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Haloferax volcanii, an extreme halophile originally isolated from the Dead Sea, is used worldwide as a model organism for furthering our understanding of archaeal cell physiology. In this study, a combination of approaches was used to identify a total of 1296 proteins, representing 32% of the theoretical proteome of this haloarchaeon. This included separation of (phospho)proteins/peptides by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-D), immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC), and Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) including strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography coupled with reversed phase (RP) HPLC. Proteins were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using nanoelectrospray ionization hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QSTAR XL Hybrid LC/MS/MS System) and quadrupole ion trap (Thermo LCQ Deca). Results indicate that a SCX RP HPLC fractionation coupled with MS/MS provides the best high-throughput workflow for overall protein identification.  相似文献   

Proteins of haloarchaea are remarkably unstable in low-ionic-strength solvents and tend to aggregate under standard two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis conditions, causing strong horizontal streaking. We have developed a new approach to generate 2-D maps of halophilic proteins which included washing cells with 1.5 M Tris-HCl buffer. In addition, proteins were precipitated with acetone, solubilized with urea and thiourea in the presence of the sulfobetaine detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylamino]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), reduced with tributylphosphine (TBP), and separated with microrange strips of immobilized pH gradients (pH 3.9-5.1). This combination enabled the construction of highly reproducible 2-D maps of Haloferax volcanii proteins.  相似文献   

Haloferax volcanii is highly polyploid and contains about 20 copies of the major chromosome. A heterozygous strain was constructed that contained two different types of genomes: the leuB locus contained either the wild-type leuB gene or a leuB:trpA gene introduced by gene replacement. As the trpA locus is devoid of the wild-type trpA gene, growth in the absence of both amino acids is only possible when both types of genomes are simultaneously present, exemplifying gene redundancy and the potential to form heterozygous cells as one possible evolutionary advantage of polyploidy. The heterozygous strain was grown (i) in the presence of tryptophan, selecting for the presence of leuB, (ii) in the presence of leucine selecting for leuB:trpA and (iii) in the absence of selection. Both types of genomes were quantified with real-time PCR. The first condition led to a complete loss of leuB:trpA-containing genomes, while under the second condition leuB-containing genomes were lost. Also in the absence of selection gene conversion led to a fast equalization of genomes and resulted in homozygous leuB-containing cells. Gene conversion leading to genome equalization can explain the escape from 'Muller's ratchet' as well as the ease of mutant construction using polyploid haloarchaea.  相似文献   

The Archaebacterium Haloferax volcanii concentrates K+ up to 3.6 M. This creates a very large K+ ion gradient of between 500- to 1,000-fold across the cell membrane. H. volcanii cells can be partially depleted of their internal K+ but the residual K+ concentration cannot be lowered below 1.5 M. In these conditions, the cells retain the ability to take up potassium from the medium and to restore a high internal K+ concentration (3 to 3.2 M) via an energy dependent, active transport mechanism with a K m of between 1 to 2 mM. The driving force for K+ transport has been explored. Internal K+ concentration is not in equilibrium with m suggesting that K+ transport cannot be accounted for by a passive uniport process. A requirement for ATP has been found. Indeed, the depletion of the ATP pool by arsenate or the inhibition of ATP synthesis by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibits by 100% K+ transport even though membrane potential m is maintained under these conditions. By contrast, the necessity of a m for K+ accumulation has not yet been clearly demonstrated. K+ transport in H. volcanii can be compared with K+ transport via the Trk system in Escherichia coli.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - MES 2-[N-morpholino] ethane sulfonic acid - MOPS 3-[N-morpholino] propane sulfonic acid - TRIS Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - TPP tetraphenyl phosphonium  相似文献   

Through hybridization of available probes, we have added nine genes to the macrorestriction map of the Haloferax mediterranei chromosome and five genes to the contig map of Haloferax volcanii. Additionally, we hybridized 17 of the mapped cosmid clones from H. volcanii to the H. mediterranei genome. The resulting 35-point chromosomal comparison revealed only two inversions and a few translocations. Forces known to promote rearrangement, common in the haloarchaea, have been ineffective in changing global gene order throughout the nearly 10(7) years of these species' divergent evolution.  相似文献   

The halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii is surrounded by a protein shell solely comprised of the S-layer glycoprotein. While the gene sequence and glycosylation pattern of the protein and indeed the three-dimensional structure of the surface layer formed by the protein have been described, little is known of the biosynthesis of the S-layer glycoprotein. In the following, pulse-chase radiolabeling and cell-fractionation studies were employed to reveal that newly synthesized S-layer glycoprotein undergoes a maturation step following translocation of the protein across the plasma membrane. The processing step, detected as an increase in the apparent molecular mass of the S-layer glycoprotein, is unaffected by inhibition of protein synthesis and is apparently unrelated to glycosylation of the protein. Maturation requires the presence of magnesium ions, involved in membrane association of the S-layer glycoprotein, and results in increased hydrophobicity of the protein as revealed by enhanced detergent binding. Thus, along with protein glycosylation, additional post-translational modifications apparently occur on the external face of the haloarchaeal plasma membrane, the proposed topological homologue of the lumenal face of the eukaryal endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Across evolution, the signal recognition particle pathway targets extra-cytoplasmic proteins to membranous translocation sites. Whereas the pathway has been extensively studied in Eukarya and Bacteria, little is known of this system in Archaea. In the following, membrane association of FtsY, the prokaryal signal recognition particle receptor, and SRP54, a central component of the signal recognition particle, was addressed in the halophilic archaea Haloferax volcanii. Purified H. volcanii FtsY, the FtsY C-terminal GTP-binding domain (NG domain) or SRP54, were combined separately or in different combinations with H. volcanii inverted membrane vesicles and examined by gradient floatation to differentiate between soluble and membrane-bound protein. Such studies revealed that both FtsY and the FtsY NG domain bound to H. volcanii vesicles in a manner unaffected by proteolytic pretreatment of the membranes, implying that in Archaea, FtsY association is mediated through the membrane lipids. Indeed, membrane association of FtsY was also detected in intact H. volcanii cells. The contribution of the NG domain to FtsY binding in halophilic archaea may be considerable, given the low number of basic charges found at the start of the N-terminal acidic domain of haloarchaeal FtsY proteins (the region of the protein thought to mediate FtsY-membrane association in Bacteria). Moreover, FtsY, but not the NG domain, was shown to mediate membrane association of H. volcanii SRP54, a protein that did not otherwise interact with the membrane.  相似文献   

A fast and accurate method is reported to generate distance constraints between juxtaposited amino acids and to validate molecular models of halophilic protein complexes. Proteasomal 20S core particles (CPs) from the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii were used to investigate the quaternary structure of halophilic proteins based on their symmetrical, yet distinct subunit composition. Proteasomal CPs are cylindrical barrel-like structures of four-stacked homoheptameric rings of α- and β-type subunits organized in α(7)β(7) β(7)α(7) stoichiometry. The CPs of H. volcanii are formed from a single type of β subunit associated with α1 and/or α2 subunits. Tandem affinity chromatography and new genetic constructs were used to separately isolate α1(7)β(7)β(7)α1(7) and α2(7)β(7)β(7)α2(7) CPs from H. volcanii. Chemically cross-linked peptides of the H. volcanii CPs were analyzed by high-performance mass spectrometry and an open modification search strategy to first generate and then to interpret the resulting tandem mass spectrometric data. Distance constraints obtained by chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry, together with the available structural data of nonhalophilic CPs, facilitated the selection of accurate models of H. volcanii proteasomal CPs composed of α1-, α2-, and β-homoheptameric rings from several different possible structures from Protein Data Bank.  相似文献   


Haloarchaea have evolved to thrive in hypersaline environments. Haloferax volcanii is of particular interest due to its genetic tractability; however, few in vivo reporters exist for halophiles. Haloarchaeal proteins evolved characteristics that promote proper folding and function at high salt concentrations, but many mesophilic reporter proteins lack these characteristics. Mesophilic proteins that acquire salt-stabilizing mutations, however, can lead to proper function in haloarchaea. Using laboratory-directed evolution, we developed and demonstrated an in vivo luciferase that functions in the hypersaline cytosol of H. volcanii.


The pathway of d-xylose degradation in archaea is unknown. In a previous study we identified in Haloarcula marismortui the first enzyme of xylose degradation, an inducible xylose dehydrogenase (Johnsen, U., and Schönheit, P. (2004) J. Bacteriol. 186, 6198–6207). Here we report a comprehensive study of the complete d-xylose degradation pathway in the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii. The analyses include the following: (i) identification of the degradation pathway in vivo following 13C-labeling patterns of proteinogenic amino acids after growth on [13C]xylose; (ii) identification of xylose-induced genes by DNA microarray experiments; (iii) characterization of enzymes; and (iv) construction of in-frame deletion mutants and their functional analyses in growth experiments. Together, the data indicate that d-xylose is oxidized exclusively to the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate α-ketoglutarate, involving d-xylose dehydrogenase (HVO_B0028), a novel xylonate dehydratase (HVO_B0038A), 2-keto-3-deoxyxylonate dehydratase (HVO_B0027), and α-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (HVO_B0039). The functional involvement of these enzymes in xylose degradation was proven by growth studies of the corresponding in-frame deletion mutants, which all lost the ability to grow on d-xylose, but growth on glucose was not significantly affected. This is the first report of an archaeal d-xylose degradation pathway that differs from the classical d-xylose pathway in most bacteria involving the formation of xylulose 5-phosphate as an intermediate. However, the pathway shows similarities to proposed oxidative pentose degradation pathways to α-ketoglutarate in few bacteria, e.g. Azospirillum brasilense and Caulobacter crescentus, and in the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.d-Xylose, a constituent of the polymer xylan, is the major component of the hemicellulose plant cell wall material and thus one of the most abundant carbohydrates in nature. The utilization of d-xylose by microorganisms has been described in detail in bacteria and fungi, for which two different catabolic pathways have been reported. In many bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus, and Lactobacillus species, xylose is converted by the activities of xylose isomerase and xylulose kinase to xylulose 5-phosphate as an intermediate, which is further degraded mainly by the pentose phosphate cycle or phosphoketolase pathway. Most fungi convert xylose to xylulose 5-phosphate via xylose reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase, and xylulose kinase. Xylulose 5-phosphate is also an intermediate of the most common l-arabinose degradation pathway in bacteria, e.g. of E. coli, via activities of isomerase, kinase, and epimerase (1).Recently, by genetic evidence, a third pathway of xylose degradation was proposed for the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, in analogy to an alternative catabolic pathway of l-arabinose, reported for some bacteria, including species of Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Burkholderia, and Herbasprillum (2, 3). In these organisms l-arabinose is oxidatively degraded to α-ketoglutarate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, via the activities of l-arabinose dehydrogenase, l-arabinolactonase, and two successive dehydration reactions forming 2-keto-3-deoxy-l-arabinoate and α-ketoglutarate semialdehyde; the latter compound is further oxidized to α-ketoglutarate via NADP+-specific α-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (KGSADH).2 In a few Pseudomonas and Rhizobium species, a variant of this l-arabinose pathway was described involving aldolase cleavage of the intermediate 2-keto-3-deoxy-l-arabinoate to pyruvate and glycolaldehyde, rather than its dehydration and oxidation to α-ketoglutarate (4). Because of the presence of some analogous enzyme activities in xylose-grown cells of Azosprillum and Rhizobium, the oxidative pathway and its variant was also proposed as a catabolic pathway for d-xylose. Recent genetic analysis of Caulobacter crecentus indicates the presence of an oxidative pathway for d-xylose degradation to α-ketoglutarate. All genes encoding xylose dehydrogenase and putative lactonase, xylonate dehydratase, 2-keto-3-deoxylonate dehydratase, and KGSADH were found to be located on a xylose-inducible operon (5). With exception of xylose dehydrogenase, which has been partially characterized, the other postulated enzymes of the pathway have not been biochemically analyzed.The pathway of d-xylose degradation in the domain of archaea has not been studied so far. First analyses with the halophilic archaeon Haloarcula marismortui indicate that the initial step of d-xylose degradation involves a xylose-inducible xylose dehydrogenase (6) suggesting an oxidative pathway of xylose degradation to α-ketoglutarate, or to pyruvate and glycolaldehyde, in analogy to the proposed oxidative bacterial pentose degradation pathways. Recently, a detailed study of d-arabinose catabolism in the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus was reported. d-Arabinose was found to be oxidized to α-ketoglutarate involving d-arabinose dehydrogenase, d-arabinoate dehydratase, 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-arabinoate dehydratase, and α-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (3).In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of the complete d-xylose degradation pathway in the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii. This halophilic archaeon was chosen because it exerts several suitable properties for the analyses. For example, it can be cultivated on synthetic media with sugars, e.g. xylose, an advantage for in vivo labeling studies in growing cultures. Furthermore, a shotgun DNA microarray of H. volcanii is available (7) allowing the identification of xylose-inducible genes, and H. volcanii is one of the few archaea for which an efficient protocol was recently described to generate in-frame deletion mutants.Accordingly, the d-xylose degradation pathway was elucidated following in vivo labeling experiments with [13C]xylose, DNA microarray analyses, and the characterization of enzymes involved and their encoding genes. The functional involvement of genes and enzymes was proven by constructing corresponding in-frame deletion mutants and their analysis by selective growth experiments on xylose versus glucose. The data show that d-xylose was exclusively degraded to α-ketoglutarate involving xylose dehydrogenase, a novel xylonate dehydratase, 2-keto-3-deoxyxylonate dehydratase, and α-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Halophilic enzymes function optimally at high salt concentrations and are active at low water availability. Such conditions are encountered at elevated concentrations of solutes such as salts and sugars, and at high concentrations of organic solvents. However, expression in heterologous hosts such as Escherichia coli can cause problems, since halophilic proteins typically misfold and aggregate in conditions of low ionic strength. We have harnessed the sophisticated genetic tools available for the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii, to develop a system for the overexpression and purification of halophilic proteins under native conditions.  相似文献   

In Archaea, dolichol phosphates have been implicated as glycan carriers in the N-glycosylation pathway, much like their eukaryal counterparts. To clarify this relation, highly sensitive liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry was employed to detect and characterize glycan-charged phosphodolichols in the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii. It is reported that Hfx. volcanii contains a series of C(55) and C(60) dolichol phosphates presenting saturated isoprene subunits at the α and ω positions and sequentially modified with the first, second, third and methylated fourth sugar subunits comprising the first four subunits of the pentasaccharide N-linked to the S-layer glycoprotein, a reporter of N-glycosylation. Moreover, when this glycan-charged phosphodolichol pool was examined in cells deleted of agl genes encoding glycosyltransferases participating in N-glycosylation and previously assigned roles in adding pentasaccharide residues one to four, the composition of the lipid-linked glycans was perturbed in the identical manner as was S-layer glycoprotein N-glycosylation in these mutants. In contrast, the fifth sugar of the pentasaccharide, identified as mannose in this study, is added to a distinct dolichol phosphate carrier. This represents the first evidence that in Archaea, as in Eukarya, the oligosaccharides N-linked to glycoproteins are sequentially assembled from glycans originating from distinct phosphodolichol carriers.  相似文献   

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