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The folding of naturally occurring, single-domain proteins is usually well described as a simple, single-exponential process lacking significant trapped states. Here we further explore the hypothesis that the smooth energy landscape this implies, and the rapid kinetics it engenders, arises due to the extraordinary thermodynamic cooperativity of protein folding. Studying Miyazawa-Jernigan lattice polymers, we find that, even under conditions where the folding energy landscape is relatively optimized (designed sequences folding at their temperature of maximum folding rate), the folding of protein-like heteropolymers is accelerated when their thermodynamic cooperativity is enhanced by enhancing the nonadditivity of their energy potentials. At lower temperatures, where kinetic traps presumably play a more significant role in defining folding rates, we observe still greater cooperativity-induced acceleration. Consistent with these observations, we find that the folding kinetics of our computational models more closely approximates single-exponential behavior as their cooperativity approaches optimal levels. These observations suggest that the rapid folding of naturally occurring proteins is, in part, a consequence of their remarkably cooperative folding.  相似文献   

Libraries of de novo proteins provide an opportunity to explore the structural and functional potential of biological molecules that have not been biased by billions of years of evolutionary selection. Given the enormity of sequence space, a rational approach to library design is likely to yield a higher fraction of folded and functional proteins than a stochastic sampling of random sequences. We previously investigated the potential of library design by binary patterning of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids. The structure of the most stable protein from a binary patterned library of de novo 4-helix bundles was solved previously and shown to be consistent with the design. One structure, however, cannot fully assess the potential of the design strategy, nor can it account for differences in the stabilities of individual proteins. To more fully probe the quality of the library, we now report the NMR structure of a second protein, S-836. Protein S-836 proved to be a 4-helix bundle, consistent with design. The similarity between the two solved structures reinforces previous evidence that binary patterning can encode stable, 4-helix bundles. Despite their global similarities, the two proteins have cores that are packed at different degrees of tightness. The relationship between packing and dynamics was probed using the Modelfree approach, which showed that regions containing a high frequency of chemical exchange coincide with less well-packed side chains. These studies show (1) that binary patterning can drive folding into a particular topology without the explicit design of residue-by-residue packing, and (2) that within a superfamily of binary patterned proteins, the structures and dynamics of individual proteins are modulated by the identity and packing of residues in the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

Libraries of de novo proteins provide an opportunity to explore the structural potential of biological macromolecules that have not been biased by billions of years of evolutionary selection. Characterization of individual members of such libraries provides insight into the diversity of structure and dynamics accessible to nascent protein superfamilies in the absence of evolutionary optimization. Here we report the backbone and side chain chemical shifts of protein S836 from a superfamily of designed 4-helix bundles.  相似文献   

The 62 kDa protein firefly luciferase folds very rapidly upon translation on eukaryotic ribosomes. In contrast, the chaperone-mediated refolding of chemically denatured luciferase occurs with significantly slower kinetics. Here we investigate the structural basis for this difference in folding kinetics. We find that an N-terminal domain of luciferase (residues 1-190) folds co-translationally, followed by rapid formation of native protein upon release of the full-length polypeptide from the ribosome. In contrast sequential domain formation is not observed during in vitro refolding. Discrete unfolding steps, corresponding to domain unfolding, are however observed when the native protein is exposed to increasing concentrations of denaturant. Thus, the co-translational folding reaction bears more similarities to the unfolding reaction than to refolding from denaturant. We propose that co-translational domain formation avoids intramolecular misfolding and may be critical in the folding of multidomain proteins.  相似文献   

A folding algorithm is described, based on the diffusion-collision model, combining static and dynamic calculational methods. The algorithm is applied to predict the basic structure and schematic folding pathways of an artificial four-helix bundle.  相似文献   

AlleyCatE is a de novo designed esterase that can be allosterically regulated by calcium ions. This artificial enzyme has been shown to hydrolyze p‐nitrophenyl acetate (pNPA) and 4‐nitrophenyl‐(2‐phenyl)‐propanoate (pNPP) with high catalytic efficiency. AlleyCatE was created by introducing a single‐histidine residue (His144) into a hydrophobic pocket of calmodulin. In this work, we explore the determinants of catalytic properties of AlleyCatE. We obtained the pKa value of the catalytic histidine using experimental measurements by NMR and pH rate profile and compared these values to those predicted from electrostatics pKa calculations (from both empirical and continuum electrostatics calculations). Surprisingly, the pKa value of the catalytic histidine inside the hydrophobic pocket of calmodulin is elevated as compared to the model compound pKa value of this residue in water. We determined that a short‐range favorable interaction with Glu127 contributes to the elevated pKa of His144. We have rationally modulated local electrostatic potential in AlleyCatE to decrease the pKa of its active nucleophile, His144, by 0.7 units. As a direct result of the decrease in the His144 pKa value, catalytic efficiency of the enzyme increased by 45% at pH 6. This work shows that a series of simple NMR experiments that can be performed using low field spectrometers, combined with straightforward computational analysis, provide rapid and accurate guidance to rationally improve catalytic efficiency of histidine‐promoted catalysis. Proteins 2017; 85:1656–1665. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Phi values are experimental measures of the effects of mutations on the folding kinetics of a protein. A central question is what structural information Phi values give about the transition-state of folding. Traditionally, a Phi value is interpreted as representing the "nativeness" of a mutated residue in the transition-state. However, this interpretation is often problematic. We present here a better structural interpretation of Phi values for mutations within a given helix. Our interpretation is based on a simple physical model that distinguishes between secondary and tertiary free energy contributions of helical residues. From a linear fit of the model to experimental data, we obtain two structural parameters: the extent of helix formation in the transition-state, and the nativeness of tertiary interactions in the transition-state. We apply the model to all proteins with well-characterized helices for which more than 10 Phi values are available: protein A, CI2, and protein L. The model is simple to apply to experimental data, captures nonclassical Phi values <0 or >1 in these helices, and explains how different mutations at a given site can lead to different Phi values.  相似文献   

To probe the potential for enzymatic activity in unevolved amino acid sequence space, we created a combinatorial library of de novo 4‐helix bundle proteins. This collection of novel proteins can be considered an “artificial superfamily” of helical bundles. The superfamily of 102‐residue proteins was designed using binary patterning of polar and nonpolar residues, and expressed in Escherichia coli from a library of synthetic genes. Sequences from the library were screened for a range of biological functions including heme binding and peroxidase, esterase, and lipase activities. Proteins exhibiting these functions were purified and characterized biochemically. The majority of de novo proteins from this superfamily bound the heme cofactor, and a sizable fraction of the proteins showed activity significantly above background for at least one of the tested enzymatic activities. Moreover, several of the designed 4‐helix bundles proteins showed activity in all of the assays, thereby demonstrating the functional promiscuity of unevolved proteins. These studies reveal that de novo proteins—which have neither been designed for function, nor subjected to evolutionary pressure (either in vivo or in vitro)—can provide rudimentary activities and serve as a “feedstock” for evolution.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that naturally existing functional domains can serve as building blocks for complex protein structures, and that novel functions can arise from assembly of different combinations of these functional domains. To inform our understanding of protein evolution and explore the modular nature of protein structure, two model enzymes were chosen for study, purT‐encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (PurT) and purK‐encoded N5‐carboxylaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (PurK). Both enzymes are found in the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway of Escherichia coli. In spite of their low sequence identity, PurT and PurK share significant similarity in terms of tertiary structure, active site organization, and reaction mechanism. Their characteristic three domain structures categorize both PurT and PurK as members of the ATP‐grasp protein superfamily. In this study, we investigate the exchangeability of individual protein domains between these two enzymes and the in vivo and in vitro functional properties of the resulting hybrids. Six domain‐swapped hybrids were unable to catalyze full wild‐type reactions, but each hybrid protein could catalyze partial reactions. Notably, an additional loop replacement in one of the domain‐swapped hybrid proteins was able to restore near wild‐type PurK activity. Therefore, in this model system, domain‐swapped proteins retained the ability to catalyze partial reactions, but further modifications were required to efficiently couple the reaction intermediates and achieve catalysis of the full reaction. Implications for understanding the role of domain swapping in protein evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fusion proteins are used extensively for structural, biochemical, and functional analyses. Although the conformation of the target protein is of critical importance, confirmation of the folded state of the target is often not undertaken or is cumbersome because of the requirement to first remove the GST tag. Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to record conventional (15)N-HSQC NMR spectra of small GST-fusion proteins and that the observed signals arise almost exclusively from the target protein. This approach constitutes a rapid and straightforward means of assessing the conformation of a GST-fusion protein without having to cleave the GST and should prove valuable, both to biochemists seeking to check the conformation of their proteins prior to functional studies and to structural biologists screening protein constructs for suitability as targets for structural studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to shed more light on the effect of domain-domain interactions on the kinetics and the pathway of protein folding. A model protein system consisting of several single-tryptophan variants of the two-domain yeast phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and its individual domains was studied. Refolding was initiated from the guanidine-unfolded state by stopped-flow or manual mixing and monitored by tryptophan fluorescence from 1 msec to 1000 sec. Denaturant titrations of both individual domains showed apparent two-state unfolding transitions. Refolding kinetics of the individual domains from different denaturant concentrations, however, revealed the presence of intermediate structures during titration for both domains. Refolding of the same domains within the complete protein showed that domain-domain interactions direct the folding of both domains, but in an asymmetric way. Folding of the N domain was already altered within 1 msec, while detectable changes in the folding of the C domain occurred only 60-100 msec after initiating refolding. All mutants showed a hyperfluorescent kinetic intermediate. Both the disappearance of this intermediate and the completion of the folding were significantly faster in the individual N domain than in the complete protein. On the contrary, folding of the individual C domain was slower than in the complete protein. The presence of the C domain directs the refolding of the N domain along a completely different pathway than that of the individual N domain, while folding of the individual C domain follows the same path as within the complete protein.  相似文献   

Extensive measurements and analysis of thermodynamic stability and kinetics of urea-induced unfolding and folding of hisactophilin are reported for 5-50 degrees C, at pH 6.7. Under these conditions hisactophilin has moderate thermodynamic stability, and equilibrium and kinetic data are well fit by a two-state transition between the native and the denatured states. Equilibrium and kinetic m values decrease with increasing temperature, and decrease with increasing denaturant concentration. The betaF values at different temperatures and urea concentrations are quite constant, however, at about 0.7. This suggests that the transition state for hisactophilin unfolding is native-like and changes little with changing solution conditions, consistent with a narrow free energy profile for the transition state. The activation enthalpy and entropy of unfolding are unusually low for hisactophilin, as is also the case for the corresponding equilibrium parameters. Conventional Arrhenius and Eyring plots for both folding and unfolding are markedly non-linear, but these plots become linear for constant DeltaG/T contours. The Gibbs free energy changes for structural changes in hisactophilin have a non-linear denaturant dependence that is comparable to non-linearities observed for many other proteins. These non-linearities can be fit for many proteins using a variation of the Tanford model, incorporating empirical quadratic denaturant dependencies for Gibbs free energies of transfer of amino acid constituents from water to urea, and changes in fractional solvent accessible surface area of protein constituents based on the known protein structures. Noteworthy exceptions that are not well fit include amyloidogenic proteins and large proteins, which may form intermediates. The model is easily implemented and should be widely applicable to analysis of urea-induced structural transitions in proteins.  相似文献   

Stereochemistry could be a powerful variable for conformational tune up of polypeptides for de novo design. It may be also useful probe of possible role of interamide energetics in selection and stabilization of conformation. The homopolypeptides Ac-Xxx30-NHMe, with Xxx = Ala, Val, and Leu, of diversified stereochemical structure are generated by simulated racemization with a modified GROMOS-96 force field. The polypeptides, and other systematic stereochemical variants, are folded by simulated annealing with another modified GROMOS-96 force field under the dielectric constant values 1, 4, and 10. The resultant 15,000 molecular folds of isotactic (poly-L-chiral), syndiotactic (alternating L,D-chiral), and heterotactic (random-L,D-chiral) stereochemical structure, belonging to three polypeptide series, achieved under three different folding conditions, are assessed statistically for structure-to-energy-to-conformation relationship. The results suggest that interamide electrostatics could be a major factor in secondary-structure selection in polypeptides while main-chain stereochemistry could dictate molecular packing and therefore the relative magnitude of hydrogen-bond and Lennard-Jones (LJ) contributions in conformational energy. A method for computational design of heterotactic molecular folds in polypeptide structure has been developed, and the first road map for a chiral tune up of polypeptide structure based on stereochemical engineering has been laid down. Broad implications for protein structure, folding, and de novo design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Determining appropriate solvent conditions is a crucial first step for carrying out NMR spectroscopy of proteins, but rapid and efficient methods for doing so are currently lacking. Microdrop screening examines a large number of different solvent conditions using very small amounts of protein and minimal labor. Starting from one initial buffer condition, small aliquots of protein solution are combined with an array of solutions in which concentration, pH, buffer type, and added stabilizers are systematically varied. The protein concentration of each microliter-sized test drop (microdrop) is gradually changed using vapor diffusion, and the solubility of the protein is determined by visual examination. A variety of analytical techniques may be applied to the contents of the microdrops to monitor enzymatic activity, aggregation, ligand binding, and protein folding.  相似文献   

De novo folding simulations of the major pVIII coat protein from filamentous fd bacteriophage, using a newly developed implicit membrane generalized Born model and replica-exchange molecular dynamics, are presented and discussed. The quality of the predicted structures, judged by comparison of the root-mean-square deviations of a room temperature ensemble of conformations from the replica-exchange simulations and experimental structures from both solid-state NMR in lipid bilayers and solution-phase NMR on the protein in micelles, was quite good, reinforcing the general quality of the folding simulations. The transmembrane helical segment of the protein was well defined in comparison with experiment and the amphipathic helical fragment remained at the membrane/aqueous phase boundary while undergoing significant conformational flexibility due to the loop connecting the two helical segments of the protein. Additional comparisons of computed solid-state NMR properties, the 15N chemical shift and 15N-1H dipolar coupling constants, showed semi-quantitative agreement with the corresponding measurements. These findings suggest an emerging potential for the de novo investigation of integral membrane peptides and proteins and a mechanism to assist experimental approaches to the characterization and structure determination of these important systems.  相似文献   

H Roder  K Wüthrich 《Proteins》1986,1(1):34-42
A method to be used for experimental studies of protein folding introduced by Schmid and Baldwin (J. Mol. Biol. 135: 199-215, 1979), which is based on the competition between amide hydrogen exchange and protein refolding, was extended by using rapid mixing techniques and 1H NMR to provide site-resolved kinetic information on the early phases of protein structure acquisition. In this method, a protonated solution of the unfolded protein is rapidly mixed with a deuterated buffer solution at conditions assuring protein refolding in the mixture. This simultaneously initiates the exchange of unprotected amide protons with solvent deuterium and the refolding of protein segments which can protect amide groups from further exchange. After variable reaction times the amide proton exchange is quenched while folding to the native form continues to completion. By using 1H NMR, the extent of exchange at individual amide sites is then measured in the refolded protein. Competition experiments at variable reaction times or variable pH indicate the time at which each amide group is protected in the refolding process. This technique was applied to the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, for which sequence-specific assignments of the amide proton NMR lines had previously been obtained. For eight individual amide protons located in the beta-sheet and the C-terminal alpha-helix of this protein, apparent refolding rates in the range from 15 s-1 to 60 s-1 were observed. These rates are on the time scale of the fast folding phase observed with optical probes.  相似文献   

We present an investigation on theoretically possible protein structures which have not been selected by evolution and are, therefore, not present on our Earth ('Never Born Proteins' (NBP)). In particular, we attempt to assess whether and to what extent such polypeptides might be folded, thus acquiring a globular protein status. A library (ca. 10(9) clones) of totally random polypeptides, with a length of 50 amino acids, has been produced by phage display. The only structural bias in these sequences is a tripeptide substrate for thrombin: PRG, chosen according to the criteria described in the preceding Part I of this series. The presence of this substrate in an otherwise totally random sequence forms the basis for a qualitative experimental criterion which distinguishes unfolded from folded proteins, as folded proteins are more protected from protease digestion than unfolded ones. The investigation of 79 sequences, randomly selected from the initially large library, shows that over 20% of this population is thrombin-resistant, likely due to folding. Analysis of the amino acid sequences of these clones shows no significant homology to extant proteins, which indicates that they are indeed totally de novo. A few of these sequences have been expressed, and here we describe the structural properties of two thrombin-resistant randomly selected ones. These two de novo proteins have been characterized by spectroscopic methods and, in particular, by circular dichroism. The data show a stable three-dimensional folding, which is temperature-resistant and can be reversibly denatured by urea. The consequences of this finding within a library of 'Never Born Proteins' are discussed in terms of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with the three-state folding kinetics. The logarithm of their folding rate in water (k(f)) strongly anticorrelates with their chain length L (the correlation coefficient being -0.80). At the same time, the chain length has no correlation with the folding rate for two-state folding proteins (the correlation coefficient is -0.07). Another significant difference of these two groups of proteins is a strong anticorrelation between the folding rate and Baker's "relative contact order" for the two-state folders and the complete absence of such correlation for the three-state folders.  相似文献   

Library-based methods of non-rational and part-rational designed de novo peptides are worthy beacons in the search for bioactive peptides and proteins of medicinal importance. In this report, we have used a recently developed directed evolution method called "codon shuffling" for the synthesis and selection of bioactive proteins. The selection of such proteins was based on the creation of an inducible library of "codon-shuffled" genes that are constructed from the ligation-based assembly of judiciously designed hexamer DNA duplexes called dicodons. Upon induction with isopropyl 1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside, some library members were found to express dicodon-incorporated proteins. Because of this, the host cells, in our case Escherichia coli, were unable to grow any further. The bactereostatic/lytic nature of the dicodon proteins was monitored by growth curves as well as by zone clearance studies. Transmission electron microscopy of the affected cells illustrated the extent of cell damage. The proteins themselves were overexpressed as fusion partners and subsequently purified to homogeneity. One such purified protein was found to strongly bind heparin, an indication that the interaction of the de novo proteins may be with the nucleic acids of the host cell, much like many of the naturally occurring antibacterial peptides, e.g. Buforin. Therefore, our approach may help in generating a multitude of finely tuned antibacterial proteins that can potentially be regarded as lead compounds once the method is extended to pathogenic hosts, such as Mycobacteria, for example.  相似文献   

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