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T. Hamasaki 《Protoplasma》1999,206(4):241-244
Summary Ciliary beating is empowered by a mechanochemical enzyme, dynein, which appears as two rows of projections on doublet microtubules. While inner-arm dyneins modulate beat form, outer-arm dynein empowers ciliary beat and sets beat frequency. Beat frequency is controlled via phosphorylation of outer-arm dynein. UsingParamecium tetraurelia as model system, we have previously identified a regulatory light chain of outer-arm dynein (22S dynein), Mr29 (p29), whose phosphorylation is cAMP-dependent. The phosphorylation state of the p29 in 22 S dynein determines in vitro microtubule translocation velocity. Although in vitro phosphorylation of p29 takes place in a short time, the percent change ist significantly less than the percent change in dynein activation, or in ciliary beat frequency. A potential mechanism that explains how a few activated dyneins can change ciliary beating is discussed.  相似文献   

Membrane-type I matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) has been previously reported to be up-regulated in human microvascular endothelial cell-1 line (HMEC) by elastin-derived peptides (elastokines). The aim of the present study was to identify the signaling pathways responsible for this effect. We showed that elastokines such as (VGVAPG)3 peptide and kappa elastin induced nitric oxide (NO) production in a time-, concentration- and receptor-dependent manner as it could be abolished by lactose and a receptor-derived competitive peptide. As evidenced by the use of NO synthase inhibitors, elastokine-mediated up-regulation of MT1-MMP and pseudotube formation on Matrigel required NO production through activation of the PI3-kinase/Akt/NO synthase and NO/cGMP/Erk1/2 pathways. Elastokines induced both PI3-kinase p110γ sub-unit, Akt and Erk1/2 activation, as shown by a transient increase in phospho-Akt and phospho-Erk1/2, reaching a maximum after 5 and 15 min incubation, respectively. Inhibitors of PI3-kinase and MEK1/2 suppressed elastokine-mediated MT1-MMP expression at both the mRNA and protein levels, and decreased the ability of elastokines to accelerate pseudotube formation. Besides, elastokines mediated a time- and concentration-dependent increase of cGMP, suggesting a link between NO and MT1-MMP expression. This was validated by the use of a guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, a NO donor and a cGMP analog. The guanylyl cyclase inhibitor abolished the stimulatory effect of elastokines on MT1-MMP expression. Inversely, the cGMP analog, mimicked the effect of both elastokines and NO donor in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Overall, our results demonstrated that such elastokine properties through NO and MT1-MMP may be of importance in the context of tumour progression.  相似文献   

Even though all human respiratory cilia are similar in structure, they experience a wide range of temperatures between the initial part of the nasal fossae which behave as heat exchangers and the inferior part of the trachea, particularly when we inhale exceedingly cold or hot air. The ciliary beat frequency of ciliated cells from human nasal mucosa and from bronchial mucosa averages 8 Hz when measured at room temperature. In the present study we compared the ciliary beat frequency of human cells from nasal and tracheal mucosa brushings at different temperatures from 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C using two different techniques, ex vivo and in vitro: ex vivo in culture medium less than 24 h after sampling and in vitro after demembranation and reactivation according to a standard procedure developed in our laboratory. Measuring the ATP-reactivated ciliary beat frequency allowed us to check the thermal parameters of the dynein ATPase and all the axonemal machinery. No significant difference in frequency was observed between nasal fossae cilia and tracheal cilia when comparing extreme temperatures in both experimental procedures.  相似文献   

beta(2)-Adrenergic agonists stimulate ciliary beat frequency (CBF), an integral part of mucociliary clearance. To evaluate the differential effects of albuterol enantiomers and their racemic mixture on ciliary function, CBF and intracellular calcium were measured at room temperature from single ovine airway epithelial cells with use of digital videomicroscopy. Baseline CBF was 7.2 +/- 0.2 (SE) Hz (n = 80 measurements). R-albuterol (10 microM to 1 mM) stimulated CBF in a dose-dependent manner to maximally 24.4 +/- 5.4% above baseline. Racemic albuterol stimulated CBF to maximally 12.8 +/- 3.6% above baseline, a significantly lower increase compared with R-albuterol alone, despite identical R-enantiomer amounts in both groups. Simultaneous recordings of intracellular calcium concentration and CBF from single cells indicated that the CBF increase in response to R-albuterol was mediated through beta-receptors and stimulation of protein kinase A, in a calcium-dependent and -independent fashion. S-albuterol had a negligible effect on CBF and did not change intracellular calcium. Together, these results suggest that R-albuterol is more efficacious than racemic albuterol in stimulating CBF. Thus S-albuterol may interfere with the ability of R-albuterol to increase CBF.  相似文献   

This study shows that a non-thermal pulse-modulated RF signal (PRF), configured to modulate calmodulin (CaM) activation via acceleration of Ca2+ binding kinetics, produced an immediate nearly 3-fold increase in nitric oxide (NO) from dopaminergic MN9D cultures (P < 0.001). NO was measured electrochemically in real-time using a NO selective membrane electrode, which showed the PRF effect occurred within the first seconds after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge. Further support that the site of action of PRF involves CaM is provided in human fibroblast cultures challenged with low serum and exposed for 15 min to the identical PRF signal. In this case a CaM antagonist W-7 could be added to the culture 3 h prior to PRF exposure. Those results showed the PRF signal produced nearly a two-fold increase in NO, which could be blocked by W-7 (P < 0.001). To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of a real-time effect of non-thermal electromagnetic fields (EMF) on NO release from challenged cells. The results provide mechanistic support for the many reported bioeffects of EMF in which NO plays a role. Thus, in a typical clinical application for acute post operative pain, or chronic pain from, e.g., osteoarthritis, EMF therapy could be employed to modulate the dynamics of NO via Ca/CaM-dependent constitutive nitric oxide synthase (cNOS) in the target tissue. This, in turn, would modulate the dynamics of the signaling pathways the body uses in response to the various phases of healing after physical or chemical insult or injury.  相似文献   

The interactions between NO and O(2) in activated macrophages were analysed by incorporating previous cell culture and enzyme kinetic results into a novel reaction-diffusion model for plate cultures. The kinetic factors considered were: (i) the effect of O(2) on NO production by inducible NO synthase (iNOS); (ii) the effect of NO on NO synthesis by iNOS; (iii) the effect of NO on respiratory and other O(2) consumption; and (iv) the effects of NO and O(2) on NO consumption by a possible NO dioxygenase (NOD). Published data obtained by varying the liquid depth in macrophage cultures provided a revealing test of the model, because varying the depth should perturb both the O(2) and the NO concentrations at the level of the cells. The model predicted that the rate of NO(2)(-) production should be nearly constant, and that the net rate of NO production should decline sharply with increases in liquid depth, in excellent agreement with the experimental findings. In further agreement with available results for macrophage cultures, the model predicted that net NO synthesis should be more sensitive to liquid depth than to the O(2) concentration in the headspace. The main reason for the decrease in NO production with increasing liquid depth was the modulation of NO synthesis by NO, with O(2) availability playing only a minor role. The model suggests that it is the ability of iNOS to consume NO, as well as to synthesize it, that creates very sensitive feedback control, setting an upper bound on the NO concentration of approximately 1 microM. The effect of NO consumption by other possible pathways (e.g., NOD) would be similar to that of iNOS, in that it would help limit net NO production. The O(2) utilized during enzymatic NO consumption is predicted to make the O(2) demands of activated macrophages much larger than those of unactivated ones (where iNOS is absent); this remains to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) acutely increases endothelial nitric oxide (NO) production by activating endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), and this increase is in part correlated with enhanced phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of eNOS by several protein kinases and phosphatases. However, the signaling mechanisms producing this increase are still controversial. In an attempt to delineate the acute effect of BK on endothelial NO production, confluent bovine aortic endothelial cells were incubated with BK, and NO production was measured by NO-specific chemiluminescence. Significant increase in NO levels was detected as early as 1 min after BK treatment, with concomitant increase in the phosphorylation of Ser(1179) (bovine sequence) site of eNOS (eNOS-Ser(1179)). This acute effect of BK on both increases was blocked only by treatment of protein kinase A inhibitor H-89, but not by the inhibitors of calmodulin-dependent kinase II and protein kinase B, suggesting that the rapid increase in NO production by BK is mediated by the PKA-dependent phosphorylation of eNOS-Ser(1179).  相似文献   

We have recently found that Syk is widely expressed in lung epithelial cells (EC) and participates in beta1 integrin signaling. In this study, we assessed the role of Syk in regulation of NO production. Stimulation of human bronchial EC line HS-24 by TNF caused an increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Inhibition of Syk using siRNA or piceatannol down-regulated the iNOS expression and reduced NO production. This effect occurred in EC simultaneously stimulated via beta1 integrins, suggesting that TNF and beta1 integrins provide co-stimulatory signals. Inhibition of Syk down-regulated TNF-induced p38 and p44/42 MAPK phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of p65 NF-kappaB. Thus, TNF-induced activation of pro-inflammatory signaling in EC leading to enhanced expression of iNOS and NO production was dependent on Syk. Syk-mediated signaling regulates NO production at least partly via activating the MAPK cascade. Understanding the role of Syk in airway EC may help in developing new therapeutic tools for inflammatory lung disorders.  相似文献   

A nitronyl nitroxide radical covalently linked to an organic fluorophore, pyrene, was used to detect nitric oxide (NO) from freshly excited tissues. This approach is based on the phenomenon of the intramolecular fluorescence quenching of the fluorophore fragment by the nitroxide. The pyrene-nitronyl (PN) reacts with NO to yield a pyrene-imino nitroxide radical (PI) and NO(2). Conversion of PN to PI is accompanied by changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum from a five-line pattern (two equivalent N nuclei) into a seven-line pattern (two nonequivalent N nuclei). The transformation of the EPR signal is accompanied by an increase in the fluorescence intensity since the imino nitroxide radical is a weaker quencher than the nitronyl one. The results indicate that the fluorescence measurements enable detection of nanomolar concentrations of NO compared to a sensitivity threshold of only several micromolar for the EPR technique. The method was applied to the determination of NO and S-nitroso compounds in tissue from pig trachea epithelia. The measured basal flux of S-nitroso compounds obtained from the tissues was about 1.2 nmol/g x min, and NO-synthase stimulated by extracellular adenosine 5'-triphosphate produced NO flux of 0.9 nmol/g x min.  相似文献   

A novel assay was developed for the measurement of nitric oxide. The proposed method is based on fluorescence, using a fluorophore-heme dual functionality probe (FHP). The heme group can serve as an effective NO-trap, due to its very fast reaction with NO and the high stability of the resulting complex. Since the heme is connected with a fluorophore as a part of the FHP dual-functionality probe, the heme can quench the fluorophore fluorescence, under certain conditions, by a singlet–singlet energy transfer mechanism.

The proposed method was tested using myoglobin covalently modified by a stilbene label. The change in emission intensity of the stilbene fragment, versus an increasing concentration of NO precursors, clearly demonstrated the spectral sensitivity required to monitor the formation of a heme–NO complex in a concentration range of 10 nM–2 μM. Furthermore, the new methodology for NO measurement was also found to be an effective assay using tissues from rabbit and porcine trachea epithelium. The measured NO flux (in an initial time interval) in tissue sample from rabbit trachea epithelia and porcine trachea epithelia is  7.9 × 10− 12 mol/s × g and  3.0 × 10− 12 mol/s × g respectively.  相似文献   

Plano SA  Agostino PV  Golombek DA 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5500-5504
Nocturnal light pulses induce phase shifts in circadian rhythms and activate cFos expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). We have studied the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the intercellular communication within the dorsal and ventral portions of the SCN in Syrian hamsters. Administration of the NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide blocked photic phase advances in a dose-dependent manner and inhibited light-induced cFos-ir, without affecting light-induced circadian phase delays. These results suggest that NO may act as an intercellular messenger in the SCN, mediating light-induced phase advances.  相似文献   

Obesity is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and has quickly become a worldwide pandemic with few tangible and safe treatment options. Although it is generally accepted that the primary cause of obesity is energy imbalance, i.e., the calories consumed are greater than are utilized, understanding how caloric balance is regulated has proven a challenge. Many “distal” causes of obesity, such as the structural environment, occupation, and social influences, are exceedingly difficult to change or manipulate. Hence, molecular processes and pathways more proximal to the origins of obesity—those that directly regulate energy metabolism or caloric intake—seem to be more feasible targets for therapy. In particular, nitric oxide (NO) is emerging as a central regulator of energy metabolism and body composition. NO bioavailability is decreased in animal models of diet-induced obesity and in obese and insulin-resistant patients, and increasing NO output has remarkable effects on obesity and insulin resistance. This review discusses the role of NO in regulating adiposity and insulin sensitivity and places its modes of action into context with the known causes and consequences of metabolic disease.  相似文献   

Mechanosensitivity is hypothesized to participate in the regulation of ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in airway epithelia. To investigate this hypothesis, CBF in excised mouse trachea was monitored (microscopy image analysis) while varying mucosal shear (perfusate velocity and/or viscosity; planar flow). CBF increased within minutes of step increase to steady shear stress as small as 10(-3) Pa and decreased within minutes of shear reduction (相似文献   

Using headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we detected significant amounts of nitrous oxide in the reaction products of the monooxygenase reaction catalyzed by neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Nitrous oxide is a dimerization product of nitroxyl anion; its presence in the reaction products indicates that the nitroxyl anion is a product of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase-catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   

目的:探讨mTOR信号通路在iPS定向分化RPE细胞中的调控机制。方法培养iPS细胞,悬浮培养后形成拟胚体EB,诱导分化为RPE细胞。通过免疫细胞化学的方法,观察iPS-RPE细胞分化一个月后特异性蛋白(RPE65、LRAT、zo-1)的表达。同时通过Q-PCR,Western Blotting的方法检测iPS-RPE在不同分化时间点(分化1个月、2个月、3个月)上,iPS-RPE细胞中特异性基因、蛋白的表达变化以及mTOR信号通路的活性。最后应用雷帕霉素抑制iPS-RPE细胞中mTOR的通路,进一步观察iPS-RPE细胞中的蛋白表达变化。Q-PCR采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)进行组间比较。结果荧光显微镜观察到iPS-RPE细胞在分化1个月时,表达RPE65、LRAT、zo-1蛋白。与对照组iPS比较,Q-PCR结果显示,实验组RPE65在分化1个月,2个月,3个月时的表达量分别为0.84±0.13,4.8±1.1,20.3±4.9(P=0.000);Best1分化1个月,2个月,3个月时的表达量分别为1.5±0.16,2.3±0.68,11.78±1.57(P=0.000);MerTK在分化1个月,2个月,3个月时的表达量分别为4.12±1.94,1.87±0.76,15.53±1.33(P=0.000),CK18分化1个月,2个月,3个月时的表达量分别为2.4±0.63,2.3±0.37,9.67±1.44(P=0.000),Western Blotting结果也表明,随着分化时间延长,iPS-RPE细胞中特异性蛋白(BEST1、catenin、MerTK)表达量有显著提高,而mTOR信号通路的活性受到抑制。与对照组(加DMSO)比较,雷帕霉素处理获得的iPS-RPE细胞中BEST1、MerTK、ck18蛋白表达量上升不是很明显,catenin蛋白显著提高。结论建立了体外高等分化、功能高效的iPS-RPE细胞,随iPS-RPE细胞分化时间延长,mTOR信号通路的活性是逐步抑制的。  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) enhances prolactin-stimulated DNA synthesis and inhibits prolactin-induced differentiation in mouse mammary epithelium. The molecular pathways used by NO were determined by employing specific inhibitors of the transducers utilized by NO. Inhibitors of the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) blocked the effect of NO on DNA synthesis, although this appeared to involve a protein kinase G (PKG)-independent pathway. In contrast, inhibitors of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) prevented NO from suppressing alpha-lactalbumin accumulation and this effect was PKG-dependent. NO can also elevate cAMP through the inhibition of phosphodiesterase 3 and cAMP mimicks the actions of NO on both DNA synthesis and differentiation. However, suppression of cAMP levels did not prevent the effects of NO. Therefore, NO uses two separate pathways to affect mammary epithelium: it stimulates growth via JNK and inhibits differentiation through ERK.  相似文献   

Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in colonic epithelial HT-29 cells is modulated by the T-cell-derived cytokines IL-4 and IL-13, but is not affected by IL-10 despite its effect in models of colitis. We studied the effects of these cytokines on nitric oxide (NO) production by colonic tissue. IL-10 and IL-4 but not IL-13 suppressed the NO production and iNOS expression by inflamed tissue and cytokine-stimulated noninflamed tissue from patients with ulcerative colitis, whereas the three cytokines suppressed NO production in cytokine-stimulated biopsies from controls. To examine why colonic biopsies and HT-29 cells respond differently to immunomodulatory cytokines, a coculture of mixed mononuclear monocytes (MMC) and HT-29 cells was studied. Treatment of HT-29 cells with conditioned medium from IFN-γ/LPS-stimulated MMC produced significant amounts of NO, which suggested the presence of an MMC-derived soluble factor modifying epithelial NO production. Pretreatment of IFN-γ/LPS-stimulated MMC with IL-10 and IL-4 but not IL-13 suppressed NO production by HT-29 cells. Interestingly, pretreatment of HT-29 cells with IL-1 receptor antagonist suppressed the IFN-γ/LPS-stimulated MMC-induced NO production. These results suggest that immunomodulatory cytokines might exert an inhibitory effect on NO up-regulation by colonic epithelium via the inhibition of MMC-derived soluble mediators, such as IL-1.  相似文献   

Circadian variation of nitric oxide synthase activity in mouse tissue   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) is an important mediator in the processes that control biological clocks and circadian rhythms. The present study was designed to elucidate if NO synthase (NOS) activity in the brain, kidney, testis, aorta, and lungs and plasma NOx levels in mice are controlled by an endogenous circadian pacemaker. Male BALB/c mice were exposed to two different lighting regimens of either light-dark 14:10 (LD) or continuous lighting (LL). At nine different equidistant time points (commencing at 09:00h) blood samples and tissues were taken from mice. The plasma and tissue homogenates were used to measure the levels of NO2+ NO3- (NOx) and total protein. The NOx concentrations were determined by a commercial nitric oxide synthase assay kit, and protein content was assessed in each homogenate tissue sample by the Lowry method. Nitric oxide synthase activity was calculated as pmol/mg protein/h. The resulting patterns were analyzed by the single cosinor method for pre-adjusted periods and by curve-fitting programs to elucidate compound rhythmicity. The NOS activity in kidneys of mice exposed to LD exhibited a circadian rhythm, but no rhythmicity was detected in mice exposed to LL. Aortic NOS activity displayed 24h rhythmicity only in LL. Brain, testis, and lung NOS activity and plasma NOx levels displayed 24h rhythms both in LD and LL. Acrophase values of NOS activity in brain, kidney, testis, and lungs were at midnight corresponding to their behavioral activities. Compound rhythms were also detected in many of the examined patterns. The findings suggest that NOS activity in mouse brain, aorta, lung, and testis are regulated by an endogenous clock, while in kidney the rhythm in NOS activity is synchronized by the exogenous signals.  相似文献   

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