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The feasibility of applying multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy-related techniques in planar membrane systems, such as lipid monolayers at the air-water interface (named Langmuir films), is presented and discussed in this paper. The non-linear fluorescence microscopy approach, allows obtaining spatially and temporally resolved information by exploiting the fluorescent properties of particular fluorescence probes. For instance, the use of environmental sensitive probes, such as LAURDAN, allows performing measurements using the LAURDAN generalized polarization function that in turn is sensitive to the local lipid packing in the membrane. The fact that LAURDAN exhibit homogeneous distribution in monolayers, particularly in systems displaying domain coexistence, overcomes a general problem observed when “classical” fluorescence probes are used to label Langmuir films, i.e. the inability to obtain simultaneous information from the two coexisting membrane regions. Also, the well described photoselection effect caused by excitation light on LAURDAN allows: (i) to qualitative infer tilting information of the monolayer when liquid condensed phases are present and (ii) to provide high contrast to visualize 3D membranous structures at the film's collapse pressure. In the last case, computation of the LAURDAN GP function provides information about lipid packing in these 3D structures. Additionally, LAURDAN GP values upon compression in monolayers were compared with those obtained in compositionally similar planar bilayer systems. At similar GP values we found, for both DOPC and DPPC, a correspondence between the molecular areas reported in monolayers and bilayers. This correspondence occurs when the lateral pressure of the monolayer is 26 ± 2 mN/m and 28 ± 3 mN/m for DOPC and DPPC, respectively.  相似文献   

A fluorescence spectrophotometer was constructed to determine the emission spectrum of a nerve labeled with various fluorochromes. Using this spectrophotometer, the spectra of 2-p-toluidinylnaphthalene 6-sulfonate (2,6-TNS) and other aminonaphthalene derivatives in squid giant axons were determined at the peak of nerve excitation, as well as in the resting state of the axons. During nerve excitation the fluorescent light deriving from the 2,6-TNS-stained nerve undergoes a transient change in intensity. The spectrum of the light contributing to this change in intensity was found to be much narrower and sharper than the fluorescent spectrum of the light arising from labeled axons at rest. This narrow and sharp spectrum is interpreted as being derived from a transient variation in the polarity of the 2,6-TNS binding sites in the axon. In the Appendix, the results of a physicochemical investigation into the factors affecting the fluorescence of 2,6-TNS in vitro are described.  相似文献   

Characteristic of the process of myogenesis are the changes in the composition and organization of the cell membrane. While poorly understood, these changes have biochemical and biophysical relevance. Recently, changes in molecular order of the myoblast membrane which accompany differentiation in vitro have been observed (Santini, M.T., Indovina, P.L. and Hausman, R.E. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 896, 19–25). To further investigate these cell fusion processes we have examined additional physical parameters: conductivity and permittivity of the myoblast membrane during differentiation which reflect the molecular arrangement of the membrane. The determination of these parameters is possible because in the radio frequency range suspensions of cells in an electrolyte buffer show a characteristic conductivity dispersion due to the interfacial polarization. An analysis of our experimental data based on a ‘single-shell’ model showed that conductivity and permittivity of the membrane of pre- and post-fusion myoblasts varied significantly and abruptly. The conductivity of the cell interior (cytosol) remained constant. We discuss the significance of the observed changes in these membrane parameters for myogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical stimulation, either cathodal or anodal, of the monocellular electroplax preparation in Ca-free Ringer's solution results in a sustained depolarization which is determined by the amount of current passed through the cell. The membrane potential recovers only when Ca is added again. These changes take place at the innervated side of the electroplax only. This depolarization of the membrane is pH-dependent; it depolarizes more at pH 6.0 than at pH 9.0. The membrane does not depolarize and the action potential is not blocked within an hour in Ca-free solution unless the cell is stimulated. The sustained depolarization is not prevented or reversed by curare, tetracaine, physostigmine, tetrodotoxin, and tetraethylammonium.After stimulation, the outward K current remains unchanged regardless of whether Ca is present. In contrast, the inward current is dependent on Ca in the outside solution on the innervated membrane; in the absence of Ca following stimulation, the inward K current is decreased.The depolarization by carbamylcholine is reduced in Ca-free and increased in Mgfree Ringer's solution. In contrast to the depolarization induced by electrical stimulation, these carbamylcholine depolarizations may be reversed by washing with Ca-free or Ca- and Mg-free Ringer's solution.  相似文献   

We report fluorescence lifetimes for in vivo chlorophyll a using a time-correlated single-photon counting technique with tunable dye laser excitation. The fluorescence decay of dark-adapted chlorella is almost exponential with a lifetime of 490 ps, which is independent of excitation from 570 nm to 640 nm.Chloroplasts show a two-component decay of 410 ps and approximately 1.4 ns, the proportion of long component depending upon the fluorescence state of the chloroplasts. The fluorescence lifetime of Photosystem I was determined to be 110 ps from measurements on fragments enriched in Photosystem I prepared from chloroplasts with digitonin.  相似文献   

Y Wu  F F Sun  D M Tong    B M Taylor 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(1):91-100
The changes in membrane structural properties occurring during the process of ATP depletion-induced cell injury in adherent human astrocytoma cells (UC-11 MG) were studied with two epifluorescence techniques: 1) steady-state fluorescence anisotropy (r) to examine microstructural changes in the membrane phospholipids and 2) fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP) to examine membrane fluidity changes. A new method for r measurement was established that provides the unique advantage of simultaneously monitoring both vertical and horizontal polarized fluorescence emissions needed for the calculation of r. In this study, r in the astrocytoma cells labeled with 1-(4-trimethylammonium phenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene p-toluenesulfonate was shown to remain stable for up to 90 min. However, when the cells were treated with 75 microM iodoacetic acid (IAA), a metabolic inhibitor that induces rapid depletion of cellular ATP, r continually decreased, indicating a decrease in membrane lipid order and perturbation of the bilayer structure. This decrease in r could be prevented by the pretreatment of cells with lipophilic antioxidants such as tirilazad or gossypol. Tirilazad itself caused a significant increase in r, suggesting that tirilazad intercalates into the membrane bilayer and profoundly increases the lipid order in uninjured cells. Gossypol, however, did not exhibit this property. Further investigations into these phenomena with FRAP confirmed the r results and indicated that membrane fluidity increased while its structure became less rigid during the process of ATP-induced cell injury. In addition, lipophilic antioxidants prevented the membrane structural aberrations induced by IAA. Experimental results suggest that different mechanisms of cytoprotective action may exist for tirilazad and the antioxidant gossypol. Gossypol appears to prevent or delay the observed cell injury entirely because of its antioxidant action, whereas tirilazad's protection is mediated not only via its antioxidant activity, but also by its ability to increase cell membrane lipid order.  相似文献   

Excitation of the Nitella membrane is analysed by assuming themembrane to be an electromotive force in series with a resistance,both being variables of time and of membrane potential. Duringstep depolarization beyond a threshold, conductance and electromotiveforce increase transiently, finally reaching their respectivesteady state levels. The conductance increase peak is attainedearlier than the peak for electromotive force increase. Wheneverelectromotive force increases beyond the level of clamped membranepotential, the ionic current flows inward. This is consideredto be the origin of the apparent negative resistance characteristicof the excitable membrane. Anodal break response and spontaneousfiring of Nitella membrane are also caused by transient increasesin electromotive force and conductance irrespective of whetherthe membrane potential is being held at its resting level. Thetransient increase in electromotive force reflects changes,like a phase transition, occurring during excitation. (Received May 6, 1968; )  相似文献   

The temporal characteristics of the slow phase of chlorophyll fluorescence induction-T 0.5 (half-decay time) and t min (an integral-based index of the variable emission rate)-as well as the popular amplitude index F P/F S were determined at different excitation light intensities (I ex [400?C500 nm] of 20?C80 W/m2) in dark-adapted leaves of different age (3?C24 days) taken from radish plants grown under continuous light of 100 W/m2 PAR. All the profiles thus obtained were mutually consistent, and the age-related variations were minimized at I ex > 40 W/m2; at that the age-averaged temporal indices proved to be more light-responsive than the standard amplitude ratio.  相似文献   

In isolated muscle fibres of the frog and of the crayfish the following electrical parameters were determined during the glycerol procedure from the voltage transients at 20 degrees C: the sarcoplasmic resistivity, Ri; the membrane resistance, Rm; the series tubular resistance, Rs; the surface membrane capacity, Cm; the tubular membrane capacity CT. No significant changes were found in fibres equilibrated with glycerol (G) saline. During the washout of glycerol only Ri and Cm remained unchanged. In reversibly decoupled crayfish fibres (300 mM-G) CT decreased to 70%, Rs increased to 175% and Rm increased to 200% of the control values. The changed parameters returned to control values upon reapplication of glycerol. In irreversibly decoupled fibres (500 and 600 mM-G) the changes in CT and Rs were more pronounced; and Rm was decreased. The resting potential remained constant with few mV. In frog fibres the changes in electrical parameters were in the same direction except the decrease of Rm during reversible decoupling (150 mM-G). The corresponding changes in reversible and irreversibly (300 mM-G) detubulated fibres were as follows: CT--60 (80) %; Rs--10 (14) times; Rm--50 (35) %.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Immunophenotyping of blood leukocytes often involves fixation with paraformaldehyde prior to cytometry analysis. However, the influence of cell type and marker specificity on the stability of fluorescence intensity after fixation has not been well studied. METHODS: Human whole blood was stained using a panel of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled antibodies to surface markers. Unfixed and fixed samples were analyzed by flow cytometry at 0, 2, 4, 6, 24, 48, and 96 h after staining. Fluorescence measurements were converted to molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome for comparison. RESULTS: Fixation caused a significant decrease in both forward and side scatter at 48 h which required gating adjustments to achieve resolution of cell populations. The autofluorescence increased progressively in fixed samples (ninefold at 96 h for monocytes). Variable decreases in marker-associated fluorescence became apparent after correction for autofluorescence. The magnitude of the decrease at 96 h varied with cell type and marker, from 5% for CD32 on monocytes to 39% for CD16 on neutrophils. CONCLUSION: The change in fluorescence intensity following staining and fixation of leukocytes varies with cell type and surface marker. Fluorescence stability should be determined for each cell type and marker used, and the confounding effects of fixation on cell autofluorescence should be considered.  相似文献   

The coenzyme-linked fluorescence of aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase decays non-exponentially. The decay of both native and NaBH4 reduced samples can only be fitted by two exponentials each roughly accounting for about half of the total fluorescence. Denaturation of the reduced protein with 8 M urea makes the fluorescence decay mono-exponential, like that observed for the reference compound pyridoxamine-5-phosphate. An extra pyridoxyl moiety can be bound to the enzyme after incubation with excess pyridoxal phosphate and reduction with NaBH4. This sample is almost twice as fluorescent and shows also two lifetimes. After denaturation only one fluorescence lifetime is observed. The presence of two non-equivalent pyridoxal sites in the native enzyme can be postulated. The heterogeneous decay behaviour of the pyridoxyl moiety in the enzyme together with the variability of lifetime shown, makes this fluorophore an even more interesting fluorescent probe for proteins.  相似文献   

Veratridine in low concentrations (20 μM) and at high pH (pH 9) acts as a synergist for carbamylcholine-induced depolarizations in the electroplax of electric eel. This potentiation is not sensitive to tetrodotoxin, but is significantly reduced by d-tubocurarine. Veratridine alone does not depolarize this preparation at the concentration used (20 μM). The increased carbamylcholine depolarization arising in the presence of veratridine does not simply sum with the carbamylcholine depolarization; the fractional contribution of veratridine to the total depolarization decreases as the carbamylcholine concentration is increased, and at 50 μM carbamylcholine no significant difference is apparent between groups with and without veratridine. Depolarization with increased external K+, unlike carbamylcholine depolarization, is not potentiated by veratridine.  相似文献   

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