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本文记述网蝽科网蝽亚科奇球网蝽属Sphaerist Kiritshenko,1951的一新种,正模,采自内蒙古兴安盟,模式标本存于内蒙古师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

Galeatus属群(=Péricart(1983)的"Galeatus-Hyalochiton"属群)在中国有4个属,即南网蝽属AconchusHorváth、贝肩网蝽属Dulinius Distant、贝脊网蝽属Galeatus Curtis和明网蝽属Habrochila Horváth.描述贝脊网蝽属1新种:高冠贝脊网蝽,新种Galeatus trevius Li,sp.nov;系统记述Galeatus属群的中国种类4属10种,即:广南网蝽Aconchus urbanus(Horváth)、北贝肩网蝽Dulinius conchatus Distant、短贝脊网蝽Galeatus affinis(Herrich-Schaeffer)、长贝脊网蝽Galeatus spinifrons(Fallén)、膜贝脊网蝽Galeatusinermis(Jakovlev)、闽贝脊网蝽Galeatus scitulus Drake and Maa、瘤贝脊网蝽Galeatus clara Drake和华明网蝽Habrochila chinensis Drake;描述了4个属的属征、研究历史与分类概况,详细列举了检视标本、寄主和各个种的分布,同时提供了Galeatus属分种检索表和8幅形态图.  相似文献   

新疆金龟甲的区系组成及食性(鞘翅目:金龟甲总科)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
初步查明,新疆金龟甲昆虫计有154种,分隶于2科、13亚科、47属**。区系组成含中亚细亚、中央亚细亚、欧洲—西伯利亚、地中海、特有种、泛古北种和全北种等多种成分,其中以中亚细亚种类最多,达74种,约占48.5%。结合区系组成的分析,提出了新疆昆虫地理区划的划分意见。新疆金龟甲成虫的食性可分为粪食型、腐食型、角质物食型、尸食型、植食型和绝食型,其中粪食型达75种,约占49%,具有重要生态意义;植食型55种,约占36%,具有重要经济意义。  相似文献   

悬铃木方翅网蝽在中国的首次发现   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
悬铃木方翅网蝽原产北美地区,首次在中国区系中发现.该种新入侵害虫在湖北武汉等城市危害三球悬铃木.介绍了方翅网蝽属和悬铃木方翅网蝽的鉴别特征、分布和为害情况.  相似文献   

十三种农田常见步(虫甲)的食性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓德蔼 《昆虫学报》1983,(3):356-357
步科昆虫食性比较复杂,有的种类猎食害虫,有的为害农作物。所以,在天敌昆虫资源调查和开发利用上,有必要查明农田步(虫甲)的种类和它们的食性。鉴于多种步(虫甲)喜土栖而夜出活动,其经济意义难以了解,我们于1980—1981年间,采取室内饲养试验的方法,初步查明13种农田常见步(虫甲)的食性及其猎食对象。现简要报道如下。  相似文献   

为分析长江上游干支流梯级水利开发对张氏(Hemiculter tchangi Fang)的生态效应,在已对该鱼繁殖生物学、年龄与生长和形态性状进行研究的基础上,对张氏食性进行分析。针对采自四川省合江县的张氏样本,探究其食物组成;并分别比较不同季节、不同年龄组别、性腺不同发育期的样本的摄食状况。结果显示:张氏是偏动物性食性的杂食性鱼类。摄食双翅目昆虫(蚊蝇幼虫)、草本植物及种子、藻类、环节动物门寡毛纲(水蚯蚓)、膜翅目昆虫、甲壳类、枝角类、鞘翅目昆虫、贝类以及小鱼、鱼卵、幼蛙等。动物性饵料在夏季出现次数百分比最高,冬季最低;而藻类在冬季出现百分比高于其他季节。平均充塞度和摄食率均以春季为最高,秋季最低。在14龄鱼中,摄食率随着年龄的增加而增大。对于雌鱼而言,处于Ⅱ期的鱼类个体肠道内食物平均充塞度高于其他各期;而对于雄鱼,处于不同性腺发育期的样本,平均充塞度和摄食率则无规律性变动。在其繁殖季节59月期间,未出现停止摄食的现象,平均充塞度和摄食率处于中等水平。    相似文献   

The literature on the food of Gypohierax is reviewed. First-hand evidence of the bird's catching live fish in the Gambia is cited. Up-to-date information is given about the ecology of the bird in East Africa, with particular reference to its occurrence in the absence of oil-palms and its eating Raffia fruit. On the basis of this and of the survival of Gypohierax in zoos, it is concluded that the vitamin-rich oil-palm fruit is not essential to the bird; but one that had been in captivity for 11 years, when presented with the fruit, preferred that to its usual meat.  相似文献   

In late 1984 and throughout 1965 the feeding habits of Pternistis leucoscepus were studied in the north of Tanzania and in the Tsavo West National Park in Kenya. The main food of this bird was found to be the corms of the sedge Cyperus rotundus. Grass and legume seeds and insects formed a small proportion of the diet. P. leucoscepus is not dependent on free water and can occupy waterless country. The species' main habitat is the edge of flood plains with abundant C. rotundus sedge, bounded by shrub and small tree cover. In the two main study areas, Ngase-rai and Tarangire, the difference in the general density of the habitats is reflected in the occurrence of P. leucoscepus and Francolinus sephaena together in the former area, and of P. leucoscepus, P. cranchii, F. sephaena and F. hildebrandti in the latter. The sympat-ric occurrence of these related game birds and the apparent similarity of the two spurfowls' feeding habits presents a fascinating ecological problem for further study.  相似文献   

菊网蝽属一新种及二中国新记录(半翅目:网蝽科)齐宝瑛,能乃扎布(内蒙古师范大学生物系呼和浩特010022)菊同椿属Ti。gisFabricius,1803是半翅目HemiPtera异翅而目HeteroPtera网错科Tingidae中一个大属,现已知...  相似文献   

E. C. Young 《Ibis》1963,105(3):301-318

P. J. S. Olney 《Ibis》1965,107(4):527-532
The food and feeding habits of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna are described, based on the analyses of the viscera of 30 birds collected under special licence, and of 18 birds found dead or dying during the cold weather of 1963, on faecal material from eight incubating birds, on field observations and on the literature. The birds came from a number of different localities and from each month of the year, apart from July.
The mollusc Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) was found in all 46 birds which contained food, and it is quite obvious, and this is confirmed by the literature and by faecal analyses, that this is the most important food item during much of the year and in many different localities. Other species eaten included the bivalve Macoma balthica , the amphipod Corophium volutator , the ragworm Nereis sp., the alga Enteromorpha , and occasionally the seeds of various plants.
The importance of H. ulvae is examined in the light of its distribution and numbers, which may be a strong controlling factor in concentrating Shelduck in certain areas at certain times of the year.
The feeding behaviour of Shelduck, and a number of other birds, is apparently closely related to the cyclic behaviour pattern of the main food species, H. ulvae .
It seems that Shelduck have a rather fixed type of feeding behaviour which exploits only one feeding niche and therein mainly one food item. Any event (prolonged gales or very cold weather) which prevents the bird from using that niche can be the cause of heavy mortality.  相似文献   

2010年春季(4—5月)、夏季(8月)和秋季(10月)在长江上游合江江段采用三层流刺网以3h为间隔昼夜24h连续采集圆口铜鱼样本,对其食物组成、昼夜摄食节律及季节摄食节律等进行分析和研究。结果显示圆口铜鱼的食谱较广,其食物种类包括软体动物、甲壳动物、鱼类、水生昆虫、寡毛类和植物碎片等,其中以淡水壳菜的相对优势度最高,说明圆口铜鱼是以肉食性为主的杂食性鱼类;平均饱满指数和平均充塞度的昼夜变化显示其昼夜摄食节律在春季表现为白昼型,而在夏季和秋季为晨昏型。摄食率随季节变化逐渐降低,春季摄食率最高,达93.33%;秋季摄食率最低,仅为78.21%;充塞度和饱满指数均表现出相似的季节变化,即春季摄食强度明显高于夏季和秋季,而夏秋两季之间差异不显著。  相似文献   

G. W. Begg 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):149-153
Bego, G. W. 1973. The feeding habits of the Whitewinged Black Tern on Lake Kariba. Ostrich 44: 149–153.

The stomach contents of 33 Whitewinged Black Terns were examined over the period 26 August 1971 to 6 January 1972. The most important single food item was the sardine, Limnothrissa miodon. This sheds new light on the habits of this fish. The terns fed primarily during calm weather. Sardines are caught by hovering and diving. Fishes of the genera Haplochromis and Synodonlis, also appeared in the stomach contents. Terns taken from marginal localities appear not to feed on fish. Of the insects eaten Odonata are the most important aquatic source of food, while many terrestrial insects are eaten (Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Isoptera). Such insects could have been found drifting on mats of Salvinia on which the terns rest, otherwise insects are either hawked or skimmed from the surface of the water.  相似文献   

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