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The fate of cells in the tailbud of Xenopus laevis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertebrate tailbud and trunk form very similar tissues. It has been a controversial question for decades whether cell determination in the developing tail proceeds as part of early axial development or whether it proceeds by a different mechanism. To examine this question more closely, we have used photoactivation of fluorescence to mark small neighborhoods of cells in the developing tailbud of Xenopus laevis. We show that, in one region of the tailbud, very small groups of adjacent cells can contribute progeny to the neural tube, notochord and somitic muscle, as well as other identified cell types within a single embryo. Groups averaging three adjacent cells at a later stage can contribute progeny with a similar distribution. Our data suggest that the tailbud contains multipotent cells that make very late germ-layer decisions.  相似文献   

The combination of Xenopus borealis and X. laevis provides an excellent cell marking system. The potential availability of this system for chimera formation has also been suggested. However, eggs and early embryos of these species differ in size and the fusion of blastomeres of different sizez results in some disturbance in arrangement of blastomeres of a chimera. This disturbance was avoided by use of embryos from X. laevis eggs fertilized with X. borealis sperm, instead of X. borealis embryos. The cells of these hybrids could also be distinguished from the cells of X. laevis.
The fate of animal ventral cells placed in the dorsal region was followed by making a chimera by fusing a right lateral half of an 8-cell X. laevis embryo with that of an 8-cell hybrid embryo. The animal ventral cells in the "dorsal" region were found to become "dorsalized", giving rise to a lateral half of dorsal axial structures. This observation explains a previous finding that the replacement of dorsal cells by ventral ones had no effect on embryogenesis in a composite embryo.  相似文献   

Isolated cells from Xenopus laevis neurulae were labeled, and the RNAs extracted from their nuclear and soluble cytoplasmic fractions were analyzed on polyacrylamide gels. In the soluble cytoplasm, 4S RNA emerged very rapidly, and this was immediately followed by the emergence of poly(A)-containing RNA and 18S ribosomal RNA. In contrast, the emergence of 28S ribosomal RNA was delayed by about 2 hr. The size distribution of cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA was much smaller as compared to that of nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA. These results indicate that the newly synthesized RNAs in Xenopus neurula cells are transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in a characteristic sequence.  相似文献   

Deep cytoplasmic rearrangements during early development in Xenopus laevis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The egg of the frog Xenopus is cylindrically symmetrical about its animal-vegetal axis before fertilization. Midway through the first cell cycle, the yolky subcortical cytoplasm rotates 30 degrees relative to the cortex and plasma membrane, usually toward the side of the sperm entry point. Dorsal embryonic structures always develop on the side away from which the cytoplasm moves. Details of the deep cytoplasmic movements associated with the cortical rotation were studied in eggs vitally stained during oogenesis with a yolk platelet-specific fluorescent dye. During the first cell cycle, eggs labelled in this way develop a complicated swirl of cytoplasm in the animal hemisphere. This pattern is most prominent on the side away from which the vegetal yolk moves, and thus correlates in position with the prospective dorsal side of the embryo. Although the pattern is initially most evident near the egg's equator or marginal zone, extensive rearrangements associated with cleavage furrowing (cytoplasmic ingression) relocate portions of the swirl to vegetal blastomeres on the prospective dorsal side.  相似文献   

Early cellular interactions promote embryonic axis formation in Xenopus laevis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We have attempted to define the location and mode of action of axial determinants in the egg of Xenopus laevis. To this end, we transplanted small numbers of blastomeres from normal 64-cell stage embryos into synchronous recipient embryos which had been irradiated with ultraviolet light prior to first cleavage. Without transplantation, such embryos fail to develop dorsal structures of the embryonic body axis. We found that one to three blastomeres transplanted from the vegetal-most octet of cells can effect complete or partial rescue of of axis development in a recipient, provided that the donor cells derive from the quadrant just under the prospective dorsal marginal region. These same cells, when transplanted into the ventral vegetal quadrant of a normal 64-cell embryo, cause the formation of a complete second body axis. In contrast, other cells from the vegetal octet of normal donors fail to cause axis formation. When the rescuing donor cells are labeled with a lineage-restricted fluorescent marker, we find that their progeny do not contribute to the axial structures of the recipient. Progeny of the transplanted cells are found below the level of the blastopore in the early gastrula and eventually give rise to portions of the gut, as is their fate in normal development. These results, in agreement with those of Nieuwkoop (P.D. Nieuwkoop, 1977, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 11, 115-132), imply that the dorsal-most vegetal cells of the 64-cell embryo receive from the egg cytoplasm a set of determinants enabling them to induce neighboring cells to undertake axis formation. We discuss the relationship between axis induction in rescued irradiated embryos and axis determining processes in normal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Xenopus neurula cells were cultured in a medium that contained ammonium salts, amines, polyamines or alpha-methylornithine, and their rRNA synthesis was examined. All the ammonium salts and amines, but not polyamines, were strong and selective inhibitors of rRNA synthesis at 1.25-5.0 mM. alpha-Methylornithine did not inhibit rRNA synthesis, although it inhibited ornithine decarboxylase, an enzyme claimed to be a direct stimulator of rRNA synthesis. During the treatment ammonium ions and monomethylamines were accumulated within the treated cells. However, monomethylamines did not induce the accumulation of ammonium ions, and vice versa. Ammonium salts and amines also selectively inhibited rRNA synthesis in Xenopus borealis neurula cells.  相似文献   

During interphase of the eukaryotic cell cycle, the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton serves as both a supportive scaffold for organelles and an arborized system of tracks for intracellular transport. At the onset of mitosis, the position of the astral MT network, specifically its center, determines the eventual location of the spindle apparatus and ultimately the cytokinetic furrow. Positioning of the MT aster often results in its movement to the center of a cell, even in large blastomeres hundreds of microns in diameter. This translocation requires positioning forces, yet how these forces are generated and then integrated within cells of various sizes and geometries remains an open question. Here we describe a method that combines microfluidics, hydrogels, and Xenopus laevis egg extract to investigate the mechanics of aster movement and centration. We determined that asters were able to find the center of artificial channels and annular cylinders, even when cytoplasmic dynein-dependent pulling mechanisms were inhibited. Characterization of aster movement away from V-shaped hydrogel barriers provided additional evidence for a MT-based pushing mechanism. Importantly, the distance over which this mechanism seemed to operate was longer than that predicted by radial aster growth models, agreeing with recent models of a more complex MT network architecture within the aster.  相似文献   

Many molecules are involved in defining mesodermal patterning of the Xenopus embryo. In this paper, evidence is provided that a member of the msx family of genes, the Xmsx-2 gene, is involved in anterior-posterior patterning of the mesoderm. A comparison of its sequence to another previously cloned msx-2 Xenopus homolog, Xhox-7.1' [45] showed that they are closely related. The Xmsx-2 gene is first expressed at midgastrulation predominantly in the dorsal part of the embryo. It showed a complex pattern of spatial expression, consistent with a role in patterning of the anterior-posterior axis. This inference is confirmed by gain-of-function experiments in which overexpressed msx-2 mRNA in developing Xenopus embryos resulted in embryos lacking anterior structures. Analysis of markers in mutant embryos showed that genes involved in ventral-posterior patterning such as Xhox-3, Xwnt-8, and Xvent-1 were upregulated, confirming the posteriorized nature of the embryos. We believe that the Xmsx-2 gene is involved in refining the patterning of the anterior-posterior part of the dorsal mesoderm after the initial signals determining the dorsal or ventral nature of the mesoderm have been specified.  相似文献   

H L Sive  K Hattori  H Weintraub 《Cell》1989,58(1):171-180
The cement gland is an ectodermal organ in the head of frog embryos, lying anterior to any neural tissue. As analyzed by specific RNA expression, cement gland, like neural tissue, was induced by the dorsal mesoderm. Interestingly, mesoderm with the highest cement gland-inducing potential lay posterior to the ectoderm fated to form this organ, indicating that its induction occurred at a distance from the inducer source. Cement gland induction first occurred during early gastrulation. However, most initially induced cells did not contribute to the mature cement gland, but instead formed part of the neural plate. This change in fate could be reconstituted in vitro. These results suggest that determination of part of the anteroposterior axis occurs progressively, where future neural ectoderm is first induced to a cement glandlike state. As gastrulation proceeds, further induction by mesoderm may override this state, which persists only in the extreme anterior of the embryo.  相似文献   

A new fate map for mesodermal tissues in Xenopus laevis predicted that the prime meridian, which runs from the animal pole to the vegetal pole through the center of Spemann's organizer, is the embryo's anterior midline, not its dorsal midline (M. C. Lane and W. C. Smith, 1999, Development 126, 423-434). In this report, we demonstrate by lineage labeling that the column 1 blastomeres at st. 6, which populate the prime meridian, give rise to the anterior end of the embryo. In addition, we surgically isolate and culture tissue centered on this meridian from early gastrulae. This tissue forms a patterned head with morphologically distinct ventral and dorsal structures. In situ hybridization and immunostaining reveal that the cultured heads contain the anterior tissues of all three germ layers, correctly patterned. Regardless of how we dissect early gastrulae along meridians running from the animal to the vegetal pole, both the formation of head structures and the expression of anterior marker genes always segregate with the prime meridian passing through Spemann's organizer. The prime meridian also gives rise to dorsal, axial mesoderm, but not uniquely, as specification tests show that dorsal mesoderm arises in fragments of the embryo which exclude the prime meridian. These results support the hypothesis that the midline that bisects Spemann's organizer is the embryo's anterior midline.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of determination and regulation of hemopoiesis in the early Xenopus embryo, explants of dorsal and ventral mesoderm from various stage embryos were cultured alone or combined with various tissues derived from the same stage embryo. Western blot analysis of larvae-specific globin expression using monoclonal antibody L5.41 revealed that extensive erythropoiesis occurred in the explants of ventral mesoderm from st. 22 tailbud embryo, but not in those of dorsal mesoderm. Experiments using combined explants at this stage demonstrated that the in vitro differentiation of erythrocytes in the ventral mesoderm could be completely inhibited by the dorsal tissue, including neural tube, notochord, and somite mesoderm, but not by other mesoderms, gut endoderm, or forebrain. Subsequent explant studies showed that the notochord alone is sufficient for this inhibition. Furthermore, the ventral mesoderm explant from the st. 10+ early gastrula embryo was not able to differentiate into erythroid cells. However, small amounts of globin were expressed if ventral mesoderm of this stage was combined with animal pole cells which were mainly differentiated to epidermis. This stimulation was enhanced when both tissues were excised together without separation, while none of the other parts of st. 10+ embryo had this stimulatory effect. These observations found in the combined explants suggest that in vivo interactions between the ventral mesoderm and adjacent tissues are important for normal development of erythroid precursor cells.  相似文献   

This review aims to propose an integrated model for dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior development of Xenopus. Fertilized Xenopus eggs contain two determinants, a vegetal half endomesodermal determinant and a vegetal pole dorsal determinant (DD). The organizer forms in the specific intersection of the determinants, in a cell-autonomous manner. At late blastula, different combinations of the determinants form three embryonic domains, the competent animal domain, the organizer domain, and the entire vegetal half domain. These three domains cooperatively form dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior axes: the organizer domain secrets dorsal inducing signals which induce or 'activate' the competent animal domain to form anterior-most neural tissues. The vegetal non-dorsal-marginal domain secrets posteriorizing signals, which 'transform' the anterior properties of the neural tissue to posterior properties.  相似文献   

The ventral blood islands (VBI) of Xenopus laevis embryos are known as the hemopoietic site where the initial erythropoiesis takes place at st. 28. To determine the site of postembryonic erythropoiesis, larvae were induced anemic by phenylhydrazine (PHZ) at st. 31 and 40, and the tissue distribution of regenerating erythrocytes was determined with an anti-larval hemoglobin (LHb) monoclonal antibody. Three days after total anemia induction, the LHb+cells were detected first in the liver and the digestive tract, followed by the appearance of a few LHb+cells in the blood vessels. The lavae which had been hepatectomized and cardiectomized before the PHZ treatment showed a remarkable reduction in recovery of the LHb+cells. Induction of anemia in the chimeric individuals containing cytogenetically labelled VBI tissues demonstrated that the VBI-derived cells contribute to the regenerating LHb+cells in all experimental individuals. These results suggest that the larval liver is the major site where the VBI-derived hemopoietic cells reside and differentiate into erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Cell fusion between follicle cells and very small oocytes in Xenopus laevis was induced by means of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) and lysolecithin (LL) treatments. Ovarian pieces from toadlets 1 month after metamorphosis were pretreated with trypsin and collagenase and then treated with fusogens. The survival rates of oocytes, degrees of cell fusion and morphological changes of the follicle cell nuclei in the oocyte cytoplasms were examined on the histological sections after 24 h culture in vitro at 23 °C. The fusogenic ability of PEG was found to be much higher than LL in follicle cell-oocyte fusion. The follicle cell nuclei which were surrounded by cytoplasm of the very small oocyte (<100 μm Ø) showed a morphology similar to the zygotene and pachytene chromosomes of the original oocytes.  相似文献   

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