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A method of screening for meiotic mutations based on genetic analysis of chromosome disjunction in germline mosaic clones of females homozygous for potential mutations is proposed. The clones are obtained at high frequency due to the use of the transgenic FLP/FRT system of mitotic recombination. This system permits obtaining homozygous clones in the first generation after mutagenesis, whereas the cultures are set up after selection for potential meiotic mutations. This significantly enhances, the efficiency of screening by the elimination of the limiting stage. Using this method, the following mutations were revealed in the 3L arm of Drosophila: ff6 leading to disturbed centriole disjunction, which results in appearance of multi-tail spermatids and three-pole spindles during male meiosis; ff3 leading to the formation of chromosome bridges in anaphase and telophase, chromosome nondisjunction, and premature chromatin condensation after metaphase; embryonic lethal ff29, with disturbed coordination between nuclear and centrosome cycles during syncytial cleavage; and a series of other mutations causing a wide spectrum of disturbances in male meiosis. Comparison of the proposed method with procedures of screening for yeast cell-cycle mutations showed that we succeeded in attaining the efficiency of screening in the Drosophila model close to that in the yeast model.  相似文献   

Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallidosa are closely related species that can produce viable and fertile hybrids of both sexes, although strong sexual isolation exists between the two species. Females are thought to discriminate conspecific from heterospecific males based on their courtship songs. The genetic basis of female discrimination behavior was analyzed using isogenic females from interspecific mosaic genome lines that carry homozygous recombinant chromosomes. Multiple regression analysis indicated a highly significant effect of the left arm of chromosome 2 (2L) on the willingness of females to mate with D. ananassae males. Not only 2L but also the left arm of chromosome X (XL) and the right arm of chromosome 3 (3R) had significant effects on the females' willingness to mate with D. pallidosa males. All regions with strong effects on mate choice have chromosome arrangements characterized by species-specific inversions. Heterospecific combinations of 2L and 3R have previously been suggested to cause postzygotic reproductive isolation. Thus, genes involved in premating as well as postmating isolation are located in or near chromosomal inversions. This conclusion is consistent with the recently proposed hypothesis that "speciation genes" accumulate at a higher rate in non-recombining genome regions when species divergence occurs in the presence of gene flow.  相似文献   

Summary Only a small fraction of the known mutations causing death to homozygous Drosophila produce gross morphological defects during embryogenesis. We have examined fourteen such loci on the X-chromosome to determine: 1) whether the requirement for their respective activities is restricted to embryogenesis; and 2) whether the embryonic phenotype in mutant embryos is affected by the dosage of wild-type alleles in the mother. For two alleles per locus germ line clones were produced during larval development by irradiating females heterozygous for the lethal mutation and a dominant female sterile (ovoD). Only one of the 14 loci (armadillo) is required during development of the germ cell to make morphologically normal eggs. Mutations at two other loci, (bazooka and Notch), allow normal oogenesis but cause major reductions in the viability of genetically normal (i.e., heterozygous) progeny. The majority of the loci (11/14) are not required in the germ line for either oogenesis or embryogenesis. However, in three cases (extradenticle, faintoid and lethal myospheroid), germ line homozygosity results in a readily detectible enhancement of embryonic phenotype over that observed in embryos derived from heterozygous mothers still possessing one wild type allele. The same six loci which show the most substantial effects on germ line homozygosity (arm, baz, N, exd, ftd and mys) also show an amelioration of the mutant phenotypes when maternal dosage is increased to wild type levels by using attached-X females. Four of these same loci (arm, baz, N and exd were cell lethal in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

X-ray-induced mitotic recombination was used to follow the development and function of the female germ line in Drosophila melanogaster. Clones marked by maternal effect mutations which alter the morphology of the egg [fs(1)K10] or the phenotype of the resulting progeny (maroonlike) were produced in trans-heterozygotes irradiated during embryonic, larval, or pupal development or as 5-day-old adults. Judging from the size of clones induced at the blastoderm stage, only five to ten of the pole cells observed on the surface of the embryo contribute to the germ line. Most of the K10 clones induced during embryonic and larval development were associated with mal twin spots, indicating that both daughters of the irradiated germ cell remained in the germ line and gave rise to eggs in the adult. During larval life the number of cells increases logarithmically and reaches a maximum of 110 at 24 hr after pupation. The same value was obtained for 5-day-old adults. In contrast to the mosaic females produced as embryos and larvae, mosaics obtained after pupal and adult irradiations were of two types, those laying only one K10 egg and those laying several K10 eggs distributed over the lifespan of the adult. This result indicates that the stem cell divisions characteristic of the adult period have begun shortly after pupation. About 9 to 11 days are required for an irradiated stem cell to produce its first clonal K10 egg, and two-thirds of this time is spent in the germarium. Each ovariole possesses on the average two to three functioning stem cells. This multiplicity of stem cells was confirmed by the recovery of mosaic ovarioles when mal heterozygotes irradiated as adults or late larvae were stained for aldehyde oxidase activity.  相似文献   

eql (equatorial-less) is a recessive lethal mutation on the second chromosome of Drosophila melanogasfer. J. Campos-Ortega found that eql clones in somatic mosaic flies have reduced numbers of photoreceptor cells, and he suggested that only the R1, R6, and R7 photoreceptor cells were missing in this mutant. These photoreceptor cells help to define the inverted orientation of ommatidial facets along the equatorial midline of the fly eye, hence the mutation was named “equatorial-less”. We have conducted a detailed analysis of the eql mutation, by serial section reconstruction of eql clones marked with bw or w? in somatic mosaic flies. We found that all photoreceptor cell types (Rl–R8) could be deleted by the eql mutation, and in rare cases the number of photoreceptor cells was increased. The apparent lack of photoreceptor cell type specificity was confirmed by our analysis of genetically mosaic facets, which indicated that no single photoreceptor cell, or subset of photoreceptor cells, was uniquely required to express eql Rather, eql appears to function in all photoreceptor cells, and possibly in all eye precursor cells. The distribution of photoreceptor cell numbers in w eql facets was consistent with the hypothesis that each photoreceptor cell was deleted independently of the others. The eql gene is located on the right arm of chromosome 2 at map location 2 ? 104.5 ± 0.7 and lies between the polytene chromosome bands 59D8 and 60A7. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three Ultrabithorax (Ubx) alleles and three different deficiencies of the bithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila melanogaster have been tested for maternal effects in the germ line. The dominant female sterile technique was used. The Ubx alleles and a deletion of the abdominal region of the BX-C are homozygous viable in germ line clones and show no maternal effects. Two deletions which lack the proximal portion of the BX-C are lethal in the female germ line indicating either that these deficiencies lack genes apart from the BX-C that are necessary for fertility or that there are BX-C genes that are essential for normal maternal germ line function. The significance of the bias in the isolation of only zygotic mutations at the BX-C are discussed with respect to these results.  相似文献   

Experimental data on spatial and temporal distributions of mosaic clones in Drosophila wing imaginal disc were analyzed. Long-lived proliferation centers (PR1, PR2, and PR3) and areas with decreased proliferation activity were found in the notum region of the disc. Simulation of the growth kinetics of mosaic patches demonstrated that the cell cycle in proliferation centers PR2 and PR3 was shorter than the average cycle in the disc and in the center PR1. A nonrandom clustering of rapidly dividing cells was observed in the PR2, but not in the other cases. The reason why the cell-cycle duration and the clustering of dividing cells may not coincide is discussed in terms of the recruitment of nondividing cells into the cell cycle. The simulation of the time course of the first and second moments of the size distribution of mosaic clones allowed the variance of cell-cycle progression rates to be determined and demonstrated that a model with a continuous cell-cycle rates gave a better fit to the data than the transition probability model of Smith and Martin.  相似文献   

Page SL  McKim KS  Deneen B  Van Hook TL  Hawley RS 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1757-1772
We present the cloning and characterization of mei-P26, a novel P-element-induced exchange-defective female meiotic mutant in Drosophila melanogaster. Meiotic exchange in females homozygous for mei-P26(1) is reduced in a polar fashion, such that distal chromosomal regions are the most severely affected. Additional alleles generated by duplication of the P element reveal that mei-P26 is also necessary for germline differentiation in both females and males. To further assess the role of mei-P26 in germline differentiation, we tested double mutant combinations of mei-P26 and bag-of-marbles (bam), a gene necessary for the control of germline differentiation and proliferation in both sexes. A null mutation at the bam locus was found to act as a dominant enhancer of mei-P26 in both males and females. Interestingly, meiotic exchange in mei-P26(1); bam(Delta)(86)/+ females is also severely decreased in comparison to mei-P26(1) homozygotes, indicating that bam affects the meiotic phenotype as well. These data suggest that the pathways controlling germline differentiation and meiotic exchange are related and that factors involved in the mitotic divisions of the germline may regulate meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

In order to test whether particular female sterile mutations block functions which normally occur in somatic or germ line derivatives, clones homozygous for each mutation were X-ray induced in heterozygous females. Using the germ line-dependent egg marker, fs(1)K10, it was possible to identify the eggs derived from clones which had been induced in the germ line. Mutations were classified as germ line dependent when these eggs also showed the phenotype associated with the female sterile mutation. Two mutations which caused early abnormalities in oogenesis (fs(1)116, fs(1)1304) were shown to affect germ cells, whereas two mutations which caused egg retention (fs(1)462, fs(1)1001) were somatically dependent. A mutation altering egg dimensions without affecting egg volume (short egg) was also shown to depend on somatic cells in the ovary. With one exception (fs(1)K4), mutations which caused production of fragile, collapsed eggs (fs(1)180, fs(1)473, fs(1)384, and fs(1)1163) were somatically dependent. Patches of mutant fs(1)384 morphology were found in the chorions of the eggs not derived from germ line clones. These patches are interpreted as being caused by homozygous clones in the somatically derived follicle cell epithelium and suggest that fs(1)384 affects processes occurring in these cells during the synthesis of the egg coverings.  相似文献   

p-Aminophenol (PAP; as a component of, e.g., hair dyes, photographic developers, as adsorbent in gas filters, as a metabolite of various fungicides, pesticides and drugs) has been tested for genotoxicity in Drosophila by means of the sex-linked recessive lethal test (SLRLT) and the somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART) of the wing. While the SLRLT was not significant, the SMART clearly indicated that the compound has genotoxic properties in this in vivo test in agreement with a majority of mammalian short-term tests in vitro and in vivo. The reducing agent dithiothreitol enhanced the genotoxic effects of PAP in the SMART; the reasons for this interaction remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Roth S 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(19):R779-R781
A new function for Delta-Notch signaling has been discovered in Drosophila oogenesis: Delta expressed in the germ cells activates Notch in the surrounding somatic follicle cells to control their differentiation, proliferation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans normally exists as one of two sexes: self-fertilizing hermaphrodite or male. Development as hermaphrodite or male requires the differentiation of each tissue in a sex-specific way. In this review, I discuss the genetic control of sex determination in a single tissue of C. elegans: the germ line. Sex determination in the germ line depends on the action of two types of genes:--those that act globally in all tissues to direct male or female development and those that act only in the germ line to specify either spermatogenesis or oogenesis. First, I consider a tissue-specific sex-determining gene, fog-1, which promotes spermatogenesis in the germ line. Second, I consider the regulation of the hermaphrodite pattern of germ-line gametogenesis where first sperm and then oocytes are produced.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of 289 chromosomes has been performed in a cohort of phenylketonuria (PKU) patients whose ancestors lived in five Italian regions, Calabria, Campania, Piemonte, Puglia/Basilicata and Sicilia. Phenylalaninehydroxylase (PAH) gene mutations and minihaplotypes (combinations of PAH gene STR and VNTR systems) have been determined for 78.5 and 64%, respectively, of the chromosomes studied. 21 different minihaplotypes and 24 PKU mutations were found. Heterogeneity tests carried out for the frequencies of mutations and minihaplotypes show that the distribution of eight mutations and four minihaplotypes is statistically heterogeneous in the five Italian regions. Although the evolutionary rate of microsatellites or the age of these mutations is difficult to estimate with accuracy, our findings taken together show a genetic stratification of the Italian population. These results rule out allelic homogeneity of PKU at the molecular level between regions of Italy, yet minihaplotype data may be of practical use for a multistep approach to PAH gene genotyping.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human patched gene have recently been detected in patients with naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. We have characterised a further 5 novel germ line mutations in patients presenting with multiple odontogenic keratocysts. Four mutations cause premature stop codons and one mutation results in an amino-acid substitution towards the carboxyl terminus of the predicted patched protein. No obvious genotype-phenotype correlations could be interpreted, consistent with previous studies. Received: 10 February 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   

Summary In aberrant egg follicles of the pattern mutant dicephalic (dic) the oocyte is wedged in between two groups of nurse cells, and this condition may give rise to embryos which express anterior traits at both ends. We have analysed the role of the dic genotype of the germ line cells and the surrounding somatic follicle cells in the formation of the dic follicular phenotype. By means of pole cell transplantations into Fs (1) K 1237 hosts (this cell-autonomous mutation causes degeneration of the host's germ line cells early in oogenesis), we constructed chimeras in which either the follicle cells, the germ line cells, or both were homozygous for the dic mutation. In all three combinations the dic phenotype was expressed but not in controls with dic + in both germ line cells and follicular epithelium. Since follicles with the dic phenotype may be produced if either the germ line cells or the follicle cells lack dic + gene activity we suggest that cellular interactions between both cell types are required for the correct positioning of the oocyte at the follicle's posterior pole.  相似文献   

The germ cells of Caenorhabditis elegans serve as a useful model to study the balance between proliferation and differentiation within the context of development and changing environmental signals experienced by the animal. Germ cells adjacent to a stem cell niche in the distal region of the gonad retain the capacity to divide during adulthood, making them unique from other cells in the organism. We will highlight recent advances in our understanding of mechanisms that control proliferation, as well as the signaling pathways involved in promoting mitosis at the expense of differentiation.  相似文献   

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