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A protocol to infect five-week-old Wistar rats by Plasmodium berghei which resulted in 100% mortality was developed in this work. In order to accomplish this goal, the effect of the administration of 10(7) and 10(8) parasitized erythrocytes by i.v. and i.p. route was investigated. The animals inoculated with 10(7) parasitized red blood cells by i.p. and i.v. routes showed 25 and 50% mortality, respectively. Inoculation with 10(8) parasitized erythrocytes by both routes resulted in a 100% lethal infection. The i.v. inoculation showed less scattered results and it was preferred over the i.p. route. The suitability of the protocol developed was evaluated by treating infected Wistar rats with chloroquine (30 mg/kg/day). A decreased parasitemia after the treatment was observed until the complete eradication of the parasite, around 10 days post-inoculation. Parasitemia depression after chloroquine treatment demonstrates the utility of the model developed to test new antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Ohno T  Nishimura M 《Immunogenetics》2004,56(9):675-678
Human cerebral malaria (CM) during acute Plasmodium falciparum infection is a serious neurological complication that leads to coma and death. P. berghei ANKA infection of CBA mice is a useful experimental model of CM. To identify host susceptibility loci, we performed chromosomal mapping in crossbred populations of both CM-susceptible CBA and CM-resistant DBA/2 mice. One significant region for a CM-susceptible locus in CBA mice was mapped to H2 region on Chromosome 17, tentatively designated cmsc. cmsc was mapped to a different chromosomal region from that previously reported in the C57BL/6 mouse model of CM. It is possible that different loci contribute to CM in CBA and C57BL/6 mouse strains. Comparison of the function of CM susceptibility loci between CBA and C57BL/6 mice could have important implications for the study of the complex pathogenesis of CM in humans.  相似文献   

Malaria continues to cause millions of deaths annually. No specific effective treatment has yet been found for cerebral malaria, one of the most severe complications of the disease. The pathology of cerebral malaria is considered to be primarily immunological. We examined a number of compounds with known effects on the immune system, in a murine model of cerebral malaria. Of the compounds tested, only fasudil and curcumin had significant effects on the progression of the disease. Although neither drug caused a reduction in parasitemia, survival of the treated mice was significantly increased, and the development of cerebral malaria was either delayed or prevented. Our results support the hypothesis that an immunomodulator efficient in preventing CM should be administered together with anti-plasmodial drugs to prevent severe malaria disease; curcumin and fasudil should be further investigated to determine efficiency and feasibility of treatment.  相似文献   

目的:研究应用缺氧对体外培养的大鼠神经干细胞增殖的影响。方法:将细胞分为4小时缺氧组、12小时缺氧组、促红细胞生成素(EPO)中和抗体组、IgG组以及对照组.测定大鼠神经干细胞经缺氧培养后的各组细胞克隆形成率以及EPO的表达变化。结果:单细胞培养条件下,与对照组相比,4小时缺氧组和IgG组克隆形成率明显增高;中和抗体组无明显变化;12小时组克隆形成率降低。但无统计学意义。缺氧4小时后,EPO蛋白在预处理后即刻出现表迭,4h达高峰,8h仍有部分表达。结论:短时间缺氧可以促进神经干细胞增殖.长时间缺氧则作用相反。缺氧对NSCs增殖作用的影响可能是由EPO介导产生。  相似文献   

利用伯氏疟原虫Plasmodium berghei ANKA(P.b ANKA)感染BALB/c小鼠,PD-1单抗阻断后,流式细胞术检测脾脏浆细胞、滤泡辅助性T细胞(Tfh)数量。qRT-PCR检测IL-21、IL-10和IL-6 mRNA水平,ELISA检测血清抗体,以探讨程序性死亡受体-1(programmed cell death-1, PD-1)在疟原虫初次感染中对体液免疫应答的影响。结果发现,PD-1单抗阻断加速了P.b ANKA感染小鼠的死亡。与对照组相比,PD-1阻断组感染后第12天短寿浆细胞(CD138~+CD44~+)数量明显降低(P0.05),长寿浆细胞(CD138~+CD44~-、CD138~-CD44~+)和Tfh(CD4~+CXCR5~+)细胞数量无差异性改变,脾细胞IL-21的mRNA水平明显下降(P0.05),血清抗裂殖子表面蛋白(merozoite surface protein, MSP)-1特异性IgG无明显改变。P.b ANKA感染中PD-1通路可能通过影响Tfh分泌IL-21进而干扰浆细胞数量影响体液免疫应答。  相似文献   

Clinical reports indicate that malaria-infected asplenic patients have a reduced capacity for parasite clearance despite intensive antimalarial therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of dihydroartemisinin in an asplenic murine malaria model. Mice were inoculated with Plasmodium berghei parasitised erythrocytes and received a single dose of dihydroartemisinin 56 h later, at 2-5% parasitaemia. Haematology, liver biochemistry and histopathology of key organs were performed to evaluate organ response to malaria infection. The nadir parasitaemia occurred 20 h after dihydroartemisinin administration, falling 2.8- to 6.0-fold and 2.7- to 6.9-fold in asplenic and intact mice, respectively, (10-100 mg/kg). Histopathology indicated increased stimulation of liver function/activity during malaria infection of asplenic mice (as compared to intact mice). Overall efficacy of single-dose dihydroartemisinin treatment in asplenic mice was similar to intact mice although the rate of recrudescence in asplenic mice was significantly greater than intact mice at 30 and 100 mg/kg. The asplenic murine malaria model could be used in pre-clinical studies of splenic function and clearance of malaria parasites, pathophysiological studies or antimalarial drug efficacy in asplenia.  相似文献   

We examined a potential role of gammadelta T cells in protective immunity to blood-stage Plasmodium berghei XAT infection. Plasmodium berghei XAT is an attenuated variant of the lethal strain P. berghei NK65 and its infection is self-resolving in immune competent mice. To determine whether gammadelta T cells are essential for the resolution of P. berghei XAT malaria, mice were depleted of gammadelta T cells with anti-TCRgammadelta antibody treatment. Although mice that had received control antibody resolved infections, mice received anti-TCRgammadelta antibody could not control their infections and eventually died. Spleen cells from infected mice produced IFN-gamma and nitric oxide (NO) within the first week of infection, however, levels of IFN-gamma and NO in gammadelta T cell-depleted mice were significantly lower than in control mice. To examine whether gammadelta T cells are involved in the antibody production, malarial-specific antibodies of the various isotypes were measured in the sera of gammadelta T cell-depleted mice and control mice. Serum levels of IgG2a, which was known to be a protective antibody in P. berghei XAT malaria, were significantly lower in gammadelta T cell-depleted mice than in control mice, whereas levels of IgG1 were comparable to those in control mice. Our results indicated that the presence of the gammadelta T cell subset was essential for resolution of blood-stage P. berghei XAT malaria and played a modulatory role in the development of Th1 response and host defense against this malarial parasites.  相似文献   

Cerebral malaria (CM) is a fatal complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection. Using a well defined murine model, we observed the effect on disease outcome of temporarily reducing parasite burden by anti-malarial drug treatment. The anti-malarial treatment regime chosen decreased parasitaemia but did not cure the mice, allowing recrudescence of parasites. These mice were protected against CM, despite their parasitaemia having increased, following treatment cessation, to levels surpassing that associated with CM in mice not treated with the drug. The protection was associated with reduced levels of cytokines, chemokines, CD8+ T cells and parasites in the brain. The results suggest that the development of the immunopathological response that causes CM depends on a continuous stimulus provided by parasitised red blood cells, either circulating or sequestered in small vessels.  相似文献   

Different functions have been attributed to CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cells (Tregs) during malaria infection. Herein, we describe the disparity in Treg response and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines during infection with Plasmodium berghei ANKA between young (3-week-old) and middle-aged (8-month-old) C57BL/6 mice. Young mice were susceptible to cerebral malaria (CM), while the middle-aged mice were resistant to CM and succumbed to hyperparasitemia and severe anemia. The levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, in young CM-susceptible mice were markedly higher than in middle-aged CM-resistant mice. An increased absolute number of Tregs 3-5 days post-inoculation, co-occurring with elevated IL-10 levels, was observed in middle-aged CM-resistant mice but not in young CM-susceptible mice. Our findings suggest that Treg proliferation might be associated with the suppression of excessive pro-inflammatory Th1 response during early malaria infection, leading to resistance to CM in the middle-aged mice, possibly in an IL-10-dependent manner.  相似文献   

In the adult teleost brain, proliferating cells are observed in a broad area, while these cells have a restricted distribution in adult mammalian brains. In the adult teleost optic tectum, most of the proliferating cells are distributed in the caudal margin of the periventricular gray zone (PGZ). We found that the PGZ is largely divided into 3 regions: 1 mitotic region and 2 post-mitotic regions—the superficial and deep layers. These regions are distinguished by the differential expression of several marker genes: pcna, sox2, msi1, elavl3, gfap, fabp7a, and s100β. Using transgenic zebrafish Tg (gfap:GFP), we found that the deep layer cells specifically express gfap:GFP and have a radial glial morphology. We noted that bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cells in the mitotic region did not exhibit glial properties, but maintained neuroepithelial characteristics. Pulse chase experiments with BrdU-positive cells revealed the presence of self-renewing stem cells within the mitotic region. BrdU-positive cells differentiate into glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons and oligodendrocytes in the superficial layer and into radial glial cells in the deep layer. These results demonstrate that the proliferating cells in the PGZ contribute to neuronal and glial lineages to maintain the structure of the optic tectum in adult zebrafish.  相似文献   

Reduced plasma retinol concentrations occur in human malaria but the benefits of supplementation remain uncertain. We assessed the in vivo efficacy of retinol administration, and its effect on lipid peroxidation, in a Plasmodium berghei murine model. Animals received vehicle (n=17) or retinol (i) before P. berghei inoculation (four doses), (ii) at parasitaemia 10-15% (three to four doses) or (iii) before and after inoculation (six to seven doses; n=15 in each group), with euthanasia on day 8 post-inoculation or when the parasitaemia exceeded 50%. Multiple-dose pre-inoculation retinol reduced endpoint parasitaemia by 24% (P=0.001 versus controls). A reduction of 18% (P=0.042) was observed when retinol was given to parasitaemic animals. Retinol was ineffective when given both before and after infection (11% reduction; P=0.47). Although retinol supplementation did not change plasma retinol concentrations, liver retinol content increased and correlated inversely with endpoint parasitaemia (r=-0.45, P=0.001). Malaria infection augmented concentrations of the free radical lipid peroxidation end-product F(2)-isoprostanes in plasma, erythrocytes and liver by 1.8-, 2.8- and 4.9-fold, respectively, but retinol supplementation had no effect on these increases. Consistent with some human malaria studies, prophylactic retinol reduces P. berghei parasitaemia. This effect relates to augmentation of tissue retinol stores rather than to retinol-associated changes in oxidant status.  相似文献   

Lifelong neurogenesis in vertebrates relies on stem cells producing proliferation zones that contain neuronal precursors with distinct fates. Proliferation zones in the adult zebrafish brain are located in distinct regions along its entire anterior-posterior axis. We show a previously unappreciated degree of conservation of brain proliferation patterns among teleosts, suggestive of a teleost ground plan. Pulse chase labeling of proliferating populations reveals a centrifugal movement of cells away from their places of birth into the surrounding mantle zone. We observe tangential migration of cells born in the ventral telencephalon, but only a minor rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb. In contrast, the lateral telencephalic area, a domain considered homologous to the mammalian dentate gyrus, shows production of interneurons and migration as in mammals. After a 46-day chase, newborn highly mobile cells have moved into nuclear areas surrounding the proliferation zones. They often show HuC/D immunoreactivity but importantly also more specific neuronal identities as indicated by immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase, serotonin and parvalbumin. Application of a second proliferation marker allows us to recognize label-retaining, actively cycling cells that remain in the proliferation zones. The latter population meets two key criteria of neural stem cells: label retention and self renewal.  相似文献   

Defense against malaria depends upon amplification of the spleen structure and function for the clearance of parasitized red blood cells (pRBC). We studied the distribution and amount of CD34+ cells in the spleens of mice infected with rodent malaria. We sought to identify these cells in the spleen and determine their relationship to infection. C57BL/6J mice were infected with self-resolving, Plasmodium chabaudi CR, or one of the lethal rodent malaria strains, P. chabaudi AJ and P. berghei ANKA. We then recorded parasitemia, mortality, and the presence of CD34+ cells in spleen, as determined by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. In the non-lethal strain, the spleen structure was maintained during amplification, but disrupted in lethal models. The abundance of CD34+ cells increased in the red pulp on the 4th and 6th days p.i. in all models, and subsided on the 8th day p.i. Faint CD34+ staining on the 8th day p.i., was probably due to differentiation of committed cell lineages. In this work, increase of spleen CD34+ cells did not correlate with infection control.  相似文献   

Stem cells represent a promising step for the future of regenerative medicine. As they are able to differentiate into any cell type, tissue or organ, these cells are great candidates for treatments against the worst diseasesthat defy doctors and researchers around the world. Stem cells can be divided into three main groups:(1) embryonic stem cells;(2) fetal stem cells; and(3) adult stem cells. In terms of their capacity for proliferation, stem cells are also classified as totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent. Adult stem cells, also known as somatic cells, are found in various regions of the adult organism, such as bone marrow, skin, eyes, viscera and brain. They can differentiate into unipotent cells of the residing tissue, generally for the purpose of repair. These cells represent an excellent choice in regenerative medicine, every patient can be a donor of adult stem cells to provide a more customized and efficient therapy against various diseases, in other words, they allow the opportunity of autologous transplantation. But in order to start clinical trials and achieve great results, we need to understand how these cells interact with the host tissue, how they can manipulate or be manipulated by the microenvironment where they will be transplanted and for how long they can maintain their multipotent state to provide a full regeneration.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells co-expressing CD25 (CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells) have been identified as immunoregulatory suppressors modulating autoimmune response. Beside that, autoimmune response was supposed to be associated with malaria infection. Based on these data, we hypothesised that CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells may influence protective immunity to malaria parasites, while suppressing autoimmune response arising throughout the course of malarial infection. To test this possibility, we evaluated the kinetics of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells during malaria infection and investigated the influence of CD25 depletion by anti-mouse CD25 monoclonal antibody (PC61) on the infection, using a mouse model of premunition to Plasmodium berghei NK65 malaria. The results showed that, during exacerbation of P. berghei NK65 infection, the proportion of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells among CD4(+) T cells decreased, although that of CD4(+) T cells increased. CD25 depletion clearly delayed the growth of parasitaemia during parasite challenge, particularly in immunised mice. These findings demonstrated that CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells are able to influence protective immunity underlying premunition to P. berghei NK65 parasites.  相似文献   

Loss of ATM kinase, a transducer of the DNA damage response and redox sensor, causes the neurodegenerative disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). While a great deal of progress has been made in elucidating the ATM-dependent DNA damage response (DDR) network, a key challenge remains in understanding the selective susceptibility of the nervous system to faulty DDR. Several factors appear implicated in the neurodegenerative phenotype in A-T, but which of them plays a crucial role remains unclear, especially since mouse models of A-T do not fully mirror the respective human syndrome. Therefore, a number of human neural stem cell (hNSC) systems have been developed to get an insight into the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration as consequence of ATM inactivation. Here we review the hNSC systems developed by us an others to model A-T.  相似文献   

It has been reported that malaria infection impairs hepatic drug clearance and causes a down-regulation of CYP-mediated monooxygenase activities in rodents and humans. In the present study, we investigated the effects of Plasmodium berghei infection on the activity of liver monooxygenases in female DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mice. In both mouse strains, P. berghei infection decreased activities mediated by CYP1A (EROD: DBA/2 65.3%, C57BL/6 44.7%) and 2B (BROD: DBA/2 64.3%, C57BL/6 49.8%) subfamily isoforms and increased activities mediated by 2A5 (COH: DBA/2 182.4%, C57BL/6 148.5%) and 2E1 (PNPH: DBA/2 177.8%, C57BL/6 128.5%) isoforms as compared to non-infected controls. Since malaria infection also produced an increase in ALT (273.1%) and AST (354.1%) activities in the blood serum, our findings are consistent with the view that CYP2A5 activity is induced by liver injury. An almost generalized depression of CYP-mediated activities has been found with numerous infections and inflammatory stimuli but an induction of CYP2A5 had been previously noted only in some viral hepatitis and trematode (liver fluke) infections.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells, which are clonogenic cells with multilineage differentiation properties from regions of the fetal brain, cortex and hippocampus, are currently considered as powerful candidates for cell replacement therapy in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. A key issue is whether stem cells can survive, migrate and differentiate following transplantation into the adult CNS. Here, enhanced green fluorescent protein plasmid electroporation-transfected neural stem cells from the fetal cortex were grafted into the striatum of a rat model of Parkinson's disease. We found most of the grafted cells could survive in the adult parkinsonian rat brain and migrated towards damaged areas, while they moved randomly in the normal brain. Several grafted cells differentiated into neurons.  相似文献   

Avian malaria has historically played an important role as a model in the study of human malaria, being a stimulus for the development of medical parasitology. Avian malaria has recently come back to the research scene as a unique animal model to understand the ecology and evolution of the disease, both in the field and in the laboratory. Avian malaria is highly prevalent in birds and mosquitoes around the world and is amenable to laboratory experimentation at each stage of the parasite''s life cycle. Here, we take stock of 5 years of experimental laboratory research carried out using Plasmodium relictum SGS1, the most prevalent avian malaria lineage in Europe, and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. For this purpose, we compile and analyse data obtained in our laboratory in 14 different experiments. We provide statistical relationships between different infection-related parameters, including parasitaemia, gametocytaemia, host morbidity (anaemia) and transmission rates to mosquitoes. This analysis provides a wide-ranging picture of the within-host and between-host parameters that may bear on malaria transmission and epidemiology.  相似文献   

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