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A well-trained panel is a valuable tool for describing and quantifying characteristics of a food product. This research was undertaken to study the effects of feedback during panel training. A computerized system was designed using the Macintosh computer to gather data and provide panelists with individualized instruction and immediate graphic feedback. Two levels of feedback (with or without) were delivered to the panelists over a 2-week training period. Feedback consisted of correct response for discrimination testing and a graph displaying means and deviations for scaled data.
Results showed an expansion in the use of the line scale and an increase in precision across trials. No notable change in magnitude estimation sample scores was observed across feedback conditions; however, deviations were lower following feedback. Although exposure/practice alone provided similar changes, further differences were affected with graphic feedback. Results suggested individualized computer assisted instruction with graphic feedback may provide an efficient and effective tool to complement existing panel training techniques.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of instantaneous performance feedback (peak velocity) provided after each repetition of squat jump exercises over a 6-week training block on sport-specific performance tests. Thirteen professional rugby players were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups, feedback (n = 7) and non-feedback (n = 6). Both groups completed a 6-week training program (3 sessions per week) comprising exercises typical of their normal preseason conditioning program. Squat jumps were performed in 2 of the 3 sessions each week during which both groups performed 3 sets of 3 concentric squat jumps using a barbell with an absolute load of 40 kg. Participants in group 1 were given real-time feedback on peak velocity of the squat jump at the completion of each repetition using a linear position transducer and customized software, whereas those in group 2 did not receive any feedback. Pre and posttesting consisted of vertical jump, horizontal jump, and 10-/20-/30-m timed sprints. The relative magnitude (effect size) of the training effects for all performance tests was found to be small (0.18-0.28), except for the 30-m sprint performance, which was moderate (0.46). The probabilities that the use of feedback during squat jump training for 6 weeks was beneficial to increasing performance of sport-specific tests was 45% for vertical jump, 65% for 10-m sprints, 49% for 20-m sprints, 83% for horizontal jump, and 99% for 30-m sprints. In addition to improvements in the performance of sport-specific tests, suggesting the potential for greater adaptation and larger training effects, the provision of feedback may also be used in applications around performance targets and thresholds during training.  相似文献   

The experimental literature on the use of biofeedback with heart rate and blood pressure, published since 1972, was reviewed and summarized along several dimensions: magnitude of change, effects of extended training, type of feedback, temporal feedback factors, motivational factors, instructional effects, individual differences, and the mediation/specificity issue. The research on biofeedback and heart rate was found to be fairly well developed. Research on biofeedback and blood pressure, however, was found to be much less advanced. Moreover, most of the studies were done with hypertensive subjects.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.  相似文献   

The relation between a ratio scale obtained by magnitude estimationand a category scale of the odour intensity of 1-butanol wasstudied, together with individual variations in the ratio scale.Series of solutions of butanol in water in small bottles werepresented to a panel for judgement, half using the method ofmagnitude estimation, the other half a category scale. Plotswere made of the category scale against the ratio scale, andthe ratio scales of individual members of the panel were analysed.A power function exponent of 0.48 was found for the panel'sratio scale, with individual values ranging from 0.25 to 0.49.The category scale was curved relative to the ratio scale; variabilityof the magnitude estimates was approximately proportional tothe magnitude estimates; and a small time-order error was found.Odour intensity exhibits the three tested characteristics ofa prothetic continuum, and the variability of individual exponentswas not as great as sometimes suggested.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.This work was sponsored in part by a Research Advisory Grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs awarded to Joanne Intrator. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable contributions of K. Duvvi, S. Kemble, and L. Kolman.  相似文献   

The application of sensory methodology for measuring deodorizing effect of an air conditioner equipped with electric plasma was introduced. Deodorizing effect was measured using chemical and sensory methods at different time (0, 30 and 60 min) and mode (control, blowing and cooling) of an air conditioner. Smoke from a roll of cigarette in a closed room was used as a source of odor and the concentrations of acetic acid and ammonia were measured as odorous chemical components. As one of the sensory methods triangle test was used and as a first step to obtain deodorizing effects by triangle test, the threshold of each panelist was obtained as the log dilution ratio of odor concentration at which the difference from odorless air was detected. The odor concentration at each time and mode was calculated using the threshold of the panel and the deodorizing effect was obtained on the basis of the odor concentration. In addition to a triangle test, scaling methods such as category scaling or magnitude estimation were used to measure deodorizing effect of an air conditioner. Deodorizing effects by scaling methods were calculated based on odor intensity with time at each mode. The regression analysis was done between the efficacy of deodorizing effect by sensory test and those by acetic acid and ammonia, the R2 values of the regression equations for triangle test, category scale, and magnitude estimation were 0.84, 0.72 and 0.69, respectively. Deodorizing effect by triangle test explained the decrease of acetic acid and ammonia better than those by category scaling or magnitude estimation while high cost and time consuming labor involved in triangle tests reduced the merit. The results of this study demonstrated that various sensory methods could be used to measure deodorizing effect of air conditioners and further researches on fast and reliable methods are needed to establish the official procedures.  相似文献   

Instructed control defined as differential compliance with verbal instructions to increase and decrease a response was assessed when a change in sudomotor activation or heart rate was specified as the behavioral goal. Instructed control of heart rate was evident prior to explicit feedback training for this response, but instructed control of sudomotor activation defined as finger sweating and measured as skin conductance was not. Feedback training subsequently established instructed control of sudomotor responding, but such training did not lead to a significant improvement in control of heart rate. Explicit strategy suggestions emphasizing emotional responding and intended or actual movement appeared to interfere with the performance of instructed control under both target conditions. Instructed changes in heart rate were attended by correlated changes in somatomotor and respiratory function. Somatomotor and respiratory responses were also observed when subjects were instructed to change sudomotor activation, but these correlated activities were of small magnitude and were not augmented by feedback training as was target responding. Several accounts of the basis for differences that were evident between the target conditions with respect to feedback effects and response patterns are discussed.These experiments constituted a doctoral dissertation submitted to McMaster University by J. M. Lacroix. The research was supported by grants from the National Research Council of Canada (A0132) and the Ontario Mental Health Foundation (345) to L. E. Roberts, who was thesis supervisor. Supplementary data analyses were supported by a grant from Glendon College to J. M. Lacroix. We wish to thank A. H. Black for his comments on this work.  相似文献   

Visual and somatosensory signals participate together in providing an estimate of the hand's spatial location. While the ability of subjects to identify the spatial location of their hand based on visual and proprioceptive signals has previously been characterized, relatively few studies have examined in detail the spatial structure of the proprioceptive map of the arm. Here, we reconstructed and analyzed the spatial structure of the estimation errors that resulted when subjects reported the location of their unseen hand across a 2D horizontal workspace. Hand position estimation was mapped under four conditions: with and without tactile feedback, and with the right and left hands. In the task, we moved each subject's hand to one of 100 targets in the workspace while their eyes were closed. Then, we either a) applied tactile stimulation to the fingertip by allowing the index finger to touch the target or b) as a control, hovered the fingertip 2 cm above the target. After returning the hand to a neutral position, subjects opened their eyes to verbally report where their fingertip had been. We measured and analyzed both the direction and magnitude of the resulting estimation errors. Tactile feedback reduced the magnitude of these estimation errors, but did not change their overall structure. In addition, the spatial structure of these errors was idiosyncratic: each subject had a unique pattern of errors that was stable between hands and over time. Finally, we found that at the population level the magnitude of the estimation errors had a characteristic distribution over the workspace: errors were smallest closer to the body. The stability of estimation errors across conditions and time suggests the brain constructs a proprioceptive map that is reliable, even if it is not necessarily accurate. The idiosyncrasy across subjects emphasizes that each individual constructs a map that is unique to their own experiences.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanism of digital vasoconstriction training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent work in our laboratory has shown that vasodilation produced during temperature biofeedback training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism. Here we sought to determine if the effects of feedback training for vasoconstriction are produced through a neural or nonneural pathway and whether other measures of physiological activity are correlated with these changes. Nine normal subjects received temperature feedback vasoconstriction training in which feedback was delivered only during periods of successful performance. In a subsequent session, the nerves to one finger were blocked with a local anesthetic while finger blood flow was recorded from this and other fingers. Vasoconstriction occurred during feedback in the intact fingers but not in the nerve-blocked finger and was accompanied by increased skin conductance and heart rate. These data demonstrate that temperature feedback vasoconstriction training is mediated through an efferent, sympathetic nervous pathway. In contrast, temperature feedback vasodilation training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism.  相似文献   

The relationship between the physical carbonation level of carbonated spring water and the magnitude of carbonation perception was determined by a trained panel using two assessing conditions, swallowing and expectoration. Spring water was carbonated to 5 carbonation levels. Panelists were asked to rate their perception of carbonation intensity by using magnitude estimation. The power function equations were established with high correlation coefficients for both assessing conditions. The exponents, 2.79 (swallowing) and 2.65 (expectoration), suggested a sharp increase of perceived CO2 magnitude with increasing concentration. There was no significant difference between exponents resulting from the two assessing conditions. Therefore, the response should not be affected if samples are expectorated in studies of carbonation perception.  相似文献   

Various types of noncontingent feedback have been used as control procedures in EMG training; however, their effects on such training have received little attention. Experiment 1 in the present study examined the effects of noncontingent feedback on EMG training, and Experiment 2 assessed the effects of feedback characteristics on EMG responses. In Experiment 1, three noncontingent feedback groups (yoked control, randomly fluctuating tones, and decreasing tones) and one contingent group underwent 20 minutes of training for frontal EMG decreases. Procedures in Experiment 2 were identical to those in Experiment 1 except that subjects were instructed merely to listen to the feedback tones. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that contingent and noncontingent fluctuating feedback groups achieved significantly lower EMG levels than noncontingent decreasing and yoked control groups. In Experiment 2, however, no differences in EMG activity were found among groups. In both experiments, groups did not differ in terms of subjective variables such as frustration, suspiciousness about the tone, or length of time attending to the tone. Results of these two experiments suggest that differences in EMG responses to various types of noncontingent feedback result from interactions between characteristics of the feedback stimulus and instructions to decrease the stimulus.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the adequacy of two novel EMG biofeedback control procedures. During a single training session, 36 subjects received either contingent EMG feedback from the frontal region (Veridical), contingent feedback for vertical eye movements (Ocular), or a feedback condition where the signal increased with deviations in any direction from baseline EMG levels (Stabilization). The results supported the use of Ocular but not Stabilization feedback as a control procedure in frontalis EMG biofeedback studies. Ocular feedback did not produce reductions in frontalis EMG but did lead to changes in subjective measures of nonspecific treatment effects that were at least comparable to those obtained with Veridical feedback. Stabilization subjects produced small but significant reductions in EMG, felt the most bored as a result of their feedback training, and were the most likely to rate themselves as having received false feedback. The implications of attribution theory and multiprocess relaxation theory for the evaluation of nonspecific treatment effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent work in our laboratory has shown that vasodilation produced during temperature biofeedback training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism. Here we sought to determine if the effects of feedback training for vasoconstriction are produced through a neural or nonneural pathway and whether other measures of physiological activity are correlated with these changes. Nine normal subjects received temperature feedback vasoconstriction training in which feedback was delivered only during periods of successful performance. In a subsequent session, the nerves to one finger were blocked with a local anesthetic while finger blood flow was recorded from this and other fingers. Vasoconstriction occurred during feedback in the intact fingers but not in the nerve-blocked finger and was accompanied by increased skin conductance and heart rate. These data demonstrate that temperature feedback vasoconstriction training is mediated through an efferent, sympathetic nervous pathway. In contrast, temperature feedback vasodilation training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism.This work was supported by research grant HL-30604 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.  相似文献   

A previous experiment (Herzfeld & Taub, 1977) demonstrated that slide projections and explicit suggestions relating to thermal experiences can significantly augment temperature self-regulations training (.5 degrees F, p less than .05). however, the experimental design was thought to result in an underestimate of the magnitude of the effect, since each subject served as his own control and could therefore make use on nonsuggestion training days of material provided on training days. In this experiment, separate groups of subjects either were given feedback combined with the suggestion procedure on each of 8 training days or were given feedback alone. The mean temperature self-regulation of the suggestion group (2.01 degrees F) was significantly better than the self-regulation (.73) of the nonsuggestion group (t test, p less than 0.01), a difference of 1.28 degrees F.  相似文献   

There is a growing prevalence of robotic systems for surgical laparoscopy. We previously developed quantitative measures to assess robotic surgical proficiency, and used augmented feedback to enhance training to reduce applied grip force and increase speed. However, there is also a need to understand the physiological demands of the surgeon during robotic surgery, and if training can reduce these demands. Therefore, the goal of this study was to use clinical biomechanical techniques via electromyography (EMG) to investigate the effects of real-time augmented visual feedback during short-term training on muscular activation and fatigue. Twenty novices were trained in three inanimate surgical tasks with the da Vinci Surgical System. Subjects were divided into five feedback groups (speed, relative phase, grip force, video, and control). Time- and frequency-domain EMG measures were obtained before and after training. Surgical training decreased muscle work as found from mean EMG and EMG envelopes. Grip force feedback further reduced average and total muscle work, while speed feedback increased average muscle work and decreased total muscle work. Training also increased the median frequency response as a result of increased speed and/or reduced fatigue during each task. More diverse motor units were recruited as revealed by increases in the frequency bandwidth post-training. We demonstrated that clinical biomechanics using EMG analysis can help to better understand the effects of training for robotic surgery. Real-time augmented feedback during training can further reduce physiological demands. Future studies will investigate other means of feedback such as biofeedback of EMG during robotic surgery training.  相似文献   

Various types of noncontingent feedback have been used as control procedures in EMG training; however, their effects on such training have received little attention. Experiment 1 in the present study examined the effects of noncontingent feedback on EMG training, and Experiment 2 assessed the effects of feedback characteristics on EMG responses. In Experiment 1, three noncontingent feedback groups (yoked control, randomly fluctuating tones, and decreasing tones) and one contingent group underwent 20 minutes of training for frontal EMG decreases. Procedures in Experiment 2 were identical to those in Experiment 1 except that subjects were instructed merely to listen to the feedback tones. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that contingent and noncontingent fluctuating feedback groups achieved significantly lower EMG levels than noncontingent decreasing and yoked control groups. In Experiment 2, however, no differences in EMG activity were found among groups. In both experiments, groups did not differ in terms of subjective variables such as frustration, suspiciousness about the tone, or length of time attending to the tone. Results of these two experiments suggest that differences in EMG responses to various types of noncontingent feedback result from interactions between characteristics of the feedback stimulus and instructions to decrease the stimulus.This research was supported by Ohio University Research Grants No. 9147 and No. 9155 to the first author.  相似文献   

Taste panelists evaluated the effect of color on salt perception in chicken flavored samples using magnitude estimation. Samples were colored to simulate commercial chicken broth. Five color intensities were added to 5 NaCl concentrations ranging from 0.34 to 0.66% (w/v). Color had no influence on salt perception. Panelists were able to perceive color differences among samples (P <0.001) and these were correlated with the objective color function cot−1 (a/b) calculated from the L,a,b values obtained from the Gardner XL-23. Overall flavor preference was evaluated by a taste panel using the technique of magnitude estimation. NaCl concentrations ranged from 0.52 to 0.80% (w/v). Overall flavor preference was unaffected by color. A reduction in NaCl concentration from 0.80% (w/v) to 0.52% (a 35% reduction) did not alter flavor preference. A 50 member consumer panel using a paired comparison test found no difference in flavor preference between an uncolored sample containing 0.80% (w/v) NaCl and a colored sample containing 0.72% (w/v) NaCl.  相似文献   

The present case study investigated the effects of competing task demands on biofeedback training to reduce frontalis muscle tension. Baseline levels of frontalis muscle tension were recorded for relaxation and problem solving. The subject was trained to decrease muscle tension with biofeedback for the problem-solving task alone. The results indicated that EMG training during problem-solving was successfully accomplished. Frontalis muscle tension during relaxation baseline did not change as a result of reductions in muscle tension during problem-solving feedback training. This suggests that the decrease of muscle tension cannot be attributed to reductions in overall muscle tension levels. Instead, training was specific to the problem-solving feedback phases. Additionally, it was found that accuracy in problem-solving did not decline as a result of simultaneous feedback training. Thus EMG biofeedback training can be accomplished and exercised without disruption of ongoing mental activity.  相似文献   

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