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WRKY基因家族是主要存在于植物中的一大类转录调控因子,拥有很多家族成员.拟南芥WRKY25属于第Ⅰ类WRKY蛋白,参与植物生物和非生物胁迫反应.通过GUS染色和qRT-PCR发现WRKY25基因主要在根,叶和茎生叶中表达.过量表达WRKY25的转基因植株在长光照下比野生型拟南芥提前开花.通过RT-PCR检测与开花时间相关基因发现,AP1基因的表达量在培养21 d和27d的WRKY25过量表达植株中上调,由此推测WRKY25很可能通过增强AP1的表达来影响开花.  相似文献   

拟南芥APETALA1(AP1)既是一个花分生组织特征基因又是一个花器官特征基因,在花器官发育中控制花萼和花瓣的发育。通过GUS染色进一步证实AP1主要在茎尖、花萼、花瓣和花托的位置表达。启动子分析发现,AP1启动子区包含了包括W-box在内的大量顺式作用元件,暗示相关转录调控因子参与了对AP1的调控。21个WRKY基因单突变后并不改变AP1在花中的表达,但是AP1突变则增强了检测的10个WRKY基因中7个WRKY基因的表达,暗示AP1参与了对WRKY基因的基础表达的调控。这个结果也暗示AP1可能通过控制花萼和花瓣的发育从而参与了对花的基础抗性。  相似文献   

It is widely appreciated that short tandem repeat (STR) variation underlies substantial phenotypic variation in organisms. Some propose that the high mutation rates of STRs in functional genomic regions facilitate evolutionary adaptation. Despite their high mutation rate, some STRs show little to no variation in populations. One such STR occurs in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene PFT1 (MED25), where it encodes an interrupted polyglutamine tract. Although the PFT1 STR is large (∼270 bp), and thus expected to be extremely variable, it shows only minuscule variation across A. thaliana strains. We hypothesized that the PFT1 STR is under selective constraint, due to previously undescribed roles in PFT1 function. We investigated this hypothesis using plants expressing transgenic PFT1 constructs with either an endogenous STR or synthetic STRs of varying length. Transgenic plants carrying the endogenous PFT1 STR generally performed best in complementing a pft1 null mutant across adult PFT1-dependent traits. In stark contrast, transgenic plants carrying a PFT1 transgene lacking the STR phenocopied a pft1 loss-of-function mutant for flowering time phenotypes and were generally hypomorphic for other traits, establishing the functional importance of this domain. Transgenic plants carrying various synthetic constructs occupied the phenotypic space between wild-type and pft1 loss-of-function mutants. By varying PFT1 STR length, we discovered that PFT1 can act as either an activator or repressor of flowering in a photoperiod-dependent manner. We conclude that the PFT1 STR is constrained to its approximate wild-type length by its various functional requirements. Our study implies that there is strong selection on STRs not only to generate allelic diversity, but also to maintain certain lengths pursuant to optimal molecular function.  相似文献   

AtLH基因是BcpLH基因在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thealiana L.)中的同源基因,含有两个编码双链RNA结合蛋白的结构域。在大白菜叶球发育过程中,BcpLH基因与包叶的卷曲有关。为研究AtLH基因对叶卷曲这一重要生物学现象的调控作用,构建了35S:AtLH基因的正义表达载体并转化拟南芥。与野生型比较而言,转基因植株的花和叶中AtLH的表达量有显著增加,成为AtLH基因过量表达的植株。这些植株的莲座叶向外或向下卷曲,呈现明显的偏上性生长;而且抽苔和开花时间延迟;在营养生长期其短缩茎的叶腋处着生数个侧茎,表现为顶端优势减弱;在生殖生长期二级花序减少使得主花序更加发达,表现为顶端优势增强;转基因植株对激素的敏感性改变,IAA刺激根生长的作用增强,ABA抑制根生长的作用减弱。由此可见,AtLH基因的过量表达可引起转基因植株的叶片向下卷曲。  相似文献   

AtLH基因是BcpLH基因在拟南芥(Arapsis thaliana L.)中的同源基因,含有两个编码双链RNA结合蛋白的结构域.在大白菜叶球发育过程中,BcpLH基因与包叶的卷曲有关.为研究AtLH的基因对叶卷曲这一重要生物学现象的调控作用,构建了35S:AtLH基因的正义表达载体并转化拟南芥.与野生型比较页言,转基因植株的花和叶中AtLH的表达量有显著增加,成为AtLH基因过量的植株.这些植株的莲座叶向外或向下卷曲,呈现明显的偏上性生长;而且抽苔和开花时间延迟;在营养生长期其短缩茎的叶腑处着生数个侧茎,表现为顶端优势减弱;在生殖生长期二级花序减少使得主花序更加发达,表现为顶端优势增强,转基因植株对激素的敏感性改变,IAA剌激根生长的作用增强,ABA抑制根生长的作用减弱.由此可见,AtLH基因的过量表达可引起转基因植株的叶片向下卷曲.  相似文献   

Flowering and tuber formation in high-mountain potato species Solanum sparsipilum Bitt., S. acaule Bitt., S. punae Juz., S. demissum Lindl., and a tuber crop Ullucus tuberosus Caldas. were investigated. All these species are characterized by absolute requirement of long day-length for flowering and short day-length for tuberization. Plants were grown under the following conditions: natural day-length with a photoperiod of 17 h or longer (treatment 1), short days with a photoperiod of 12 h and warm nights (15–20°C) (treatment 2), and short days with cold nights (5–6°C) (treatment 3). In the first treatment, plants produced flowers but no tubers. In the second treatment, plants produced tubers but no flowers. In the third treatment, plants produced both flowers and tubers. In leaves of S. acaule and U. tuberosus, the levels of gibberellins and ABA were determined. A high activity of gibberellins in the third treatment was similar to that in the first treatment, whereas high ABA activity in the third treatment was similar to that in the second treatment. It is supposed that cold nights retard the destruction of GA in plants during the dark period of diurnal cycle and ensure a permanently high level of gibberellins, which facilitates flowering of long-day species under short-day conditions. The high level of ABA is considered a plant response to short-day conditions, which is favorable for tuberization.  相似文献   

拟南芥开花时间调控的分子基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在合适的时间开花对大多数植物的生存和成功繁衍极为重要。开花时间受错综复杂的环境因素和植物自身的遗传因子影响,由开花调控因子所构成的光周期、春化、温度、赤霉素、自主以及年龄等至少6条既相互独立又相互联系的遗传途径调控。该文综述了有关拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)开花时间调控的分子机制的最新研究进展,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物暴露在细菌或其它微生物病原体下,会形成全身防御,称为系统获得性抗性SAR(Systemic Acquired Resistance),该系统可以在病原体二次侵染时有效抑制病原体对植物的伤害。其中,WRKY转录因子和病程相关蛋白PRs(Pathogenesis-related proteins)在植物抗病信号调控途径中起着重要作用。本研究以模式植物拟南芥为实验材料,对WRKY6和PR1(PATHOGENESIS RELATED)两个转录因子进行初步研究。首先,从拟南芥eFP数据库中获得WRKY6和PR1的基因表达数据,进行生物信息学分析,获得WRKY6和PR1基因在不同胁迫条件下的表达热图。其次,通过实时荧光定量PCR技术,比较了经过生物胁迫和非生物胁迫处理后WRKY6和PR1的基因表达水平。结果表明,拟南芥经过生物胁迫丁香假单胞菌[Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato(Pst) DC3000]处理后,WRKY6和PR1的基因表达模式具有一定的相似性,然而经过非生物胁迫和机械损伤组合处理后,WRKY6和PR1基因又呈现出不同的表达模式。本研究初步探索了WRKY6和PR1基因的表达模式及其关系,为今后进一步研究系统性获得抗性应答机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

根据拟南芥AtCYP1基因序列设计特异引物,以拟南芥总DNA为模板,扩增AtCYP1基因中344 bp转录本,插入表达载体PTCK303,构建目的基因RNA干扰载体Ubi::AtCYP1i。利用改良的农杆菌浸染技术获得拟南芥RNAi转基因株系,RT-PCR分析结果表明转基因株系中AtCYP1基因的表达量低于野生型,表型观察结果表明RNAi转基因纯合株系抽苔时间比野生型晚3.32 d,抽苔叶片数较野生型多2.49片,其开花时间、结出第一个种荚的时间、株高等方面也与野生型存在明显差异。此结果说明AtCYP1可能参与了拟南芥的早花发育过程,为进一步研究其在植物生长发育中的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An early flowering mutant of Arabidopsis, elf32-D was isolated from activation tagging screening. The mutant flowered earlier than wild type under both long day and short day conditions. The mutant phenotype was caused by overexpression of a Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor gene (AtKTI1). The expression of AtKTI1 was detected in leaves, flowers, siliques and roots. In the vegetative state, no change of flowering integrator gene expression was observed for AtKTI1 overexpressing plants. In contrast, at the reproductive stage, its overexpression resulted in the down-regulation of FLC, a strong floral repressor which integrates the autonomous and vernalization pathways and also the up-regulation of FT and AP1, which are downstream floral integrator genes. It is probable that the AtKTI1 overexpression inhibits components of the flowering signaling pathway upstream of FLC, eventually regulating expression of FLC, or causing perturbations in plant metabolism and thus indirectly affecting flowering.  相似文献   

为了探索早春开花植物在低温下的开花机制,本研究采集了5种典型早春开花植物和5种非早春开花植物。基于高效液相色谱-质谱代谢组学技术对比分析了早春时期两者之间在内源激素和次生代谢产物上的差异。结果显示:早春开花植物中的生长素(IAA)和玉米素(ZT)含量明显低于非早春开花植物,而赤霉素(GA3)和脱落酸(ABA)的含量则显著高于非早春开花植物,表明GA3和ABA可能在促进早春开花植物的开花过程具有调控作用;在次生代谢物方面,酚类代谢物的前体物质L-苯丙氨酸,C6C1结构的酚类化合物:香草酸、丁香酸和原儿茶酸,C6C3结构的化合物:阿魏酸、绿原酸和咖啡酸,以及黄酮类化合物芹菜素、染料木苷、橙皮素、白杨素和高良姜素在非早春开花植物中的含量普遍高于早春开花植物。这可能是由于早春开花植物的开花过程伴随着更多的能量消耗,从而降低了其次生代谢水平。研究结果表明了内源植物激素和次生代谢产物对早春开花植物开花的生理过程的调控,并为进一步理解低温条件下植物开花过程奠定了基础。  相似文献   

EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3), a light zeitnehmer (time-taker) gene, regulates circadian rhythm and photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis, rice, and barley. The three orthologs of ELF3 (TaELF3-1AL, TaELF3-1BL, andTaELF3-1DL) have been identified in wheat too, and one gene, TaELF3-1DL, has been associated with headingdate. However, the basic characteristics of these three genes and the roles of the other two genes, TaELF3-1BLand, TaELF3-1AL, remain unknown. Therefore, the present study obtained the coding sequences of the threeorthologs (TaELF3-1AL, TaELF3-1BL, and TaELF3-1DL) of ELF3 from bread wheat and characterized themand investigated the role of TaELF3-1BL in Arabidopsis. Protein sequence comparison revealed similarities amongthe three TaELF3 genes of wheat; however, they were different from the Arabidopsis ELF3. Real-time quantitativePCR revealed TaELF3 expression in all wheat tissues tested, with the highest expression in young spikes; the threegenes showed rhythmic expression patterns also. Furthermore, the overexpression of the TaELF3-1BL gene inArabidopsis delayed flowering, indicating their importance in flowering. Subsequent overexpression ofTaELF3-1BL in the Arabidopsis ELF3 nonfunctional mutant (elf3 mutant) eliminated its early flowering phenotype, and slightly delayed flowering. The wild-type Arabidopsis overexpressing TaELF3-1BL demonstratedreduced expression levels of flowering-related genes, such as CONSTANS (AtCO), FLOWERING LOCUS T (AtFT),and GIGANTEA (AtGI). Thus, the study characterized the three TaELF3 genes and associated TaELF3-1BL withflowering in Arabidopsis, suggesting a role in regulating flowering in wheat too. These findings provide a basis forfurther research on TaELF3 functions in wheat.  相似文献   

长非编码RNA SLC25A25-AS1在结直肠癌的发展中具有肿瘤抑制作用,然而,其在宫颈癌中作用机制有待深入研究.本文研究了宫颈癌和宫颈上皮内瘤变(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN)病人血清中SLC25A25-AS1的异常表达,并探讨了SLC25A25-AS1在宫颈癌发展中...  相似文献   

To understand how plant host genes are regulated during the activation of plant defence responses, we are studying a group of pathogen- and salicylic acid (SA)-induced DNA-binding proteins containing the novel WRKY domain. To identify downstream target genes of these WRKY proteins, we have searched the Arabidopsis genome and identified four closely linked genes on chromosome IV that contain an unusually large number of the W-box sequences [(T)TGAC(C/T)] recognized by WRKY proteins within a few hundred base pairs upstream of their coding regions. All four genes encode proteins characteristic of receptor-like protein kinases (RLK), each consisting of an N-terminal signal sequence, an extracellular receptor domain, a single transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinase domain. All four RLK genes were induced by treatment with SA or infection by a bacterial pathogen. Studies with one of the RLK genes (RLK4) indicated that a cluster of W-box elements in its promoter region were recognized by both purified WRKY proteins and SA-induced W-box binding activities from SA-treated Arabidopsis plants. Further analysis using the RLK4 gene promoter fused to a reporter gene in transgenic Arabidopsis indicated that the consensus WRKY protein-binding sites in the RLK4 gene promoter were important for the inducible expression of the reporter gene. These results indicate that pathogen- and SA-induced W-box binding proteins regulate not only genes encoding defence proteins with direct or indirect anti-microbial activities, but also genes encoding proteins with regulatory functions.  相似文献   

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