属置于箣竹属比单独成立绿竹属更为合理。  相似文献   

广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科牡竹属一新种——长耳吊丝竹(Dendrocalamus Iongiauritus S.H.Chen,K.F.HuangetR.S.Chen)。该种与吊丝竹(D.minor(McClure)ChiaetH.L.Fung)相近似,但该竹种部分节有明显发达的一条主枝,箨耳较大,明显并与箨片基部相连,窄长,横卧于箨鞘两肩,且呈有规则皱褶状,并着生有6~8mm长的波曲燧毛,箨舌高达0.7~0.9cm,呈不整齐撕裂状,上部有灰黄色扁形长毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

10种刚竹属植物花部形态的补充描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachys angusta,乌芽竹P.atrovaginata,角竹P.fimbriligula,美竹P.mannii,早园竹P.propinqua,芽竹P.robustirames,水胖竹P.rubicunda,衢县红壳竹P.rutila,天目早竹P.tianmuensis,9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得了可靠花枝标本对台湾桂 竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

麻竹节间伸长过程的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹子秆茎的快速生长是禾本科生物学的一个未解之谜,而秆茎的生长又是以节间为单位进行的。本研究以第8节为标准节,利用统计学及石蜡切片的方法,获得了麻竹的节间伸长曲线以及节间组织发育的形态解剖信息。麻竹节间的伸长呈现“慢-快”的生长趋势,早期节间以细胞分裂为主,然后节间由上到下逐渐进入细胞伸长阶段,最后节间停止伸长进入成熟生长阶段。本研究为大型丛生竹节间发育的研究提供了基础数据,有助于推动对竹子笋株快速生长机制的研究。  相似文献   

首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachysangusta、乌芽竹P.atrovaginata、角竹P.fimbriligula、美竹P.mannii、早园竹P.propinqua、芽竹P.robustiramea、水胖竹P.rubi-cunda、衢县红壳竹P.rutila、天目早竹P.tianmuensis 9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得的可靠花枝标本对台湾桂竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of bamboo culms at the juvenile stage is still an unresolved scientific issue in grass biology. In this study, we selected the eighth node as the standard node to investigate internode development in the paleotropical bamboo species, Dendrocalamus latiflorus. An elongation curve and anatomical features of the eighth internode were determined using statistical methods and a paraffin section technique, respectively. Internode elongation was found to show a “slow fast” trend. During early stages of internode development, most cells divided quickly, but then gradually stopped dividing before elongating in a top down orientation between the nodes. Finally, cells forming the internode stopped elongating and became mature. This is the first report on internode development of a large sized paleotropical bamboo species, and should promote further research on rapid growth of bamboo shoots.  相似文献   

Species of Cephalostachyum Munro (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from China are distributed in Yunnan and Tibet, mainly in Yunnan. In this paper, we discussed species of Cephalostachyum and compiled a key to species from China, based on recent studies on micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis and molecular phylogenetics of paleotropical woody bamboos. There is a total of seven species of Cephalostachyum distributed in China, all in Yunnan: Cchinense (Rendle) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang, Cfuchsianum Gamble et Hook. f., Cmannii (Gamble) Stapleton et DZ. Li, Cpallidum Munro, Cpingbianense (Hsueh et YM. Yang ex Yi et al.) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang, Csanguineum (WP. Zhang) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang and Cscandens Bor. Leptocanna Chia et HL. Fung and Cvirulentum YM Yang et F. Du are synonyms of Cephalostachyum Munro and Cfuchsianum Gamble et Hook. f. respectively. On the other hand, Cpergracile Munro and Cvirgatum (Munro) Kurz are morphologically closer to Schizostachyum Nees than to Cephalostachyum, and they should be treated as members of Schizostachyum. This paper is of significance to a worldwide revision of Cephalostachyum.  相似文献   

以小叶龙竹种子为外植体,通过研究MS培养基中不同植物生长调节剂浓度组合对外植体愈伤组织诱导和不定芽分化的影响以及不同配比对生根的作用,建立了稳定的繁殖再生体系。试验结果表明愈伤组织诱导的最适培养基为MS+2,4-D5.0mg·L-1;不定芽分化的最适培养基为MS+2,4-D0.5mg·L-1+6.BA1.0mg·L-1+KT0.25mg·L-1;小苗的最适生根培养基为1/2MS+6-BA0.5mg·L-1+NAA1.0mg·L-1+IBA0.4mg·L-1,建立的繁殖再生体系将为进一步利用分子生物学技术对竹类植物进行遗传改良奠定基础。  相似文献   

Two new species of bamboo, Dendrocalamus ovatus Xia et Chia and D. textilis Xia, Chia et C. Y. Xia, collected from southwestern China aredescribed.  相似文献   

基于最近的分子系统学研究、近期发表的新类群以及国际植物命名法规的相关条款,对《中国植物志》 (英文版)竹亚科的两个属进行了修订。中国是否有青篱竹属 (Arundinaria)的分布一直是个争论不休的问题。分子系统学不支持广义青篱竹属,因此原置于青篱竹属下的4个种应恢复到巴山木竹属 (Bashania) 中。包括近期发表的新类群在内,巴山木竹属在中国共有10种。西藏新小竹 (Neomicrocalamus microphyllus)是一个没有合格发表的裸名,其正确名称应为新小竹 (N.prainii),而云南新小竹(N.yunnanensis)则可能是梨籐竹属的成员。  相似文献   

Micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis of 16 published species from Schizostachy um Nees and its allies ( including Melocanna Trin. , Pseudostachyum Munro, Leptocanna Chia et H. L. Fung and Cephalostachyum Munro) were examined by both light and scanning electron microscopies. The results indicated that the papillae forms and distributional patterns on the abaxial surface were taxonomically informative at the generic level. The characters of papillae did not support Schiz ostachyum sensu lato; meanwhile, it was supported that Melocanna, Pseudostachyum and Cep halostachyum were better to be treated as separate genera respectively. Furthermore, it seemed to be more appropriate to place Leptocanna chinensis and Schizostachyum sanguineum in Cep halostachyum; and to place Cephalostachyum pergr acile and C1 virgatum in Schizostachy um .  相似文献   

The bamboo is usually classified as a subfamily Bambusoideae of Poaceae, and includes approximately 20 genera and 300 species. To estimate phylogenetic relationships among these genera, we examined restriction site mutations of cpDNA for 16 Asian genera. In the cladogram obtained, the Bambosoideae was divided into two major lineages, one includingPleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Semiarundinaria, Shibataea, Phyllostachys, Sasa, Sinobambusa, Chimonobambusa, Arthrostylidium, andYushania, and the other consisting ofBambusa, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, Thyrostachys, Melocanna, andSchizostachyum. Monophylly of each clade was supported by 83% and 98% bootstrap probability, respectively. The present result supports monophylly of Arundinarieae of Potztal's (1964) classical system, but does not support his treatment to recognize Dendrocalameae.  相似文献   

中国云南巨竹属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了中国巨竹属一新种——小巨竹Gigantochloa callosa NH. Xia, Y. Zeng & RS. Lin并绘制了图版。该种与Gigantochloa parvifolia (Brandis ex Gamble) TQ. Nguyen相似,区别在于此种各部分较Gparvifolia较小;箨鞘背面贴生深褐色与银灰色短硬毛,箨舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶鞘背面与叶柄连接处一侧有一高2~3mm的半圆形薄鳞片状突起。  相似文献   

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