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A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

This study reviews the Ptilocodiidae from South China Sea,including three species.The diagnoses of the family and each genus are provided.A new genus,Tregouboviopsis Guo,Xu & Huang,gen.nov.is erected,based on the monotypy,Tregouboviopsis perradialis (Xu,Huang & Du,2012) comb.nov.,which is transferred from the genus Tregoubovia.A free eumedusoid ofHydrichthella ocellata Xu,Huang & Wang,sp.nov.is described in the present paper.A key to known genera of family Ptilocodiidae is presented.All type specimens are deposited in the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science.  相似文献   

A new species of West Balkanian freshwater sand-goby Pomatoschistus montenegrensis sp. nov. (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the Morača River, southern Montenegro, and shown to be related to the euryhaline Adriatic Pomatoschistus canestrinii . The generic status of these two species is discussed with reference to the limits of Pomatoschistus (type Gobius minutus ) and the status of a subgenus [ Ninnigobius (type-species Gobius canestrini )]. The habitat and the local distribution of the new species are described.  相似文献   

刘东  唐文乔 《动物学杂志》2017,52(5):886-890
本文根据采自海南岛的标本描述了中国南海一新记录种:颈斑尖猪鱼(Leptojulis lambdastigma)。本种的主要形态特征为:体长形,体长为体高的3.7~4.0倍,为头长的3.1~3.6倍;头长为吻长的2.7~3.3倍,为胸鳍长的1.45~1.65倍;头裸露无鳞;两颌前端各具2对大犬齿,外侧1对犬齿弯向外后方;背鳍Ⅸ-12,臀鳍Ⅲ-12,胸鳍i(不分支)+11-12(分支);侧线完整,侧线鳞27;颈部具一个"V"形大黑斑,胸鳍后部的上方、侧线的下方具一小黑斑。新鲜标本头部具2条黄色纵带,沿体侧分别经眼和胸鳍基部向后达尾鳍基部;体侧背部具1条浅棕黄色条带;胸鳍基部棕红色,后部浅色;臀鳍浅蓝色;尾鳍下部淡蓝色,上部橙色。本种与尾斑尖猪鱼(L.urostigma)形态较为相似,主要差别在于颈斑尖猪鱼的颈部具有一显著的"V"形黑斑,尾鳍基部无黑斑(尾斑尖猪鱼具此黑斑)。  相似文献   

One new genus and four new species of eriophyoid mites from Hainan, China are described and illustrated in this paper: Dicoxiseta Wang, Tan & Yang, gen. nov., D. litsea Wang, Tan & Yang, sp. nov. infesting Litsea monopetala(Roxb.) Pers.(Lauraceae), Eriophyes casearius Wang, Yang & Tan, sp. nov. infesting Casearia glomerata Roxb.(Flacourtiaceae), Phyllocoptruta alstonia Wang, Gu & Tan, sp. nov. infesting Alstonia scholaris(L.) R. Br.(Apocynaceae) and Aculus paederius Wang, Gu & Tan, sp. nov. infesting Paederia scandens(Lour.) Merr.(Rubiaceae). Tegolophus artocarpi Keifer, 1977 is newly recorded from China. E. casearius Wang, Yang & Tan, sp. nov. distorts severely new foliage of its host plant. Three species, P. alstonia Wang, Gu & Tan, sp. nov., A. paederius Wang, Gu & Tan, sp. nov. and T. artocarpi, cause rust on the undersurfaces of host plants, while D. litsea Wang, Tan & Yang, sp. nov. is a vagrant on the undersurface of host plant leaves, without visible symptom.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby,Rhinogobius xianshuiensis sp. nov. was collected from the upper Mulan River basin of Xianyou County, Fujian Province, eastern China. The species is distinguished from related species in the region by 3–7 predorsal scales, 27 vertebrae, cephalic lateralis canals always always with 2 derived post-orbital pores (ε1) in adults, a reddish-brown vertical line below the anterior margin of the eye, and a red netlike pattern on the opercle. A key to species ofRhinogobius with higher vertebral numbers (27–29) from eastern China, Taiwan and Japan is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of paedomorphic gobioid, Schindleria elongata, from the Red Sea, is described on the basis of five specimens. The new species is characterized by its lack of body pigmentation; the body depth at pectoral‐fin origin 4–5% of standard length (LS) and at anal‐fin origin 5–7% LS; the predorsal length 66–70% LS; pre‐anal length 66–71% LS; dorsal‐fin rays 13 or 14; anal‐fin rays 10 or 11; first dorsal‐fin ray at myomere 20 or 21; first anal‐fin ray below second to fourth dorsal‐fin rays; myomeres 19 or 20 + 13 or 14 = 33 or 34 total; premaxillae and dentaries with small teeth; gas bladder located posteriorly at 56–60% LS; males with a rod‐like, flexible urogenital papilla lacking lobes, projections or accessory papillae, with distal half tapering to a broad, angular point and usually posteriorly directed. A key to the species of Schindleriidae is presented.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wangi, was collected from a small tributary of the Hanjiang Basin, Guangdong Province, southeastern China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays I, 8; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 16; rather large scales as longitudinal scale series 26–27; predorsal scales 8–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; seven parallel, deep brown oblique stripes crossing on cheek in male; branchiostegal membrane with brownish-red spots in male; seven longitudinal deep brown lines on lateral side of body; pectoral fin base with a blackish-brown bar. A key to all nominal species with high vertebral counts from China (Hanjiang to Chiangtangjiang basins), Taiwan, and Japan is also provided.  相似文献   

A new barbine cyprinid fish, Acrossocheilus multistriatus sp. nov., is described from the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) basin in South China. It is separated from all other barred congeners except A. monticola by its unique coloration pattern of 8–12 vs. 5–7 vertical dark bars on the dorsum and flank. Although 8 vertical black bars are also present in specimens of A. monticola, the new species is distinct from it by having a well-developed(vs. poor-developed) lower lip, with or without a median interruption(vs. with a median interruption which wider than 1/2 mouth width) on lower jaw, the lower jaw entirely covered(vs. uncoverd) by the lower lip, body depth 22.57%–25.22% SL(vs. 25.64%–32.26% SL). Additional characteristices as follows: last simple dorsal-fin ray soft without serration; dark stripes on membranes between dorsal-fin rays; dark stripes absent on membranes between anal fin rays; maxillary barbels longer than eye diameter, extending to posterior edge of eyes.  相似文献   

The racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus , along with several other neogobiin fishes, has been spreading north and west from its native Ponto-Caspian range for the past two decades via shipping and canals. It has been predicted as a likely future invader of the North American Great Lakes, where it would join its neogobiin relatives – the round and freshwater tubenose gobies. The present study is the first to analyse the population genetic and biogeographic relationships of the racer goby, establishing a baseline to aid interpretation of its future spread patterns and likely donor-recipient population relationships. The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene was sequenced from representative areas of the racer goby's range, including rivers of the northern Black Sea and areas of spread upstream in the Danube River and outside the Ponto-Caspian region to the Vistula River in Poland. Results discerned nine haplotypes, with few shared among drainages of native rivers and most sites housing unique alleles. Racer goby populations significantly diverged among watersheds, supporting historic low migration and little non-anthropogenic gene flow. The Dnieper River was identified as a likely donor source for the Vistula River colonization, where appreciable variability suggests a relatively large number of founding genotypes.  相似文献   

李传仁  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):648-650
记述七刺网蝽族一新属、新种Jingicoris yunanensis gen. Nov. et sp. Nov.。模式标本保存于南开大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国叶甲亚科1新属:玉龙叶甲属Yulongedon gen.nov.,包括2新种:靓玉龙叶甲Y.formosus sp.nov.,宝藏神玉龙叶甲Y.jambhalai sp.nov.。  相似文献   

A new species of cyprinid fish, Mekongina lancangensis, is described from the upper Mekong River drainage in Southern Yunnan, China. The new species is distinguished from the other species of Mekongina occurring in the lower Mekong River drainage by possessing the following combination of characters: one pair of rostral barbels; two rows of tubercles irregularly scattered on the snout and cheeks, with two enlarged tubercles present at each side of anterior of the snout; 19–27 rostral marginal lappets; lateral line with 38–41 scales; 5·5 or 6·5 scales in transverse series from dorsal‐fin origin to lateral line; 18–20 circumpeduncular scales; snout length 31·9–36·9% head length; tip of depressed anal‐fin rays extending to the caudal‐fin base.  相似文献   

Yin ZW  Li LZ  Zhao MJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(141):45-52
Dayao pengzhongigen. et sp. n. is described and illustrated based on the material collected in Guangxi Province, South China. The genus is placed in the oriental 'Pselaphodescomplex' of genera of the subtribe Tyrina and its taxonomic placement is discussed.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Sun SP 《ZooKeys》2010,(73):61-71
Carinityla Sheng & Sun gen. n., Carinityla punctulata Sheng & Sun sp. n. and Carinityla pilosa Sheng & Sun sp. n. belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, are described. A key to the species of the new genus, Carinityla Sheng & Sun, gen. n., is provided and the genus is placed in Townes' key to genera of Endaseina.  相似文献   

Pomatoschistus anatoliae sp. n. is described from estuary of Göksu River on the Mediterranean coast of the Anatolia. It is distinguished from its congeners by the suborbital papilla pattern, meristic, and ecological features. DNA barcoding based on COI sequences revealed that there is a high nucleotide sequence divergence to the nearest neighbour. Kimura’s two parameter distances between P. anatoliae sp. n. and other species of Pomatoschistus and Knipowitchia have found to be at least 5.1%.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4592CF50-07B5-4C25-892F-5D009057675B  相似文献   

Two new species of Leptobotia are here described as L. rotundilobus from the Xin'an-Jiang of the upper Qiantang-Jiang basin in both Anhui and Zhejiang Provinces and the Cao'e-Jiang in Zhejiang Province, and L. paucipinna from the Qing-Jiang of the middle Chang-Jiang basin in Hubei Province, South China. Both have a plain brown body as found in L. bellacauda Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2016, L. microphthalma Fu & Ye, 1983, L. posterodorsalis Chen & Lan, 1992 and L. tientainensis (Wu, 1930). The two new species are distinct from these species in vertebral counts, further from L. posterodorsalis in vent placement and further from the other three species in pectoral-fin length. Both differ in caudal-fin coloration and shape, and dorsal-fin location and coloration, and also in internal morphology. Their validity is confirmed by their own monophyly recovered in a phylogenetic analysis based on the mitochondrial cyt b and COI genes.  相似文献   

Turcichondrostoma, a new genus, from the Southwestern Anatolia is distinguished by having fewer gill rakers on first gill arch and morphologies of premaxilla and dentary bones. In addition, as a result of the phylogenetic analyses based on combine data set (mtDNA COI + Cytb) sequences (1706 bp.), Turcichondrostoma genus was recovered with high posterior probability value (BI PP:1.0) and strong-supported bootstrap value (ML BP: 100%) among the former Chondrostoma groups. Also, high K2P mean genetic distance values (more than 7.84%) differentiated genus Turcichondrostoma from the other genera of former Chondrostoma group. The results of both morphological-osteological and molecular analyses are congruent with each other. The results of this study revealed that the genus Turcichondrostoma is easily distinguished from the genera in Chondrostoma group.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wuyanlingensis, was collected from Wuyanling National Natural Conservation Area, Taishun, Zhejiang Province, China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays modally I, 8; anal fin rays I, 8; pectoral fin rays modally 18; longitudinal scale series 30–32; predorsal scales 7–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; body always with six longitudinal pinkish orange to grayish brown lines from dorsal to ventral region in male; cheek spotless; branchiostegal membrane deep grayish with 6–7 long, transverse deep red stripes in male; chin always deep grayish; first dorsal fin with two long black blotches on membranes anterior to third spinous ray in male; second dorsal fin whitish with three to four horizontal rows of light spots in male; caudal fin base with a large blackish-brown spot; and pectoral fin with a horizontal, median blackish brown line. An artificial key to all five nominal species with a high vertebral count (27–29) from Zhejiang Province from China is also provided.  相似文献   

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