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Concanamycin 4-B, a macrolide antibiotic with an 18-membered lactone ring, is known as a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar type of H+-ATPase, as is bafilomycin A1. The drug was tested for its effect on regulation of the vacuolar pH (pHv) of internodal cells of a fresh water characean alga, Chara corallina, under normal conditions and under salt stress. The pHv was measured either on isolated vacuolar sap with a conventional pH electrode or directly by inserting a pH-sensitive glass microelectrode into the vacuole. Proton-pumping into tonoplast vesicles was almost completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B at 1 nM. Concanamycin 4-B at 1 μM significantly increased pHv while bafilomycin A1 was ineffective when applied at 1 μM. Concanamycin 4-B did not affect pHv when applied at 0.1 μM and increasing the concentration to 10 μM did not amplify the degree of alkalization. Concanamycin 4-B also inhibited pHv regulation under NaCl stress. When Chara cells were treated with 100 mM NaCl, pHv promptly increased and then recovered to the original level. The reacidification was completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B (1 μM), suggesting that the reacidification was achieved by the H+-ATPase of the tonoplast.  相似文献   

The cytoplasm and the vacuole were isolated from internodal cells of Chara corallina by using the intracellular perfusion technique, and their buffer capacities (βi) were determined from the titration curves. The pH of the isolated vacuolar sap was 5.19 ± 0.029 (mean ± standard error). At this pH, βi was minimal and amounted to 0.933 ± 0.11 millimoles H+/pH unit/liter vacuolar sap. The pH of isolated cytoplasm was 7.22 ± 0.028. βi was minimal in this pH region and amounted to 14.2 ± 0.80 millimoles H+/pH unit/liter cytoplasm. When 1% (volume/volume) Triton X-100 was added to the cytoplasmic solution to permeabilize the subcellular organelles, the cytoplasmic pH increased to 7.32 ± 0.026, where βi was 20.35 ± 2.66 millimoles H+/pH unit/liter cytoplasm. This shows that alkaline subcellular compartments exist in the cytoplasm and also that the cytoplasmic pH before adding Triton X-100 may represent the cytosolic pH. These data indicate that the pH values of the cytoplasm and the vacuole are regulated at the values where the βi values are minimal. This suggests that ATP- and inorganic pyrophosphate-dependent H+ pumps in the plasma membrane and the tonoplast could efficiently regulate the pH of both cytoplasm and vacuole in Chara internodal cells.  相似文献   

Vacuolar pH in radish cotyledonal mesophyll cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. Strack  V. Sharma  H. Felle 《Planta》1987,172(4):563-565
The vacuolar pH in cotyledonal mesophyll cells from radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus) seedlings was determined from vacuoles, isolated from protoplasts through osmotic shock, by means of measurement of vacuole extracts with a pH meter and the methylamine method, and gave mean pH values of 6.28 and 6.26, respectively. Direct in situ measurements of the vacuolar pH from intact leaf tissue were recorded with pH-sensitive microelectrodes and gave a mean value of 6.0. The results are discussed with respect to possible erroneous pH measurements and the vacuolar location of specific anabolic reactions.  相似文献   

A range of polymeric compounds was examined for their suitabilityas pressure-stabilizing agents in liquid membrane pH micro-electrodesfor intracellular use in plant cells. Of the compounds tested,mixtures of liquid proton sensor and nitrocellulose were foundto be superior to epoxy resins, polyvinylchloride and ethylcellulose. The electrical resistance of silicone rubber mixtureswas too high for micro-electrodes with tip diameters of 1.0µm. Double-barrelled micro-electrodes containing nitrocellulosemaintained excellent pH sensitivity for up to 1.0 impalementsof charophyte cells. Measurements of cytoplasmic pH were madein both internodal and whorl cells of Chora corallina over arange of experimental conditions. The response of cytoplasmicpH to rapid changes in external pH or illumination occurredover several minutes. The advantages of the use of double-barrelledpH micro-electrodes over other methods of intracellular pH measurementsuch as the distribution of weak acids (DMO), 31P-NMR and single-barrelledmicro-electrodes is discussed. Key words: pH micro-electrodes, cytoplasmic pH, charophytes  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in Chara corallina was measured (from [14C]stribution)as a function of external pH (pH0)and temperature. With pH0near 7, pHc at 25?C is 7.80; pHcincreases by 0.005 pH units?C–1 temperature decrease, i.e. pHc at 5 ?C is 7.90. WithpH? near 5.5, the increase in pHc with decreasing temperatureis 0.015 units ?C–1 between 25 and 15?C, but 0.005 units?C–1 between 15 and 5?C. This implies a more precise regulationof pHc with variations in pHo at 5 or 15 ?C compared with 25?C. The observed dp Hc/dT is generally smaller than the –0.017units ?C–1 needed to maintain a constant H+/OH–1,or a constant fractional ionization of histidine in protein,with variation in temperature. It is closer to that needed tomaintain the fractional ionization of phosphorylated compoundsor of CO2–HCO3 The value of dpHc/dT has importantimplications for several regulatory aspects of cell metabolism.These include (all as a function of temperature) the rates ofenzyme reactions, the H+ at the plasmalemma(and hence the energy available for cotransport processes),and the mechanism for pHc regulation by the control of bidirectionalH+ fluxes at the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

The use of the low frequency (0.1–1.0 Hz) power spectraldensity function of the vacuolar resting potential is here appliedto the examination of a number of conditions which might beexpected to influence the active transport of ions. Once again,spectra of the form A/fµif are encountered. µifand p, the total power in the band, are significantly reducedby cyanide and by cyanide + salicylhydroxamic acid, but notby O2 deprivation, µif and p are powerfully reduced byimidazole and reduced to a lesser extent by 1, 10-phenanthroleneand DCMU. The effects of darkness and deprivation of O2 and/orCO2 could not be told from the effects of darkness alone. Theresults of varying the external pH were not unambiguous butdo suggest that µif is maximal near pH 7.35 and that itfalls off for more acidic or more basic values. The implicationsof these spectra arc discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of Cations on the Cytoplasmic pH of Chara corallina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith, F. A. and Gibson, J.–L. 1985. Effects of cationson the cytoplasmic pH of Chara corallina.—J.exp. Bot.36: 1331–1340 Removal of external Ca2+ from cells of Chara corallina lowersthe cytoplasmic pH, as determined by the intracellular distributionof the weak acid 5,5–dimethyloxazolidine2–,4–dione(DM0), when the external pH is below about 60. This effect isreversed, at least partially, by addition of the following cationsto Ca2+-free solutions: tetraethylammonium (TEA+) and Na+ at5 or 10 mol m-3, Li+ and Cs+ (10 mol m-3), or Mg2+, Mn2+ andLa3+ (02 or 05 mol m-3). Under the same conditions, increasesin pH sometimes, but not always, occur in the presence of 10mol m-3 K+ or Rb+ The results are discussed in relation to the major transportprocesses that determine pH and the electric potential differenceacross the plasma membrane, namely fluxes of H+ and of K+. Thesimplest explanation of the effects of the various cations testedin this study is that they primarily affect pHic via changesin influx of H+ but direct effects on the H+ pump or on K+ fluxesmay also be involved Key words: Chara corallina, cytoplasmic pH, cations, H+transport  相似文献   

Effects of external pH (pHo) on the cytoplasmic pH (pHc) ofChara corallina have been measured with the weak acid 5, 5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO) following standardized pretreatment of cells insolutions at pHo 4.5, 6.3 and 8.3. Irrespective of pHc duringpretreatment, pHo responded to pHo during the experimental periodsof 150–180 min or (in one experiment) 90–110 min.There were increases or decreases of about 0.5 in pHo when cellswere transferred from pHo 4.5 to 8.3 or vice versa. In the darkpHc was 0.2–0.3 units lower than the corresponding valuein the light. The results are discussed in relation to the factorsinvolved in the regulation of pHc in C. corallina, which maybegin to break down below about pHo4.5, as indicated by relativelylarge decreases in pHc at low pHo. Key words: Chara corallina, Cytoplasmic pH, External pH, DMO  相似文献   

Lysosomal hydrolases are continually secreted by Acanthamoeba as a consequence of membrane cycling between the vacuolar compartment and the cell surface. In pinocytosing amoebae acid hydrolases can be separated into two groups on the basis of their secretion kinetics. We have previously shown that in Acanthamoeba acid hydrolases are almost exclusively restricted to a single compartment, digestive vacuoles, and that pH-dependent differential binding of hydrolases to vacuolar membrane can account for the different rates of hydrolase secretion from this compartment. In this report we show that the hydrolase secretion pattern changes and that all of the hydrolases are released with the same kinetics after phagocytosis of yeast or in growth media supplemented with ammonium acetate or chloroquine, but not after phagocytosis of polystyrene beads. The changes in the pattern of hydrolase secretion correlate with changes in vacuolar pH. The vacuolar pH of pinocytosing amoebae and amoebae saturated with beads is about 4.8. This value is increased to 6.8 by accumulation of weak bases and to about 6.1 when digestive vacuoles are saturated with yeast. These results indicate that vacuolar pH modulates hydrolase transport and secretion.  相似文献   

At high external pH, the Chara membrane is known to switch toa new state in which the membrane potential is highly negative;it has been characterized as a passive diffusion potential forH+ (or 0H). DCCD is shown to inhibit the increased conductanceand the highly negative membrane potential associated with thisstate. DCCD also inhibits the plasmalemma H+-ATPase, as wellas cytoplasmic streaming. The alkaline state of the membraneis shown to involve a decreased permeability to K+; this enhancesthe selectivity for H+ (or OH) which results from theincreased permeability to H+ (or OH). Altering the cytoplasmicpH affects the membrane potential at both neutral and alkalinepH. It can also affect the ability of the cell to make the transitionto the alkaline state.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was used to investigate regulation of anion channel activity in the tonoplast of Chara corallina in response to changing proton and calcium concentrations on both sides of the membrane. These channels are known to be Ca2+-dependent, with conductances in the range of 37 to 48 pS at pH 7.4. By using low pH at the vacuolar side (either pHvac 5.3 or 6.0) and a cytosolic pH (pHcyt) varying in a range of 4.3 to 9.0, anion channel activity and single-channel conductance could be reversibly modulated. In addition, Ca2+-sensitivity of the channels was markedly influenced by pH changes. At pHcyt values of 7.2 and 7.4 the half-maximal concentration (EC 50) for calcium activation was 100–200 μm, whereas an EC 50 of about 5 μm was found at a pHcyt of 6.0. This suggests an improved binding of Ca2+ ions to the channel protein at more acidic cytoplasm. At low pHcyt, anion channel activity and mean open times were voltage-dependent. At pipette potentials (V p) of +100 mV, channel activity was approximately 15-fold higher than activity at negative pipette potentials and the mean open time of the channel increased. In contrast, at pHcyt 7.2, anion channel activity and the opening behavior seemed to be independent of the applied V p. The kinetics of the channel could be further controlled by the Ca2+ concentration at the cytosolic membrane side: the mean open time significantly increased in the presence of a high cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. These results show that tonoplast anion channels are maintained in a highly active state in a narrow pH range, below the resting pHcyt. A putative physiological role of the pH-dependent modulation of these anion channels is discussed. Received: 14 March 2001/Revised: 16 July 2001  相似文献   

We investigated the identity and distribution of cortical domains, stained by the endocytic marker FM 1-43, in branchlet internodal cells of the characean green algae Chara corallina and Chara braunii. Co-labeling with NBD C(6)-sphingomyelin, a plasma membrane dye, which is not internalized, confirmed their location in the plasma membrane, and co-labelling with the fluorescent pH indicator Lysotracker red indicated an acidic environment. The plasma membrane domains co-localized with the distribution of an antibody against a proton-translocating ATPase, and electron microscopic data confirmed their identity with elaborate plasma membrane invaginations known as charasomes. The average size and the distribution pattern of charasomes correlated with the pH banding pattern of the cell. Charasomes were larger and more frequent at the acidic regions than at the alkaline bands, indicating that they are involved in outward-directed proton transport. Inhibition of photosynthesis by DCMU prevented charasome formation, and incubation in pH buffers resulted in smaller, homogenously distributed charasomes irrespective of whether the pH was clamped at 5.5 or 8.5. These data indicate that the differential size and distribution of charasomes is not due to differences in external pH but reflects active, photosynthesis-dependent pH banding. The fact that pH banding recovered within several minutes in unbuffered medium, however, confirms that pH banding is also possible in cells with evenly distributed charasomes or without charasomes. Cortical mitochondria were also larger and more abundant at the acid bands, and their intimate association with charasomes and chloroplasts suggests an involvement in carbon uptake and photorespiration.  相似文献   

Objective of research was (a) to evaluate the influence of pollination-prevention on various metabolic parameters of the two maize inbreds B73 and B14A and their F1, and (b) to gain information on the inheritance of leaf senescence, in response to pollination-prevention. The results show that the visual pattern of leaf senescence, in response to prevention of ear pollination, contrasts markedly between the two inbred lines. Relative to control plants, prevention of ear pollination, causes a premature senescence in B73 and B73 × B14A plants, while leaves of unpollinated B14A remain green and similar in appearance to pollinated controls. Furthermore, prevention of ear pollination induces a sizable reduction of dry matter accumulation of all above-ground material and changes in various metabolic parameters. An accumulation of sucrose in the leaves of unpollinated B73 and B73 × B14A plants is correlated with the development of premature senescence. Finally, the genetic analysis supports suggestions that a single dominant gene is responsible for the differences observed, in the visual pattern of leaf senescence, in response to prevention of ear pollination.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Distribution of free amino acids between the vacuolar and extra-vacuolar(cytoplasmic) compartments in internodal cells of Chara australiswas studied. Under the control conditions (14-h light : 10-hdark), most (90%) of the cellular free amino acids were foundin the extra-vacuolar compartment. The reverse was true forammonia. The major amino acids were isoasparagine, alanine,glutamic acid, aspartic acid, serine and glycine. The contentsof hydrophobic and basic amino acids were minor and relativelygreater proportions were found in the vacuole except when theircontents were extremely low. When cells were kept for 3 days under continuous light or incontinuous darkness, the total free amino acid content increasedto about 120% (light) and about 150% (dark) that of the control.These increases mainly took place in the vacuole, but the aminoacid species responsible for the increments differed with thelight conditions. In contrast, the cytoplasmic content was relativelyconstant (50–60 mM) even under continuous light or darkness.The results suggest that the vacuole acts in the homeostasisof the cytoplasmic amino acid content. As anion, amino acidsin the cytoplasm compensated for about 10–20% of the reported"anion deficiency" in the cytoplasm. (Received June 7, 1984; Accepted September 11, 1984)  相似文献   

Vacuolar proton-translocating ATPases (V-ATPases) are responsible for organelle acidification in all eukaryotic cells. The yeast V-ATPase, known to be regulated by reversible disassembly in response to glucose deprivation, was recently reported to be regulated by extracellular pH as well (Padilla-López, S., and Pearce, D. A. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 10273–10280). Consistent with those results, we find 57% higher V-ATPase activity in vacuoles isolated after cell growth at extracellular pH of 7 than after growth at pH 5 in minimal medium. Remarkably, under these conditions, the V-ATPase also becomes largely insensitive to reversible disassembly, maintaining a low vacuolar pH and high levels of V1 subunit assembly, ATPase activity, and proton pumping during glucose deprivation. Cytosolic pH is constant under these conditions, indicating that the lack of reversible disassembly is not a response to altered cytosolic pH. We propose that when alternative mechanisms of vacuolar acidification are not available, maintaining V-ATPase activity becomes a priority, and the pump is not down-regulated in response to energy limitation. These results also suggest that integrated pH and metabolic inputs determine the final assembly state and activity of the V-ATPase.  相似文献   

Control of Intracellular pH in Chara corallina during Uptake of Weak Acid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Butyric acid was used to acidify the cytoplasm of cells of Characorallina in order to study the mechanisms that regulate intracellularpH. Butyric acid was found to enter the cell rapidly, predominantlyas the undissociated acid, and to dissociate in the cytoplasmto yield high concentrations of the butyrate anion. A rapidreduction in cytoplasmic pH was followed by partial recovery.The reductions in cytoplasmic pH resulting from butyrate accumulationwere small compared to the proton load calculated from the cytoplasmicbuffering capacity and intracellular dissociation of butyricacid. The cytoplasmic and vacuolar buffering capacities, calculatedfrom titration of cell extracts, were 17.9 and 0.5 mol m–3per pH unit respectively. It was concluded that pH control in Chara during weak acid accumulationwas mainly due to membrane transport (active efflux) of protons.The factors which might determine the rate and extent of protonefflux, such as the energy supply and the availability of ionsfor charge balance, were examined. Butyrate strongly inhibitedphotosynthesis and caused a slight reduction in the rate ofrespiration. The mechanism of inhibition of photosynthesis isdiscussed in relation to the reported effects of weak acidson isolated chloroplasts. Key words: Cytoplasmic pH, weak acids, Chara  相似文献   

The effects of pH on the resting and action potentials and onthe fluxes of potassium, sodium, and chloride across the membranesof internodal cells of Chara australis have been investigated. Experiments were carried out in an artificial pond water (A.P.W.)of standard composition: CaCl2, 01 mM; KCl, 0.1 mM; NaCl, 1.0mM. The resting potential decreased as the pH was lowered from6.5, being depolarized by about 75 mV at pH 4.5. Measurementsof the ion fluxes as a function of pH suggested that this depolarizationwas caused by an increase in the permeability to sodium anda decrease in permeability to potassium at pH 4.5. Action potentialsof constant peak value can be elicited for some time at pH 4.5,but after 20 min or so the cell becomes refractory. All theseeffects on resting and action potentials are fully reversible.We briefly speculate about the mechanism of these pH effects.  相似文献   

The Tonoplast Impedance of Chara   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The capacitance and conductance of the plasmalemma and tonoplastof Chara were measured simultaneously in space-clamped cells.At a frequency of 5 Hz the capacitance and conductance of thetonoplast were 60 ± 5 mF m–2 (i. e. 6.0 µF cm–2) and 6.5 ± 0.6 S m–2 respectively.These values were respectively 2.9 ± 0.3 and 3.7 ±0.4 times greater than those of the plasmalemma. It is shownthat any leakage of current around the cytoplasmic electrodewill not drastically affect the calculated area-specific valuesof the tonoplast parameters under the experimental conditionsused, providing that the cytoplasm possesses a reasonable longitudinalconductivity. An examination of the relative measured impedancesof the plasmalemma and tonoplast supports this conclusion. Key words: Chara tonoplast: Plasmalemma, Capacitance/ conductance  相似文献   

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