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对不同苗龄(1-12d)的刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)幼苗进行观察,比较了其初生维管组织的发育变化。结果表明:根中的初生维管组织借助下胚轴过渡到子叶中,而茎中的初生维管组织与下胚轴中的维管组织仅是简单的连接。这与Esau等认为幼苗的外部形态可以分为根-下胚轴-子叶和上胚轴苗两个系统的观点是一致的。本研究亦证实了可以将刺槐幼苗的外部形态描述为这两个系统,二者的维管组织只是简单的连接,不存在过渡。  相似文献   

辽藁本(Ligusticum jeholense)幼苗初生维管系统的发育   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
应用整体透明和石蜡连续切片等方法,对辽藁本幼苗初生维管系统的发育进行了观察。结果表明:该幼苗的轴向器官中,以子叶节区下部的初生维管系统先建立,向下发育形成了下胚轴和根的维管系统;再向上通过子叶节区中、上部的分生组织性组织与第1片真叶的叶迹相连;上胚轴一苗的维管系统向下发育与子叶迹相连,至此构成了该幼苗完整、连续的初生维管系统。此外,对幼苗侧生器官子叶片的三出一叉状脉的形成进行了观察,认为该叶脉序属于原始脉序类型。  相似文献   

星叶草下胚轴解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星叶草的茎部很短,下胚轴的长度几乎占有植株的整个高度。纤细的下胚轴主要依靠表皮层细胞外壁角质膜的增厚,以及中央初生木质部束的支持。初生木质部与初生韧皮部之间可见到2—3层排列规则或不规则的薄壁组织细胞,但是没有维管形成层的发生。这种植物的根茎维管组织的过渡区域,看不到一般双子叶植物中所见到的初生木质部束扭曲、分开或倒转的现象。伸向子叶的子叶迹,直接由原生木质部极外面的一群薄壁组织细胞分化形成。第一和第二片叶子的叶迹则在初生韧皮部中间发生。  相似文献   

糜子根-茎过渡区始于下胚轴基部,止于胚芽鞘节。过渡区维管组织总的变化趋势与小麦、玉米等相同,转变的第一步是木质部外始区转变成内始式;胚芽鞘迹和第一真叶的部分侧脉来自子叶迹的分支,第一片真叶的主脉直接由轴中的维管束提供。但糜子子叶迹分支位置在子叶节处,与玉米相同而不同于小麦和燕麦。在整个转变过程中有旋转、分割与合并。但分割与合并均与传统模式不同。在木质部的转变中,出现了平周和垂周分割,分割后的两束木  相似文献   

王立军  汪矛  谷安根 《植物研究》1990,10(4):101-106
肾叶唐松草(Thalictrum petaloideum L.)幼苗初生维管系统的个体发育研究证明,正如谷安根等在"Studies on Cotyledon Node Zone"的研究中所发现的那样,它也存在一个子叶节区和以该区为中心的两个过渡区,即子叶节区向下的子叶节-根过渡区(下胚轴)与子叶节-茎过渡区(即子叶节区的中部和上部)。在它的子叶节区下部存在中始式二原型具双钩状后生木质部的单中柱。  相似文献   

夏侧金盏花幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王立军  谷安根 《植物研究》1993,13(3):257-261
夏侧金盏花(Adonis estivalis L.)为毛莨科(Ranuncula-ceae)侧金盏花属(Adonis)植物。其幼苗可明显地分为上胚轴苗区、子叶节区和下胚轴根区。幼苗以子叶节区为中心,往上其子叶节区中部和上部为子叶节—茎过渡区;向下其下胚轴为子叶节—根过渡区。目前对毛莨科某些属幼苗初生维管系统的个体发育研究已有一些报道。但夏侧金盏花幼苗的子叶节—茎过渡区的转变与已报道的其他属均不同。主要表现为其子叶节区下部的中始式二原型双肩状单中柱,到达子叶节区中部,其后生木质部弦向发育成二唇形外韧维管束雏型,在中柱中央出现薄壁组织,进一步发育则形成髓;再往上,即子叶节区上部,便一分为多个内始式的外韧维管束雏型,直接形成上胚轴(茎)的真中柱。此研究为再一次验证子叶节区理论的正确性与进一步揭示被子植物初生维管系统的演化规律积累一份新资料。  相似文献   

金盏菊幼苗形态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金盏菊种子萌发过程中凡下胚轴生长较快、伸长较长的个体均形成壮苗。下胚轴大部分区段同时具有根、茎初生结构的特征。过渡区位于下胚轴上部。子叶迹与上胚轴维管组织雏形在子叶节区发生分离。  相似文献   

茄子幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恕茗  谷安根 《植物研究》1997,17(2):163-167
对茄子幼苗的初生维管系统以子叶节区理论为指导,进行解剖学研究。经研究表明,其初生维管组织的器官间过渡形式,属顶枝伸长型的子叶节区。子叶节区下部较短,中部较长,故只有一个极短的子叶节区-根过渡区和上胚轴苗区,与子叶节区之间的维管组织连接区,其维管组织的转化,主要存在于子叶节区中部与子叶之间。  相似文献   

根据子叶节区理论对梓树幼苗初生维管系统进行了解剖学研究。结果表明:梓树幼苗的子叶节区较长,自上到下都有髓的存在,为向基移位型。子叶节区下部具有中始式四原型管状中柱,在子叶节区中部的原生木质部处一分为二,逐渐形成具有8枚外韧维管束的中柱结构;在子叶节区上部,组成短轴的2枚维管束各自一分为三,逐渐形成真中柱的雏形,与上胚轴顶端分生性组织分化形成的内始式真中柱相连,至此,子叶节区发育完成。子叶为单隙三迹。  相似文献   

杜仲茎组织分化的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对杜仲茎内初生结构的分化和次生生长过程进行了观察描述。杜仲的茎端是由原套和原体组成,原套为一层细胞。茎的初生结构的分化开始于皮层和髓二部分基本分生组织,而原形成层环首先在3—4个分散的束内分化出初生维管组织,在以后的发育过程中,由于分化出更多的束,使初生维管组织联接成环状。参照Esau的观点,杜仲茎的初生维管系统应属于叶迹系统,而其节部结构的特征为单叶隙、单叶迹。在杜仲茎内初生结构分化完成时,其表皮即转变为木栓形成层,产生第一次周皮,此时,维管形成层也开始细胞分裂,产生次生维管组织,因此,在生长季结束时,茎内次生结构已成为主要部分。  相似文献   

Restionaceae differ from most monocot families in having both epigeal and hypogeal germination. The green cotyledons associated with epigeal germination have a central vascular strand as found in most epigeal monocotyledons. In some genera the cotyledon may have a hairpin‐like structure, also described for Anthericaceae. The cotyledon of the hypogeal seedlings is short, without green pigment and largely remains embedded in the seed coat. Hypogeal germination is correlated with large, woody, indehiscent, frequently myrmecochorous nuts, while epigeal germination is found in species with smaller indehiscent nutlets or seeds, dispersed in a variety of ways. The primitive condition is most likely epigeal germination. In hypogeal seedlings of some African and Australian taxa an epicotyledonary rhizome is found between the primary root and the first leaves. Seedlings of African Restionaceae frequently have elongated culm internodes, whereas in the Australian species studied, internodes are very short, resulting in a cluster of seedling leaves. The leaf blades, which in most species are only found on the seedlings, are very simple anatomically. However, they appear to be unifacial, similar to the leaf blades of Anarthria (Anarthriaceae). The anatomical specialisations in the blades mirror those recorded for the culm anatomy. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that Centrolepidaceae may be neotonous Restionaceae. They also corroborate the morphology of the African Restionaceae, and the presently accepted phylogeny of the African genera of Restionaceae.  相似文献   

Although cassava (Manihot esculenta ssp. esculenta) is asexually propagated, farmers incorporate plants from seedlings into planting stocks. These products of sex are exposed to selection, which in agricultural environments should favour rapid growth. To examine whether seedling morphology has evolved under domestication, we compared domesticated cassava, its wild progenitor (M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia) and their sister species (M. pruinosa) under controlled conditions. Field observations complemented laboratory study. In both wild taxa, the hypocotyl did not elongate (hypogeal germination) and cotyledons remained enclosed in the testa. In domesticated cassava, the hypocotyl elongated (epigeal germination), and cotyledons emerged and became foliaceous. The difference in hypocotyl elongation was fixed, whereas cotyledon morphology varied with environmental conditions in M. pruinosa. Comparative analysis suggests that epigeal germination is primitive in Manihot, that the lineage including wild ancestors of cassava evolved hypogeal germination--which confers greater tolerance to risks in their savanna environment--and that with domestication, there was a reversion to epigeal germination and photosynthetic cotyledons, traits conferring high initial growth rates in agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

Mc Gahan , Merritt W. (Central Research Labs., United Fruit Co., Norwood, Massachusetts.) Studies on the seed of banana. II. The anatomy and morphology of the seedling of Musa balbisiana. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 630–637. Illus. 1961.—The first external evidence of germination of the seed of Musa balbisiana is the displacement of the micropylar plug by the elongation of the hypocotyl-radicle axis. As the hypocotyl and epicotyl emerge from the micropylar collar, the seminal adventitious roots become apparent and the cotyledonary sheath surrounding the epicotyl emerges as a coleoptile-like structure. Subsequent growth results in the elongation of the first leaves beyond the cotyledonary sheath and the rapid elongation of the adventitious root system. The vascular transition occurs between the cotyledon and the radicle. The sheath is considered to be only analogous to the coleoptile of the grasses.  相似文献   

To clarify the participation of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) originatingfrom the shoot in root growth regulation and the mechanism ofIAA translocation from shoot to root, the movement of 14C-IAAwhich was applied to the epicotyl or the cotyledon of Viciafaba seedlings was investigated. The radioactivity of IAA appliedto the cotyledon moved faster to the root tip than that appliedto the epicotyl. On the basis of the effect of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid on IAAmovement, a comparison with 14C-glucose movement and autoradiographicexamination, the nature of IAA movement was concluded to bepolar transport from the epicotyl to the basal part of the roots,while IAA movement from the epicotyl to the cotyledon, fromthe basal part of roots to the apical part, and from the cotyledonto the epicotyl and to the root took place in the phloem. Theradioactivity from 14C-IAA applied to the cotyledon accumulatedin lateral root primordia and vascular bundles. These factssuggest that IAA produced in cotyledons may participate in theregulation of Vicia root development. (Received December 21, 1979; )  相似文献   

Hypocotyl cuttings (from 20- and 50-day-old Pinus taeda L. seedlings) rooted readily within 30 days in response to exogenous auxin, while epicotyl cuttings (from 50-day-old seedlings) rarely formed roots within 60 days. Responses to auxin during adventitious rooting included the induction of cell reorganization and cell division, followed by the organization of the root meristem. Explants from the bases of both epicotyl and hypocotyl cuttings readily formed callus tissue in response to a variety of auxins, but did not organize root meristems. Auxin-induced cell division was observed in the cambial region within 4 days, and later spread to the outer cortex at the same rate in both tissues. Cells at locations that would normally form roots in foliated hypocotyl cuttings did not produce callus any differently than those in other parts of the cortex. Therefore, auxin-induced root meristem organization appeared to occur independently of auxin-induced cell reorganization/division. The observation that N-(1-naphthyl)phthalamic acid (NPA) promoted cellular reorganization and callus formation but delayed rooting implies the existence of an auxin signal transduction pathway that is specific to root meristem organization. Attempts to induce root formation in callus or explants without foliage were unsuccessful. Both the cotyledon and epicotyl foliage provided a light-dependent product other than auxin that promoted root meristem formation in hypocotyl cuttings.  相似文献   

从幼苗形态学特征探讨红豆杉科各属间的系统演化   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
本文根据幼苗的形态学特征,尤其是子叶的结构、说明在红豆杉科中最原始的属是榧树属,其幼苗为留土萌发,植株粗壮;子叶肥厚,有吸收功能,叶肉不分化,其细胞中充满淀粉粒:维管束在子叶的上部或顶部为单束2条,下部合并成双束1条。其次是穗花杉属,幼苗为出土萌发,植株粗壮,下胚轴的下部肥厚;子叶稍肉质,叶肉不分化,质体淡绿,有一定的光合功能,但主要是积累淀粉,维管束双束1条,在子叶的顶端趋于分裂。最进化的是红豆杉属和白豆杉属,可能还有澳洲红豆杉属,其幼苗为出土萌发,植株纤细;子叶薄,叶状,叶肉分化成栅栏和海绵组织,维管束单束1条。本科中族的划分和属的系统排列,从原始到进化,应该是:族1.榧树族(1.榧树属);族2.穗花杉族(2.穗花杉属);族3.红豆杉族(3.澳洲红豆杉属,4.红豆杉属,5.白豆杉属)。  相似文献   

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