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The microsatellite marker DXS426 maps to the interval Xp21.1-Xp11.21, the chromosomal region which contains two loci for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP; RP2 and RP3). We have refined the localization of DXS426 both physically, by mapping it to a deletion which spans the interval Xp21.3-Xp11.23, and genetically, by studying multiply informative crossovers which indicate that DXS426 lies between DXS7 and DXS255 (i.e., Xp11.4-Xp11.22). As this is the region which contains the RP2 gene, RP2 families could be identified on the basis of linkage of XLRP to DXS426. Multiply informative crossovers in two RP2 families indicate that the most likely location of the RP2 gene is between DXS426 and DXS7. DXS426 is therefore an important highly informative marker for the purposes of carrier detection and early diagnosis of RP2 and for the localization of the disease gene.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is the name given to a heterogeneous group of hereditary retinal degenerations characterized by progressive visual field loss, pigmentary changes of the retina, abnormal electroretinograms, and, frequently, night blindness. In this study, we investigated a family with dominant cone-rod degeneration, a variant form of retinitis pigmentosa. We used microsatellite markers to test for linkage to the disease locus and excluded all mapped autosomal loci. However, a marker from the short arm of the X chromosome, DXS989, showed 0% recombination to the disease locus, with a maximum lod (log-odds) score of 3.3. On the basis of this marker, the odds favoring X-linked dominant versus autosomal dominant inheritance are > 10(5):1. Haplotype analysis using an additional nine microsatellite markers places the disease locus in the Xp22.13-p22.11 region and excludes other X-linked disease loci causing retinal degeneration. The clinical expression of the retinal degeneration is consistent with X-linked dominant inheritance with milder, variable effects of Lyonization affecting expression in females. On the basis of these data we propose that this family has a novel form of dominant, X-linked cone-rod degeneration with the gene symbol "RP15."  相似文献   

Using multipoint linkage analysis in 20 families segregating for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP), the lod scores on a map of eight RFLP loci were obtained. Our results indicate that under the hypothesis of homogeneity the maximal multipoint lod score supports one disease locus located slightly distal to OTC at Xp21.1. Heterogeneity testing for two XLRP loci suggested that a second XLRP locus may be located 8.5 cM proximal to DXS28 at Xp21.3. Further heterogeneity testing for three disease loci failed to detect a third XLRP locus proximal to DXS7 in any of our 20 XLRP families.  相似文献   

The McLeod phenotype is an X-linked, recessive disorder in which the red blood cells demonstrate acanthocytic morphology and weakened antigenicity in the Kell blood group system. The phenotype is associated with a reduction of in vivo red cell survival, but the permanent hemolytic state is usually compensated by erythropoietic hyperplasia. The McLeod phenotype is accompanied by either a subclinical myopathy and elevated creatine kinase (CK) or X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). Seven males with the McLeod red-blood-cell phenotype and associated myopathy but not CGD, one male with the McLeod phenotype associated with CGD, and two males known to possess large deletions of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) locus were studied. DNA isolated from each patient was screened for the presence or absence of various cloned sequences located in the Xp21 region of the human X chromosome. Two of the seven males who have only the McLeod phenotype and are cousins exhibit deletions for four Xp21 cloned fragments but are not deleted for any portion of either the CGD or the DMD loci. Comparison of the cloned segments absent from these two McLeod cousins with those absent from the two DMD boys and the CGD/McLeod patient leads to the submapping of various cloned DNA segments within the Xp21 region. The results place the locus for the McLeod phenotype within a 500-kb interval distal from the CGD locus toward the DMD locus.  相似文献   

Six families with steroid sulfatase deficiency (STS; X-linked ichthyosis) have been studied with the Xg blood group (XG) and the DNA markers dic56 (DXS143), 782 (DXS85), pD2 (DXS43), and GMGX9. Carrier status of females was determined by assay of STS in hair roots. GMGX9 detects a frequent restriction fragment length polymorphism and also identifies a deletion in the majority of families with STS deficiency, including five of the six reported here. The linkage relationship of this marker to the others was studied in normal three-generation families yielding 32 phase-known meioses informative for two or more markers. No recombinants were observed between STS and GMGX9, giving a maximum lod score of 8.73 at zero recombination. Multipoint linkage analysis taking STS and GMGX9 as a single locus and incorporating two-point marker data and STS-XG data from published studies gave the map (Sequence: see text). This order was 2.4 times more likely than with (STS,GMGX9) and dic56 reversed and is supported by our findings in a male with steroid sulfatase deficiency due to a deletion of Xp22.3 which encompasses the XG locus. He is deleted for GMGX9 but shows normal hybridization to dic56 and 782.  相似文献   

X-linked Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a genetic disorder affecting the formation of enamel. In the present study two families, one with X-linked dominant and one with X-linked recessive AI, were studied by linkage analysis. Eleven cloned RFLP markers of known regional location were used. Evidence was obtained for linkage between the AI locus and the marker p782, defining the locus DXS85 at Xp22, by using two-point analysis. No recombination was scored between these two loci in 15 informative meioses, and a peak lod score (Zmax) of 4.45 was calculated at zero recombination fraction. Recombination was observed between the more distal locus DXS89 and AI, giving a peak lod score of 3.41 at a recombination fraction of .09. Recombination was also observed between the AI locus and the more proximal loci DXS43 and DXS41 (Zmax = 0.09 at theta max = 0.31 and Zmax = 0.61 at theta max = 0.28, respectively). Absence of linkage was observed between the AI locus and seven other loci, located proximal to DXS41 or on the long arm of the X chromosome. On the basis of two-point linkage analysis and analysis of crossover events, we propose the following order of loci at Xp22: DXS89-(AI, DXS85)-DXS43-DXS41-Xcen.  相似文献   

Two genetic loci, RP2 and RP3, for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) have been localized to Xp11.3-11.23 and Xp21.1, respectively. RP3 appears to account for 70% of XLRP families; however, mutations in the RPGR gene (isolated from the RP3 region) are identified in only 20% of affected families. Close location of XLRP loci at Xp and a lack of unambiguous clinical criteria do not permit assignment of genetic subtype in a majority of XLRP families; nonetheless, in some pedigrees, both RP2 and RP3 could be excluded as the causative locus. We report the mapping of a novel locus, RP24, by haplotype and linkage analysis of a single XLRP pedigree. The RP24 locus was identified at Xq26-27 by genotyping 52 microsatellite markers spanning the entire X chromosome. A maximum LOD score of 4.21 was obtained with DXS8106. Haplotype analysis assigned RP24 within a 23-cM region between the DXS8094 (proximal) and DXS8043 (distal) markers. Other chromosomal regions and known XLRP loci were excluded by obligate recombination events between markers in those regions and the disease locus. Hemizygotes from the RP24 family have early onset of rod photoreceptor dysfunction; cone receptor function is normal at first, but there is progressive loss. Patients at advanced stages show little or no detectable rod or cone function and have clinical hallmarks of typical RP. Mapping of the RP24 locus expands our understanding of the genetic heterogeneity in XLRP and will assist in development of better tools for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Linkage data between X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) and nine X-chromosomal markers are reported. To test the assignment of XLRP to the Xp21 region (as considered at Human Gene Mapping 8), an analysis of XLRP and six markers flanking this region was undertaken. The XLRP locus was found to be excluded from the chromosome distal to ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) (P = 6.5 X 10(-5]. Further data were accumulated with three more probes proximal to DXS7 (L1.28), the closest linked probe. Multipoint analysis of these data suggests a posterior probability of .94 that XLRP is proximal to DXS7 (L1.28), which has been mapped to the region Xp11.3.  相似文献   

A genetic locus (RP3) for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) has been assigned to Xp21 by genetic linkage studies and has been supported by two Xp21 male deletion patients with XLRP. RP3 appears to be the most centromeric of several positioned loci, including chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), McLeod phenotype (XK), and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). In one patient, BB, the X-chromosome deletion includes RP3 and extends to within the DMD locus. Using a DMD cDNA, the centromeric endpoint of this patient was cloned and used as a starting point for chromosome walking along a normal X chromosome. A single-copy probe, XH1.4, positioned near the centromeric junction but deleted in BB, was used along with a CGD cDNA probe to establish a refined long-range physical map. Both probes recognized a common SfiI fragment of 205 kb. As the CGD gene covers approximately 30-60 kb, the RP3 locus has been restricted to approximately 150-170 kb. A CpG island, potentially marking a new gene, was identified within the SfiI fragment at a position approximately 35 kb from the deletion endpoint in BB.  相似文献   

The finding of a mutation in the beta subunit of the cyclic GMP (cGMP) phosphodiesterase gene causing retinal degeneration in mice (the Pdeb gene) prompted a search for disease-causing mutations in the human phosphodiesterase gene (PDEB gene) in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. All 22 exons including 196 bp of the 5' region of the PDEB gene have been assessed for mutations by using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis in 14 patients from 13 unrelated families with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP). No disease-causing mutations were found in this group of affected individuals of seven different ancestries. However, a frequent intronic and two exonic polymorphisms (Leu489----Gln and Gly842----Gly) were identified. Segregation analysis using these polymorphic sites excludes linkage of ARRP to the PDEB gene in a family with two affected children.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive aminoaciduria in which three urinary phenotypes (I, II, and III) have been described. An amino acid transporter gene, SLC3A1 (formerly rBAT), was found to be responsible for this disorder. Mutational and linkage analysis demonstrated the presence of genetic heterogeneity in which the SLC3A1 gene is responsible for type I cystinuria but not for type II or type III. In this study, we report the identification of the cystinuria type III locus on the long arm of chromosome 19 (19q13.1), obtained after a genomewide search. Pairwise linkage analysis in a series of type III or type II families previously excluded from linkage to the cystinuria type I locus (SLC3A1 gene) revealed a significant maximum LOD score (zeta max) of 13.11 at a maximum recombination fraction (theta max) of .00, with marker D19S225. Multipoint linkage analysis performed with the use of additional markers from the region placed the cystinuria type III locus between D19S414 and D19S220. Preliminary data on type II families also seem to place the disease locus for this rare type of cystinuria at 19q13.1 (significant zeta max = 3.11 at theta max of .00, with marker D19S225).  相似文献   

DNA from members of an Irish pedigree presenting with late onset autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) have been typed with a series of genetic markers from chromosome 6p. Positive two-point lod scores have been obtained with five markers (D6S89: theta = 0.10, Z = 3.338; D6S109: theta = 0.10, Z = 3.932; D6S105: theta = 0.00, Z = 6.081; HLA-DRA: theta = 0.00, Z = 4.364; and RDS: theta = 0.00, Z = 5.376). In a series of overlapping multipoint analyses a lod score of 6.6 was obtained, maximizing at HLA-DRA and hence localizing the ADRP gene (RP5) segregating in this pedigree to 6p. These data provide direct evidence for an additional autosomal dominant RP locus and strongly implicate the human equivalent of the mouse retinal degeneration slow (rds) gene, peripherin-rds, as a candidate for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

The X-linked form of retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) is a severe disease of the retina, characterised by night blindness and visual field constriction in a degenerative process, culminating with complete loss of sight within the third decade of life. Genetic mapping studies have identified two major loci for XLRP: RP3 (70%–75% of XLRP) and RP2 (20%–25% of XLRP). The RPGR (retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator) gene has been cloned within the RP3 genomic interval and it has been shown that 10%–20% of XLRP families have mutations in this gene. Here, we describe a single-strand conformational polymorphism-based mutation screening of RPGR in a pool of 29 XLRP families for which the disease segregates with the RP3 locus, in order to investigate the proportion of RP3 families with RPGR mutations and to relate the results to previous reports. Five different new mutations have been identified: two splice site mutations for exon 1 and three frameshift mutations in exons 7, 10 and 11. The percentage of RPGR mutations identified is 17% (5/29) in our genetically well-defined population. This figure is comparable to the percentage of RP2 gene mutations that we have detected in our entire XLRP patient pool (10%–15%). A correlation of RPGR mutations with phenotype in the families described in this study and the biochemical characterisation of reported mutations may provide insights into the function of the protein. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The gene responsible for Krabbe disease, an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of galactocerebrosidase (GALC), was localized by multipoint linkage analysis on chromosome 14. Eight mapped dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms were tested for linkage to GALC. Two-point linkage analysis demonstrated close linkage of GALC and D14S48, with Z = 13.69 at theta = 0. Multipoint analysis yielded strong support for this finding, with maximum likelihood for GALC located within 1 cM of D14S48. This analysis also identified markers that clearly flank the GALC locus, as the map order of D14S53-GALC-D14S45 is favored by odds greater than 10(6):1. Additional support for close linkage of GALC and D14S48 comes from the apparent linkage disequilibrium between these two loci in a consanguineous Druze community in Israel. These data localize GALC to 14q24.3-q32.1.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), the main cause of adult blindness, is a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by progressive loss of photoreceptors through apoptosis. Up to now, 39 genes and loci have been implicated in nonsyndromic RP, yet the genetic bases of >50% of the cases, particularly of the recessive forms, remain unknown. Previous linkage analysis in a Spanish consanguineous family allowed us to define a novel autosomal recessive RP (arRP) locus, RP26, within an 11-cM interval (17.4 Mb) on 2q31.2-q32.3. In the present study, we further refine the RP26 locus down to 2.5 Mb, by microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) homozygosity mapping. After unsuccessful mutational analysis of the nine genes initially reported in this region, a detailed gene search based on expressed-sequence-tag data was undertaken. We finally identified a novel gene encoding a ceramide kinase (CERKL), which encompassed 13 exons. All of the patients from the RP26 family bear a homozygous mutation in exon 5, which generates a premature termination codon. The same mutation was also characterized in another, unrelated, Spanish pedigree with arRP. Human CERKL is expressed in the retina, among other adult and fetal tissues. A more detailed analysis by in situ hybridization on adult murine retina sections shows expression of Cerkl in the ganglion cell layer. Ceramide kinases convert the sphingolipid metabolite ceramide into ceramide-1-phosphate, both key mediators of cellular apoptosis and survival. Ceramide metabolism plays an essential role in the viability of neuronal cells, the membranes of which are particularly rich in sphingolipids. Therefore, CERKL deficiency could shift the relative levels of the signaling sphingolipid metabolites and increase sensitivity of photoreceptor and other retinal cells to apoptotic stimuli. This is the first genetic report suggesting a direct link between retinal neurodegeneration in RP and sphingolipid-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a nonprogressive retinal disorder characterized by a presumptive defect of neurotransmission between the photoreceptor and bipolar cells. Carriers are not clinically detectable. A new classification for CSNB includes a complete type, which lacks rod function by electroretinography and dark adaptometry, and an incomplete type, which shows some rod function on scotopic testing. The refraction in the complete CSNB patients ranges from mild to severe myopia; the incomplete ranges from moderate hyperopia to moderate myopia. To map the gene responsible for this disease, we studied eight multigeneration families, seven with complete CSNB (CSNB1) and one with incomplete CSNB, by linkage analysis using 17 polymorphic X-chromosome markers. We found tight genetic linkage between CSNB1 and an Xp11.3 DNA polymorphic site, DXS7, in seven families with CSNB1 (LOD 7.35 at theta = 0). No recombinations to CSNB1 were found with marker loci DXS7 and DXS14. The result with DXS14 may be due to the small number of scored meioses (10). No linkage could be shown with Xq loci PGK, DXYS1, DXS52, and DXS15. Pairwise linkage analysis maps the gene for CSNB1 at Xp11.3 and suggests that the CSNB1 locus is distal to another Xp11 marker, TIMP, and proximal to the OTC locus. Five-point analysis on the eight families supported the order DXS7-CSNB1-TIMP-DXS225-DXS14. The odds in favor of this order were 9863:1. Removal of the family with incomplete CSNB (F21) revealed two most favored orders, DXS7-CSNB1-TIMP-DXS255-DXS14 and CSNB1-DXS7-TIMP-DXS255-DXS14. Heterogeneity testing using the CSNB1-M27 beta and CSNB1-TIMP linkage data (DXS7 was not informative in F21) was not significant to support evidence of genetic heterogeneity (P = 0.155 and 0.160, respectively).  相似文献   

Summary A number of variants of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) have been described. In one variant, listed in the McKusick (McK) catalogue (McKusick 1983) as entry no. 30320, the heterozygotes exhibit a golden metallic or tapetal reflex. Three large pedigrees segregating for XLRP with the characteristic tapetal reflex in the heterozygotes were examined, and the linkage between the XLRP locus and Xp loci, L1.28, OTC, 754, XJ-1.1, pERT87 and C7 was measured. The strongest linkage was found to be between the XLRP locus and OTC. In addition, recombinational evidence drawn from the three pedigrees suggests that the XLRP locus is distal to L1.28 and proximal to 754. This putative location of the XLRP gene between L1.28 and 754 taken together with the tight linkage to OTC, a locus already located between L1.28 and 754, leads us to propose a gene order of centromere-L1.28-OTC/XLRP-754-telomere.  相似文献   

Summary X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) is a series of hereditary dystrophic diseases of the retina that occur in three clinically distinguishable variants: the classic form (McK-31360), a type known as choroidoretinal dystrophy (McK-30330), and a variant with golden-metallic or tapetal reflex in the heterozygote (McK30320). Controversy exists as to whether these phenotypic differences are due to clinical variability in disease expression, heterogeneity in disease alleles at a single locus, or a multiplicity of loci for XLRP. We have studied a single large kindred segregating for XLRP with the metallic fundus reflex in the heterozygote with restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) from the short arm of the human X chromosome, and found measurable linkage to DXS7 (=12.5 cMorgans at LOD=2.5), the same RFLP previously shown by others to be tightly linked to the other forms of XLRP at =3cM. Although these estimates appeared to be different, each fell just within the 95% probability interval of the other and, therefore, were insufficient to prove or disprove that the metallic sheen form of XLRP is allelic with other forms of XLRP. Additional RFLPs at the DXS43 and the ornithine transcarbamoylase loci provided three-point crosses for determining the relative positions of DXS7 and XLRP, and supported an order that placed this form of XLRP distal to DXS7 on the Xp. Until the question of genetic heterogeneity is resolved, careful phenotypic characterization of the clinical type of XLRP present in families being used for linkage analyses is advisable.Presented in part at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting, Toronto, Canada, November 1, 1984  相似文献   

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