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小檗科鬼臼亚科的地理分布与系统发育   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
以植物地理学资料为主,综合植物化学、细胞学、形态学及解剖学等方面的资料,分析了小檗科鬼臼亚科现代地理分布格局产生的原因及其对系统发育的影响,指出:①我国是鬼臼亚科植物的多样性中心和分布中心,鬼臼亚科植物的现代地理分布格局是由于第三纪以来替代分布和长期隔离的结果;②在鬼臼亚科植物中,以山荷叶属最为原始,它通过两条方向演化,一是保持其原来的异花授粉方向演化为足叶草属,另一方向是转向自花授粉,自山荷叶属演化为八角莲属,然后再演化为桃儿七属;③桃儿七属与足叶草属不具有直接的亲缘关系,它们在形态上的相似只是平行进化的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new small balaenid is described and compared to all fossil and living balaenid taxa. The specimen represents a new genus and species and is named Balaenella brachyrhynus . It was discovered in the Lower Pliocene of Kallo (north-west Antwerp, Belgium) and adds new information on the diversity and evolution of Balaenidae. Based on both comparative morphology and phylogenetic analysis, Balaenella brachyrhynus is morphologically closer to the genus Balaena , including the living Greenland Bowhead whale ( B. mysticetus ), and two Pliocene species ( B. montalionis and B. ricei ) from central Italy and the eastern USA. Balaenella brachyrhynus has very short nasals, a short rostrum relative to the total skull length and a horizontal supraoccipital. A cladistic treatment of 81 morphological character states scored for 10 balaenids and nine non-balaenid cetaceans revealed that the other small balaenids generally included in the genus Balaenula (including Balaenula astensis, B. balaenopsis and a Pliocene Balaenula sp. from Japan) are closer to the living genus Eubalaena (the Right whale). As the new skull is so different from the nominal Balaenula species, and as it is more closely related to Balaena than to Eubalaena , it is concluded that a small body size was a common condition in different Balaenidae clades.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological studies of woody Ranales have established the primitive status of the group and hence their key place in angiosperm phylogeny. Significant advances in our knowledge of some ranalian families have been made in recent years. An attempt is made in the present review to bring together a range of morphological data (vegetative and floral anatomy, palynology and embryology) on the Ranales (sensu lato), with particular reference to research work published after the publication of Eames's (1961) book, and to discuss the relationships of the families. Recent ontogenetic studies have shown that the carpel of Drimys is ascidial and not conduplicate as earlier suggested. The inclusion of Degeneria in the Winteraceae is not supported by morphological data. Melville's gonophyll theory has been shown to be inapplicable to the magnoliaceous flower. The pollen of Schisandra is interpreted as derived and specialized rather than primitive as previously supposed. The removal of Schisandra from Magnoliaceae is upheld by morphological evidence. Recent morphological studies do not support a close relationship between Schisandraceae and Illiciaceae suggested by earlier authors. The Canellaceae shows similarities to Winteraceae, Magnoliaceae, Illiciaceae, Eupteleaceae and Myristicaceae. Transitional types of division of pollen mother cells found in Winteraceae, Schisandraceae and Annonaceae and their probable phylogenetic significance have been discussed. The Annonaceae, Winteraceae, Degeneriaceae, Magnoliaceae, Schisandraceae and Cercidiphyllaceae share several embryological features in addition to similarities in floral structure. Ruminate endosperm is regarded either as an archaic feature retained in some taxa or as a later and parallel development in others. Thus its value in assessing relationships seems to be doubtful. Myristicaceae has been shown to be closely related neither to the the Annonaceae nor to the Lauraceae. The suggested relationship of Eupomatiaceae to Annonaceae is not supported by palynology. Floral cortical vascular systems in Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae, Calycanthaceae and Myristicaceae have been compared and it is concluded that they may be vestigial structures. A great deal of similarity has been found between Lauraceae and Calycanthaceae in wood, node, flower structure and embryology. Further floral anatomical evidence has been adduced to support the removal of Scyphostegia from Monimiaceae. The Hernandiaceae show similarities to some members of Monimiaceae while the Gyrocarpaceae resemble the Lauraceae, Gomortegaceae and certain other genera of Monimiaceae. Available evidence from wood and floral anatomy and embryology indicates close relationships among Lauraceae, Monimiaceae and Hernandiaceae. Vegetative and floral anatomical and embryological data seem to indicate a place for the Chloranthaceae in the ranalian complex. Recent anatomical studies in the Nymphaeaceae show that the floral structure is of a primitive type with similarities to the woody Ranales. Available morphological evidence is considered inadequate to express an opinion on the splitting of the family. Ceratophyllaceae is regarded as a highly reduced ranalian family derived most probably from a nymphaeaceous stock. The gynoecium in Berberidaceae is interpreted as monocarpellate. No evidence has been found to support the tricarpellate view. Berberidaceae, Lardizabalaceae and Menispermaceae share several embryological features, while at the same time showing evidence of specialization, each in its own way. Thus they might have arisen from a common stock and early diverged along different lines. The occurrence of several types of embryo sac in Ranunculaceae may well be an indication of specialization, but their probable taxonomic value, if any, is not yet clear. The occurrence of numerous primitive features in Paeonia has been suggested as an argument for its retention in the Ranales. No evidence has been found to preclude the inclusion of Dilleniaceae in the Ranales. On the other hand, as opposed to similarities in wood and pollen characters between Dilleniaceae and Theaceae, floral anatomical and embryological features offer a sharp contrast between the two. The Ranales are believed to be polyphyletic. It has been tentatively suggested that two major phyletic lines may be recognized in each of the woody and herbaceous series: the magnolialian and lauralian lines in the former and the nymphaealian and berberidalian lines in the latter.  相似文献   

The volvocacean genus Pleodorina has been morphologically characterized as having small somatic cells in spheroidal colonies and anisogamous sexual reproduction with sperm packets. In this study we examined two new species that can be assigned to the genus Pleodorina based on morphology: P. starrii H. Nozaki et al. sp. nov. and P. thompsonii F. D. Ott et al. sp. nov. P. starrii was collected from Japan and had 32‐ or 64‐celled colonies with anterior somatic cells and spheroidal individual cellular sheaths that were weakly attached to each other within the colonial envelope. P. thompsonii from Texas (USA) exhibited four or 12 somatic cells in the anterior pole of 16‐ or 32‐celled colonies, respectively, and had a single large pyrenoid in the chloroplast of mature reproductive cells. The chloroplast multigene phylogeny placed P. starrii and P. indica (Iyenger) H. Nozaki in a clade that was robustly separated from the type species P. californica Shaw and P. japonica H. Nozaki. Pleodorina thompsonii was resolved as a basal branch within a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group) composed of Eudorina, Pleodorina and Volvox (excluding section Volvox). Thus, Pleodorina was found among three separate lineages within the Eudorina group in which Eudorina and Volvox were also resolved as nonmonophyletic. The DNA sequences from additional species/strains as well as recognition of morphological attributes that characterize the monophyletic groups within the Eudorina group are needed to construct a natural generic classification within these members of the Volvocaceae.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 14 species of Collomia (Polemoniaceae) was examined by light microscopy, and by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Four distinct pollen types were observed which are based principally upon 1) shape, number and distribution of apertures, and 2) surface sculpturing: Type 1—zonocolporate with striate ridges; Type 2—zonocolporate with striato-reticulate ridges; Type 3—pantoporate with radiate ridges; Type 4—pantoporate with irregularly reticulate ridges. Evaluation of pollen morphology reveals considerable discrepancy with respect to presently accepted sectional classification. Collomia grandiflora of sect. Collomia has a pollen type similar to that of members of sect. Collomiastrum and is now interpreted as representing an independent evolutionary line derived from the latter section. Collomia diversifolia of sect. Courtoisia has a pollen morphology similar to that of sect. Collomia. whereas C. heterophylla of the same section possesses pollen unique within the genus. This last pollen type shows close similarity to the pollen of members of Polemonium, Gilia, Leptodactylon, and Ipomopsis. Pollen of C. tinctoria and C. tracyi of sect. Collomia are anomalous within Polemoniaceae. No significant difference in exine stratification was discernible among the four pollen types.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the extinct West Indian monk seal, Monachus tropicalis , is scant due to heavy exploitation following European colonization of the New World. We present previously unknown accounts of the species, including unpublished field notes of biologist E. W. Nelson, who observed a small number of wild seals in June of 1900. Records indicate that M. tropicalis may have had a long pupping season, occurred in large groups (up to 100) when abundant, probably ate fish and crustaceans, were preyed upon by sharks, and that young and adult seals may have assorted themselves into different age groups when hauled out. Additional records extend the known range of M. tropicalis to include the north coast of South America as far east as Guyana. We also present previously unavailable measurements from a large series of adult skulls and mandibles ( n = 48). Two cases of histocytosis X, carcinoma, or other disease of the hard palate are documented from among these specimens.  相似文献   

记述了采自美国内布拉斯加州中新统的一保存较完整的美獾(Leptarctus)头骨化石。与美獾属的其他已知种相比,该标本的颊齿粗壮,P4臼齿化,近方形,宽略大于长,齿尖磨蚀均匀,I3犬齿化,且向大齿方向弯曲;M1宽略大于长,且比已知种的M1大;听泡具钩状突,突起上有一明显的舌骨关节面。依据上述与已知种的差别,我们将其定为一新种Leptarctusmartinisp nov。新种的牙齿形态及齿尖磨蚀状况显示其为杂食动物。  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper reports results from a cladistic analysis of the 11 Recent arachnid orders. The polarities of 64 newly discovered and traditional characters were determined through outgroup comparisons that included Eurypterida, Xiphosura, Trilobita and Crustacea. A branch-and-bound algorithm was used to discover a single tree (consistency index 0–59). The relationships suggested by this analysis differ substantially from previous interpretations of arachnid phylogeny, and a new taxonomic system is introduced to accommodate these results. This analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and composed of two principal lineages, Micrura and Dromopoda. Possible synapomorphies of Micrura include a pygidmm, tntosternum, six principal lateral eyes, poorly sclerotized postgenital appendages, coxal gland orifices near leg 1, an array of micxotubules associated with the spermatozoan nucleus, and absence of coxal endites on the walking legs. The micruran orders appear to have the following relationships: (Palpigradi (Araneae (Amblypygi (I helyphonida, Schizomida)))) (Ricinulei, Acari). Possible synapomorphies of Dromopoda include transverse carapaeal furrows, greatly reduced prosomal sternum, prosomal endosternite with two segmental components, stomotheca, bicondylar femoropatellar and patellotibial joints and extensor muscles. The dromopodan orders appear to have the following relationships: Opiliones (Scorpioncs (Pscudo-scorpiones, Solifugae)).  相似文献   

圆钩蛾科是从钩蛾科分离出的一科,目前记录只有2属11种及5亚种,其中9种为我国产,2种产于我国邻邦。本文根据我所标本共记述2属7种,其中包括2新种及1新亚种,模式标本存于本所。 研究这科有其特殊意义:除整理其属、种分类外,其地理分布颇饶兴趣。11种均为  相似文献   

利用蛋白银染色技术对采自青岛沿海砂隙的寡毛类纤毛虫Strombidium kielum进行了形态学重描述,发现该种在寡毛类纤毛虫中具有独一无二的纤毛下器模式,因此为其建立了1新属Varistrombidium,特征为具有5条斜穿虫体的体动基列,其中体动基列1和2延伸到虫体背部,终止于虫体尾端。对Varistrombidium kielum(Maeda&Carey,1985)nov.comb.的小亚基RNA序列分析表明,该种位于Strombidiidae科内,与其形态学相近种Omegastrombidium elegans聚在一起。同时对其小亚基RNA序列可变区2的二级结构进行了预测并与其形态学相似种进行了比较。还对Apostrombidium pseudokielum Xuet al.,2009进行了补充性描述。  相似文献   

To date, phylogenies have been based on known gene sequences accessible at GenBank, and the absence of many cyanobacterial lineages from collections and sequence databases has hampered their classification. Investigating new biotopes to isolate more genera and species is one way to enrich strain collections and subsequently enhance gene sequence databases. A polyphasic approach is another way of improving our understanding of the details of cyanobacterial classification. In this work, we have studied phylogenetic relationships in strains isolated from freshwater bodies in Senegal and Burkina Faso to complement existing morphological and genetic databases. By comparing 16S rDNA sequences of African strains to those of other cyanobacteria lineages, we placed them in the cyanobacterial phylogeny and confirmed their genus membership. We then focused on the Nostocaceae family by concatenated analysis of four genes (16S rDNA, hetR, nifH, and rpoC1 genes) to characterize relationships among Anabaena morphospecies, in particular, Anabaena sphaerica var. tenuis G. S. West. Using a polyphasic approach to the Nostocaceae family, we demonstrate that A. sphaerica var. tenuis is more closely related to Cylindrospermospsis/Raphidiopsis than to other planktonic Anabaena/Aphanizomenon. On the basis of phylogeny and morphological data, we propose that these three significantly different clusters should be assigned to three genera.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isolated brains from three adult monkeys were perfused for 1 hr with [2-14C]glucose. Glycogen was isolated from the brain stem, cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and the hypothalamic area at completion of the perfusions. The distribution of 14C in carbons of the glucose unit of glycogen was determined and from this the contribution of the pentose cycle to metabolism of glucose was calculated. The data indicate a maximum contribution by the pentose cycle of 5–8 per cent in brain. No significant difference was observed in the various portions of brain. Oxygen consumption was noted to be low in relation to the amount of glucose utilized, as measured in these experiments.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of 67 populations representing 45 species of Aulacoseira Thwaites was estimated by maximum parsimony methods using a combination of nucleotide sequence data and qualitative and quantitative morphological characteristics of the silica cell wall gathered primarily from original observation by LM and SEM. A new type of character using continuous quantitative variables that describe the ontogenetic‐allometric trajectories of cell wall characteristics over the life cycle (size range) of diatoms is introduced. In addition to the 45 Aulacoseira species, the phylogeny also incorporated one Miosira Krammer, Lange‐Bertalot, and Schiller species and two outgroup species (Melosira varians Agardh and Stephanopyxis nipponica Gran & Yendo). Fifteen species, represented by 24 populations, also contained molecular data from the nuclear genome (18S rDNA), and 11 of these species (18 populations) contained data from the chloroplast genome (rbcL) as well, which were sequenced or downloaded from GenBank. The phylogeny of Aulacoseira is composed of five major clades: 1) an A. crenulata (Ehrenburg) Thwaites and A. italica (Ehrenburg) Simonsen clade, which is the most basal; 2) an A. granulata (Ehrenburg) Simonsen complex clade; 3) an A. ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen clade; 4) an A. subarctica (O. Müller) Haworth and A. distans (Ehrenburg) Simonsen clade; and 5) an A. islandica (O. Müller) Simonsen clade that also contained endemic species from Lake Baikal, Siberia and many extinct Aulacoseira taxa. Monophyly of Aulacoseira can only be achieved if Miosira is no longer given separate generic status.  相似文献   

Evidence of the inter-breeding of grey-bellied Zosterops ( atmorii ) and green-bellied ( virens ) at King William's Town, C.P. is presented.
In habitat, behaviour, voice, and breeding biology no differences can be found between them.
The roosting and flocking habits are discussed.
Whereas both lay blue eggs, only the green-belly ( virens ) has so far been found to lay white eggs.
Incubation periods, ascertained to within a few hours, are mostly between 10 and 11 days.
Details are given of the nestling and post-nestling periods.
Both insects and fruit are taken and fed to young.
Z. pallida on the Orange River is very similar in habits. There is a noticeable difference in tonal quality of voice but the general patterns of the calls are the same.  相似文献   

The phenology, life history, ultrastructure of reproductive structures, and molecular phylogeny using rbcL and rDNA (5.8S, internal transcribed spacer 2, and partial 26S) gene sequences of Stschapovia flagellaris, endemic to the northwestern Pacific Ocean, were studied. This species was first classified in the order Delamareales together with Delamarea, Coelocladia, and Cladothele. Those three genera, however, were later transferred to Dictyosiphonales, whereas the systematic position of Stschapovia remained unclear. At Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan, the species regenerated by forming a new erect thallus from a perennial crustose holdfast or by presumably parthenogenetic development of eggs released from the erect thallus. There was no alternation of generations. In winter, the monoecious erect thallus formed reproductive structures (i.e. plurilocular antheridia and oogonia) in the thickened part of the thallus. Sperm had a chloroplast with an eyespot and a long anterior and short posterior flagellum. Eggs contained numerous disc‐shaped chloroplasts, physodes, and vacuoles. Neither sexual attraction of the presumptive sperm by eggs nor their sexual fusion was observed. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed the closest phylogenetic relationship between Stschapovia and Halosiphonaceae, and they grouped with Phyllariaceae and Tilopteridaceae (Tilopteridales s. s.). Stschapovia and Tilopteridaceae have several important morphological similarities: chloroplasts lacking pyrenoids, lack of sexual reproduction despite the release of obvious sperm, occurrence of monoecious gametophytes, and similarity in the early developmental pattern of the erect thallus. In conclusion, we propose the establishment of the new family Stschapoviaceae to accommodate Stschapovia and the placement of the family in the order Tilopteridales together with Tilopteridaceae, Halosiphonaceae, and Phyllariaceae.  相似文献   

臧穆 《菌物学报》2001,20(1):8-12
近来在川、滇採 到和鉴定了担子菌的三个新种:金囊体刺管牛肝菌Tubosaeta aureocystis M.Zang(牛肝菌科 Boletaceae)、石栎假脐菇 Tubaria lithocarpicola  M. Zang(锈伞科 Crepidotaceae)和竹生墨伞 Coprinus bambusicola  M. Zang(伞菌科 Agaricaceae)。刺管牛肝菌属 Tubosaeta为典型热带属,为我国新记录。  相似文献   

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