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ZFPIP (Zinc Finger Pbx1 Interacting Protein) has been recently identified in our laboratory in a yeast two hybrid screen using an embryonic mouse cDNA library and PBX1 as a bait. This gene encodes a large protein (250 kDa) that contains a bipartite NLS, numerous C2H2 zinc fingers and is highly conserved amongst vertebrates. In order to address the role of ZFPIP during embryonic development, we analysed the expression pattern of the gene and performed morpholinos injections into Xenopus laevis embryos. We first showed that the ZFPIP protein was maternally present in oocytes. Then, ZFPIP was detected from morula to neurula stages in the nucleus of the cells, with a gradient from animal to vegetal pole. By injection of ZFPIP morpholinos, we showed that morphant embryos were unable to undergo proper gastrulation and subsequently exhibited a persistent opened blastopore. Analysis of molecular and cellular events that were altered in morphant embryos highlighted an impairment of cell division processes as illustrated by atypical mitosis with aberrant metaphase, anaphase or telophase, incomplete chromosome segregation or conjointed nuclei. The overall data presented here demonstrated that ZFPIP was a major developing gene that acts in the very first steps of embryonic development of Xenopuslaevis.  相似文献   

Planarian adult stem cells (pASCs) or neoblasts represent an ideal system to study the evolution of stem cells and pluripotency as they underpin an unrivaled capacity for regeneration. We wish to understand the control of differentiation and pluripotency in pASCs and to understand how conserved, convergent or divergent these mechanisms are across the Bilateria. Here we show the planarian methyl-CpG Binding Domain 2/3 (mbd2/3) gene is required for pASC differentiation during regeneration and tissue homeostasis. The genome does not have detectable levels of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and we find no role for a potential DNA methylase. We conclude that MBD proteins may have had an ancient role in broadly controlling animal stem cell pluripotency, but that DNA methylation is not involved in planarian stem cell differentiation.  相似文献   

While endogenous Myc (c-myc) and Mycn (N-myc) have been reported to be separately dispensable for murine embryonic stem cell (mESC) function, myc greatly enhances induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell formation and overexpressed c-myc confers LIF-independence upon mESC. To address the role of myc genes in ESC and in pluripotency generally, we conditionally knocked out both c- and N-myc using myc doubly homozygously floxed mESC lines (cDKO). Both lines of myc cDKO mESC exhibited severely disrupted self-renewal, pluripotency, and survival along with enhanced differentiation. Chimeric embryos injected with DKO mESC most often completely failed to develop or in rare cases survived but with severe defects. The essential nature of myc for self-renewal and pluripotency is at least in part mediated through orchestrating pluripotency-related cell cycle and metabolic programs. This study demonstrates that endogenous myc genes are essential for mESC pluripotency and self-renewal as well as providing the first evidence that myc genes are required for early embryogenesis, suggesting potential mechanisms of myc contribution to iPS cell formation.  相似文献   

Ghrelin and its receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), are expressed in the heart, and may function to promote cardiomyocyte survival, differentiation and contractility. Previously, we had generated a truncated analog of ghrelin conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate for the purposes of determining GHS-R expression in situ. We now report the generation and characterization of a far-red ghrelin analog, [Dpr3(octanoyl), Lys19(Cy5)]ghrelin (1–19), and show that it can be used to image changes in GHS-R in developing cardiomyocytes. We also generated the des-acyl analog, des-acyl [Lys19(Cy5)]ghrelin (1–19) and characterized its binding to mouse heart sections. Receptor binding affinity of Cy5-ghrelin as measured in HEK293 cells overexpressing GHS-R1a was within an order of magnitude of that of fluorescein-ghrelin and native human ghrelin, while the des-acyl Cy5-ghrelin did not bind GHS-R1a. Live cell imaging in HEK293/GHS-R1a cells showed cell surface labeling that was displaced by excess ghrelin. Interestingly, Cy5-ghrelin, but not the des-acyl analog, showed concentration-dependent binding in mouse heart tissue sections. We then used Cy5-ghrelin to track GHS-R expression in P19-derived cardiomyocytes. Live cell imaging at different time points after DMSO-induced differentiation showed that GHS-R expression preceded that of the differentiation marker aMHC and tracked with the contractility marker SERCA 2a. Our far-red analog of ghrelin adds to the tools we are developing to map GHS-R in developing and diseased cardiac tissues.  相似文献   

ADAM23 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 23), a member of brain MDC (macrophage‐derived chemokine) family, is important for the development of CNS (central nervous system). P19 mouse embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into neurons when cultured in aggregates and induced with RA (retinoic acid). We have found that under conditions without RA induction, knocking down ADAM23 with RNAi (RNA interference) promoted neuronal differentiation, and similarly recombinant GST (glutathione transferase)‐ADAM23‐DIS protein inhibited neuronal differentiation of P19/ADAM23KD (P19/ADAM23‐knockdown) cells. In P19/ADAM23KD, there were more cells arrested in G1 phase than normal P19 cells, due to the up‐regulation of P57KIP2 and P27KIP1 expression. P27KIP1 was up‐regulated during the differentiation process of both P19/ADAM23KD cells without RA induction, and P19 cells with RA induction. Transient overexpression of P27KIP1 in P19 cells also promoted neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. The findings indicate that ADAM23 suppresses neuronal differentiation through its disintegrin domain, and Adam23 KD up‐regulates P27KIP1 in P19/ADAM23KD cells, one reason that P19/ADAM23KD cells can differentiate into neurons without RA induction.  相似文献   

Covalent modifications of histone tails have fundamental roles in chromatin structure and function. Tri‐methyl modification on lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) usually correlates with gene repression that plays important roles in cell lineage commitment and development. Mash1 is a basic helix‐loop‐helix regulatory protein that plays a critical role in neurogenesis, where it expresses as an early marker. In this study, we have shown a decreased H3K27me3 accompanying with an increased demethylase of H3K27me3 (Jmjd3) at the promoter of Mash1 can elicit a dramatically efficient expression of Mash1 in RA‐treated P19 cells. Over‐expression of Jmjd3 in P19 cells also significantly enhances the RA‐induced expression and promoter activity of Mash1. By contrast, the mRNA expression and promoter activity of Mash1 are significantly reduced, when Jmjd3 siRNA or dominant negative mutant of Jmjd3 is introduced into the P19 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that Jmjd3 is efficiently recruited to a proximal upstream region of Mash1 promoter that is overlapped with the specific binding site of Hes1 in RA‐induced cells. Moreover, the association between Jmjd3 and Hes1 is shown in a co‐Immunoprecipitation assay. It is thus likely that Jmjd3 is recruited to the Mash1 promoter via Hes1. Our results suggest that the demethylase activity of Jmjd3 and its mediator Hes1 for Mash1 promoter binding are both required for Jmjd3 enhanced efficient expression of Mash1 gene in the early stage of RA‐induced neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1457–1463, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Znf179 is a member of the RING finger protein family. During embryogenesis, Znf179 is expressed in a restricted manner in the brain, suggesting a potential role in nervous system development. In this report, we show that the expression of Znf179 is upregulated during P19 cell neuronal differentiation. Inhibition of Znf179 expression by RNA interference significantly attenuated neuronal differentiation of P19 cells and a primary culture of cerebellar granule cells. Using a microarray approach and subsequent functional annotation analysis, we identified differentially expressed genes in Znf179-knockdown cells and found that several genes are involved in development, cellular growth, and cell cycle control. Flow cytometric analyses revealed that the population of G0/G1 cells decreased in Znf179-knockdown cells. In agreement with the flow cytometric data, the number of BrdU-incorporated cells significantly increased in Znf179-knockdown cells. Moreover, in Znf179-knockdown cells, p35, a neuronal-specific Cdk5 activator that is known to activate Cdk5 and may affect the cell cycle, and p27, a cell cycle inhibitor, also decreased. Collectively, these results show that induction of the Znf179 gene may be associated with p35 expression and p27 protein accumulation, which lead to cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase, and is critical for neuronal differentiation of P19 cells.  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1118-1128. ABSTRACT: P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is known to be a 'death receptor' in immune cells, but its functional expression in non-immune cells such as neurons is controversial. Here, we examined the involvement of P2X7R activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in ATP-induced neuronal death in cultured cortical neurons. In P2X7R- and pannexin-1-expressing neuron cultures, 5 or more mM ATP or 0.1 or more mM BzATP induced neuronal death including apoptosis, and cell death was prevented by oxATP, P2X7R-selective antagonists. ATP-treated neurons exhibited Ca(2+) entry and YO-PRO-1 uptake, the former being inhibited by oxATP and A438079, and the latter by oxATP and carbenoxolone, while P2X7R antagonism with oxATP, but not pannexin-1 blocking with carbenoxolone, prevented the ATP-induced neuronal death. The ATP treatment induced reactive oxygen species generation through activation of NADPH oxidase and activated poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, but both of them made no or negligible contribution to the neuronal death. Rhodamine123 efflux from neuronal mitochondria was increased by the ATP-treatment and was inhibited by oxATP, and a mitochondrial permeability transition pore inhibitor, cyclosporine A, significantly decreased the ATP-induced neuronal death. In ATP-treated neurons, the cleavage of pro-caspase-3 was increased, and caspase inhibitors, Q-VD-OPh and Z-DEVD-FMK, inhibited the neuronal death. The cleavage of apoptosis-inducing factor was increased, and calpain inhibitors, MDL28170 and PD151746, inhibited the neuronal death. These findings suggested that P2X7R was functionally expressed by cortical neuron cultures, and its activation-triggered Ca(2+) entry and mitochondrial dysfunction played important roles in the ATP-induced neuronal death.  相似文献   

Neurogenin1 is an important bHLH protein that plays crucial role in neurogenesis. We first show that the expression of ngn1 increases drastically in RA induced neuronal differentiation. During which, a three successive stages of the epigenetic changes surrounding the ngn1 gene are found correlated with a repression to activation of the gene in P19 cells. Recruiting of a repressive histone code H3K27me3 on the ngn1 gene is the dominant change in first repression stage, which is followed by the binding of the active codes of H3K9ac, H3K14ac, and the H3K4me3 in the second and third stages of RA treatment. Additionally, BRM but not BRG1 is specifically recruited to ngn1 gene at the third stage and is positively involved in the RA induced ngn1 expression. We propose that histone modifiers and chromatin remodelers are pivotal in the activation of the ngn1 gene in RA induced differentiation of P19 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 264–271, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Excess exposure to Mn causes a neurological disorder known as manganism which is similar to dystonic movements associated with Parkinson's disease. Manganism is largely restricted to occupations in which high atmospheric levels are prevalent which include Mn miners, welders and those employed in the ferroalloy processing or related industrial settings. T1 weighted MRI images reveal that Mn is deposited to the greatest extent in the globus pallidus, an area of the brain that is presumed to be responsible for the major CNS associated symptoms. Neurons within the globus pallidus receive glutamatergic input from the subthalamic nuclei which has been suggested to be involved in the toxic actions of Mn. The neurotoxic actions of Mn and glutamate are similar in that they both affect calcium accumulation in the mitochondria leading to apoptotic cell death. In this paper, we demonstrate that the combination of Mn and glutamate potentiates toxicity of neuronally differentiated P19 cells over that observed with either agent alone. Apoptotic signals ROS, caspase 3 and JNK were increased in an additive fashion when the two neurotoxins were combined. The anti-glutamatergic drug, riluzole, was shown to attenuate these apoptotic signals and prevent P19 cell death. Results of this study confirm, for the first time, that Mn toxicity is potentiated in the presence of glutamate and that riluzole is an effective antioxidant which protects against both Mn and glutamate toxicity.  相似文献   

We cultured a P19 mouse teratocarcinoma cell line and induced its neuronal differentiation to study the function of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs) in early neuronal development. Immunocytochemical studies showed 85% neuronal population at 5 days in vitro (DIV) with microtubule-associated protein 2-positive staining. Thirty percent and 50% of the cells expressed the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isopropinonate (AMPA) receptor subunit, GluR2/3, and the kainate (kainic acid; KA) receptor subunit, GluR5/6/7, respectively. In Western blot analysis, the temporal expression of GluR2/3 began to appear at 3 DIV, whereas GluR5/6/7 was already expressed in the undifferentiated cells. P19-derived neurons began to respond to glutamate, AMPA and KA, but not to the metabotropic GluR agonist trans-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-decarboxylic acid, by 5 DIV in terms of increases in intracellular calcium and phospholipase C-mediated poly-phosphoinositide turnover. Furthermore, KA reduced cell death of P19-derived neurons in both atmospheric and hypobaric conditions in a phospholipase C-dependent manner. The common AMPA/KA receptor antagonist, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, but not the AMPA receptor antagonist, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-nitro-2,3-dioxo-benzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide disodium, profoundly increased hypobaric insult-induced neurotoxicity. In a flow cytometry study, the nerve growth factor-mediated antiapoptotic effect was facilitated by AMPA, with an induction of TrkA, but not p75(NTR) expression. Therefore, AMPA and KA receptors might mediate neurotrophic functions to facilitate neurotrophic factor signaling to protect neurons against hypoxic insult in early neuronal development.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia (PE), a pregnancy‐specific disorder, is a leading cause of perinatal maternal‐fetal mortality and morbidity. Impaired cell migration and invasion of trophoblastic cells and an imbalanced systemic maternal inflammatory response have been proposed as potential mechanisms of PE pathogenesis. Comparative analysis between PE placentas and normal placentas profiled differentially expressed miRNAs, lncRNAs, and mRNAs, including miR‐19a‐3p (miRNA), PSG10P (lncRNA), and IL1RAP (mRNA). This study was conducted to investigate their potential roles in PE pathogenesis. The expression of miR‐19a‐3p, PSG10P, and IL1RAP was examined in PE and normal placentas using RT‐qPCR. An in vitro experiment was performed in human trophoblast HET8/SVneo and TEV‐1 cells cultured in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. MiR‐19a‐3p targets were identified using Targetscan, miRanda, and PicTar analysis as well as luciferase reporter assays. The mouse model of PE was conducted using sFlt‐1 for in vivo tests. Lower levels of miR‐19a‐3p, but higher levels of PSG10P and IL1RAP were observed in PE placentas and the trophoblast cells in hypoxia. Luciferase reporter assays confirmed that PSG10P and IL1RAP were both direct targets of miR‐19a‐3p. Exposure to hypoxia inhibited cell viability, migration, and invasion of HET8/SVneo and TEV‐1 cells. Knocking out PSG10P and IL1RAP or overexpressing miR‐19a‐3p rescued the inhibition caused by hypoxia. In vivo experiments showed that IL1RAP promoted the expression of caspase‐3, a key apoptosis enzyme, but inhibited MMP9, which is responsible for degrading the extracellular matrix, suggesting a significant role of IL1RAP in cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. miR‐19a‐3p, PSG10P, and IL1RAP were all found to be involved in PE pathogenesis. With a common targeting region in their sequences, a regulatory network in the PSG10P/miR‐19a‐3p/IL1RAP pathway may contribute to PE pathogenesis during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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