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The outline structure of the T-cell alpha beta receptor.   总被引:67,自引:6,他引:61       下载免费PDF全文
C Chothia  D R Boswell    A M Lesk 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(12):3745-3755
From an analysis of the immunoglobulins of known structure we derive a list of 40 sites crucial for the conserved structure of the variable domains. We show that, with marginal exceptions, the sequences of the T-cell alpha beta receptors contain, at sites homologous to these 40, the same or very similar residues. Thus the V alpha-V beta dimer has a framework structure very close to that of the immunoglobulins. Further comparisons show that parts of the surface of the V alpha-V beta framework are hypervariable. They also show that the loops that form the antigen-binding site are similar in size to those commonly found in the immunoglobulins but have different conformations. Only limited sequence variations occur in the first loop of the antigen-binding site in both V alpha and V beta. This, and their geometrical arrangement, suggest that they mainly interact with the MHC proteins.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the apo and mannose-bound Parkia platycephala seed lectin represent the first structure of a Mimosoideae lectin and a novel circular arrangement of beta-prism domains, and highlight the adaptability of the beta-prism fold as a building block in the evolution of plant lectins. The P.platycephala lectin is a dimer both in solution and in the crystals. Mannose binding to each of the three homologous carbohydrate-recognition domains of the lectin occurs through different modes, and restrains the flexibility of surface-exposed loops and residues involved in carbohydrate recognition. The planar array of carbohydrate-binding sites on the rim of the toroid-shaped structure of the P.platycephala lectin dimer immediately suggests a mechanism to promote multivalent interactions leading to cross-linking of carbohydrate ligands as part of the host strategy against phytopredators and pathogens. The cyclic structure of the P.platycephala lectin points to the convergent evolution of a structural principle for the construction of lectins involved in host defense or in attacking other organisms.  相似文献   

POU domain proteins have been implicated in the regulation of a number of lineage-specific genes. Among the first POU domain proteins described were the immunoglobulin octamer-binding proteins Oct-1 and Oct-2. It was therefore of special interest when we identified a novel lymphoid POU domain protein in Southwestern (DNA-protein) screens of T-cell lambda gt11 libraries. This novel POU protein, TCF beta 1, binds in a sequence-specific manner to a critical motif in the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta enhancer. Sequence analysis revealed that TCF beta 1 represents a new class of POU domain proteins which are distantly related to other POU proteins. TCF beta 1 is encoded by multiple exons whose organization is distinct from that of other POU domain proteins. The expression of TCF beta 1 in a tissue-restricted manner and its ability to bind to multiple motifs in the TCR beta enhancer support a role in regulating TCR beta gene expression. The expression of TCF beta 1 in both B and T cells and the ability of recombinant TCF beta 1 to bind octamer and octamer-related motifs suggest that TCF beta 1 has additional roles in lymphoid cell function. The ability of TCF beta 1 to transactivate in a sequence-specific manner is consistent with a role for regulating lymphoid gene expression.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor V beta 6 domain imparts reactivity to the Mls-1a antigen   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A monoclonal antibody secreting hybridoma was established by fusing spleen cells from a rat immunized with a murine T cell clone, OI11, which has I-Ab restricted specificity for the male H-Y antigen and unrestricted specificity for the minor lymphocyte stimulating antigen, Mls-1a, to the mouse myeloma P3X63AG8.653 and screening for the capacity of the hybridoma supernatants to stimulate the OI11 T cell clone. An antibody (RR4-7) was found to be specific not only for the immunizing T cell clone but virtually for all T cells using the V beta 6 TCR gene product as part of their surface antigen receptor. When the expression of the V beta 6 gene in various strains of mice was analyzed, it was found that strains expressing the Mls-1a antigen contained few T cells expressing V beta 6-encoded TCRs. The majority of T cell hybridomas which expressed V beta 6-encoded TCRs were found to be reactive to the Mls-1a antigen. These data confirm the finding of H. R. MacDonald et al. (Nature (London) 332, 40, 1988) that most TCRs encoded by the V beta 6 gene have a biased specificity for the Mls-1a antigen.  相似文献   

Fractalkine, or neurotactin, is a chemokine that is present in endothelial cells from several tissues, including brain, liver, and kidney. It is the only member of the CX(3)C class of chemokines. Fractalkine contains a chemokine domain (CDF) attached to a membrane-spanning domain via a mucin-like stalk. However, fractalkine can also be proteolytically cleaved from its membrane-spanning domain to release a freely diffusible form. Fractalkine attracts and immobilizes leukocytes by binding to its receptor, CX(3)CR1. The x-ray crystal structure of CDF has been solved and refined to 2.0 A resolution. The CDF monomers form a dimer through an intermolecular beta-sheet. This interaction is somewhat similar to that seen in other dimeric CC chemokine crystal structures. However, the displacement of the first disulfide in CDF causes the dimer to assume a more compact quaternary structure relative to CC chemokines, which is unique to CX(3)C chemokines. Although fractalkine can bind to heparin in vitro, as shown by comparison of electrostatic surface plots with other chemokines and by heparin chromatography, the role of this property in vivo is not well understood.  相似文献   

Ben-Menahem D  Hyde R  Pixley M  Berger P  Boime I 《Biochemistry》1999,38(46):15070-15077
The human glycoprotein hormones chorionic gonadotropin (CG), thyrotropin (TSH), lutropin (LH), and follitropin (FSH) are heterodimers, composed of a common alpha subunit assembled to a hormone-specific beta subunit. The subunits combine noncovalently early in the secretory pathway and exist as heterodimers, but not as multimers. Little information is available regarding the steps associated with the assembly reaction. It is unclear if the initial alpha beta engagement results either in the formation of only mature heterodimer or if the nascent complex is reversible and can undergo an exchange of subunits or combine transiently with an additional subunit. This is relevant for the case of LH and FSH, because both are synthesized in the same cell (i.e., pituitary gonadotrophs) and several of the alpha subunit sequences required for association with either the LH beta or FSH beta subunits are different. Such features could favor the generation of short-lived, multi-subunit forms prior to completion of assembly. Previously, we showed that the CG beta or FSH beta subunit genes can be genetically fused to the alpha gene to produce biologically active single chains, CG beta alpha and F beta alpha, respectively. Studies using monoclonal antibodies sensitive to the conformation of the hCG subunits suggested that in contrast to the highly compact heterodimer, the interactions between the beta and alpha domains in the single chain are in a more relaxed configuration. That the tethered domains do not interact tightly predicts that they could combine with an additional subunit to form triple domain complexes. We tested this point by cotransfecting CHO cells with the genes encoding F beta alpha and the CG beta subunit or the CG beta alpha and FSH beta monomer. The CG beta subunit combined noncovalently with F beta alpha to form a F beta alpha/CG beta complex. Ternary complex formation was not restricted to a specific set of single chain/monomeric subunit, because a CG beta alpha/FSH beta complex was also detected implying that triple domain intermediates could be transiently generated along the secretory pathway. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the CG heterodimer recognized the F beta alpha/CG beta complex, which suggests that the epitopes unique for dimeric CG were established. In addition, media containing F beta alpha/CG beta displayed high-affinity binding to both CG and FSH receptors. The presence of CG activity is presumptive for the existence of a functional F beta alpha/CG beta complex, because neither F beta alpha nor the uncombined CG beta subunit binds to CG receptor. These data show that the alpha subunit of the tether, although covalently linked to the FSH beta domain, can functionally interact with a different beta subunit implying that the contacts in the nascent alpha beta dimer are reversible. The formation of a functional single chain/subunit complex was not restricted to the FSH single chain/CG beta subunit since CG single chain interacts with the monomeric FSH beta subunit and exhibits FSH activity. The presence of the triple domain configuration does not abolish bioactivity, suggesting that although the gonadotropins are heterodimers, the cognate receptor is capable of recognizing a larger ligand composed of three subunit domains.  相似文献   

The alpha 3 beta 3 hexamer was reconstituted from the alpha and beta subunits of TF1 portion of ATP synthase of thermophilic bacterium (Kagawa et al. (1989) FEBS Lett. 249, 67). The alpha 1 beta 1 heterodimer of ATP synthase was isolated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of the alpha 3 beta 3 hexamer in the presence of AT(D)P-Mg. On polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both bands corresponding to the dimer and hexamer showed ATPase activity. The alpha 1 beta 1 dimer was dissociated into the equal amounts of the alpha and beta monomers by sodium dodecyl sulfate. The alpha and beta monomers were practically inactive. The alpha 2 and beta 2 homodimers were not detected by electrophoresis and HPLC.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of highly purified recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) AB to interact with the products of alpha and beta receptor genes expressed in cells independently or concurrently. Although PDGF-AB lacked any detectable ability to bind or activate beta receptors in cells expressing only this receptor, efficient beta receptor activation by this ligand was readily observed in cells coexpressing alpha platelet-derived growth factor receptors (alpha PDGFRs). beta receptor activation induced by PDGF-AB was shown to be dependent upon in vivo physical association of this receptor with alpha PDGFRs. Moreover, cross-linking analysis established the existence of PDGF-AB-induced beta PDGFR dimers in vivo. All of these findings argue that initial PDGF-AB interaction with the alpha PDGFR induces conformational changes in the ligand or receptor that facilitates efficient recruitment of beta PDGFR by this PDGF isoform.  相似文献   

Human TAP is implicated in mRNA nuclear export and is used by simian type D retroviruses to export their unspliced genomic RNA to the cytoplasm of the host cell. We have determined the crystal structure of the minimal TAP fragment that binds the constitutive transport element (CTE) of retroviral RNAs. Unexpectedly, we find the fragment consists of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) domain, which is not identifiable by its sequence, and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain. The non-canonical RNP domain functions as the general RNA-binding portion of the fragment. The LRR domain is required in cis to the RNP domain for CTE RNA binding. The structural and biochemical properties of the domains point to a remarkable similarity with the U2B"(RNP)-U2A'(LRR) spliceosomal heterodimer. Our in vitro and in vivo functional studies using structure-based mutants suggest that a phylogenetically conserved surface of the LRR domain of TAP may have different roles in the export of viral and cellular RNAs.  相似文献   

Hybridomas were prepared from the spleen of a BALB/c mouse immunized with EL-4 T lymphoma cells. One, designated A1, was found to secrete a monoclonal antibody that reacted with two T lymphoma cells of C57BL origin, EL-4 and C6VLB, but not with normal C57BL/6 splenocytes or thymocytes, C57BL/6 T cell clones, or other T or B lymphomas by complement-mediated cytotoxicity or indirect immunofluorescent staining. Monoclonal antibody (MAb) A1 precipitated a protein that migrated at 85 kD under nonreducing and 43 kD under reducing conditions. The fact that the antigen defined by MAb A1 was a disulfide-linked dimer, together with the essentially clone-specific distribution of the reactive epitope, raised the possibility that the antibody defined an epitope of the antigen receptor. However, several additional observations revealed that the antibody defined a distinct and novel T cell surface structure. MAb 124-40, previously shown to react with the antigen receptor of C6VLB cells, reacted with variants of C6VLB that failed to express the A1 epitope. Sequential immunoprecipitation indicated that MAb A1 and MAb 124-40 reacted with distinct molecular species on C6VLB cells. Endoglycosidase digestion showed that the structure reactive with MAb A1 was not derived from that reactive with MAb 124-40 by addition of N-linked oligosaccharide residues. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of precipitates obtained from radioiodinated C6VLB cells with MAb 124-40 resolved the alpha and beta subunits of the antigen receptor. Similar analysis of precipitates obtained with MAb A1 revealed only a single basic chain under reducing conditions, although anomalous mobility suggestive of a second, more acidic chain was observed under nonreducing conditions. Two-dimensional maps of tyrosine-containing chymotryptic peptides of the proteins isolated with MAb A1 and MAb 124-40 were completely different, suggesting that the molecules shared no peptides and were distinct in primary structure. Finally, cross-linking studies performed with a cleavable reagent indicated that the A1 molecule, unlike the antigen receptor defined with MAb 124-40, was not associated with additional, T3-like structures on the surface of C6VLB cells. Although the MAb A1 was unreactive with normal cells in cytotoxicity or staining assays, a molecule of the appropriate size was immunoprecipitated in small amounts from lysates of radioiodinated normal spleen and thymus cells. These data indicate that MAb A1 defines a novel disulfide-linked T cell surface molecule distinct from the antigen receptor.  相似文献   

Studies with the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) have shown that the endoplasmic reticulum, or an organelle closely associated with it, can retain and degrade membrane proteins selectively. The observation that only three (alpha, beta, and delta) of the six (alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta) subunits of the TCR are susceptible to proteolysis implies that structural features within the labile proteins mark them for degradation. The TCR beta chain is degraded in the endoplasmic reticulum, and, in this study, we have started to define the domains of the protein that make it susceptible to proteolysis. The experiments show that the transmembrane anchor and short five-amino-acid cytoplasmic tail of the protein contain a dominant determinant of proteolysis. When these residues were removed from the beta chain, the protein became resistant to proteolysis. Even though the resulting ectodomain of the beta chain lacked a transmembrane anchor, it was not secreted by cells and was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. We conclude that retention in the endoplasmic reticulum alone does not lead to degradation. The results suggest that structural features within the membrane anchor of the protein predispose the beta chain to proteolysis. This was confirmed by replacing the membrane anchor of the interleukin 2 (IL2) receptor, a protein that was stable within the secretory pathway, with that of the TCR beta chain. The unmodified IL2 receptor was transported efficiently to the surface of cells, and an "anchor minus" construct was secreted quantitatively into the culture media. When the membrane anchor of the IL2 receptor was replaced with that of the TCR beta chain, the chimera was unable to reach the Golgi apparatus and was degraded rapidly.  相似文献   

Population-based genetic associations have been reported between RFLPs detected with probes corresponding to the genes encoding the beta chain of the T-cell receptor for antigen (TCRB) and a variety of autoimmune disorders. In the case of multiple sclerosis (MS), these studies have localized a putative disease-associated gene to a region of approximately 110 kb in length, located within the TCRB locus. In the current study, all 14 known TCRBV (variable region) genes within the region of localization were mapped and identified. The nucleotide sequences of these genes were determined in a panel of six MS patients and six healthy controls, who were human-leukocyte antigen and TCRB-RFLP haplotype matched. Nine of the 14 TCRBV genes studied showed evidence of polymorphism. PCR-based assays for each of these polymorphic genes were developed, and allele and genotype frequencies were determined in a panel of DNA samples from 48 MS patients and 60 control individuals. No significant differences in allele, genotype, or phenotype frequencies were observed between the MS patients and controls for any of the 14 TCRBV-gene polymorphisms studied. In light of the extensive linkage disequilibrium across the region studied, the saturating numbers of polymorphisms examined, and the direct sequence analysis of all BV genes in the region, these results suggest that it is unlikely that germ-line polymorphism in the TCRBV locus makes a major contribution to MS susceptibility.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hepsin is an integral membrane protein that may participate in cell growth and in maintaining proper cell morphology and is overexpressed in a number of primary tumors. We have determined the 1.75 A resolution structure of the extracellular component of human hepsin. This structure includes a 255-residue trypsin-like serine protease domain and a 109-residue region that forms a novel, poorly conserved, scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domain. The two domains are associated with each other through a single disulfide bond and an extensive network of noncovalent interactions. The structure suggests how the extracellular region of hepsin may be positioned with respect to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Nodulation formation efficiency D (NfeD) is a member of a class of membrane-anchored ClpP-class proteases. There is a second class of NfeD homologs that lack the ClpP domain. The genes of both NfeD classes usually are part of an operon that also contains a gene for a prokaryotic homolog of stomatin. (Stomatin is a major integral-membrane protein of mammalian erythrocytes.) Such NfeD/stomatin homolog gene pairs are present in more than 290 bacterial and archaeal genomes, and their protein products may be part of the machinery used for quality control of membrane proteins. Herein, we report the structure of the isolated C-terminal domain of PH0471, a Pyrococcus horikoshii NfeD homolog, which lacks the ClpP domain. This C-terminal domain (termed NfeDC) contains a five-strand beta-barrel, which is structurally very similar to the OB-fold (oligosaccharide/oligonucleotide-binding fold) domain. However, there is little sequence similarity between it and previously characterized OB-fold domains. The NfeDC domain lacks the conserved surface residues that are necessary for the binding of an OB-fold domain to DNA/RNA, an ion. Instead, its surface is composed of residues that are uniquely conserved in NfeD homologs and that form the structurally conserved surface turns and beta-bulges. There is also a conserved tryptophan present on the surface. We propose that, in general, NfeDC domains may interact with other spatially proximal membrane proteins and thereby regulate their activities.  相似文献   

An assessment of the size of the human TCRBV gene segment repertoire based on the identification of TCRBV gene segments in genomic DNA was undertaken. PCR amplification from cloned and uncloned genomic DNA sources, nucleotide sequencing, Southern blot hybridization, and cosmid cloning were used to identify TCRBV gene segments in multiple unrelated individuals. The key advantages to this approach were: (1) TCRBV gene segments which are expressed only at very low levels in cDNA libraries were still detectable, and (2) it was possible to discriminate between alleles at the same locus vs products of different loci. A total of 63 unique TCRBV gene segments were identified and sequenced. Six of these TCRBV gene segments had not been previously described. Thirty-four cosmid clones containing 51 of the 63 identified TCRBV gene segments were isolated and screened for the presence of additional novel TCRBV subfamily members. These results, obtained by a variety of complementary approaches, indicate that the human TCRBV gene segments of which 52 are functional. The availability of the majority of these TCRBV gene segments on cosmid clones should facilitate further investigation of germline TCRBV gene segment polymorphism and putative disease associations.  相似文献   

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