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We have determined that Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 MI carries 21 extrachromosomal DNA elements, the largest number known for any bacterium. Among these are 12 linear and nine circular plasmids, whose sequences total 610 694 bp. We report here the nucleotide sequence of three linear and seven circular plasmids (comprising 290 546 bp) in this infectious isolate. This completes the genome sequencing project for this organism; its genome size is 1 521 419 bp (plus about 2000 bp of undetermined telomeric sequences). Analysis of the sequence implies that there has been extensive and sometimes rather recent DNA rearrangement among a number of the linear plasmids. Many of these events appear to have been mediated by recombinational processes that formed duplications. These many regions of similarity are reflected in the fact that most plasmid genes are members of one of the genome's 161 paralogous gene families; 107 of these gene families, which vary in size from two to 41 members, contain at least one plasmid gene. These rearrangements appear to have contributed to a surprisingly large number of apparently non-functional pseudogenes, a very unusual feature for a prokaryotic genome. The presence of these damaged genes suggests that some of the plasmids may be in a period of rapid evolution. The sequence predicts 535 plasmid genes >/=300 bp in length that may be intact and 167 apparently mutationally damaged and/or unexpressed genes (pseudogenes). The large majority, over 90%, of genes on these plasmids have no convincing similarity to genes outside Borrelia, suggesting that they perform specialized functions.  相似文献   

Immunochemical analysis of Lyme disease spirochetes   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Sera from patients with Lyme disease (LD) originating in the United States and Europe were examined by western blot analysis for antibodies to LD spirochete components. Whereas some components reacted with antibodies from the majority of patients, other components, notably an abundant cellular protein with an apparent molecular weight of 34,000 were less commonly bound. This latter proteinaceous component was in a region of the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile which demonstrated variability between different LD spirochete isolates. Thus, there may be more than one serotype of LD spirochete, and the 34,000-range proteins may be a basis for such a distinction.  相似文献   

Morphology, physiology, and DNA nucleotide composition of Lyme disease spirochetes, Borrelia, Treponema, and Leptospira were compared. Morphologically, Lyme disease spirochetes resemble Borrelia. They lack cytoplasmic tubules present in Treponema, and have more than one periplasmic flagellum per cell end and lack the tight coiling which are characteristic of Leptospira. Lyme disease spirochetes are also similar to Borrelia in being microaerophilic, catalase-negative bacteria. They utilize carbohydrates such as glucose as their major carbon and energy sources and produce lactic acid. Long-chain fatty acids are not degraded but are incorporated unaltered into cellular lipids. The diamino amino acid present in the peptidoglycan is ornithine. The mole % guanine plus cytosine values for Lyme disease spirochete DNA were 27.3-30.5 percent. These values are similar to the 28.0-30.5 percent for the Borrelia but differed from the values of 35.3-53 percent for Treponema and Leptospira. DNA reannealing studies demonstrated that Lyme disease spirochetes represent a new species of Borrelia, exhibiting a 31-59 percent DNA homology with the three species of North American borreliae. In addition, these studies showed that the three Lyme disease spirochetes comprise a single species with DNA homologies ranging from 76-100 percent. The three North American borreliae also constitute a single species, displaying DNA homologies of 75-95 percent. Lyme disease spirochetes and Borrelia exhibited little or no DNA homology (0-2 percent) with the Treponema or Leptospira. Plasmids were present in the three Lyme disease spirochetes and the three North American borreliae.  相似文献   

Lyme disease spirochetes (LDS) have phenotypic characteristics of both treponemes and borreliae. To ascertain whether one or more species of LDS exist, as well as their taxonomic status, we determined the DNA base (G + C) content for three strains of LDS, the DNA relatedness of ten strains isolated in the United States or Europe, and the DNA relatedness of LDS to other spirochetes. The G + C content of the three LDS strains was 28.1-29.0 mol%, most similar to those of Borellia hermsii (30.6 mol %) and Treponema hyodysenteriae (25.6 mol %) among the other spirochetes tested. DNA hybridization studies of nine LDS strains to a reference strain isolated from human blood revealed divergence (unpaired bases) within related nucleotide sequences of only 0.0-1.0 percent, indicating the strains were one species. Similarly, relatedness values of seven strains to the reference strain were high: 58-98 percent (mean, 71 percent) in 50 degrees C reactions and 50-93 percent (mean, 69 percent) in 65 degrees C reactions. Labeled DNA from B. hermsii was 30-40 percent related to three Lyme disease spirochete strains in 50 degrees C reactions and 8-10 percent related in 65 degrees C reactions. In contrast, DNA from the reference LDS strain showed relatedness of only 1 percent to DNAs of two leptospires and only 16 percent to DNA from T. hyodysenteriae. We conclude that LDS are a single species, genetically unlike treponemes or leptospires, which belong in the genus Borrelia.  相似文献   

Spirochetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group, the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, exhibit a complex biology evolved in its zoonotic cycle. Cryo-electron tomography was used to investigate structural features of three species, B. burgdorferi , B. garinii and B. afzelii , known to cause different clinical manifestations in humans. All three organisms revealed an overall similar architecture and showed different numbers of periplasmic flagellar filaments, polar periplasmic void regions, vesicles budding from the outer membrane sheath, which was covered by an amorphous slime layer. The latter was shown to be distinct in its density when comparing the three human-pathogenic Lyme disease spirochetes and Borrelia hermsii , a species causing relapsing fever. Tomograms of dividing bacteria revealed vesicles near the site of division and new basal bodies that were attached at each end of newly establishing cytoplasmic cylinder poles, while periplasmic flagellar filaments still passed the impending site of division. Two different kinds of cytoplasmic filaments showed similarities to MreB or FtsZ filaments of other bacteria. The similar and distinct structural features of Borrelia and the previously investigated pathogenic and non-pathogenic Treponema species emphasize the importance of further studying phylogenetically distant spirochetes.  相似文献   

The successful isolation and cultivation of Lyme disease spirochetes traces its lineage to early attempts at cultivating relapsing fever borreliae. Observations on the growth of Lyme disease spirochetes under different in vitro conditions may yield important clues to both the metabolic characteristics of these newly discovered organisms and the pathogenesis of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Since the summer of 1982, we have cultured patient specimens for Lyme disease spirochetes. Of 118 patients cultured, four specimens yielded spirochetes: two from blood, one from a skin biopsy specimen of erythema chronicum migrans (ECM), and one from cerebrospinal fluid. All four isolates appeared identical when examined with a monoclonal antibody. However, attempts to recover the spirochete from synovium or synovial fluid were unsuccessful. In addition, the organism could not be visualized in skin or synovial biopsy specimens using the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex detection system. Thus, the current yield in culturing spirochetes from patients is quite low, and it is not yet known whether the organism is still alive later in the disease when arthritis is present.  相似文献   

Transmission of Lyme disease spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The field and laboratory evidence incriminating nymphalIxodes dammini as the main vectors ofBorrelia burgdorferi is substantial. Furthermore, other members of theIxodes (Ixodes) ricinus complex, includingI. ricinus, I. persulcatus, I. pacificus, andI. scapularis, are competent vectors of the Lyme disease spirochete. Although ticks in other genera are also naturally infected withB. burgdorferi, experimental evidence suggests thatAmblyomma andDermacentor ticks are inefficient vectors of these spirochetes. Current research on the kinetics ofB. burgdorferi growth within ticks demonstrates that Lyme disease spirochetes are dramatically influenced by physiological events during the tick's life-cycle.  相似文献   

Lyme disease spirochetes induce human and murine interleukin 1 production   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
IL 1 is a major immunoregulatory molecule produced by macrophages, and it appears to be the molecular orchestrator of nonspecific host defense mechanisms against a variety of environmental insults. Many investigators have used artificial agents to stimulate macrophages to produce IL 1. We now report production of large quantities of IL 1 after a physiologic stimulus. The Lyme disease spirochete, recently isolated and adapted for growth in vitro, was used to stimulate P388D1 cells or human peripheral blood monocytes. Spirochetes were added to confluent macrophage cultures in serum-free RPMI at a ratio of 10:1. The release of IL 1 was dose-dependent. The 24-hr supernatant IL 1 activity was determined by using the thymocyte Con A co-mitogenesis assay. Activity was not due to an endotoxin on, or produced by, the spirochete. A polymyxin B affinity column failed to remove activity, and polymyxin B in the spirochete-macrophage culture had no effect on IL 1 production. Supernatants were collected, were concentrated, and were subjected to size exclusion HPLC. Three areas of activity were found in P388D1 cell supernatants (Mr greater than 60,000, 40,000, and 20,000), whereas two peaks (Mr 23,000 and 13,000) were found in human monocyte supernatants. The Mr 20,000 and 13,000 peaks from murine and human cell supernatants, respectively, were subjected to SDS-PAGE and were shown to be single bands (Mr 12,400 for the mouse IL 1 and Mr 13,500 for the human IL 1). Isoelectric focusing of column-purified IL 1 preparations showed two different pI in both human (pI 7.25 and 4.4 to 5) and murine (pI 7.25 and 5.55) IL 1. Fibroblasts cultured with murine or human IL 1 preparations demonstrated both an increase in secreted collagenase and increased cell proliferation. Thus, a physiologic stimulus and simple biochemical techniques produce large amounts of very pure mouse or human IL 1. That this IL 1 is produced by Lyme disease spirochete-stimulated macrophages may explain some of the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

We have cloned three copies of a repeated DNA segment from Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto strain B31, present on both circular and linear plasmids of this and other B. burgdorferi sensu lato strains. The DNA sequences are characterized by a highly homologous segment containing two open reading frames (ORFs), ORF-A and ORF-B. Five additional ORFs can be found on the slightly less homologous flanking sequences: ORF-G on the opposite strand upstream of ORF-A, and ORF-C, ORF-D, ORF-E, and ORF-F downstream of ORF-B. The 4.6-kb-long element containing ORF-A through ORF-E is flanked by approximately 180-bp-long imperfect inverted repeats (IRs). The putative gene product of ORF-C displays homology to proteins involved in plasmid maintenance in a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. ORF-E features several short, highly homologous direct repeats. ORF-A, ORF-B, and ORF-D are homologous to three ORFs on a recently described 8.3-kb circular plasmid of Borrelia afzelii Ip21 that are flanked by similar IRs (J. J. Dunn, S. R. Buchstein, L.-L. Butler, S. Fisenne, D. S. Polin, B. N. Lade, and B. J. Luft, J. Bacteriol. 176:2706-2717,1994). ORF-C and ORF-E, however, are missing from this region on the Ip21 plasmid. Furthermore, the repeated DNA element as defined by the IRs is present in opposite orientations relative to the flanking sequences on the B31 and Ip21 plasmids.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi isolates obtained from numerous locations and from different hosts in North Carolina, were compared to previously characterized strains of the Lyme disease spirochete and other Borrelia spp. The spirochete isolates were confirmed to be B. burgdorferi sensu stricto based on immunofluorescence (IFA) using a monoclonal antibody to outer surface protein A (Osp A [H5332]) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a species-specific nested primer for a conserved region of the gene that encodes for flagellin. In addition, the isolates tested positive in Western blots with species-specific monoclonal antibodies for outer surface protein A and OspB (84c), and the genus-specific, monoclonal antibody to flagellin (H9724). Infectivity studies with several of these isolates were conducted using Mus musculus and Oryzomys palustris and the isolates exhibited markedly different levels of infectivity. This study demonstrates that B. burgdorferi sensu stricto is present and naturally transmitted on the Outer Banks and in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions of North Carolina.  相似文献   

Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne human illness in North America. In order to understand the molecular pathogenesis, natural diversity, population structure and epizootic spread of the North American Lyme agent, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, a much better understanding of the natural diversity of its genome will be required. Towards this end we present a comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the numerous plasmids of B. burgdorferi isolates B31, N40, JD1 and 297. These strains were chosen because they include the three most commonly studied laboratory strains, and because they represent different major genetic lineages and so are informative regarding the genetic diversity and evolution of this organism. A unique feature of Borrelia genomes is that they carry a large number of linear and circular plasmids, and this work shows that strains N40, JD1, 297 and B31 carry related but non-identical sets of 16, 20, 19 and 21 plasmids, respectively, that comprise 33-40% of their genomes. We deduce that there are at least 28 plasmid compatibility types among the four strains. The B. burgdorferi ~900 Kbp linear chromosomes are evolutionarily exceptionally stable, except for a short ≤20 Kbp plasmid-like section at the right end. A few of the plasmids, including the linear lp54 and circular cp26, are also very stable. We show here that the other plasmids, especially the linear ones, are considerably more variable. Nearly all of the linear plasmids have undergone one or more substantial inter-plasmid rearrangements since their last common ancestor. In spite of these rearrangements and differences in plasmid contents, the overall gene complement of the different isolates has remained relatively constant.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of eucaryotic extrachromosomal circular (ecc) DNA is described. Exonuclease III was used to preparatively digest linear and open circular forms of DNA; the resultant exonuclease-resistant molecules were then characterized by buoyant density gradient sedimentation and were found to be essentially covalently closed circular DNA. The efficiency of the exonuclease method was compared to ultracentrifugation techniques and was found to give yields greater than those obtained by two or more equilibrium density gradients. The utility of the exonuclease III technique was determined by purifying eccDNAs from mouse liver, brain, heart, and kidney tissues. The results showed that there are tissue-related differences in eccDNA content.  相似文献   

We have characterized seven different 32-kb circular plasmids carried by Borrelia burgdorferi isolate B31. Restriction endonuclease recognition site mapping and partial sequencing of these plasmids indicated that all seven are probably closely related to each other throughout their lengths and have substantial relationships to cp8.3, an 8.3-kb circular plasmid of B. burgdorferi sensu lato isolate Ip21. With the addition of the seven 32-kb plasmids, this bacterial strain is known to carry at least 10 linear and 9 circular plasmids. Variant cultures of B. burgdorferi B31 lacking one or more of the 32-kb circular plasmids are viable and, at least in some cases, infectious. We have examined a number of different natural isolates of Lyme disease borreliae and found that all of the B. burgdorferi sensu stricto isolates and most of the B. burgdorferi sensu lato isolates tested appear to carry multiple 32-kb circular plasmids related to those of B. burgdorferi B31. The ubiquity of these plasmids suggests that they may be important in the natural life cycle of these organisms. They may be highly conjugative plasmids or prophage genomes, which could prove to be useful in genetically manipulating B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

To determine whether blackbirds (Turdus merula), the most abundant and most abundantly tick-infested ecotonal bird of Central Europe, may contribute to the transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi), we compared the infectivity to ticks of naturally as well as experimentally infected blackbirds and rodents. European blackbirds experience intense exposure to Ixodes ricinus ticks and to the pathogens that they transmit. In nature, subadult I. ricinus ticks found feeding on these birds generally contain no spirochetes, although infection is universal in those found on black-striped mice (Apodemus agrarius). Those found on yellow-necked mice (A. flavicollis) are less frequently infected. Ticks lose infection in the course of feeding on blackbirds and fail to infect them. Subadult I. ricinus ticks readily feed on blackbirds, black-striped mice, and jirds (Meriones unguiculatus), but engorge less fully on the bird than on the rodents. Although birds may burden human health by establishing new infestations of I. ricinus ticks, our observations indicate that particular birds may benefit health by locally diminishing transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete.  相似文献   

Spirochetes from the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.). (Spirochaetales: Spirochaetaceae) species complex, including the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, have been isolated from ticks, vertebrate reservoirs and humans. Previous analyses based on direct molecular detection in ticks indicated a considerable diversity of B. burgdorferi s.l. complex in Serbia. The present study aimed (a) to isolate borrelia strains from Serbia; (b) to determine their genotypic characteristics; and (c) to establish a collection of viable B. burgdorferi s.l. strains for further biological, ecological and genetic studies. For the present study, 231 adult Ixodes ricinus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) ticks from 16 ecologically different localities in Serbia were individually processed to cultivate B. burgdorferi s.l. This led to the isolation of 36 strains. A hbb gene quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on melting temperature determination and ospA gene sequencing were used to genotype the isolated spirochetes. The species identified based on the hbb gene real‐time PCR were: Borrelia lusitaniae (44.4%), Borrelia afzelii (36.1%), Borrelia garinii (13.9%) and Borrelia valaisiana (5.6%), whereas the ospA sequence analysis revealed the occurrence of Borrelia bavariensis. This is the first report of the isolation of B. lusitaniae, B. garinii, B. bavariensis and B. valaisiana strains in Serbia.  相似文献   

Background: Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is a group of at least twelve closely related species some of which are responsible for Lyme disease, the most frequent zoonosis in Europe and the USA. Many of the biological features of Borrelia are unique in prokaryotes and very interesting not only from the medical viewpoint but also from the view of molecular biology. Methods: Relevant recent articles were searched using PubMed and Google search tools. Results and Conclusion: This is a review of the biological, genetic and physiological features of the spirochete species group, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. In spite of a lot of recent articles focused on B. burgdorferi sensu lato, many features of Borrelia biology remain obscure. It is one of the main reasons for persisting problems with prevention, diagnosis and therapy of Lyme disease. The aim of the review is to summarize ongoing current knowledge into a lucid and comprehensible form.  相似文献   

Salp15, a 15-kDa tick salivary gland protein, has several suppressive modes of activity against host immunity and plays a critical role in the transmission of Lyme disease spirochetes in Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes ricinus, major vectors of Lyme disease in North America and Western Europe. Salp15 adheres to Borrelia burgdorferi and specifically interacts with its outer surface protein C (OspC), protecting the spirochete from antibody-mediated cytotoxicity and facilitating infection in the mice. Recently, we identified two Salp15 homologues, IperSalp15-1 and IperSalp15-2, in Ixodes persulcatus, a vector for Lyme disease in Japan. Here we describe the function of IperSalp15 in the transmission of Lyme borreliosis. To investigate the function of IperSalp15, recombinant IperSalp15-1 and IperSalp15-2 were prepared in bacterial and insect cells. Both were identified in the sera of tick-immunized hamsters, indicating that these are secretory proteins in exposed host animals. Solid-phase overlay and indirect fluorescence assays showed that IperSalp15 binds to OspC from B. burgdorferi, Borrelia garinii, and Borrelia afzelii. Importantly, this binding likely protected the spirochete from antibody-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. In addition, IperSalp15 tended to facilitate infection in mice. Thus, further characterization of tick molecules, including IperSalp15, could lead to the development of new strategies to prevent the transmission of tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal circular (ecc) DNA was isolated from mouse brain, liver, and heart tissues at different ages. To determine the abundance of repetitive sequences in eccDNAs, preparations were probed for short-interspersed (B1 and B2), long-interspersed (L1), endogenous retroviral-like (IAP), and tandemly repeated satellite sequences (SAT) of the mouse genome. Together these sequence families comprise approximately 15% of the mouse genome. The hybridization results showed that each tissue had a characteristic pattern of repetitive sequence elements in eccDNAs, and the abundance of repetitive sequences changed as a function of age. Repetitive sequences decreased in liver and brain eccDNAs from 1 month to 8 months of age but appeared to remain stable thereafter. In contrast, repetitive sequence families in heart eccDNAs were constant from 1 month to 16 months of age but declined in 24-month-old mice. The present studies indicate that extrachromosomal sequences exhibit greater flexibility than chromosomal sequences.  相似文献   

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