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活性氧不敏感型拟南芥的突变体对H2O2的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检测拟南芥ros突变株对H2O2响应的结果表明,此种突变体对H2O2有较强的耐受性,表现为气孔开度对H2O2不敏感和H2O2胁迫时的膜脂过氧化水平较低。采用激光扫描共聚焦显微术(LSCM)并结合H2O2荧光探针H2DCFDA检测外源ABA诱导保卫细胞的结果显示,突变体内荧光强度比野生型拟南芥低,暗示此种突变体消除H2O2的能力可能有提高,从而可增强植株抗氧化胁迫的能力。  相似文献   

Pod dehiscence in Arabidopsis thaliana is accompanied by an increase in the expression of a polygalacturonase (PG). The gene encoding this mRNA has been characterized and shown to have extensive homology to a similar PG gene from Brassica napus . The A. thaliana PG promoter was fused to β -glucuronidase (GUS) and the expression of this reporter gene analysed in transgenic B. napus plants. The GUS activity was detected throughout the dehiscence zone of pods from 35 d after anthesis and expression was restricted to those cells that undergo cell separation. Expression was also detectable at the junction between the seed and the funicular tissue and in mature anthers of flowers. Transgenic plants containing the PG promoter fused to barnase were sterile as a consequence of the anthers failing to undergo dehiscence. Fertilization of PG-barnase plants resulted in the development of pods that exhibited a reduced capacity to shatter. The role of PG during cell separation processes in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Mature seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus contain complex mixtures of aliphatic monomers derived from non-extractable lipid polyesters. Most of the monomers are deposited in the seed coat, and their compositions suggest the presence of both cutin and suberin layers. The location of these polyesters within the seed coat, and their contributions to permeability of the seed coat and other functional properties are unknown. Polyester deposition was followed over Brassica seed development and distinct temporal patterns of monomer accumulation were observed. Octadecadiene-1,18-dioate, the major leaf cutin monomer, was transiently deposited. In contrast, the saturated dicarboxylates maintained a constant level during seed desiccation, whereas the fatty alcohols and saturated omega-hydroxy fatty acids continually increased. Dissection and analysis of Brassica seed coats showed that suberization is not specific to the chalaza. Analysis of the Arabidopsis ap2-7 mutant suggested that suberin monomers are preferentially associated with the outer integument. Several Arabidopsis knockout mutant lines for genes involved in polyester biosynthesis (att1, fatB and gpat5) were examined for seed monomer load and composition. The variance in polyester monomers of these mutants is correlated with dye penetration assays. Furthermore, stable transgenic plants expressing promoter::YFP fusions showed ATT1 promoter activity in the inner integument, whereas GPAT5 promoter is active in the outer integument. Together, the Arabidopsis data indicated that there is a suberized layer associated with the outer integument and a cutin-like polyester layer associated with the inner seed coat.  相似文献   

油菜BnrbcS基因超表达提高拟南芥种子重量和含油量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入分析光合作用关键酶二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶(Rubisco)小亚基在油菜等"绿色种子"发育过程中的作用,采用RT-PCR技术从油菜种胚中克隆了一个含Rubisco小亚基全长编码区的cDNA序列,命名为BnrbcS(GenBank登录号DQ242646)。BnrbcS编码181个氨基酸残基,其推导的氨基酸序列中包含典型的Rubisco小亚基功能域并与其他高等植物Rubisco小亚基具有很高的同源性,暗示BnrbcS基因产物与拟南芥等植物的Rubisco小亚基在结构和功能上可能十分相似。除了在叶、子叶、角果皮等光合器官中有很高表达外,BnrbcS在贮藏物质高速积累时期的未成熟油菜种子中亦有中等水平的表达,且其"钟型"表达模式与一些脂肪酸合成酶系基因的表达模式相类似。将NAPIN启动子驱动的BnrbcS种子特异超表达结构转入拟南芥,转化株系的种子含油量和种子重量有一定程度提高,显示BnrbcS在调控种子油脂等贮藏物质积累过程中具有作用。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana CONSTANS (CO) gene which promotes flowering in long days was recently isolated by chromosome walking. The mapping of QTLs controlling flowering time in Brassica species has identified genomic regions that contain homologues of the CO gene. Four genes homologous to the Arabidopsis CO gene were isolated from a pair of homoeologous loci in each of two doubled-haploid Brassica napus lines displaying different flowering times, N-o-1 and N-o-9. The four genes, BnCOa1, BnCOa9, BnCOb1 and BnCOb9, are located on linkage groups N10 and N19, and are highly similar to each other and to the Arabidopsis CO gene. Two regions of the proteins are particularly well conserved, a N-terminal region with two putative zinc fingers and a C-terminal region which may contain a nuclear localization signal. All four genes appear to be expressed in B. napus. The BnCOa1 allele was shown to complement the co-2 mutation in Arabidopsis in a dosage-dependent manner causing earlier flowering than in wild type under both long- and short-day conditions.  相似文献   

Hu XY  Neill SJ  Cai WM  Tang ZC 《Cell research》2004,14(3):234-240
Responses to oligogalacturonic acid (OGA) were determined in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings express-ing the calcium reporter protein aequorin. OGA stimulated a rapid, substantial and transient increase in the concentration of cytosolic calcium ([Ca^2 ]cyt) that peaked after ca. 15 s. This increase was dose-dependent, saturating at ca. 50 μg Gal equiv/ml of OGA. OGA also stimulated a rapid generation of H202. A small, rapid increase in H2O2 content was followed by a much larger oxidative burst, with H2O2 content peaking after ca. 60 min and declining thereafter. Induction of the oxidative burst by OGA was also dose-dependent, with a maximum response again being achieved at ca. 50 μg Gal equiv/mL. Inhibitors of calcium fluxes inhibited both increases in [Ca^2 ]cyt and [H2O2], whereas inhibitors of NADPH oxidase blocked only the oxidative burst. OGA increased strongly the expression of the defence-related genes CHS,GST, PAL and PR-1. This induction was suppressed by inhibitors of calcium flux or NADPH oxidase, indicating that increases in both cytosolic calcium and H2O2 are required for OGA-induced gene expression.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜矮秆突变材料99CDAM的发现及遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
随着杂种优势的利用,油菜株高增加了20cm以上,导致油菜生长后期倒伏的风险加大。通过利用特殊矮秆基因来控制株高将是解决倒伏问题的有效方法。在甘蓝型油菜自交多代品系中发现了一个株高85cm左右的矮秆突变株99CDAM,该突变株具有开花早、分枝多等优良特性,产量性状和品质性状较好,各性状都能稳定遗传,具有重要的育种价值。对99CDAM和高秆品系2091、7045和7350的正反交F1以及99CDAM和2091的F2、BC1及F2:3代的遗传分析结果表明: 99CDAM的矮秆性状受3对隐性基因控制,存在母体细胞质效应,与以往的甘蓝型矮秆油菜有明显的区别。  相似文献   

油菜外源细胞分裂素不敏感突变体lrn1和prl1表现为磷高效。营养液培养0.2μmol/L细胞分裂素(6-BA)处理,与甘蓝型油菜野生型‘宁油7号’(WT)相比,突变体lrn1侧根较多,prl1主根较长。本研究利用体式显微技术、非切片压片法以及石蜡切片等技术,对3个基因型在ddH2O和0.2μmol/L 6-BA处理下的根毛、根表皮细胞分化及根尖解剖结构的差异进行了观察,结果表明:ddH2O处理,种子发芽后第1、3、6、9 d,lrn1、prl1和WT根尖成熟区根毛较少。0.2μmol/L 6-BA处理,种子发芽后第3 d,lrn1、prl1和WT根尖形成大量根毛,其中WT根毛最多、密度最大;prl1根毛最少,密度也最小;lrn1处于两者之间。种子发芽后第6 d,lrn1、prl1和WT分生区和伸长区明显缩短,lrn1和prl1分生区面积无显著差异,但两者均显著大于WT;lrn1和prl1根冠细胞结构较正常,而WT根冠细胞结构畸形;lrn1皮层原细胞之间排列较WT和prl1紧密。种子发芽后第9 d,lrn1已有4条侧根,但prl1与WT无侧根形成。6-BA处理,prl1主根较长,与其根尖分生区面积较大密切相关;lrn1侧根较多,可能与中柱原细胞排列密度较高密切相关。  相似文献   

Modification of the structure of abscisic acid (ABA) has been reported to result in modification of its physiologic activity. In this study we tested the effect of removing methyl groups from the ring and of chirality of ABA on activity in microspore-derived embryos of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). The natural (+)-ABA molecule induced growth inhibition and an increase in the amount of erucic acid accumulated in the oil at medium concentrations less than 1 μm. (−)-ABA showed similar effects. Removing the 7′-methyl group resulted in a dramatic decrease in activity: (+)-7′-demethyl-ABA retained some activity as a growth inhibitor; a 10–100 μm concentration of this compound was needed for a response, and (−)-7′-demethyl-ABA was almost completely inactive. Similar effects were observed with regard to elongase activity, which catalyzes erucic acid biosynthesis from oleic acid. Removal of the 8′- and 9′-methyl groups resulted in a more complex response. These compounds all showed intermediate activity; for growth inhibition, the presence of the 9′-methyl was the more important determinant, whereas chirality dominated the response on erucic acid accumulation, with the (+)-enantiomers being more active. Received July 25, 1997; accepted October 31, 1997  相似文献   

Summary In microspore cultures of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas, embryo yield increases with culture density up to about 40,000 microspores per ml. A much higher density (100,000 per ml) appears inhibitory to embryogenesis. A relatively high culture density (30,000 or 40,000 per ml) for the first 2–4 days of culture is crucial for embryogenesis, after which cultures may be diluted to allow better embryo growth.Medium conditioned by culturing microspores at 30,000 or 40,000 per ml for 1 day improved microspore-embryo yield in low density cultures (3,000 or 4,000 per ml) more than 3-fold. In contrast, media conditioned with microspores from 1–4 days or 0–4 days of culture were inhibitory.Use of feeder cultures resulted in up to 10-fold increase of embryo yield in low density microspore cultures, depending on the method used. Filter papers and other membranes placed on top of feeders greatly inhibited embryogenesis in the feeder layer as well as microspores cultured on the feeder, possibly due to poorer gaseous exchange.  相似文献   

Teng N  Wang J  Chen T  Wu X  Wang Y  Lin J 《The New phytologist》2006,172(1):92-103
Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under elevated or ambient CO2 (700 or 370 micromol mol(-1), respectively) were examined for physiological, biochemical and structural changes. Stomatal characters, carbohydrate and mineral nutrient concentrations, leaf ultrastructure and plant hormone content were investigated using atomic absorption spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Elevated CO2 reduced the stomatal density and stomatal index of leaves, and also reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration rate. Elevated CO2 increased chloroplast number, width and profile area, and starch grain size and number, but reduced the number of grana thylakoid membranes. Under elevated CO2, the concentrations of carbohydrates and plant hormones, with the exception of abscisic acid, increased whereas mineral nutrient concentrations declined. These results suggest that the changes in chloroplast ultrastructure may primarily be a consequence of increased starch accumulation. Accelerated A. thaliana growth and development in elevated CO2 could in part be attributed to increased foliar concentrations of plant hormones. The reductions in mineral nutrient concentrations may be a result of dilution by increased concentrations of carbohydrates and also of decreases in stomatal conductance and transpiration rate.  相似文献   

在这个研究中测量不同发育时期的油菜种子中可溶性糖含量与肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(galactinol synthase,GOLS)活性,将二者的变化趋势与种子脱水耐性获得的过程相比较并对结果进行相关性分析。结果显示油菜种子脱水耐性获得过程中,葡萄糖和果糖含量均随着发育期的延长而下降,蔗糖则保持较高水平;肌醇含量下降而肌醇半乳糖苷含量上升;棉子糖系列寡糖(raffinose familyolig osaccharides,RFO)含量随着种子发育而上升,特别是水苏糖,在成熟种子中可以达到相当高的浓度。油菜种子发育中期,细胞内GOLS活性开始上升,至贮藏物积累完成时达到最大。GOLS活性变化与种子肌醇半乳糖苷积累速度、RFO含量及种子的脱水耐性呈一定的正相关关系。我们认为GOLS促使RFO积累,从而对种子脱水耐性的获得产生重要影响。  相似文献   

油菜是我国重要的油料作物,油菜花器官具有典型的十字花科特点,无花瓣油菜在花期不存在花冠层,这种特点有助于提高油菜产量,预防茵核病的传播。雄蕊心皮化是指花器官的雄蕊结构被具有类似于雌蕊结构的器官代替,这不仅造成了花器官结构的变化也导致了雄性不育。本文通过对无花瓣油菜雄蕊心皮化突变不育分离群体中的雄性可育株和不育株的比较研究,发现心皮化现象是由遗传因素引起的。细胞学观察发现,雄蕊心皮化在花器官发育的早期就已经产生,心皮化的雄蕊中着生类似于胚珠的结构,其顶端细胞的形态和排列方式也与雌蕊柱头相似。花发育相关基因的表达分析表明,B组基因彳丹在不育株3轮花器中的表达都比可育株低,特别是在第二轮花器官中这种差异最为突出。而A组基因AP1在不育株第二轮花器官中的表达量较可育株高。c组基因AGL8、SHPI、SHP2、NAP在不育株心皮化的第二轮花器官中表达都较可育株中高。  相似文献   

Acclimation of winter oilseed plants in the cold (i.e. at temperatures >0 degrees C) followed by short exposure to sub-lethal freezing temperatures resulted in pronounced ultrastructural changes of leaf epidermal and mesophyll cells. The following major changes were observed upon acclimation at 2 degrees C: increased thickness of cell walls; numerous invaginations of plasma membranes; the appearance of many large vesicles localized in the cytoplasm in close proximity to the central vacuole; the occurrence of abundant populations of microvesicles associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae or located in the vicinity of dictyosomes; and the occurrence of paramural bodies and myelin-like structures. In addition, large phenolic deposits were observed in the vicinity of the plasma membrane and membrane-bound organelles such as chloroplasts, large vesicles or cytoplasm/tonoplast interfaces. Transient freezing (-5 degrees C for 18 h) of the cold-acclimated leaves led to reversible disorganization of the cytoplasm and to pronounced structural changes of the cellular organelles. Chloroplasts were swollen, with the stroma occupying one half of their volume and the thylakoid system being displaced to the other half. Large phenolic aggregates disappeared but distinct layers of phenolic deposits were associated with mitochondrial membranes and with chloroplast envelopes. In frost-thawed cells recovered at 2 degrees C for 24 h, dictyosomes and dictyosome- or ER-derived small vesicles reappeared in the ribosome-rich cytoplasm. Aberrations in the structure of chloroplasts and mitochondria were less pronounced. Few phenolic deposits were seen as small grains associated with chloroplast envelopes and vesicle membranes. These observations demonstrate that plants undergo different changes in cell ultrastructure depending on whether they are subjected to chilling or freezing temperatures. Results are discussed in relation to membrane recycling and the possible role of phenolics during the first and second stages of plant acclimation at low temperature.  相似文献   

N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯(AHLs)是革兰氏阴性细菌群体感应的信号分子。培养基中添加1μmol·L-13OC6-HSL和10μmol·L-13OC8-HSL可显著促进野生型拟南芥主根生长,但拟南芥G蛋白偶联受体GCR1和GCR2基因缺失突变体gcr1-1和gcr2-2对AHLs处理不敏感;实时荧光定量PCR分析显示,这2种AHLs的处理可以使拟南芥GCR1和GCR2基因表达量上调2~4倍。结果表明,G蛋白偶联受体GCR1和GCR2可能参与植物感应细菌信号进而做出根生长响应的信号转导。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜CMS微粉活力研究及其对杂交制种纯度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对微粉和正常花粉在不同和同一雌蕊上的结实力比较和结实竞争研究,表明微粉虽能够授粉结实,但活力低、萌发慢、持续时间短、受精结实能力差,与正常花粉的竞争力弱,授微粉后间隔3-72h,再授恢复系花粉,其结实表现仍可达到或超过单独授恢复系花粉的结实率,最高的还超过了只授恢复系花粉结实率的9.57%;授微粉后间隔0-48h再授恢复系花粉仍可获得70.35%-91.00%的异交率,说明微粉对油菜杂交制种过  相似文献   

A study on the physiological and yield effects of waterlogging and the alleviation of waterlogging damage by the application of nitrogen fertilizers and mixtalol in winter rape was conducted in experimental tanks especially designed for controlling soil moisture content. The results showed that waterlogging at the seedling and stem elongation stages causes a significant decrease in nitrogen content and rate of nitrogen accumulation. Leaf chlorophyll content, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, and root oxidizability (capacity for root oxidation) and root exudate were also reduced by waterlogging. The experiments confirmed that the physiological function of rape plants was retarded during the time of waterlogging at the seedling stage, and its adverse effects remained. Plant height, stem width, and the number of primary branches per plant were decreased significantly by waterlogging at the seedling and stem elongation stages. Pods per plant and seeds per pod were also reduced significantly, giving a 21.3 and 12.5% decrease of seed yield from the control for treatments at the seedling and stem elongation stages, respectively. Foliar sprays of nitrogen fertilizers at the seedling stage or mixtalol at the flowering stage alleviated plant damage caused by waterlogging by retarding chlorophyll and nitrogen degradation, increasing superoxide dismutase and catalase activities and root oxidizability, and improving yield components and seed yield of waterlogged plants. Therefore, besides draining off water, alleviation of waterlogging damage may be controlled by applying nitrogen fertilizer and a suitable plant growth regulator at appropriate growth stages. Received July 3, 1996; accepted December 26, 1996  相似文献   

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