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The West African Dwarf (WAD) goat from the humid zone of Nigeria is known for its trypanotolerance as well as for its resistance and resilience to Haemonchus contortus (haemonchotolerance). Another ecotype of WAD goat with a larger body size is found in the drier savanna zone of the country. We tested the hypothesis that the latter is less trypanotolerant, and less haemonchotolerant than the former ecotype because they have been less exposed to these infections and because of the likelihood of introgression of alleles for parasite susceptibility into the latter from neighbouring parasite-susceptible Sahelian genotypes. Two controlled experiments were carried out. In the first, we compared the responses in 8–9 month old kids of both ecotypes to subcutaneous infection with 5 × 106 Trypanosoma brucei. Infection in both ecotypes was characterised by (i) prepatent periods of 3 days; (ii) a modest peak parasitaemia 4–5 days post infection (pi), followed by rapid clearance of parasites from the blood to microscopically undetectable levels from D11 or D12 until the end of the experiment on D30 pi; (iii) a sharp but transient drop in PCV following peak parasitaemia, with no other clinical evidence of anaemia; and (iv) normal growth and a small but weakly significant change in body temperature. In a second experiment we infected groups of goats of both ecotypes with 6000 L3 of H. contortus. This infection also produced no significant changes in the PCV and body weight of the goats. Only a small percentage of the inoculum was recovered from both ecotypes at necropsy on D18 pi (Mean % recovery ± SE = 3.29 ± 0.61 for humid zone and 6.83 ± 2.72 for savanna goats) and there was no significant difference in their worm burdens. On the basis of these results we reject our hypothesis and conclude that the savanna WAD ecotype exhibits comparable, strong degrees of trypanotolerance and haemonchotolerance to its humid zone counterpart.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are flagellated unicellular parasites which proliferate extracellularly in the mammalian host blood-stream and tissue spaces. They evade the hosts’ antibody-mediated lyses by sequentially changing their variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). VSG tightly coats the entire parasite body, serving as a physical barrier. In Trypanosoma brucei and the closely related species Trypanosoma evansi, Trypanosoma equiperdum, each VSG polypeptide can be divided into N- and C-terminal domains, based on cysteine distribution and sequence homology. N-terminal domain, the basis of antigenic variation, is hypervariable and contains all the exposed epitopes; C-terminal domain is relatively conserved and a full set of four or eight cysteines were generally observed. We cloned two genes from two distinct variants of T. evansi, utilizing RT-PCR with VSG-specific primers. One contained a VSG type A N-terminal domain followed a C-terminal domain lacking cysteine residues. To confirm that this gene is expressed as a functional VSG, the expression and localization of the corresponding gene product were characterized using Western blotting and immunofluorescent staining of living trypanosomes. Expression analysis showed that this protein was highly expressed, variant-specific, and had a ubiquitous cellular surface localization. All these results indicated that it was expressed as a functional VSG. Our finding showed that cysteine residues in VSG C-terminal domain were not essential; the conserved C-terminal domain generally in T. brucei like VSGs would possibly evolve for regulating the VSG expression.  相似文献   

In Trypanosoma brucei the GPI-anchored variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) represents ∼90% of cell surface protein and a major proportion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) biosynthetic output. We identified four trypanosomatid-specific genes encoding candidate ER-resident proteins; all were required for normal proliferation. For Tb11.01.2640 and Tb11.01.8120, an increase in VSG abundance was found on silencing, while the protein products localized to the ER; we designated these ERAP32 and ERAP18 for ER-associated protein of 32 kDa and 18 kDa. Silencing ERAP32 or ERAP18 did not alter expression levels of ISG65 or ISG75, the major surface trans-membrane domain proteins. Surface biotinylation or immunoflorescence did not identify intracellular VSG accumulation, while FACS and fluorescence microscopy indicated that the cells were not increased in size, arguing for increased VSG density on the cell surface. Therefore, ERAP32 and ERAP18 are trypanosome-specific ER-localized proteins with a major role in VSG protein export and, contrary to current paradigms, VSG is not saturated on the cell surface.  相似文献   

PGE2 involvement in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection depends on the lethal capacity of the parasite subpopulation used. Mice acutely infected with non-lethal K98 displayed an enhancement in PGE2 serum levels during the acute period, while those infected with lethal T. cruzi subpopulations (RA or K98-2) showed levels not different from normal mice. The enhancement detected in K98 group could be related both to an increased number of CD8+ T cell number and to enhanced PGE2 release per cell by CD8+; values of PGE2 release by adherent cells were not altered in this group. Treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors enhanced mortality rates of mice infected with K98, and administration of 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 (dPGE) reversed this effect. However, mice infected with RA did not reduce their mortality rates by administration of diverse doses of dPGE. These findings suggest that PGE2 could play a role in resistance in mice infected with K98.  相似文献   

Antibodies (Ab) directed against a tryptophan-like epitope (WE) were previously detected in patients with human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). We investigated whether or not these Ab resulted from immunization against trypanosome antigen(s) expressing a WE. By Western blotting, we identified an antigen having an apparent molecular weight ranging from 60 to 65 kDa, recognized by purified rabbit anti-WE Ab. This antigen, present in trypomastigote forms, was absent in procyclic forms and Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes. Using purified variable surface glycoproteins (VSG) from various trypanosomes, we showed that VSG was the parasite antigen recognized by these rabbit Ab. Anti-WE and anti-VSG Ab were purified from HAT sera by affinity chromatography. Immunoreactivity of purified antibodies eluted from affinity columns and of depleted fractions showed that WE was one of the epitopes borne by VSG. These data underline the existence of an invariant WE in the structure of VSG from several species of African trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi exhibits remarkable genetic heterogeneity. This is evident at the nucleotide level but also structurally, in the form of karyotypic variation and DNA content differences between strains. Although natural populations of T. cruzi are predominantly clonal, hybrid lineages (TcIId and TcIIe) have been identified and hybridisation has been demonstrated in vitro, raising the possibility that genetic exchange may continue to shape the evolution of this pathogen. The mechanism of genetic exchange identified in the laboratory is unusual, apparently involving fusion of diploid parents followed by genome erosion. We investigated DNA content diversity in natural populations of T. cruzi in the context of its genetic subdivisions by using flow cytometric analysis and multilocus microsatellite genotyping to determine the relative DNA content and estimate the ploidy of 54 cloned isolates. The maximum difference observed was 47.5% between strain Tu18 cl2 (TcIIb) and strain C8 cl1 (TcI), which we estimated to be equivalent to 73 Mb of DNA. Large DNA content differences were identified within and between discrete typing units (DTUs). In particular, the mean DNA content of TcI strains was significantly less than that for TcII strains (P < 0.001). Comparisons of hybrid DTUs TcIId/IIe with corresponding parental DTUs TcIIb/IIc indicated that natural hybrids are predominantly diploid. We also measured the relative DNA content of six in vitro-generated TcI hybrid clones and their parents. In contrast to TcIId/IIe hybrid strains these experimental hybrids comprised populations of sub-tetraploid organisms with mean DNA contents 1.65–1.72 times higher than the parental organisms. The DNA contents of both parents and hybrids were shown to be relatively stable after passage through a mammalian host, heat shock or nutritional stress. The results are discussed in the context of hybridisation mechanisms in both natural and in vitro settings.  相似文献   

Patients with chronic Chagas' heart disease (cChHD) develop a strong IgG response against the C-terminal region of the Trypanosoma cruzi ribosomal P2beta protein (TcP2beta). These antibodies have been shown to exert an in vitro chronotropic effect on cardiocytes through stimulation of the beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1-AR). Moreover, the presence of antibodies recognizing the TcP2beta C-terminus was associated with cardiac alterations in mice immunized with the corresponding recombinant protein. Here, we demonstrate that DNA immunization could be used to modulate the specificity of the anti-TcP2beta humoral response in order to avoid the production of pathogenic antibodies. After DNA injection, we detected IgG antibodies that were directed only to internal epitopes of the TcP2beta molecule and that did not exert anti-beta1-AR functional activity, measured as an increase in intracellular cAMP levels of transfected COS-7 cells. Accordingly, DNA-immunized mice did not present electrocardiographic alterations. These data demonstrate that anti-TcP2beta antibodies elicited by DNA immunization are completely different in their specificity and functional activity from those produced during T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

The flagellar pocket and the cytostome are surface domains of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote involved in acquisition of nutrients. The cytostome is physically connected to the flagellar complex. To investigate if this association plays a role in endocytosis in T. cruzi, the endocytic activity in wild type and gp72 null mutant (flagellum-cell body attachment region is absent) epimastigotes was compared. Both wild type and mutant cells were incubated with transferrin conjugated with Alexa 543 or gold particles over different time periods and thereafter qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy. Flow cytometry analysis showed a reduction in transferrin uptake by null mutant after 30 min of incubation. In addition, at this time period, signals detected by fluorescence microscopy were slightly lower in null mutant cells. At lower incubation times, no differences between wild type and mutant epimastigotes could be observed. Quantitative data obtained by morphometric and flow cytometry analysis suggested that the speed of the endocytic process in the null mutant was similar to wild type cells, although null mutants were not able to bind cargo and therefore internalize as much as wild type epimastigotes. Our observations suggest that the physical association between cytostome and the flagellar complex plays a role in endocytosis efficiency by epimastigotes of T. cruzi.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina is a structure that lines the inner nuclear membrane. In metazoans, lamins are the primary structural components of the nuclear lamina and are involved in several processes. Eukaryotes that lack lamins have distinct proteins with homologous functions. Some years ago, a coiled-coil protein in Trypanosoma brucei, NUP-1, was identified as the major filamentous component of its nuclear lamina. However, its precise role has not been determined. We characterized a homologous protein in Trypanosoma cruzi, TcNUP-1, and identified its in vivo DNA binding sites using a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. We demonstrate for the first time that TcNUP-1 associates with chromosomal regions containing large non-tandem arrays of genes encoding surface proteins. We therefore suggest that TcNUP-1 is a structural protein that plays an essential role in nuclear organization by anchoring T. cruzi chromosomes to the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate changes in the activity of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in brains of rats infected by Trypanosoma evansi. Each rat was intraperitoneally infected with 106 trypomastigotes either suspended in fresh (group A; n = 13) and cryopreserved blood (group B; n = 13). Thirteen animals were used as control (group C). ADA activity was estimated in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, striatum and hippocampus. No differences (P > 0.05) in ADA activity were observed in the cerebellum between infected and non-infected animals. Significant (P < 0.05) reductions in ADA activity occurred in cerebral cortex in acutely (day 4 post-infection; PI) and chronically (day 20 PI) infected rats. ADA activity was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in the hippocampus in acutely infected rats, but significantly (P < 0.05) increased in the chronically infected rats. Significant (P < 0.05) reductions in ADA activity occurred in the striatum of chronically infected rats. Parasites could be found in peripheral blood and brain tissue through microscopic examination and PCR assay, respectively, in acutely and chronically infected rats. The reduction of ADA activity in the brain was associated with high levels of parasitemia and anemia in acute infections. Alterations in ADA activity of the brain in T. evansi-infected rats may have implications for pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Eimeria acervulina 3-1E antigen gene and mature chicken interleukin 15 (mChIL-15) gene were cloned into expression vector pcDNA3.1(+) in different forms, produced DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E, and pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15 co-expressing E. acervulina 3-1E gene and mChIL-15 gene, respectively. The expression of objective gene in vitro was detected by indirect fluorescent antibody technique and immunohistochemistry. The two DNA vaccines were administered by intramuscular leg injection. An animal challenge experiment was carried out to evaluate the immune protective efficacy of the vaccines. The results indicated that DNA vaccines were successfully constructed and the expression of objective gene could be detected in vitro. The animal experimental results showed that both DNA vaccines could provide partial protection against homologous challenge in chickens. The chimeric DNA vaccine, pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15, could significantly increase oocyst decrease ratio, reduce the average lesion score in the duodenum, improve body weight gain, and increase anti-coccidial index (ACI) compared to the DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E. Taken together, these results demonstrate ChIL-15 enhance the immunogenicity of 3-1E DNA vaccine, and co-expression of cytokine and optimized surface antigen of Eimeria may be a promising method to enhance immunogenicity of DNA vaccines in poultry.  相似文献   

Summary We show that a DNA fragment that contains the uvp1 gene of the plasmid pR directs the synthesis in Escherichia coli minicells of a protein of apparent molecular weight 20 kDa. Inspection of the nucleotide sequence of the region reveals an open reading frame that has the capacity to encode a protein of 198 amino acids. The uvp1 gene product has been found, in two different systems, to enhance the recombination activity of E. coli cells. We have also observed a striking similarity to resolvase and invertase proteins. The significance of this finding for the function of the uvp1 gene product requires further investigation. We conclude that the uvp1 gene encodes a 20 kDa protein which appears to be responsible for enhancement of both UV survival and recominational activity in E. coli.  相似文献   

At a time when human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) elimination again seems a reachable goal in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, it is becoming increasingly important to characterise the factors involved in disease resurgence or maintenance to develop sustainable control strategies. In this study conducted in the Forecariah mangrove focus in Guinea, HAT patients and serological suspects (SERO) were identified through mass screening of the population with the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) and were followed up for up to 2 years. Analysis of the samples collected during the follow-up of HAT patients and SERO was performed with PCR (TBR1/TBR2) and the trypanolysis serological test (TL) in order to clarify the role played by these individuals in the epidemiology of HAT. PCR positivity was higher in TL+ than in SERO TL (50% vs. 18%, respectively). Whereas CATT plasma titres decreased both in treated HAT patients and SERO TL, SERO TL+ maintained high CATT titres. Four out of 17 SERO TL+ developed HAT during the study. These results strongly suggest that SERO TL+ individuals are asymptomatic carriers. In the context where disease prevalence is sufficiently low, treating SERO TL+ individual may thus be of crucial importance in order to cut transmission.  相似文献   

Here we present compelling evidence of Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes infecting 77 human cases of Chagas disease in Santander Department of Colombia. The patients were clinically studied and classified according to the presence of cardiac symptoms. We describe the distribution of the major T. cruzi genotypes circulating in this area by means of direct PCR analysis of blood samples. PCR was directed to minicircles and amplified DNAs were hybridized using genotype-specific DNA probes. These samples were previously genotyped with miniexon, 24 α rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) markers. Minicircle DNA analyses were more sensitive than miniexon, 24 α rRNA and CO II genes in detecting infective T. cruzi II (Tc II). Two Tc II genotypes were identified by hybridization using two complementary DNA probes in 27.3% of the patients, with 15.3% using all three markers. These corresponded to 10 cases genotyped only by hybridization. The lineage Tc I, determined by hybridization, was the most prevalent singly or combined with different genotypes (72.7%), and at least three different T. cruzi genotypes were identified. Attempts to find two T. cruzi genotypes Tc I and Tc II in other endemic areas of Colombia revealed that one similar to the most prevalent Tc I genotype was detected in distant geographical areas. A similar Tc II genotype was found in Bolivia and Chile, revealing the great distribution of some ancestral T. cruzi genotypes. We did not detect any association between infective Tc I and Tc II lineages and the severity of the patients’ cardiac symptoms.  相似文献   

The protective antigen (PA) of Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis) is a potent immunogen and a candidate subunit vaccine. To address the question whether antibodies raised against PA following injection of pcDNA3.1+PA plasmid, encoding PA, can protect against virulent B. anthracis two different regimens of PA based vaccines (DNA and live spore) were used. The groups of BALB/c mice that received live spores of the Sterne strain, naked pcDNA3.1 and naked pcDNA3.1+PA were compared to control groups. All groups were injected three times with 30-day intervals. Two weeks after the last immunization, all mice were subjected to challenge with a pathogenic strain of B. anthracis (C2). Blood samples were taken before each injection and challenge. Evaluation of the sera by ELISA method showed that DNA immunization using pcDNA3.1+PA plasmid resulted in an antibody profile representative of a mixed Th1 and Th2 response, with a skewing to a Th1 response. The group which received the naked pcDNA3.1+PA had a survival rate of >80%. This challenge assay revealed that antibodies raised following DNA vaccination against PA can confer strong protection, and resistance against virulent species of B. anthracis.  相似文献   

【背景】鸭疫里默氏杆菌广泛存在于养殖场,引起雏鸭发生传染性浆膜炎,严重危害养鸭业的发展。【目的】提高鸭疫里默氏杆菌发酵培养水平和抗原活性,为鸭疫里默氏杆菌灭活疫苗的研制提供技术指引。【方法】利用单因素及响应面的试验设计方法,针对鸭疫里默氏杆菌进行疫苗培养基的研制,并探究不同发酵时间点该菌的抗原活性,选择抗原活性最高点时制备灭活疫苗,通过动物免疫保护试验评价疫苗免疫效果。【结果】使用研制的疫苗培养基发酵培养鸭疫里默氏杆菌,其活菌数能够达到4.68×1010 CFU/mL,较市面上该菌专用的培养基提高2.29倍。该菌发酵12 h后抗原活性达到最高,在此时制备的灭活疫苗诱导小鼠产生的抗体水平显著高于商品化灭活疫苗,攻毒保护率达到了100%。【结论】本研究研制的培养基具有优异的增菌效果,可作为生产鸭疫里默氏杆菌灭活疫苗抗原的发酵培养基,疫苗生产过程中可选择菌株抗原活性达到最高时收集菌体。  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an important zoonotic parasite infecting about one third of the world population, causing congenital infections and eye disease. T. gondii perforin-like protein 1 (TgPLP1) is believed to be involved in the acute virulence of T. gondii in mice, and is therefore of interest as a vaccine candidate. In this study, we constructed a DNA vaccine expressing TgPLP1, and evaluated the immune response in Kunming mice. The gene sequence encoding TgPLP1 was inserted into the eukaryotic expression vector pVAX I, and Kunming mice were immunized intramuscularly with the plasmid. After immunization, we evaluated the immune response using lymphoproliferative assay, cytokine and antibody measurements, and the survival times of mice challenged lethally with 1 × 103 tachyzoites of the virulent T. gondii RH strain. The results showed that pVAX/TgPLP1 alone or with pVAX/IL-18 developed specific anti-TLA (T. gondii lysate antigen) antibodies and specific lymphocyte proliferative responses. Co-injection of pVAX/IL-18 significantly increased the production of IFN-γ and IL-2. Further, challenge experiments showed that co-immunization of pVAX/TgPLP1 with pVAX/IL-18 significantly (P < 0.05) increased survival time (12.7 ± 1.2 days) of immunized mice, compared with pVAX/TgPLP1 alone (11.3 ± 0.9 days). These results demonstrate that TgPLP1 is a potential vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis, worth further evaluation in other animal hosts. IL-18 could enhance the immune effect of TgPLP1, prolonging the survival time of immunized mice.  相似文献   

A 1.9 kb nucleotide sequence of part of the mitochondrial (mt) genome covering the cox1-trnT-rrnL-trnC-rrnS region, and the order of the remaining mitochondrial protein-coding genes for S. nasale of Sri Lankan origin, has been determined for analysis of the possible placement of this species in the genus Schistosoma. The gene order of this species is similar to that of the African and Indian Schistosoma species, but strikingly different from the East Asian species. Analysis of an alignment of the 1.9 kb sequence with available sequences from other schistosomes indicated affinities with S. spindale (found in Sri Lanka) and African species (in particular S. intercalatum and S. haematobium). Phylogenetic trees inferred from the alignment including 1 kb of RNA (transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA) sequence for 8 other Schistosoma spp. and Fasciola hepatica as an out-group revealed that S. nasale is placed proximally to S. spindale, S. intercalatum, S. haematobium and S. mansoni in the African sub-group while the East Asian species are more distant. S. incognitum lies basal to the combined African/Indian clade. The mtDNA analysis strongly supports the hypothesis that S. nasale is closely affiliated with the African/Indian schistosome group rather than the East Asian Schistosoma species.  相似文献   

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