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During mitosis, ensembles of dynamic MTs and motors exert forces that coordinate chromosome segregation. Typically, chromosomes align at the metaphase spindle equator where they oscillate along the pole-pole axis before disjoining and moving poleward during anaphase A, but spindles in different cell types display differences in MT dynamicity, in the amplitude of chromosome oscillations and in rates of chromatid-to-pole motion. Drosophila embryonic mitotic spindles, for example, display remarkably dynamic MTs, barely detectable metaphase chromosome oscillations, and a rapid rate of "flux-pacman-dependent" anaphase chromatid-to-pole motility. Here we develop a force-balance model that describes Drosophila embryo chromosome motility in terms of a balance of forces acting on kinetochores and kMTs that is generated by multiple polymer ratchets and mitotic motors coupled to tension-dependent kMT dynamics. The model shows that i), multiple MTs displaying high dynamic instability can drive steady and rapid chromosome motion; ii), chromosome motility during metaphase and anaphase A can be described by a single mechanism; iii), high kinetochore dynein activity is deployed to dampen metaphase oscillations, to augment the basic flux-pacman mechanism, and to drive rapid anaphase A; iv), modulation of the MT rescue frequency by the kinetochore-associated kinesin-13 depolymerase promotes metaphase chromosome oscillations; and v), this basic mechanism can be adapted to a broad range of spindles.  相似文献   

Vaults are ribonucleoproteins that may function in intracellular transport processes. We investigated the intracellular distribution and dynamics of vaults in non-small cell lung cancer cells in which vaults are labeled with the green fluorescent protein. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that vaults are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm; a small fraction is found in close proximity to microtubules. Immunoprecipitation experiments corroborated these results showing co-precipitation of MVP and beta-tubulin. Using quantitative fluorescence-recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we demonstrated that vault mobility over longer distances in part depends on intact microtubules; vaults moving slower when microtubules are depolymerized by nocodazole. Biochemical fractionation indicated a small fraction of MVP associated with the nucleus, however, no GFP-tagged vaults could be observed inside the nucleus. We observed an accumulation of vaults at the nuclear envelope upon treatment of cells with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Analysis of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport using a fluorescent substrate containing a classical NLS and NES expressed in MVP+/+ and MVP-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts indicated no differences in nuclear import/export kinetics, suggesting no role for vaults in these processes. We hypothesize that a subset of vaults moves directionally via microtubules, possibly towards the nucleus.  相似文献   

Actin performs a wide variety of different tasks. This functional diversity may be accomplished either by the formation of different isotypes or by suitable protein decoration that regulates structure and dynamics of actin filaments. To probe for such a potential differential decoration, the actin-binding peptide Lifeact was fused to different photoactivatable fluorescent proteins. These fusions were stably expressed in Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow 2 cells to follow dynamic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton during the cell cycle. The Lifeact–monomeric variant of IrisFP fusion protein was observed to indiscriminately label both, central and cortical, actin filaments, whereas the tetrameric Lifeact–photoswitchable red fluorescent protein fusion construct selectively labeled only a specific perinuclear sub-population of actin. By using photoactivated localization microscopy, we acquired super-resolution images with optical sectioning to obtain a 3D model of perinuclear actin. This novel approach revealed that the perinuclear actin basket wraps around the nuclear envelope in a lamellar fashion and repartitions toward the leading edge of the migrating nucleus. Based on these data, we suggest that actin that forms the perinuclear basket differs from other actin assemblies by a reduced decoration with actin binding proteins, which is consistent with the differential decoration model.  相似文献   

We have recently reported a neural variant of microtubule-associated protein 4 with a short pro-rich region (MAP4-SP). Here, we show that the neural MAP4 has reduced microtubule-stabilizing activity, compared to the ubiquitous MAP4 with a long pro-rich region (MAP4-LP), both in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses revealed that the interaction of MAP4-SP with the microtubules is very rapid, with a half-time of fluorescence recovery of 7 +/- 2.36 s, compared to 19.5 +/- 3.03 s in case of MAP4-LP. The dynamic interaction of MAP4-SP with microtubules in neural cells may contribute to the dynamic behaviors of extending neurites.  相似文献   

The glucose phosphorylating enzyme glucokinase regulates glucose metabolism in the liver. Glucokinase activity is modulated by a liver-specific competitive inhibitor, the glucokinase regulatory protein (GRP), which mediates sequestration of glucokinase to the nucleus at low glucose concentrations. However, the mechanism of glucokinase nuclear export is not fully understood. In this study we investigated the dynamics of glucose-dependent interaction and translocation of glucokinase and GRP in primary hepatocytes using fluorescence resonance energy transfer, selective photoconversion and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. The formation of the glucokinase:GRP complex in the nucleus of primary hepatocytes at 5 mmol/l glucose was significantly reduced after a 2 h incubation at 20 mmol/l glucose. The GRP was predominantly localized in the nucleus, but a mobile fraction moved between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The glucose concentration only marginally affected GRP shuttling. In contrast, the nuclear export rate of glucokinase was significantly higher at 20 than at 5 mmol/l glucose. Thus, glucose was proven to be the driving-force for nuclear export of glucokinase in hepatocytes. Using the FLII12Pglu-700μ-δ6 glucose nanosensor it could be shown that in hepatocytes the kinetics of nuclear glucose influx, metabolism or efflux were significantly faster compared to insulin-secreting cells. The rapid equilibration kinetics of glucose flux into the nucleus facilitates dissociation of the glucokinase:GRP complex and also nuclear glucose metabolism by free glucokinase enzyme. In conclusion, we could show that a rise of glucose in the nucleus of hepatocytes releases active glucokinase from the glucokinase:GRP complex and promotes the subsequent nuclear export of glucokinase.  相似文献   

Molecular mobility in membranes of intracellular organelles is poorly understood, due to the lack of experimental tools applicable for a great diversity of shapes and sizes such organelles can acquire. Determinations of diffusion within the plasma membrane or cytosol are based mostly on the assumption of an infinite flat space, not valid for curved membranes of smaller organelles. Here we extend the application of FRAP to mitochondria of living cells by application of numerical analysis to data collected from a small region inside a single organelle. The spatiotemporal pattern of light pulses generated by the laser scanning microscope during the measurement is reconstructed in silico and consequently the values of diffusion parameters best suited to the particular organelle are found. The mobility of the outer membrane proteins hFis and Tom7, as well as oxidative phosphorylation complexes COX and F1F0 ATPase located in the inner membrane is analyzed in detail. Several alternative models of diffusivity applied to these proteins provide insight into the mechanisms determining the rate of motion in each of the membranes. Tom7 and hFis move along the mitochondrial axis in the outer membrane with similar diffusion coefficients (D = 0.7 μm2/s and 0.6 μm2/s respectively) and equal immobile fraction (7%). The notably slower motion of the inner membrane proteins is best represented by a dual-component model with approximately equal partitioning of the fractions (F1F0 ATPase: 0.4 μm2/s and 0.0005 μm2/s; COX: 0.3 μm2/s and 0.007 μm2/s). The mobility patterns specific for the membranes of this organelle are unambiguously distinguishable from those of the plasma membrane or artificial lipid environments: The parameters of mitochondrial proteins indicate a distinct set of factors responsible for their diffusion characteristics.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions play a pivotal role in biological signaling networks. It is highly desirable to perform experiments that can directly assess the oligomerization state and degree of oligomerization of biological macromolecules in their native environment. Homo-FRET depends on the inverse sixth power of separation between interacting like fluorophores on the nanometer scale and is therefore sensitive to protein oligomerization. Homo-FRET is normally detected by steady-state or time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Here we show by theory and simulation that an examination of the extent of homotransfer as measured by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy as a function of fluorophore labeling (or photodepletion) gives valuable information on the oligomerization state of self-associating proteins. We examine random distributions of monomers, dilute solutions of oligomers, and concentrated solutions of oligomers. The theory is applied to literature data on band 3 protein dimers in membranes, GPI-linked protein trimers in "rafts," and clustered GFP-tagged epidermal growth factor receptors in cell membranes to illustrate the general utility and applicability of our analytical approach.  相似文献   

The thylakoid lumen is an important photosynthetic compartment which is the site of key steps in photosynthetic electron transport. The fluidity of the lumen could be a major constraint on photosynthetic electron transport rates. We used Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching in cells of the cryptophyte alga Rhodomonas salina to probe the diffusion of phycoerythrin in the lumen and chlorophyll complexes in the thylakoid membrane. In neither case was there any detectable diffusion over a timescale of several minutes. This indicates very restricted phycoerythrin mobility. This may be a general feature of protein diffusion in the thylakoid lumen.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin is a prototype for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are implicated in many biological responses in humans. A site-directed (2)H NMR approach was used for structural analysis of retinal within its binding cavity in the dark and pre-activated meta I states. Retinal was labeled with (2)H at the C5, C9, or C13 methyl groups by total synthesis, and was used to regenerate the opsin apoprotein. Solid-state (2)H NMR spectra were acquired for aligned membranes in the low-temperature lipid gel phase versus the tilt angle to the magnetic field. Data reduction assumed a static uniaxial distribution, and gave the retinylidene methyl bond orientations plus the alignment disorder (mosaic spread). The dark-state (2)H NMR structure of 11-cis-retinal shows torsional twisting of the polyene chain and the beta-ionone ring. The ligand undergoes restricted motion, as evinced by order parameters of approximately 0.9 for the spinning C-C(2)H(3) groups, with off-axial fluctuations of approximately 15 degrees . Retinal is accommodated within the rhodopsin binding pocket with a negative pre-twist about the C11=C12 double bond that explains its rapid photochemistry and the trajectory of 11-cis to trans isomerization. In the cryo-trapped meta I state, the (2)H NMR structure shows a reduction of the polyene strain, while torsional twisting of the beta-ionone ring is maintained. Distortion of the retinal conformation is interpreted through substituent control of receptor activation. Steric hindrance between trans retinal and Trp265 can trigger formation of the subsequent activated meta II state. Our results are pertinent to quantum and molecular mechanics simulations of ligands bound to GPCRs, and illustrate how (2)H NMR can be applied to study their biological mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Nucleolar spindle associated protein (NuSAP) is a microtubule-stabilizing protein that localizes to chromosome arms and chromosome-proximal microtubules during mitosis and to the nucleus, with enrichment in the nucleoli, during interphase. The critical function of NuSAP is underscored by the finding that its depletion in HeLa cells results in various mitotic defects. Moreover, NuSAP is found overexpressed in multiple cancers and its expression levels often correlate with the aggressiveness of cancer. Due to its localization on chromosome arms and combination of microtubule-stabilizing and DNA-binding properties, NuSAP takes a special place within the extensive group of spindle assembly factors. In this study, we identify a SAP-like domain that shows DNA binding in vitro with a preference for dsDNA. Deletion of the SAP-like domain abolishes chromosome arm binding of NuSAP during mitosis, but is not sufficient to abrogate its chromosome-proximal localization after anaphase onset. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments revealed the highly dynamic nature of this NuSAP-chromatin interaction during mitosis. In interphase cells, NuSAP also interacts with chromatin through its SAP-like domain, as evident from its enrichment on dense chromatin regions and intranuclear mobility, measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.The obtained results are in agreement with a model where NuSAP dynamically stabilizes newly formed microtubules on mitotic chromosomes to enhance chromosome positioning without immobilizing these microtubules. Interphase NuSAP-chromatin interaction suggests additional functions for NuSAP, as recently identified for other nuclear spindle assembly factors with a role in gene expression or DNA damage response.  相似文献   

The interaction between the calcium-binding protein S100A4 and the C-terminal fragments of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA has been studied by equilibrium and kinetic methods. Using site-directed mutants, we conclude that Ca2+ binds to the EF2 domain of S100A4 with micromolar affinity and that the Kd value for Ca2+ is reduced by several orders of magnitude in the presence of myosin target fragments. The reduction in Kd results from a reduced dissociation rate constant (from 16 s− 1 to 0.3 s− 1 in the presence of coiled-coil fragments) and an increased association rate constant. Using peptide competition assays and NMR spectroscopy, we conclude that the minimal binding site on myosin heavy chain IIA corresponds to A1907-G1938; therefore, the site extends beyond the end of the coiled-coil region of myosin. Electron microscopy and turbidity assays were used to assess myosin fragment filament disassembly by S100A4. The latter assay demonstrated that S100A4 binds to the filaments and actively promotes disassembly rather than just binding to the myosin monomer and displacing the equilibrium. Quantitative modelling of these in vitro data suggests that S100A4 concentrations in the micromolar region could disassemble myosin filaments even at resting levels of cytoplasmic [Ca2+]. However, for Ca2+ transients to be effective in further promoting dissociation, the elevated Ca2+ signal must persist for tens of seconds. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of A431/SIP1 cells expressing green fluorescent protein-myosin IIA, immobilised on fibronectin micropatterns to control stress fibre location, yielded a recovery time constant of around 20 s, consistent with in vitro data.  相似文献   

Yasuda S  Kai M  Imai S  Kanoh H  Sakane F 《FEBS letters》2007,581(3):551-557
Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK)gamma was shown to act as an upstream suppressor of Rac1. Here we report that, in COS7 cells stimulated with epidermal growth factor (EGF), DGKgamma specifically interacts and co-localizes at the plasma membrane with beta2-chimaerin, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Rac. Moreover, DGKgamma enhanced EGF-dependent translocation of beta2-chimaerin to the plasma membrane. Interestingly, DGKgamma markedly augmented EGF-dependent GAP activity of beta2-chimaerin through its catalytic action. These results indicate that DGKgamma is a novel regulator of beta2-chimaerin, and thus suggest that beta2-chimaerin is an effector molecule, linking DGKgamma functionally with Rac1.  相似文献   



Mutations in LRRK2 are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson's disease (PD). Studies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided valuable insights into the mechanisms of cellular dysfunction associated with the expression of faulty PD genes.


We developed a yeast model for full-length LRRK2 studies. We expressed wild-type (wt) LRRK2 and mutations and evaluated their role during oxidative stress conditions. The involvement of mitochondria was assessed by using rho-zero mutants and by evaluating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and mitochondrial membrane potential by flow cytometry. The involvement of endocytosis was also studied by testing several endocytic mutants and by following the vacuolar delivery of the probe FM4-64.


Expression of LRRK2 in yeast was associated to increased hydrogen peroxide resistance. This phenotype, which was dependent on mitochondrial function, was not observed for PD-mutants G2019S and R1441C or in the absence of the kinase activity and the WD40 repeat domain. Expression of the pathogenic mutants stimulated ROS production and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. For the PD-mutants, but not for wild-type LRRK2, endocytic defects were also observed. Additionally, several endocytic proteins were required for LRRK2-mediated protection against hydrogen peroxide.


Our results indicate that LRRK2 confers cellular protection during oxidative stress depending on mitochondrial function and endocytosis.

General significance

Both the loss of capacity of LRRK2 pathogenic mutants to protect against oxidative stress and their enhancement of dysfunction may be important for the development of PD during the aging process.  相似文献   

Holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) mediates the binding of biotin to lysine (K) residues in histones H2A, H3 and H4; HCS knockdown disturbs gene regulation and decreases stress resistance and lifespan in eukaryotes. We tested the hypothesis that HCS interacts physically with histone H3 for subsequent biotinylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments were conducted and provided evidence that HCS co-localizes with histone H3 in human cells; physical interactions between HCS and H3 were confirmed using limited proteolysis assays. Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) studies revealed that the N-terminal and C-terminal domains in HCS participate in H3 binding. Recombinant human HCS was produced and exhibited biological activity, as evidenced by biotinylation of its known substrate, recombinant p67. Recombinant histone H3.2 and synthetic H3-based peptides were also good targets for biotinylation by recombinant HCS (rHCS) in vitro, based on tracing histone-bound biotin with [3H]biotin, streptavidin and anti-biotin antibody. Biotinylation site-specific antibodies were generated and revealed that both K9 and K18 in H3 were biotinylated by HCS. Collectively, these studies provide conclusive evidence that HCS interacts directly with histone H3, causing biotinylation of K9 and K18. We speculate that the targeting of HCS to distinct regions in human chromatin is mediated by DNA sequence, biotin, RNA, epigenetic marks or chromatin proteins.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana metal tolerance protein 1 (MTP1) of the cation diffusion facilitator family of membrane transport proteins can mediate the detoxification of Zn in Arabidopsis and yeast. Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing AtMTP1 accumulate more Zn than oocytes expressing the AtMTP1(D94A) mutant or water-injected oocytes. An AtMTP1-GFP fusion protein localizes to the vacuolar membrane in root and leaf cells. The analysis of Arabidopsis transformed with a promoter-GUS construct suggests that AtMTP1 is not produced throughout the plant, but primarily in the subpopulation of dividing, differentiating and expanding cells. RNA interference-mediated silencing of AtMTP1 causes Zn hypersensitivity and a reduction in Zn concentrations in vegetative plant tissues.  相似文献   

Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), the most common inherited ataxia, is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a reduction in the levels of the mitochondrial protein frataxin, the function of which remains a controversial matter. Several therapeutic approaches are being developed to increase frataxin expression and reduce the intramitochondrial iron aggregates and oxidative damage found in this disease. In this study, we tested separately the response of a Drosophila RNAi model of FRDA ( Llorens et al., 2007) to treatment with the iron chelator deferiprone (DFP) and the antioxidant idebenone (IDE), which are both in clinical trials. The FRDA flies have a shortened life span and impaired motor coordination, and these phenotypes are more pronounced in oxidative stress conditions. In addition, under hyperoxia, the activity of the mitochondrial enzyme aconitase is strongly reduced in the FRDA flies. This study reports that DFP and IDE improve the life span and motor ability of frataxin-depleted flies. We show that DFP eliminates the excess of labile iron in the mitochondria and thus prevents the toxicity induced by iron accumulation. IDE treatment rescues aconitase activity in hyperoxic conditions. These results validate the use of our Drosophila model of FRDA to screen for therapeutic molecules to treat this disease.  相似文献   

Prefoldin is a molecular chaperone that captures a protein-folding intermediate and transfers it to a group II chaperonin for correct folding. The manner by which prefoldin interacts with a group II chaperonin is poorly understood. Here, we have examined the prefoldin interaction site in the archaeal group II chaperonin, comparing the interaction of two Thermococcus chaperonins and their mutants with Pyrococcus prefoldin by surface plasmon resonance. We show that the mutations of Lys250 and Lys256 of Thermococcus alpha chaperonin residues to Glu residues increase the affinity to Pyrococcus prefoldin to the level of Thermococcus beta chaperonin and Pyrococcus chaperonin, indicating that their Glu250 and Glu256 residues of the helical protrusion region are responsible for relatively stronger binding to Pyrococcus prefoldin than Thermococcus alpha chaperonin. Since the putative chaperonin binding sites in the distal ends of Pyrococcus prefoldin are rich in basic residues, electrostatic interaction seems to be important for their interaction. The substrate protein transfer rate from prefoldin correlates well with its affinity for chaperonin.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Ding X  Wang D  Deng H  Feng M  Wang M  Yu X  Jiang K  Ward T  Aikhionbare F  Guo Z  Forte JG  Yao X 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4318-4324
Syntaxin and Munc18 are essential for regulated exocytosis in all eukaryotes. It was shown that Munc18 inhibition of neuronal syntaxin 1 can be overcome by CDK5 phosphorylation, indicating that structural change disrupts the syntaxin-Munc18 interaction. Here, we show that this phosphorylation promotes the assembly of Munc18b-syntaxin 3-SNAP25 tripartite complex and membrane fusion machinery SNARE. Using siRNAs to screen for genes required for regulated epithelial secretion, we identified the requirements of CDK5 and Munc18b in cAMP-dependent gastric acid secretion. Biochemical characterization revealed that Munc18b bears a syntaxin 3-selective binding site located at its most C-terminal 53 amino acids. Significantly, the phosphorylation of Thr572 by CDK5 attenuates Munc18b-syntaxin 3 interaction and promotes formation of Munc18b-syntaxin 3-SNAP25 tripartite complex, leading to an assembly of functional Munc18b-syntaxin 3-SNAP25-VAMP2 membrane fusion machinery. Thus, our studies suggest a novel regulatory mechanism in which phosphorylation of Munc18b operates vesicle docking and fusion in regulated exocytosis.  相似文献   

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