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Effects of variation in age and mating status on dispersal of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), from fenvalerate-treated leaf surfaces were investigated. Unmated and mated female mites, 1 to 6 days in age, were scored for walkoff and spindown dispersal response on bean leaves treated with a sub-lethal, residual dose of fenvalerate. Variation in mite age did not have a pronounced effect on dispersal response. Significant differences in dispersal response due to mating type were observed, yet the mean differences in dispersal response between unmated and mated females was generally small. Our data suggest that the current practice of using mated female mites of unknown age when testing for among-population differences in dispersal response, in most cases, provides an adequate estimate of population response when differences among treatments in dispersal response are large. However, when testing for within-population differences in dispersal response, small treatment effects may be more easily measured using a single age class of mites, because this could decrease within-treatment variance.  相似文献   

Effects of host-plant quality on two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, mate location and guarding behaviors were described using a no-choice bioassay. Males and quiescent deutonymphs were collected from lima bean leaves of one of two host qualities. High-chlorophyll (HC) leaves had been infested with spider mites for 6–10 days, while low-chlorophyll (LC) leaves had been infested for>21 days. Three parameters of maleT. urticae guarding behavior were quantified: approach arrestment, and arrestment duration. HC males approached quiescent deutonymphs more often than did LC males, even though host quality of females had no effect on male approach frequency. HC males were arrested more frequently by HC quiescent deutonymphs than were LC males, while LC males were arrested more often by LC females than were HC males. However, a different pattern was observed for arrestment duration. HC males were arrested for twice as long by LC quiescent deutonymphs than by HC females, while the LC-male arrestment durations elicited by HC and LC females did not differ. These results show that host-plant quality affectsT. urticae intersexual communication, in terms of both the female signal and the male response. Whether the differing male responses observed in this study indicate alternativeT. urticae mating strategies or are incidental by-products of host-induced physiological changes remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Mite age, population density, and host leaf quality affect various life history traits in spider mites. We investigated the effects of these factors on the aerial dispersal behavior of adult female twospotted spider mites,Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). The proportion of adult females exhibiting the dispersal behavior dropped significantly with age following adult emergence, particularly in the first 3 days. Sixty to eighty percent of female mites 2-days old or younger displayed the behavior under test conditions, whereas less than 20% of female mites older than 3-days-old showed the behavior. Younger adult females also exhibited shorter latency for the behavior, although this trend was not as clear. Leaf quality experienced during deutonymph development had no effect on the behavior adults subsequently displayed. On the other hand, adult females that fed on poor quality leaves after emergence were twice as likely to display the behavior (90% vs. 45%), and with shorter latency (37 vs. 77 min), than those that fed on high quality leaves. When newly emerged adult females encountered high mite density and dry leaves, the incidence of the behavior increased (69% vs. 47%) and latency decreased (69 vs. 93 min) compared to mites that encountered low density on well watered leaves. Our results suggest that both starvation and desiccation of adult females may enhance their dispersal behavior.  相似文献   

Aerial dispersal may be important for redistribution of spider mites into new habitats. Evidence for behavioral control of aerial take-off has been well documented for Tetranychus urticae Koch. Before aerial dispersal they exhibit the aerial take-off posture that involves lifting the forelegs upright and raising the forebody. However, whether the aerial take-off posture functions to increase drag has remained unclear. The objectives of this study were to clarify: (i) aerodynamic effects of the aerial take-off posture; and (ii) actual aerial take-off behavior in T. urticae. To evaluate the aerodynamic forces experienced by grounded spider mites in different postures, we constructed three-dimensional models of T. urticae, exhibiting the aerial take-off posture and the normal posture, using computer graphics. We found that the aerial take-off posture was effective in receiving greater rearward forces from wind rather than upward forces. As a result, aerial take-off from a horizontal platform is unlikely. Instead, inverted departure surfaces, e.g., lower leaf surfaces, with inclines are likely to be effective sites for take-off. Laboratory experiments and field observations indicated that the mites preferentially adopted such a position for orientation and take-off. Our findings provided a rationale for the take-off behavior of Tetranychus spider mites.  相似文献   

The genetic relatedness between the green and red forms of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, was analysed using an allozyme marker, MDH, detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cross experiments showed that each of the two forms had form-specific alleles for MDH. Furthermore, there was no overlapping in the alleles for MDH between the field populations of the two forms, suggesting that no gene flow would occur between them in the field.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of two wrasses,Pseudolabrus eoethinus (Richardson, 1846) andP. sieboldi Mabuchi & Nakabo, 1997, was studied on a rocky coast in Shikoku, Japan, where the two species occur sympatrically. In the study area, individual males of each species established mating territories within which pair spawnings occurred. Pair spawnings were observed only between conspecifics, indicating that the two coexisting species were reproductively isolated. Both species usually spawned during the afternoon in early winter and had similar reproductive behavior. Although habitat, temporal and behavioral isolation mechanisms were not apparent, reproductive isolation seemed to occur via premating isolation through visual recognition of conspecific mates because the two species differed in body size and coloration. On one occasion a maleP. sieboldi was observed to perform streaking behavior to join a spawning pair ofP. eoethinus. Thus, postmating isolation between the two species is also discussed.  相似文献   

Banks grass mite, Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), from three Texas maize fields were assayed for bifenthrin resistance following poor field control in 1995. Laboratory bioassays showed the field mites to be 3- to 23-fold more tolerant to bifenthrin than the susceptible laboratory culture. Comparison of LC50 values to assays with bifenthrin from 1985 to 1993 indicated no statistically significant changes in mite resistance. However, high LC90 values in 1995 suggest possible resistance development. The percentages of resistant mites from the three fields in 1995 were calculated to be 4.7%, 17.9%, and 30.9%. The Banks grass mite population exhibiting the highest level of tolerance to bifenthrin was further assayed to evaluate tolerance levels to other insecticides alone and in combination with synergists and insecticides. A high level of tolerance existed in the 1995 ‘bifenthrin–selected’ Banks grass mite strain to bifenthrin, dimeothate, and amitraz. The combination of bifenthrin or dimethoate with a synergist indicated changes in the ability of the more resistant 1995 mites to detoxify insecticides. The activity of a dimethoate + bifenthrin mixture and a three way mixture of dimethoate, bifenthrin, and piperonyl butoxide caused 5- and 38-fold increase in toxicity against the more resistant Banks grass mite. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude en différentes conditions de la migration verticale deTetranychus urticae dans de fortes infestations, a permis de mettre en éviduence un rythme circadien caractérisé par un mouvement alterné de montée et de descente, la population migrant vers le haut des plantes en début d'après-midi. Ce rythme est en partie endogène puisqu'il se maintient plusieurs jours dans des conditions constantes.   相似文献   

Pesticide formulations profoundly influenced the encounter of pest with pesticide. In four differently formulated treatments of identical dicofol concentration, total time spent on treated areas of a checkerboard residue immediately following treatment varied dramatically from 13.3% on Modified Formulation residues to 42.1 % on 50 Wettable Powder residues. With 24 h old checkerboard residues, total time spent on treated areas varied from a low of 30.1% with Modified Formulation residues to a high of 45.1% with Emulsifiable Concentrate residues. Different formulations exhibited dramatically different decay of repellency over a 24 h period. The greatest loss of repellency was found on Modified Formulation residues, although this formulation was still the most repellent at 24 h. Observations were made of three behavior patterns with both 0 h and 24 h old residues of four formulations of dicofol. Our results indicate that the constituents of some pesticide formulations may elicit behavior that greatly reduces pest encounter with pesticide. To study this phenomenon it is necessary to observe pest behavior with discontinuous residues.  相似文献   

Sublethal effects of the growth inhibitor, clofentezine, on life-table parameters of Tetranychus urticae Koch females treated at different developmental stages with a concentration causing ≥90% mortality were investigated. Females which survived treatment as ‘early’ (0–24 h old) eggs produced 12% more offspring than the untreated females during the first five days of oviposition. This resulted in a significant rise in the intrinsic rate of increase (r j ): 0.324, compared to 0.299 in the untreated females. This effect may be interpreted as hormoligosis. Clofentezine treatment at any other developmental stage of T. urticae significantly decreased both longevity and fertility of female survivors. Females which survived treatment either as ‘late’ (72–96 h old) eggs or larvae had 2.6 times lower net reproductive rate (R 0) than the untreated females, and the r j values were significantly lower: 0.242 and 0.215, respectively (0.285 in the untreated females). Females which survived treatment either as protonymphs or deutonymphs had 3.9 times and 6 times lower R 0, respectively. Corresponding r j values were 0.178 and 0.146, respectively (0.247 in the untreated females). The clofentezine treatment at all stages influenced the age distribution of survivors. The sublethal effects of clofentezine and their impact on T. urticae management are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bifenthrin (Talstar®) was registered at the beginning of the 1993/94 season for control of Helicoverpa spp. and Tetranychus urticae in Australian cotton. Resistance was monitored in T. urticae following registration but despite the implementation of resistance management, resistance evolved in the 1996/97 cotton-growing season after only four seasons use. During the following three seasons resistance increased progressively both in level (from 1.2- to 109-fold at LC50) and abundance (from 20 to 90% strains) and was linked to field control failures. The evolution of resistance has now reduced the reliability of bifenthrin for T. urticae control in Australian cotton. The impact of bifenthrin resistance in T. urticae and its continued management in Australian cotton is discussed.  相似文献   

In three separate tests, 100 adult female Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) (plus immatures) were released at five point locations across 1.6-m rows of strawberries to control twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Beginning in April, during 6–12 weeks, predators controlled pests locally and dispersed downwind by 20–30 m. Up to 100 m2 around each release point was colonized, and the entire 2.5 ha field was covered by predators by September. Distances dispersed by N. fallacis were similar within and across rows, suggesting that dispersal was primarily by aerial rather than by ambulatory means. Factors that affected dispersal were temperature, wind direction, density of spider mites, and mowing and flailing of foliage. An exponential model of dispersal was fitted to the data. On average, the area dispersed by N. fallacis doubled every 70 degree-days. From these results, a strategy of minimum release is suggested. To establish N. fallacis over a field in a single season, ca. 100 adult females per 1–2 m of row can be released before 1 July, after T. urticae have achieved 2–5 female adults per leaf. Releases should be 50 m apart and to the upwind side of the field. Selective sprays may be needed to suppress spider mites until predators gain control and disperse over the field.  相似文献   

The cassava green mite (CGM), Mononychellus tanajoa, a native of South America was accidentally introduced into Africa where it causes serious crop losses. The possibility of introducing classical biological agents from the native home of CGM into Africa was investigated. Thus, we conducted a series of laboratory assays of the native fungal pathogens, Neozygites tanajoae from Brazil and Neozygites floridana from Colombia and Brazil, and compared them with N. tanajoae isolates from Benin. Infectivity of both fungal species, was assayed against the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and against the red mite, Oligonychus gossypii. Pathogenicity against CGM and host range studies were conducted by transferring adult females of each mite species to leaf discs containing sporulated cadavers with a halo of conidia of each fungal isolate. All isolates caused some degree of infectivity to CGM. None of the isolates of N. floridana and N. tanajoae tested were pathogenic to O. gossypii, and only two isolates infected T. urticae. Most isolates from Brazil were highly virulent and infected only CGM. Sixteen N. tanajoae isolates caused more than 89% mortality and more than 62% of the CGM became mummified. A mummified CGM is characteristically a swollen, brown fungus-killed mite that has great potential to produce conidia. However, high mortality was not always associated with high mummification. The median mummification time ranged from 4.4 to 6.7 days. Five Brazilian isolates caused >75% mummification with a median mummification time <5 days. Isolates that cause high mummification in a short period of time would be more likely to cause epizootics and to establish in the new environment. Therefore, these isolates would be the best candidates for introduction to Africa.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of motile life stages of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch in Kenyan small-scale tomato fields was described by Taylor’s power law and an enumerative sampling plan was designed for research purposes. The exponential increase of T. urticae populations during three growing seasons permits the development and use of a simple exponential model for the design of a threshold-based chemical control system. For this purpose, a critical threshold of 440 motile mites per sample unit at the end of the growing season (12 weeks after transplanting) was translated into a proportion of 0.83 infested units in sample 3, i.e. five weeks after transplanting. A sequential binomial sampling plan with respect to the proportion of 0.83, five weeks after transplanting, was designed. The exponential model was extended to account for the influence of weather and host plant species. Model development and parameter estimation were based on three data sets (Kenyan tomato fields, Italian and Californian strawberry fields). The model satisfactorily predicted a positive influence on growth rates by (i) changing the host plant from tomato to strawberry, and (ii) temperature, while a negative effect resulted from (iii) rainfall; both (ii) and (iii) are controlled by temperature–rainfall interactions. In contrast, the estimated parameter values did not satisfactorily describe the expected responses at specific temperature and rainfall values. Nevertheless, the model allowed the rating of host plant species in the field. A fourth data set from Swiss apple orchards was used to test the model, and population build-up on the apple host plant appeared to be higher than on tomatoes but lower than on strawberry.  相似文献   

Using radioactive labelling techniques on two cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria grandiflora Duch.) and on the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) which fed on them, differential feeding was monitored. Leaves of the susceptible cultivar Georg Soltwedel previously damaged by mites were more attractive for spider mites than leaves of undamaged plants. The opposite was observed when the resistant cultivar Macherauch's Frühernte was investigated. The results are discussed according to the induced resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of the phytophagous miteTetranychus urticae was purified and a restriction map was constructed. The 12.5 kb long genome is the shortest animal mtDNA known. A 564 bp clone comprising part of the gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit I was sequenced. As has been found in insects, the mitochondrial sequences of mites are extremely A+T rich (75% on average, 96.5% at the third codon position).  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were conducted to evaluate the effects of spirodiclofen on life history and life-table parameters of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) females treated at pre-ovipositional period with a series of acaricide concentrations starting with the concentration discriminative for eggs and immatures i.e. the lowest concentration that causes 100% mortality of those stages. After a 24 h exposure, the proportion of females that survived treatments was 0.71 (6 mg/l), 0.51 (12 mg/l), 0.41 (24 mg/l), 0.30 (48 mg/l) and 0.25 (96 mg/l). At the end of the trial, the survival rate of females treated with the lowest concentration was significantly lower than the survival rate of untreated females but it remained above that of females treated with higher concentrations. Total fecundity/fertility significantly decreased as concentrations of spirodiclofen increased. Viable eggs were laid by females treated with 6, 12 and 24 mg/l, and total fertility was reduced by 42, 84 and 97%, respectively. Compared with control, the gross fecundity/fertility of the treated females was significantly reduced throughout the trial, except in females treated with 6 mg/l. All concentrations caused a significant reduction in the net fecundity/fertility throughout the trial. The females treated with 12 mg/l had significantly reduced net reproductive rate (R 0 = 6.45), compared to females treated with 6 mg/l (R 0 = 23.35) and to untreated females (R 0 = 28.92); there was no significant difference between the last two treatments. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) and finite rate of increase (λ) were significantly reduced in treated females (r m = 0.141, λ = 1.156 and r m = 0.214, λ = 1.232; 12 and 6 mg/l, respectively), compared to control (r m = 0.251, λ = 1.276). The reduction was significantly greater in females treated with the highest concentration. As a result of the lowered r m , the doubling time in treated females was significantly extended. Sublethal effects of spirodiclofen and its impact on T. urticae management are discussed.  相似文献   

火炬树为我国于1959年引进的速生绿化观赏性植物,其生长快,长势旺盛,抗病虫害和抗螨能力强,但还未见到其抗螨性和抗螨机理的研究报道.测定了火炬树叶挥发性成分及其对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch和山楂叶螨Tetranychus viennensis Zacher选择行为的影响,利用固相微萃取(Solid phase microextraction, SPME)采集、GC-MS测定火炬树叶挥发物,"Y"型嗅觉仪分别测定挥发物对两种叶螨选择行为的影响.结果表明,火炬树叶挥发性成分含量由高至低依次为4,6-二特丁基-2-甲基苯酚、4-庚醇、3,7,11-三甲基-2,6,10-二十二三烯-1-醇、丁基化羟基甲苯、α-法呢烯、十八烯、4-甲基-1-丙烯-3-醇、水杨酸甲酯和苯甲酸乙酯等;在两组气味源(火炬树叶与苹果树叶、火炬树叶与空气)中,二斑叶螨对火炬树叶的选择率分别为9.3%和28.9%,山楂叶螨则分别为5.6%和28%,与对照差异显著,但种间差异不显著.因此可以看出,火炬树叶挥发物对叶螨的选择行为具有一定的影响.  相似文献   

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