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Crespi EJ  Lessig H 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):306-311
In the terrestrial salamander (Plethodon cinereus), previous work has shown that mothers body size is positively correlated to offspring size at the time of hatching even after controlling for the effects of egg size. This study was designed to determine whether maternal body size affects offspring size via pre-oviposition factors (e.g., yolk quality, jelly coat composition, or maternal genes) or post-oviposition factors (e.g., parental care behaviors, parental modification of environment). Gravid females were captured and induced to lay eggs in experimental chambers in which the environment was standardized. Fifteen clutches were exchanged, or cross-fostered, between female pairs differing in body size. Ten females whose eggs were taken away and then returned served as controls for the crossing treatment. Foster mothers did not significantly differ from control mothers in the time spent with eggs, body position, or number of egg movements during brooding. Average egg mass measured midway through development was not significantly correlated to the body size of either the genetic or foster mother, but was correlated to pre-oviposition oocyte size. At hatching, offspring body length was positively correlated to egg size and the foster mothers body size. This correlation suggests that in P. cinereus post-oviposition maternal effects have a greater impact on offspring size than other maternal factors incorporated into the egg prior to oviposition. While our study showed that larger mothers moved their eggs less often and tended to spend more time in contact with their eggs, further work needs to be done to identify the specific mechanisms through which larger mothers influence the body size of their offspring. This is the first experimental demonstration of post-oviposition maternal effects for any amphibian with parental care.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders usually exhibit territorial spacing patterns and behaviors. Previous works suggest that plethodontids from Vancouver Island, Canada lack strong territoriality. In one Vancouver Island species, Aneides vagrans, salamanders may even be found in the field in small aggregations. We investigated preferences of A. vagrans for occupied vs unoccupied cover objects and for cover objects occupied by conspecifics of different age/size classes. We also tested A. vagrans preferences for conspecific vs heterospecific salamanders in an attempt to determine if the lack of territoriality by A. vagrans is species-specific and perhaps related to habitat segregation. A. vagrans did not avoid occupied cover objects or exhibit a preference for occupied vs unoccupied sites. Age class did not affect cover object choice. A. vagrans did not avoid heterospecifics that exhibit the highest degree of resource overlap (Plethodon vehiculum), which we believe might be attributable to a benign and resource-rich habitat, although alternative explanations exist. A. vagrans did avoid syntopic newts (Taricha granulosa), though this is probably due to toxic newt skin secretions.  相似文献   

To advance the development of conservation planning for rare species with small geographic ranges, we determined habitat associations of Siskiyou Mountains salamanders (Plethodon stormi) and developed habitat suitability models at fine (10 ha), medium (40 ha), and broad (202 ha) spatial scales using available Geographic Information Systems data and logistic regression analysis with an information theoretic approach. Across spatial scales, there was very little support for models with structural habitat features, such as tree canopy cover and conifer diameter. Model-averaged 95% confidence intervals for regression coefficients and associated odds ratios indicated that the occurrence of Siskiyou Mountains salamanders was positively associated with rocky soils and Pacific madrone (Abutus menziesii) and negatively associated with elevation and white fir (Abies concolor); these associations were consistent across 3 spatial scales. The occurrence of this species also was positively associated with hardwood density at the medium spatial scale. Odds ratios projected that a 10% decrease in white fir abundance would increase the odds of salamander occurrence 3.02–4.47 times, depending on spatial scale. We selected the model with rocky soils, white fir, and Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) as the best model across 3 spatial scales and created habitat suitability maps for Siskiyou Mountains salamanders by projecting habitat suitability scores across the landscape. Our habitat suitability models and maps are applicable to selection of priority conservation areas for Siskiyou Mountains salamanders, and our approach can be easily adapted to conservation of other rare species in any geographical location.  相似文献   

(1) We estimated the standard metabolic rate (SMR) of wild-caught Plethodon cinereus across a range of body masses and ecologically relevant temperatures.  相似文献   

Spray retention on scentless chamomile and round-leaved mallow was characterized in relation to droplet size and travel speed. The effect of varying retention on biocontrol efficacy was studied using Colletotrichum truncatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. malvae, the bioherbicide agents for the two weeds, respectively. In retention studies, a tracer dye solution was applied using a cabinet sprayer fitted with a fine, medium, or coarse nozzle at travel speeds of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 km/h that resulted in approximate application volumes of 500–2000 L/ha. Retention efficiency, a ratio between the volume retained on plants and actual volume applied, was calculated for each application. In general, finer sprays achieved higher retention efficiency on whole plants of both weeds. On an average, fine sprays resulted in 68% greater retention than coarse sprays on scentless chamomile and 22–59% on round-leaved mallow. Faster travel speeds increased spray retention only slightly. Applying the biocontrol agents at 500 L/ha with different droplet sizes showed different effects on weed control on scentless chamomile and round-leaved mallow. C. truncatum applied with fine droplets was more efficacious than treatments with coarser droplets on scentless chamomile. On round-leaved mallow, however, the efficacy of C. gloeosporioides f. sp. malvae did not appear to be substantially affected by the droplet size. This varying effect may be due to reduced retention on the vertical stems of round-leaved mallow, which is critical to biocontrol of this weed by C. gloeosporioides f.sp. malvae.  相似文献   

Urban development is a major cause of habitat loss and fragmentation. Few studies, however, have dealt with fragmentation in an urban landscape. In this paper, we examine the genetic structure of isolated populations of the eastern red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) in a metropolitan area. We sampled four populations located on a mountain in the heart of Montréal (Québec, Canada), which presents a mosaic of forested patches isolated by roads, graveyards and buildings. We assessed the genetic structure of these populations using microsatellite loci and compared it to the genetic structure of four populations located in a continuous habitat in southern Québec. Our results indicate that allelic richness and heterozygosity are lower in the urban populations. Exact differentiation tests and pairwise F ST also show that the populations found in the fragmented habitat are genetically differentiated, whereas populations located in the continuous habitat are genetically homogeneous. These results raise conservation concerns for these populations as well as for rare or threatened species inhabiting urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Summary One of the central assumptions of evolutionary ecology is that interspecific competition is a potent evolutionary force acting on coexisting species. There are few animal species that provide an opportunity for an experimental analysis of the evolutionary consequences of the phenomenon. We have taken advantage of the fact that two species of terrestrial salamander,Plethodon glutinosus andP. jordani, have different altitudinal distributions on two mountain ranges in North Carolina. Field removal experiments showed that interspecfic competition was much stronger in the Great Smoky Mountains than in the Balsam Mountains, and transplant experiments between the two mountain ranges showed that neither species from the Balsam Mountains had a measurable effect on its congener in the Smokies, although both species from the Smokies had strong negative effects on the Balsam congeners. Other experiments were conducted on the behavioral and ecological changes that have (or have not) evolved in the two areas. Our studies show that increased interspecific interference was the major evolutionary response of these largePlethodon species to interspecific competition, and that partitioning of food or microhabitat was not involved.  相似文献   

The distribution of GABAergic neurons in brains of the family Salamandridae (Pleurodeles waltli, Triturus alpestris) has been investigated immunohistochemically with an antibody against gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In adult animals, immunoreactive neurons, fibers, and terminals are abundantly labeled. In the telencephalon, pallial areas contain fewer GABAergic neurons and fibers than basal forebrain areas. The amygdalar complex and the habenulae have a complex pattern of GABA-immunoreactivity that is especially pronounced within the neuropil. The pretectal and basal optic systems are provided with GABAergic neurons, corroborating electrophysiological results. The dorsal thalamus and parts of the torus semicircularis are almost completely devoid of GABA-immunoreactive neurons. In the torus, magnocellular neurons known to project to the contralateral counterpart are distinctly GABA-immunoreactive. During ontogeny, GABAergic neurons arise early when the first reflexive movements occur after mechanical stimulation. At stage 28, cells are labeled initially near the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, which is the first supraspinal tract to appear in ontogeny. At stage 30 (still before hatching), GABAergic neurons are found in the pretectum, immunoreactive neurons arising in the dorsal tegmentum slightly later. Both systems are known to mediate basic reflexes in gaze stabilization. The commissura posterior is GABAergic at early stages suggesting an important functional role in homonymous inhibition between both sides. Thus in salamanders, the neurotransmitter GABA displays a complex distribution, similar to that in other vertrebrates. This pattern emerges early in ontogeny.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders of genus Bolitoglossa constitute the largest and most diverse group of salamanders, including around 20% of living caudate species. Recent studies have indicated the occurrence of five recognized species in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. We present here the first cytogenetic data of a Brazilian salamander, which may prove to be a useful by contribution to the cytotaxonomy of the genus. Specimens were collected near the “type” locality (Utinga, Belém, PA, Brazil). Chromosomal preparations from duodenal epithelial cells and testes were subjected to Giemsa staining, C-banding and DAPI/CMA3 fluorochrome staining. All specimens showed a karyotype with 13 bi-armed chromosome pairs (2n = 26). Nucleolar Organizer Regions, evidenced by CMA3, were located distally on the long arm of pair 7 (7q). DAPI+ heterochromatin was predominantly centromeric, with some small pericentromeric bands. Although the C-banding patterns of other Bolitoglossa species are so far unknown, cytogenetic studies conducted in other Plethodontid salamanders have demonstrated that pericentromeric heterochromatin is a useful cytological marker for identifying interspecific homeologies. Species diversification is usually accompanied by chromosomal changes. Therefore, the cytogenetic characterization of Bolitoglossa populations from the middle and western Brazilian Amazon Basin could identify differences which may lead to the identification of new species.  相似文献   

Galen C 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):195-201
Solar tracking or heliotropism simultaneously raises organ temperature and light interception. For leaves and flowers carbon gain is maximized at the expense of water loss. In this study I explore how costs and benefits associated with water use by solar-tracking flowers of the alpine snow buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus change with ambient temperature. First, I test whether heliotropism increases the water cost of reproduction in the snow buttercup under extant alpine conditions. I then explore whether water use for evaporative cooling in solar-tracking flowers reduces the risk of over-heating as temperatures increase. Solar tracking, by elevating floral temperature and irradiance causes a 29% increase in water uptake by flowers. Gas exchange measurements suggest that the extra water taken up by solar-tracking flowers is released through transpiration. Transpirational cooling in turn allows solar-tracking flowers to gain advantages of enhanced light interception and warmth while reducing the risk of over-heating. Transpiration reduces excess temperature in solar-tracking flowers, but at a water cost. Results show that even in cool alpine habitats, flower heliotropism has water costs to balance its reproductive advantages. Plants with solar-tracking flowers may tolerate hotter conditions if soil moisture is plentiful, but not under drought.  相似文献   

Diatom associations from the aufwuchs of inundated trees and under-water leaves of Salvinia communities in open and in enclosed transitional and semi-riverine water of the drowned upper Mwenda river area, lake Kariba were examined in relation to seasonal changes in lake and river, to species of host plant and to decreasing light quality to a depth of 3 m. The flora remained fairly stable in the summer months, changes in the relative percentage composition of the major and minor associations occurred from scouring floodwaters to stagnation in the semi-riverine areas from limited flow and extensive growth of Salvinia. The percentage frequency of occurrence remained high. The flora was less stable in the winter; some species were slow to recolonise tree areas exposed during down-draw of lake water in summer, especially at the lake face. A few species increased in relative percentage value in winter but the percentage frequency of occurrence in the minor association was poor. Achnanthes minutissima dominated particularly in the enclosed water where it was the cause of serious space competition especially to the larger species of diatom. Highest values throughout were obtained from the area of greatest change viz. the transitional water between riverine and lake conditions.Local environment was of greater significance in relative percentage abundance of diatoms than was the species of host plant. A few species showed ambivalency, becoming planktonic or epiphytic with changes in the environment. Epiphytes taken at increasing depth of water showed that 50% of them occurred in the first 1.5 m, some increased with depth, notably Rhopalodia rhopala and a few appeared to be tolerant of light changes.  相似文献   

Relationships between allozyme differentiation, habitat variation and individual reproductive success were examined in local populations of a perennial herb, Gypsophila fastigiata, on the Baltic island of Öland (Sweden). Relatively little (c. 2%) of the total allozyme diversity in this largely outcrossing species is explained by differentiation between sites tens of kilometres apart. The low level of geographic differentiation suggests that gene flow between sites is, or has recently been, extensive. Yet the component of allozyme diversity due to differentiation between plots (only tens of meters apart) within sites is 3 times larger than the between-site component of diversity. Allozyme variation, especially at the Pgi-2 locus, is significantly associated with habitat variation within sites. Different allele x habitat combinations for the Pgi-2 locus are associated with differences in individual reproductive fitness. Differential selection in different local habitats may thus contribute to the fine-scale structuring of genetic diversity within sites.  相似文献   

Diatom associations and succession in Lake Kariba,South Central Africa   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Diatom Associations formed by 1% or more of species, found by the Thomasson analysis method are discussed in relation to the morphology and limnology of the four basins of Lake Kariba. A brief comparison is made with associations in two stretches of the Zambesi river. A dominant association formed by certain species of Melosira demonstrated a pattern of succession, in relation to the thermal cycle in the lower, middle and upper lake by variations of the percentage occurrence of species forming it: Melosira granulata dominated during homothermy and remained so throughout stratification in the lacustrine conditions at the barrier or wall; M. granulata v. angustissima dominated during overturn and became the dominant species in the riverine conditions of the two uppermost basins. Results from the Central basin illustrated the intermediate position of this area of the lake. The pattern was disrupted in the far N.E sub-basin of the Sanyati basin, which in general showed individuality and where accidental and ambivalent plankters became co-dominant with the Melosira association during homothermy.A second association, formed by species of Cyclotella, Fragilaria and Synedra was a regular feature of the diatom population, it was sub-dominant to the melosira association at the barrier but gradually decreased up-lake and was superseded by accidental and ambivalent planktonic species. Except for the N/E Sanyati sub-basin, the diatom associations showed a gradual change from upper to lower lake, thus basin individuality was not seen.  相似文献   

Using gillnets and trap nets, we examined the spatial distribution, diel movements, and environmental tolerances of pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulterii, in a small boreal lake in north-central British Columbia. Most gillnets were set below the thermocline but we also fished a shore net in the littoral zone. During the ice-free season (May to November) there was a strong diel onshore–offshore movement: during the day pygmy whitefish were offshore and below the thermocline (water temperatures of 4–6°C) but at night they were inshore and above the thermocline (water temperatures of 12–18°C). This onshore–offshore movement occurred close to the bottom and, regardless of where they were caught, most fish were <4 m off the bottom. Oxygen concentrations in most of the hypolimnion dropped to <5.0 mg l−1 in June and by late August to <1.0 mg l−1; indicating pygmy whitefish can tolerate low oxygen conditions. The catch of pygmy whitefish in gillnets set below the thermocline was highly skewed: 53% of the nets were empty, 37% caught 18 or less fish, and 10% caught 70% of the total catch (742 fish). Trap nets produced similarly skewed results: most trap net sets caught no pygmy whitefish but one set caught over 2,000 individuals. Our catch data suggest that in Dina Lake #1 some pygmy whitefish aggregate.  相似文献   

Repeated matings offset costs of reproduction in female crickets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Courtship food gifts can be a significant source of nutrition to females and costly for males to produce; hence, costs of reproduction should be reduced for multiple-mating females and increased for multiplemating males in a gift-giving species. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally manipulating mating opportunities of males and females of two cricket species,Gryllodes sigillatus, a gift-giving species andGryllus veletis, a non-gift-giving species. Females of both species consume the externally attached spermatophore after mating, but inG. sigillatus, the sperm-containing ampulla is accompanied by a large gelatinous spermatophylax. In both species, survival of mated females given limited access to males was reduced relative to virgin females, thus suggesting a cost of reproduction to females. However, females given unlimited mating opportunities lived as long as virgins and also produced significantly more offspring than limited-access females. These results suggest that benefits of repeated matings, particularly those arising through spermatophore consumption, offset costs of reproduction in females. Lack of a treatment by species interaction suggests that females of both species derive nutritional benefits through spermatophore consumption, and that any additional advantage to the consumption of the spermatophylax inG. sigillatus is offset by more frequent mating byG. veletis females. In contrast to females, varying mating opportunities had no effect on male survival, suggesting that mating effort is not very costly to males. Male survival increased linearly with body mass but only when males were food-deprived, suggesting that larger males possess greater initial energy reserves to sustain their longevity when food-stressed.  相似文献   

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