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Prescribed fire is a critical strategy for mitigating the effects of catastrophic wildfires. While the above-ground response to fire has been well-documented, fewer studies have addressed the effect of prescribed fire on soil microorganisms. To understand how soil microbial communities respond to prescribed fire, we sampled four plots at a high temporal resolution (two burned, two controls), for 17 months, in a mixed conifer forest in northern California, USA. Using amplicon sequencing, we found that prescribed fire significantly altered both fungal and bacterial community structure. We found that most differentially abundant fungal taxa had a positive fold-change, while differentially abundant bacterial taxa generally had a negative fold-change. We tested the null hypothesis that these communities assembled due to neutral processes (i.e., drift and/or dispersal), finding that >90% of taxa fit this neutral prediction. However, a dynamic sub-community composed of burn-associated indicator taxa that were positively differentially abundant was enriched for non-neutral amplicon sequence variants, suggesting assembly via deterministic processes. In synthesizing these results, we identified 15 pyrophilous taxa with a significant and positive response to prescribed burns. Together, these results lay the foundation for building a process-driven understanding of microbial community assembly in the context of the classical disturbance regime of fire.  相似文献   

The last glacial maximum (20,000-18,000 years ago) dramatically affected extant distributions of virtually all northern European biota. Locations of refugia and postglacial recolonization pathways were examined in Fucus serratus (Heterokontophyta; Fucaceae) using a highly variable intergenic spacer developed from the complete mitochondrial genome of Fucus vesiculosus. Over 1,500 samples from the entire range of F. serratus were analysed using fluorescent single strand conformation polymorphism. A total of 28 mtDNA haplotypes was identified and sequenced. Three refugia were recognized based on high haplotype diversities and the presence of endemic haplotypes: southwest Ireland, the northern Brittany-Hurd Deep area of the English Channel, and the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The Irish refugium was the source for a recolonization sweep involving a single haplotype via northern Scotland and throughout Scandinavia, whereas recolonization from the Brittany-Hurd Deep refugium was more limited, probably because of unsuitable soft-bottom habitat in the Bay of Biscay and along the Belgian and Dutch coasts. The Iberian populations reflect a remnant refugium at the present-day southern boundary of the species range. A generalized skyline plot suggested exponential population expansion beginning in the mid-Pleistocene with maximal growth during the Eems interglacial 128,000-67,000 years ago, implying that the last glacial maximum mainly shaped population distributions rather than demography.  相似文献   

Untangling the nuanced relationships between landscape, fire disturbance, human agency, and climate is key to understanding rapid population declines of fire‐sensitive plant species. Using multiple lines of evidence across temporal and spatial scales (vegetation survey, stand structure analysis, dendrochronology, and fire history reconstruction), we document landscape‐scale population collapse of the long‐lived, endemic Tasmanian conifer Athrotaxis selaginoides in remote montane catchments in southern Tasmania. We contextualized the findings of this field‐based study with a Tasmanian‐wide geospatial analysis of fire‐killed and unburned populations of the species. Population declines followed European colonization commencing in 1802 ad that disrupted Aboriginal landscape burning. Prior to European colonization, fire events were infrequent but frequency sharply increased afterwards. Dendrochronological analysis revealed that reconstructed fire years were associated with abnormally warm/dry conditions, with below‐average streamflow, and were strongly teleconnected to the Southern Annular Mode. The multiple fires that followed European colonization caused near total mortality of A. selaginoides and resulted in pronounced floristic, structural vegetation, and fuel load changes. Burned stands have very few regenerating A. selaginoides juveniles yet tree‐establishment reconstruction of fire‐killed adults exhibited persistent recruitment in the period prior to European colonization. Collectively, our findings indicate that this fire‐sensitive Gondwanan conifer was able to persist with burning by Aboriginal Tasmanians, despite episodic widespread forest fires. By contrast, European burning led to the restriction of A. selaginoides to prime topographic fire refugia. Increasingly, frequent fires caused by regional dry and warming trends and increased ignitions by humans and lightning are breaching fire refugia; hence, the survival Tasmanian Gondwanan species demands sustained and targeted fire management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Influences of annual climatic variation on fire occurrence were examined along a rainfall gradient from temperate rainforest to xeric woodlands in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Fire chronologies were derived from fire scars on trees and related to tree-ring proxy records of climate over the period 1820–1974. Similarly, fire records of four Patagonian national parks for the period 1940–1988 were compared to instrumental weather data. Finally, the influences of broad-scale synoptic weather patterns on fire occurrence in northern Patagonia were explored.
Fire in Nothofagus rainforests is highly dependent on drought during the spring and summer of the same year in which fires occur and is less strongly favoured by drought during the spring of the previous year. The occurrence of fire in dry vegetation types near the steppe ecotone is less dependent on drought because even during years of normal weather fuels are thoroughly desiccated during the dry summer. In xeric Austrocedrus woodlands, fire occurrence and spread are promoted by droughts during the fire season and also appear to be favoured by above-average moisture conditions during the preceding 1 to 2 growing seasons which enhances fuel production. Thus, in the xeric woodlands fire is not simply dependent on drought but is favoured by greater climatic variability over time scales of several years.
Fire activity in northern Patagonia is greatly influenced by the intensity and latitudinal position of the subtropical high pressure cell of the southeast Pacific. Greater fire activity is associated with a more intense and more southerly located high pressure cell which blocks the influx of Pacific moisture into the continent. Although long-term changes in fire occurrence along the rainforest-to-xeric woodland gradient have been greatly influenced by human activities, annual variation in fire frequency and extent is also strongly influenced by annual climatic variation.  相似文献   

  • 1 The economic losses associated with crop damage by invasive pests can be minimized by recognizing their potential impact before they spread into new areas or crops.
  • 2 We experimentally evaluated the preferences of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for the most common conifer species commercially planted in northern Patagonia, Argentina. The areas of potential forest interest in this region and the geographical range of this ant overlap. We performed field preference tests and monitored the level of ant herbivory on planted conifer seedlings next to nests.
  • 3 Acromyrmex lobicornis preferred some conifer species and avoided foraging on others. Pseudotsuga menziesii and Austrocedrus chilensis were the less preferred species, Pinus ponderosa and Pinus contorta were the most preferred by A. lobicornis.
  • 4 The item mostly selected by ants was young needles from P. contorta. This species was also the pine mostly defoliated. Seedlings without ant‐exclusion showed a mean±SE of 60±5% defoliation during the sampling period. Pinus ponderosa was less defoliated; control seedlings showed a mean±SE of 8.5±1% of leaf damage in the sampling period.
  • 5 The present study shows how the use of simple field tests of leaf‐cutting ant preferences could allow an improved selection of appropriate conifer species for future plantations in areas where leaf‐cutting ants are present.

Abstract. We investigated the effects of recent fires on the native ant communities in two habitats of north-west Patagonia that differ in vegetation structural complexity. Using bait traps, we sampled ants in replicated scrub and steppe areas including paired burned and unburned sites. Fires significantly reduced plant cover and ant diversity only in scrub sites. The drop in diversity was due to (a) a reduction in the abundance of rare species associated with woody vegetation, and (b) an increase in the abundance of the dominant species, which thrive in more xeric microclimatic conditions. Consequently, ant assemblage structure of burned scrub approaches that of steppe sites. Our findings suggest that the effects of disturbances on ant assemblages depends both on habitat characteristics, which in turn determine the extent of the changes induced by the disturbance, and on the regional context of the ant fauna, which in turn determines the ability of the ants to deal with the post-disturbance conditions.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation in the Arctic plant species Dryas integrifolia (Rosaceae) was analysed in relation to both the present-day geographical distribution of populations and to Pleistocene fossil records of this species. The phylogeographical structure was weak but the analysis of haplotype diversity revealed several groups of haplotypes having present-day geographical ranges that overlap locations postulated from geographical and fossil evidence to have been glacial refugia. Based on this information we infer that two important refugial sources of Arctic recolonization by this species were Beringia and the High Arctic. Two other putative refugia, located southeast of the ice sheet and along coastal regions of the eastern Arctic may have served as sources for recolonization of smaller portions of the Arctic. The genetic substructure in the species is mostly due to variation among populations regardless of the ecogeographical region in which they are found. Spatial autocorrelation at the regional scale was also detected. High levels of diversity both within populations and ecogeographical regions are probably indicative of population establishment from several sources possibly combined with recent gene flow.  相似文献   

Question: We investigated how cattle and European hares, the two most widespread exotic herbivores in Patagonia, affect species composition, life‐form composition and community structure during the first 6 years of vegetation recovery following severe burning of fire‐resistant subalpine forests and fire‐prone tall shrublands. We asked how the effects of introduced herbivores on post‐fire plant community attributes affect flammability of the vegetation. Location: Nahuel Huapi National Park, northwest Patagonia, Argentina Methods: We installed fenced plots to exclude livestock and European hares from severely burned subalpine forests of Nothofagus pumilio and adjacent tall shrublands of N. antarctica. The former is an obligate seed reproducer, whereas the latter and all other woody dominants of the shrubland vigorously resprout after burning. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA of annual measurements over the 2001‐2006 period indicate that cattle and hare exclusion had significant but complex effects on the cover of graminoids, forbs, climber species and woody species in the two burned community types. Significant interactions between the effects of cattle and hares varied by plant life forms between the two communities, which implies that their synergistic effects are community dependent. Conclusions: Following severe fires, the combined effects of cattle and hares inhibit forest recovery and favour transition to shrublands dominated by resprouting woody species. This herbivore‐induced trend in vegetation structure is consistent with the hypothesis that the effects of exotic herbivores at recently burned sites contribute to an increase in the overall flammability of the Patagonian landscape.  相似文献   

Biological legacies are important for ecosystem recovery following disturbance as demonstrated by studies in the northern hemisphere. Southern bog forests dominated by the conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum in Northern Patagonia are a typical case of an ecosystem with low resilience to disturbance by fire, which kills most trees and seeds, on which the species depends for regeneration. In this study, we hypothesize that the natural recovery of P. uviferum populations in burned areas is limited by seed availability and this limitation may be exacerbated by the dioecy of the species. Using a multi‐scaled approach, we quantified the seed dissemination potential from P. uviferum seed trees, assessed the suitability of substrates for the germination of seedlings, and finally analysed the spatial distribution of seed trees of the species at the landscape level. Our results indicate that 70 years after a fire on Chiloé Island (43°S), natural regeneration from seed trees can assist the recovery of P. uviferum populations following large‐scale fire disturbance, but their effect is limited at a landscape level owing to a low number of reproductive female trees (0.3 trees ha?1) and limited seed dispersal (<20 m). In this context, a mixed passive‐active restoration approach that takes into account the spatial pattern and sex of seed trees could be the most effective and efficient option to restore not only P. uviferum forests in North Patagonia, but also other heavily disturbed forests with few remnant seed trees, in particular of dioecious species.  相似文献   

The importance of xylem constraints in the distribution of conifer species   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Vulnerability of stem xylem to cavitation was measured in 10 species of conifers using high pressure air to induce xylem embolism. Mean values of air pressure required to induce a 50% loss in hydraulic conductivity (φ50) varied enormously between species, ranging from a maximum of 14.2±0.6 MPa (corresponding to a xylem water potential of −14.2 MPa) in the semi-arid species Actinostrobus acuminatus to a minimum of 2.3±0.2 MPa in the rainforest species Dacrycarpus dacrydioides . Mean φ50 was significantly correlated with the mean rainfall of the driest quarter within the distribution of each species. The value of φ50 was also compared with leaf drought tolerance data for these species in order to determine whether xylem dysfunction during drought dictated drought response at the leaf level. Previous data describing the maximum depletion of internal CO2 concentration (ci) in the leaves of these species during artificial drought was strongly correlated with φ50 suggesting a primary role of xylem in effecting leaf drought response. The possibility of a trade-off between xylem conductivity and xylem vulnerability was tested in a sub-sample of four species, but no evidence of an inverse relationship between φ50 and either stem-area specific (Ka) or leaf-area specific conductivity (K1) was found.  相似文献   

Human populations, along with those of many other species, are thought to have contracted into a number of refuge areas at the height of the last Ice Age. European populations are believed to be, to a large extent, the descendants of the inhabitants of these refugia, and some extant mtDNA lineages can be traced to refugia in Franco-Cantabria (haplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5a). Parts of the Near East, such as the Levant, were also continuously inhabited throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, but unlike western and eastern Europe, no archaeological or genetic evidence for Late Glacial expansions into Europe from the Near East has hitherto been discovered. Here we report, on the basis of an enlarged whole-genome mitochondrial database, that a substantial, perhaps predominant, signal from mitochondrial haplogroups J and T, previously thought to have spread primarily from the Near East into Europe with the Neolithic population, may in fact reflect dispersals during the Late Glacial period, ~19-12 thousand years (ka) ago.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen the emergence and spread of numerous infectious diseases, often with severe negative consequences for wildlife populations. Nevertheless, many populations survive the initial outbreaks, and even undergo recoveries. Unfortunately, the long‐term effects of these outbreaks on host population genetics are poorly understood; to increase this understanding, we examined the population genetics of two species of rainforest frogs (Litoria nannotis and Litoria serrata) that have largely recovered from a chytridiomycosis outbreak at two national parks in the Wet Tropics of northern Australia. At the wetter, northern park there was little evidence of decreased genetic diversity in either species, and all of the sampled sites had high minor allele frequencies (mean MAF = 0.230–0.235), high heterozygosity (0.318–0.325), and few monomorphic markers (1.4%–4.0%); however, some recovered L. nannotis populations had low Ne values (59.3–683.8) compared to populations that did not decline during the outbreak (1,537.4–1,756.5). At the drier, southern park, both species exhibited lower diversity (mean MAF = 0.084–0.180; heterozygosity = 0.126–0.257; monomorphic markers = 3.7%–43.5%; Ne = 18.4–676.1). The diversity patterns in this park matched habitat patterns, with both species having higher diversity levels and fewer closely related individuals at sites with higher quality habitat. These patterns were more pronounced for L. nannotis, which has lower dispersal rates than L. serrata. These results suggest that refugia with high quality habitat are important for retaining genetic diversity during disease outbreaks, and that gene flow following disease outbreaks is important for re‐establishing diversity in populations where it was reduced.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene climatic fluctuations had a huge impact on all life forms, and various hypotheses regarding the survival of organisms during glacial periods have been postulated. In the European Alps, evidence has been found in support of refugia outside the ice shield (massifs de refuge) acting as sources for postglacial recolonization of inner‐Alpine areas. In contrast, evidence for survival on nunataks, ice‐free areas above the glacier, remains scarce. Here, we combine multivariate genetic analyses with ecological niche models (ENMs) through multiple timescales to elucidate the history of Alpine Megabunus harvestmen throughout the ice ages, a genus that comprises eight high‐altitude endemics. ENMs suggest two types of refugia throughout the last glacial maximum, inner‐Alpine survival on nunataks for four species and peripheral refugia for further four species. In some geographic regions, the patterns of genetic variation are consistent with long‐distance dispersal out of massifs de refuge, repeatedly coupled with geographic parthenogenesis. In other regions, long‐term persistence in nunataks may dominate the patterns of genetic divergence. Overall, our results suggest that glacial cycles contributed to allopatric diversification in Alpine Megabunus, both within and at the margins of the ice shield. These findings exemplify the power of ENM projections coupled with genetic analyses to identify hypotheses about the position and the number of glacial refugia and thus to evaluate the role of Pleistocene glaciations in driving species‐specific responses of recolonization or persistence that may have contributed to observed patterns of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Ne'eman  G.  Fotheringham  C.J.  Keeley  J.E. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):235-242
Obligate seeding species are highly specialized to fire disturbance and many conifers such as cypress, which are adapted to high intensity stand-replacing fires, have canopy seed banks stored in serotinous cones. Resilience of these trees to fire disturbance is a function of disturbance frequency and one focus of this study was to determine the effect of patch age on postfire recruitment. A second focus was to determine the extent to which fire induced a landscape level change in the location of the forest boundary. Prior to a fire in 1994, a large Cupressus sargentii forest was a mosaic landscape of different aged patches of nearly pure cypress bordered by chaparral. Patches less than 60 years of age were relatively dense with roughly one tree every 1–2 m2 but older patches had thinned to one tree every 3–15 m2. Older trees had substantially greater canopy cone crops but the stand level seed bank size was not significantly correlated with stand age. Fire-dependent obligate seeding species are sensitive to fire return interval because of potential changes in the size of seed banks – facing both a potential `immaturity risk' and a `senescence risk'. At our site, C. sargentii regeneration was substantial in stands as young as 20 years, suggesting that fire return interval would need to be shorter than this to pose any significant risk. Reduced seedling recruitment in stands nearly 100 years of age may indicate risk from senescence is greater, however, even the lowest density seedling recruitment was many times greater than the density of mature forests – thus this cypress would appear to be resilient to a wide range of fire return intervals. Changes in landscape patterning of forest and chaparral are unlikely except after fire. Factors that inhibit tree establishment within the shrubland, as well as factors that affect shrub establishment within the forest border likely affect the `permeability' of this ecotone. After the 1994 fire this boundary appeared to be stable in that cypress recruited best within the shadow of burned canopies and cypress were weak invaders of adjacent shrublands.  相似文献   

Patch structure in sandy, compared to rocky streams, is characterized by isolated snags that can only be colonized by drifting. By measuring drift from patches (snags) of various quality we determined the factors that influence habitat selection and drift of the predaceous stoneflies Acroneuria abnormis and Paragnetina fumosa. The presence of refugia (loose bark and leaf packs) was more important than hunger level and modified the effects of increased predator densities and aggressive interactions. Stoneflies concentrated to 8x natural densities with access to refugia remained longer on snags than a single stonefly without access to refugia. During periods of activity, refugia were defended with larger stoneflies always displacing smaller nymphs. During long periods of inactivity, two and sometimes three nymphs would rest side-by-side sharing the same refuge. Hunger level (starved versus satiated stoneflies), an indirect measure of a predator's response to prey availability, had no significant effect on drift or habitat selection regardless of the presence of refugia. Stonefly predators had a uniform distribution while their prey were clumped. Drift was deliberate and almost always delayed until night, usually at dusk or dawn. An examination of previous research plus the results of this study suggest that non-predatory intra- and interspecific interactions can be an important mechanism causing drift in streams.  相似文献   

Tropical reefs have been impacted by thermal anomalies caused by global warming that induced coral bleaching and mortality events globally. However, there have only been very few recordings of bleaching within the Red Sea despite covering a latitudinal range of 15° and consequently it has been considered a region that is less sensitive to thermal anomalies. We therefore examined historical patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) and associated anomalies (1982–2012) and compared warming trends with a unique compilation of corresponding coral bleaching records from throughout the region. These data indicated that the northern Red Sea has not experienced mass bleaching despite intensive Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) of >15°C‐weeks. Severe bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red Sea where DHWs have been more frequent, but far less intense (DHWs <4°C‐weeks). A similar pattern was observed during the 2015–2016 El Niño event during which time corals in the northern Red Sea did not bleach despite high thermal stress (i.e. DHWs >8°C‐weeks), and bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red Sea despite the lower thermal stress (DHWs < 8°C‐weeks). Heat stress assays carried out in the northern (Hurghada) and central (Thuwal) Red Sea on four key reef‐building species confirmed different regional thermal susceptibility, and that central Red Sea corals are more sensitive to thermal anomalies as compared to those from the north. Together, our data demonstrate that corals in the northern Red Sea have a much higher heat tolerance than their prevailing temperature regime would suggest. In contrast, corals from the central Red Sea are close to their thermal limits, which closely match the maximum annual water temperatures. The northern Red Sea harbours reef‐building corals that live well below their bleaching thresholds and thus we propose that the region represents a thermal refuge of global importance.  相似文献   

Climate and fire are the key environmental factors that shape the distribution and demography of plant populations in Australia. Because of limited palaeoecological records in this arid continent, however, it is unclear as to which factor impacted vegetation more strongly, and what were the roles of fire regime changes owing to human activity and megafaunal extinction (since ca 50 kya). To address these questions, we analysed historical genetic, demographic and distributional changes in a widespread conifer species complex that paradoxically grows in fire-prone regions, yet is very sensitive to fire. Genetic demographic analysis showed that the arid populations experienced strong bottlenecks, consistent with range contractions during the Last Glacial Maximum (ca 20 kya) predicted by species distribution models. In southern temperate regions, the population sizes were estimated to have been mostly stable, followed by some expansion coinciding with climate amelioration at the end of the last glacial period. By contrast, in the flammable tropical savannahs, where fire risk is the highest, demographic analysis failed to detect significant population bottlenecks. Collectively, these results suggest that the impact of climate change overwhelmed any modifications to fire regimes by Aboriginal landscape burning and megafaunal extinction, a finding that probably also applies to other fire-prone vegetation across Australia.  相似文献   

The localization of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) refugia is crucial information to understand a species' history and predict its reaction to future climate changes. However, many phylogeographical studies often lack sampling designs intensive enough to precisely localize these refugia. The hairy land snail Trochulus villosus has a small range centred on Switzerland, which could be intensively covered by sampling 455 individuals from 52 populations. Based on mitochondrial DNA sequences (COI and 16S), we identified two divergent lineages with distinct geographical distributions. Bayesian skyline plots suggested that both lineages expanded at the end of the LGM. To find where the origin populations were located, we applied the principles of ancestral character reconstruction and identified a candidate refugium for each mtDNA lineage: the French Jura and Central Switzerland, both ice-free during the LGM. Additional refugia, however, could not be excluded, as suggested by the microsatellite analysis of a population subset. Modelling the LGM niche of T. villosus , we showed that suitable climatic conditions were expected in the inferred refugia, but potentially also in the nunataks of the alpine ice shield. In a model selection approach, we compared several alternative recolonization scenarios by estimating the Akaike information criterion for their respective maximum-likelihood migration rates. The 'two refugia' scenario received by far the best support given the distribution of genetic diversity in T. villosus populations. Provided that fine-scale sampling designs and various analytical approaches are combined, it is possible to refine our necessary understanding of species responses to environmental changes.  相似文献   

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