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ABSTRACT. A choreotrich ciliate collected in waters off Geoje Island, on the eastern coast of the South Sea of the southern coastal water of Korea was morphologically and biometrically investigated through observations of permanent preparations after protargol impregnations. Morphological data and ciliary patterns indicated that the ciliate should be identified as Strombidinopsis acuminata based on the number of somatic kineties. The vertical distribution of the population abundance was also examined in relation to environmental conditions: higher abundances occurred in surface water with higher temperature (22–23 °C), lower salinity (32 psu), and higher concentration (ca 10 μg/L) of chlorophyll a . The 18S rRNA gene of specimens from clonal cultures isolated from natural assemblages was sequenced. While this isolate of S. acuminata is closer to Strombidinopsis jeokjo (99.6–99.8%) than other isolates of S. acuminata (<99.0%), monophyly of S. acuminata was not rejected by the AU test. We discuss the discordance between morphological and molecular data for Strombidinopsis . In order to confirm the species level of the Strombidinopsis specimens, additional information is required based on genealogical analyses of multiple loci.  相似文献   

The cyst wall of Opisthonecta henneguyi has been studied ultrastructurally and cytochemically by light and electron microscopy, as well as by chemical and electrophoretic analyses, to examine the structure of the cyst wall and its composition. The cyst wall consists of four morphologically distinct layers. The ectocyst is a thin dense layer. The mesocyst is the thickest layer and is composed of a compact material. The endocyst is a thin layer like the ectocyst, but less dense. The granular layer varies in thickness and is composed of a granular material. In the resting cyst, kinetosomes of both oral apparatus and trochal band as well as the myoneme system are maintained, and only cilia are resorbed. The sugars present in the cyst wall are predominantly N-acetylglucosamine (90%) and glucose (10%). The mesocyst is composed of chitin, and the endocyst includes glycoproteins and acid mucopolysaccharides. During secretion of the cyst wall, the endocyst and granular layer are secreted from precursors synthesized "de novo". No cytoplasmic precursors of ectocyst and mesocyst have been detected.  相似文献   

Infraciliature and morphogenesis of six rumen ciliates, Ostracodinium mammosum, O. munham, O. dilobum, O. rugoloricatum, O. iwawoi, and O. tiete are described from pyridinated silver carbonate-impregnated specimens. These six Ostracodinium have a similar polybrachykinety arrangement, distinct from that of other ophryoscolecid ciliates and intermediate between those of O. gracile and 0. damaliscus. Buccal infraciliature is composed of three polybrachykineties, a kinety loop, and paralabial kineties. Small dorso-adoral polybrachykinety, slender vestibular polybrachykinety, and kinety loop are characteristic. Dorsal infraciliature consists of the dorsal polybrachykinety that extends laterally along the dorsal side of the body. Morphogenesis is different from that of O. gracile, because the right end of ventral primordium extends dorsally to grow into a right primordium without separation.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans , a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation.
The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans, a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation. The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   

The infraciliature and myoneme system of Campanella umbellaria were revealed using the protargol impregnation technique. The main characteristics of the infraciliature are the peristomial ciliary rows (haplokinety and polykineties), which make four and a half turns around the peristomial disc before plunging into the infundibulum, and the aboral infraciliature, which is made up of the aboral ciliary wreath (trochal band) and the scopula. The myoneme system is composed of: 1) longitudinal fibers, which include 60-84 (mean 72.3) short longitudinal fibers, 40-56 (mean 45.8) medium-length longitudinal fibers, and numerous long longitudinal fibers; and 2) circular fibers, which include 8-12 (mean 9.3) peristomial ring fibers, linking fibers, support fibers, and peristomial disc fibers. The various fibers in C. umbellaria are interconnected to form a single myoneme system that may act as a cell skeleton as well as providing the mechanism by which the zooid contracts and relaxes.  相似文献   

The gene encoding 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) was sequenced in the sessiline peritrichs Opisthonecta minima and Opisthonecta matiensis, whose free-swimming, paedomorphic trophonts resemble telotrochs. Using these new sequences, phylogenetic trees were constructed with four different methods to test a previously published association between Opisthonecta henneguyi and members of the families Vorticellidae and Astylozoidae. All trees had similar topologies, with O. minima, O. henneguyi, Vorticella microstoma, and Astylozoon enriquesi forming a well-supported, certainly monophyletic clade. On the basis of genetic evidence, genera of the families Opisthonectidae and Astylozoidae are assigned to the family Vorticellidae, which already includes some species with free-swimming morphotypes. The ssu rRNA sequence of O. matiensis places it in the family Epistylididae; its taxonomic revision will be left to another group of authors. A close association of Ophrydium versatile with members of the family Vorticellidae was confirmed, casting doubt on the validity of the family Ophrydiidae. Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, and Opercularia microdiscum are confirmed as comprising an extremely distinct, monophyletic, but morphologically heterogeneous clade that is basal to other clades of sessiline peritrichs.  相似文献   

The somatic and buccal infraciliature of Lagynus elegans are described, and aspects of its division and conjugation are reported. Its somatic infraciliature is made up of 37–46 meridianal kineties composed of isolated kinetosomes that have thick and long kinetodesmal fibers. In the anterior zone of the cell, the circumoral infraciliature can be observed: it is composed of short, slightly oblique kinetal segments, which are formed of three kinetosomes each. The brosse of this species consists of 3 or 4 groups that possess 4 to 6 ciliated kinetosomes each; these kinetosomes lack kinetodesmal fibers. On the apical pole of the cell, surrounding the oral opening, a crown of nematodesmata is observed; these nematodesmata are connected to each other by a fibrillar structure. Taking into account these features, we propose that this genus be transferred from the order Prostomatida to a new family, Lagynidae, of the order Prorodontida.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The late Professor Emmanuel Fauré-Fremiet, nearly 88 years old at the time of his passing in November 1971, was not only an outstanding leader in ciliate protozoology but also a general cytologist, experimental embryologist, and electron microscopist of note, and, in earlier years, a sculptor and painter of merit. Both born and marrying into celebrated families, “Monsieur Fauré” led a career of his own filled with honors and distinction, but he remained a sensitive, modest man, remembered, too, for his ever-present sense of humor. Author of nearly 500 books and papers in diverse fields of biology, Fauré-Fremiet made his most lasting contributions in the realms of synthesis, innovative hypotheses, and heuristic ideas.  相似文献   

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