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棕色田鼠与沼泽田鼠犁鼻器和副嗅球的组织结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用组织学方法研究了棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)、沼泽田鼠(M.fastis)副嗅球和犁鼻器的结构及其在两种鼠间的差异,以此探讨两种田鼠的进化机制与适应功能。两种田鼠的犁鼻器位于鼻腔前端鼻中隔基部的两侧,呈管状结构;沿着犁鼻器的长轴犁鼻管呈现不同的形态学特征,犁鼻管直接开口于鼻腔,从前向后沿着长轴旋转,中间管壁(犁鼻粘膜)变成底部,侧面管壁(假覆层上皮)变成犁鼻管顶壁,最终犁鼻管变小成为一个腺体的分支,不同部位具有不同的组织学特征。通过选取中间相似部位对两种田鼠进行比较研究,发现棕色田鼠犁鼻粘膜比沼泽田鼠厚,而其长度却短于沼泽田鼠。棕色田鼠副嗅球颗粒细胞带宽和僧帽细胞带宽均大于沼泽田鼠,而带长却小于沼泽田鼠。相关分析发现,犁鼻器和副嗅球形态有一定的对应关系,这可能和两个结构之间存在着神经投射有关。棕色田鼠幼体的犁鼻粘膜、神经细胞核、假覆层上皮、血管面积均小于成体[动物学报49(2):248—255,2003]。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the neuroendocrine mechanism of the mating behavior in the adult male mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus,the radioimmunoassay(RIA)and immunohistochemistry methods were used to investigate the differences in plasma testosterone(T)concentrations and distribution of T immunoreactive neurons(T-IRs),androgen receptor immunoreactive neurons(AR-IRs)and Fos protein immunoreactive neurons(Fos-IRs)in the accessory olfactory bulb(AOB)and the main olfactory bulb(MOB)following exposure to clean h...  相似文献   

棕色田鼠雄性幼体不同发育期犁鼻器和副嗅球的组织结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对出生后不同发育时期雄性棕色田鼠犁鼻器和副嗅球进行组织学观察, 探讨棕色田鼠出生后犁鼻器和副嗅球的发育规律。实验以出生后当天(0 日龄) , 5 日龄, 15 日龄, 25 日龄以及成年棕色田鼠为研究对象,副嗅球采用Pischinger 氏染色法染色, 犁鼻器用H. E. 染色法染色后进行组织学观察。结果显示, 棕色田鼠出生时, 犁鼻器和副嗅球就已具有成体的基本结构, 随着动物个体的发育, 犁鼻上皮逐渐增厚, 犁鼻管变长, 犁鼻上皮中神经元密度增加; 腺体逐渐增大, 犁鼻管腔填充物增多, 犁鼻管背外侧的静脉血管逐日增大, 管腔周围出现越来越多的血管; 副嗅球长宽都增加, 僧帽细胞层和颗粒细胞层逐渐增长, 各层细胞密度变化稍有不同;出生后15 日内, 僧帽细胞层细胞密度增加, 15 日龄以后又开始降低, 25 日龄及成体的僧帽细胞层细胞密度与5日龄的相似; 颗粒细胞层细胞密度持续增高。实验结果提示, 棕色田鼠5 日龄时, 犁鼻器和副嗅球已具有了完整的结构, 到25 日龄时可能达到了功能上的成熟。  相似文献   

把棕色田鼠或沼泽田鼠暴露于同种个体底物(个体饲养箱内的锯末)1h,不同组别的田鼠在间隔15min、30min、60min后,记录对暴露过的熟悉底物和另一个陌生底物的访问、嗅闻、挖掘等社会探究行为(每组在每一个时间间隔只试验1次),统计分析发现,田鼠在暴露于同种异性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择熟悉同种异性底物;田鼠在暴露于同种同性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择陌生同种同性底物;棕色田鼠在暴露于同性底物1h,然后间隔60min后,对陌生的同性底物有明显多的探究行为,但沼泽田鼠在同种情况下却没有表现出这种选择倾向。在暴露底物1h,然后间隔60min后,雌性田鼠比雄性田鼠表现出更明显的选择倾向。以上结果表明不同种类和性别的田鼠对气味表现出不同的识别模式。这种差异可能表明不同种具有木同的社会组织、生态和生活史对策。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠XO雌体的减数分裂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用诱导卵泡发育、卵母细胞培养、制备减数分裂染色体标本等技术 ,对棕色田鼠两种雌体 (XO、XX)的减数分裂进行了比较研究。研究结果表明 :棕色田鼠XO和XX雌体在表型和内外生殖器结构上无差异 ;在用孕马血清促性腺激素刺激XO雌体和XX雌体后 ,两者卵巢上的有腔卵泡数目相近 ;两者产生的卵母细胞数目、生发泡破裂数目以及第一极体排放数目 ,统计学分析差异都不显著。同时表明XO雌体的减数分裂过程正常 ,能得到卵母细胞中期Ⅱ分裂相。据此我们认为 :雌体 (XO)与雌体 (XX)的卵巢功能都正常 ,两者的卵母细胞均具有较强的成熟能力且无差异。因此 ,棕色田鼠XO个体是核型异常、育性正常的雌体。另外 ,具有三种遗传性别的棕色田鼠可能是处于XX/XY与XO/XY性别决定系统进化途径的中间类型 ,其性别决定系统仍处于变化之中  相似文献   

本文运用免疫组化显示Fos蛋白的方法首次研究了棕色田鼠脑和行为不同发育阶段副嗅球和主嗅球的细胞活动。当不同年龄阶段的幼鼠同时暴露于自己家庭的熟悉底物和另一家庭的陌生底物时 ,嗅闻和呆在自己熟悉底物上的时间较多 ,直到产后 15d、 2 0d和 2 5d时 ,幼鼠探究不同底物的行为显示出显著性差异。脑的大小随着日龄增加而增加 ,但从产后 1到 15d ,脑重、脑宽和嗅球大小随着日龄增加特别显著。当不同日龄幼鼠暴露于陌生底物或者暴露于自己的熟悉底物时 ,从产后 5到 15日龄 ,主嗅球僧帽细胞层、颗粒细胞层、副嗅球僧帽细胞层和颗粒细胞层Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄明显增加 ,但直到 15和 30日龄时 ,和对照组相比 ,陌生底物可引起幼鼠主嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞明显增加 ,从 2 0日龄起 ,陌生底物可引起副嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞明显增加。主嗅球颗粒细胞层Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄的增加从边缘到中心逐渐出现 ,而副嗅球Fos免疫阳性细胞随着日龄的增加从顶部到底部逐渐出现。以上结果说明产后第 1d到 15d左右可能是棕色田鼠脑结构发育的重要阶段 ,而从此以后棕色田鼠主嗅球和副嗅球就具有区别熟悉气味和陌生气味的能力 ,表明棕色田鼠行为、脑发育和细胞活动间有紧密关系  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,以含0% 、3% 和6% 植物酚类化合物的食物饲喂东方田鼠,测定了植物酚类化合物对其生长发育和内脏器官发育的效应。结果表明,食物蛋白质为10% 时,含3% 和6% 酚类化合物的食物饲喂的实验个体,其体重在30 d 时较对照组个体分别降低16. 4% 和32.1% (P < 0.05),在60 d时较对照组个体分别降低16.3% 和35.4% (P < 0.05)。摄食含6% 酚类化合物食物的实验个体,其肝脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时分别较对照组个体增加6.8% 和6.2% (P < 0.05),其肾脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时较对照组个体分别增加25.5% 和19.7% (P < 0.05)。食物蛋白质为20% 时,与对照组相比,含6% 酚类化合物食物饲喂的实验个体,其体重在30 d和60 d时分别下降26.7% 和27.1% (P < 0.05),其肾脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时分别增加10.0% 和11. 0%(P <0.05)。由此可见,植物酚类化合物可影响小型植食性哺乳动物生长发育和内脏器官的发育。  相似文献   

为研究在能量需求变化的情况下生理功能调节在消化道适应性变化中的地位,并探讨生理调节与消化道形态结构适应性变化的关系,采用NADPH-黄递酶(NDP)组织化学法、VIP免疫组织化学法和整装铺片技术对哺乳和非哺乳雌性棕色田鼠及雄性棕色田鼠胃肠道管壁肌间神经丛和黏膜下神经丛一氧化氮合酶(Nitricoxidesynthase,NOS)和血管活性肠肽(Vasoactive intestinal peptide,VIP)阳性神经元的分布进行观察。结果显示:哺乳和非哺乳雌性棕色田鼠及雄性棕色田鼠NOs阳性神经元分布于肌间神经丛,VIP分布于黏膜下神经丛,未观察到共染现象。NOS和VIP阳性神经元在哺乳雌性棕色田鼠胃及小肠前段的肌间神经丛和黏膜下神经丛的分布显著高于非哺乳雌鼠和雄鼠,而在回肠、盲肠和结肠差异不显著。由此说明,不同繁殖状态下,能量需求的不同促使消化道发生适应性变化,首先是生理功能及其调节机制的变化。同时提示消化道适应策略与消化道各段生理功能及能量胁迫程度有关[动物学报51(5):830—839,2005]。  相似文献   

用C-带和涂染技术检测棕色田鼠Y染色体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用染色体C 带技术和小鼠整条Y染色体特异探针检测棕色田鼠的Y染色体 ,结果如下 :棕色田鼠雄性个体C 带中期分裂相中 ,X性染色体是亚中部着丝粒染色体 ,在着丝粒处存在着强烈的C阳性带 ,而且在短臂的中间也有一条C阳性带 ,但是没有发现深染的Y染色体。用小鼠整条Y染色体特异探针涂染棕色田鼠的骨髓细胞中期分裂相和间期核 ,以小鼠骨髓细胞中期分裂相和间期核作为对照。涂染结果表明 :棕色田鼠骨髓细胞中期分裂相和间期核涂染信号检出率分别为 0 - 2 %和 3% - 5 % ,两者均呈阴性反应 ,而对照都呈阳性反应。根据实验结果 ,作者认为在棕色田鼠的Y染色体上及整个基因组DNA中不存在小鼠整条Y染色体特异DNA的同源序列 ,其Y染色体上可能没有决定雄性性别的重要基因  相似文献   

棕色田鼠消化道形态变化与能量需求的关系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
为研究能量代谢与消化道形态结构变化及其某些生活史特征之间的关系,采用食物平衡法、耗氧量测定、形态测量和组织学方法,分别测定了雄性、非繁殖雌性及哺乳雌性棕色田鼠(Mirotus mandarinus)的摄食量、每日消化能、静止代谢率和胃肠器官长度、重量以及肠道各段管径和黏膜厚度。结果表明:哺乳雌鼠摄食量、每日消化能、静止代谢率高于非繁殖雌鼠和雄鼠,且消化道各器官有最大的重量、管径和黏膜厚度。由此可见,哺乳雌鼠能量需求增加,促使消化道形态结构进行一些有益的调节。棕色田鼠在哺乳期代谢率增加时,仅有消化道器官重量、黏膜厚度及小肠管径的明显变化,这可能与其哺乳期较长,胎仔数较少,生后生长缓慢等生活史特征有关。同时也说明在未受到十分严峻的能量胁迫的情况下,动物并不需付出昂贵的代价去增加消化器官的长度。  相似文献   

不同生活条件下东方田鼠内脏器官比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
脏器指数可以反映动物的生理功能 ,消化道形态的变化受食物质量和动物能量需求的影响 ,国内外不少学者探讨了野外条件下鼠类脏器指数和消化道形态的季节变化及其生态适应意义[2 ,4 ,6~ 8,14 ,15] 。Gross等[12 ] 在室内研究了温度和食物质量对草原田鼠 (Microtusochrogaster)消化道形态的影响。东方田鼠 (M .fortiscalamorum )为洞庭湖湖泊河汊区优势鼠种 ,严重危害农林业生产 ;同时其具有天然抗日本血吸虫的特性[13] ,对血吸虫的研究和防治有着较为重要的意义。该鼠以湖滩苔草(Carexspp …  相似文献   

植物不育剂是由具有抗生育作用的天然植物中的提取物配制而成,用不育剂配制的混合饵料,不仅对雌雄鼠生殖机能均有一定的破坏性,起到了阻断生殖的作用,而且又不污染环境和破坏生态平衡(张春美等,2001),所以这类混合饵料称为绿色环保型抗生育鼠药(简称环保型鼠药).  相似文献   

湖南等三地区东方田鼠遗传特性的分析比较   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
用染色体G带核型分析、生化位点、随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)标记等方法,对湖南洞庭湖湖滨、宁夏青铜峡市农田和黑龙江伊春市金山屯草甸3个地区的东方田鼠遗传特性进行了分析。结果表明,湖南和宁夏地区东方田鼠染色体数均为2N=52,黑龙江东方田鼠染色体数则为2N=42;生化位点结果显示3个地区的东方田鼠均呈遗传非均一性;湖南、宁夏和黑龙江鼠的个体间RAPD遗传距离分别为0.244(0.143—0.353)、0.226(0.161—0.294)、0.541(0.357—0.692)。湖南和宁夏两地区鼠种群间的遗传距离为0.367,湖南和宁夏鼠杂交一代与其亲代的RAPD遗传距离在0.310以下;但黑龙江鼠与湖南和宁夏鼠种群问的遗传距离分别为0.619和0.633。总的表明,3个地区的东方田鼠均呈遗传非均一性,但湖南与宁夏鼠在染色体、生化位点和RAPD标记等方面都具有相似性,并可杂交,而黑龙江鼠与其它两地的鼠不能杂交,且黑龙江鼠在遗传特性方面与前二地鼠有很大差异,因而后的“种”级分类地位值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

本实验利用免疫组织化学方法,以FOS阳性反应作为神经元活动的标志,研究了棕色田鼠在受到同性和异性尿液刺激后主嗅球和副嗅球的神经元活动,表明两大嗅觉系统均有感知社会性化学信号的功能.通过比较棕色田鼠在同性和异性尿液刺激后副嗅球和主嗅球的嗅小球细胞层(GL)、僧帽细胞层(MIT)、颗粒细胞层(GRL)中FOS阳性神经元数量,发现不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的副嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量比对照组明显增加;棕色田鼠受到异性尿液刺激后其副嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的主嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量相较于对照组有增加或增加显著;异性尿液刺激组主嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.说明棕色田鼠的副嗅球和主嗅球均参与了通过尿液介导的性别个体的识别.  相似文献   

Electrical activity was recorded from single cells in the olfactorybulb when electrically stimulating the medial and lateral olfactorytract and when stimulating the olfactory epithelium with aminoacids. Bulbar units excited by stimulation of the medial olfactorytract were found in the medial and middle parts of the bulb.Neurones in the dorso-lateral part of the bulb were excitedby stimulation of lateral tract. Units inhibited by stimulationof the lateral or medial olfactory tracts had a reversed distributionwith the majority found in the medial or lateral parts of thebulb respectively. The chemicals tested induced changes in thedischarge of units mainly situated in the lateral part of thebulb.  相似文献   

In rodents, the nasal cavity contains two separate chemosensory epithelia, the main olfactory epithelium, located in the posterior dorsal aspect of the nasal cavity, and the vomeronasal/accessory olfactory epithelium, located in a capsule in the anterior aspect of the ventral floor of the nasal cavity. Both the main and accessory olfactory systems play a role in detection of biologically relevant odors. The accessory olfactory system has been implicated in response to pheromones, while the main olfactory system is thought to be a general molecular analyzer capable of detecting subtle differences in molecular structure of volatile odorants. However, the role of the two systems in detection of biologically relevant chemical signals appears to be partially overlapping. Thus, while it is clear that the accessory olfactory system is responsive to putative pheromones, the main olfactory system can also respond to some pheromones. Conversely, while the main olfactory system can mediate recognition of differences in genetic makeup by smell, the vomeronasal organ (VNO) also appears to participate in recognition of chemosensory differences between genetically distinct individuals. The most salient feature of our review of the literature is that there are no general rules that allow classification of the accessory olfactory system as a pheromone detector and the main olfactory system as a detector of general odorants. Instead, each behavior must be considered within a specific behavioral context to determine the role of these two chemosensory systems. In each case, one system or the other (or both) participates in a specific behavioral or hormonal response.  相似文献   

The distribution of calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin during the development of the mouse main olfactory bulb (MOB) was studied using immunohistochemistry techniques. The results are as follows:(1) calbindin-immunoreactive profiles were mainly located in the glomerular layer, and few large calbindin-immunoreactive cells were found in the subependymal layer of postnatal day 10 (P10) to postnatal day 40 (P40) mice; (2) no calbindin was detected in the mitral cell layer at any stage; (3) calretinin-immunoreactive profiles were present in all layers of the main olfactory bulb at all stages, especially in the olfactory nerve layer, glomerular layer and granule cell layer; (4) parvalbumin-immunoreactive profiles were mainly located in the external plexiform layer (except for P10 mice); (5) weakly stained parvalbumin-immunoreactive profiles were present in the glomerular layer at all stages; and (6) no parvalbumin was detected in the mitral cell layer at any stage.  相似文献   

倪丽菊  陶凌云  柏熊  胡建华  高诚  谢建云 《遗传》2011,33(9):989-995
根据生物素与链霉亲和素的亲和原理, 利用磁珠富集法筛选东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)微卫星分子标记。链霉亲和素磁珠捕获生物素标记的微卫星探针, 然后与连有接头的单链限制性酶切片段复性结合, 获得含有微卫星的单链片段, PCR扩增形成双链, 连接T载体并转化感受态细胞, 得到东方田鼠微卫星富集文库。随机挑选70个阳性克隆, 经测序分析, 获得微卫星序列92个。设计合成27对微卫星引物并成功筛选出21对可用引物, 取其中10对引物, 荧光标记后对3个人工驯养及野生东方田鼠种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示, 文章所构建的东方田鼠微卫星文库的阳性克隆率较高, 初步筛选的10个微卫星标记均为具有高度多态性的微卫星标记。在3个东方田鼠种群中, 野生湖南种群的观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)和多态信息含量(PIC)均最高, 人工驯养的湖南种群次之, 人工驯养的宁夏种群最低。  相似文献   

Olfactory bulb processing results from the interaction of relay neurons with two main categories of interneurons which mediate inhibition in two distinct layers: periglomerular cells and granule cells. We present here a neural model of the mammalian olfactory bulb which allows to separately investigate the functional consequences of the two types of interneurons onto the relay neurons responsiveness to odors. The model, although built with simplified representations of neural elements generates various aspects of neural dynamics from the cellular to the populational level. We propose that the combined action of centrifugal control at two different layers of processing is complementary: reduction of the number of active relay neurons responding to a given odorant through increased activity of periglomerular cells, and an increase of response intensity of active mitral cells through decrease of granule cell inhibition.  相似文献   

Pheromones from urine of unfamiliar conspecific male animals can reinitiate a female's estrus cycle to cause pregnancy block through the vomeronasal organ (VNO)‐accessory olfactory bulb (AOB)‐hypothalamic pathway. This phenomenon is called the Bruce effect. Pheromones from the mate of the female, however, do not trigger re‐entrance of the estrus cycle because an olfactory memory toward its mate is formed. The activity of the VNO‐AOB‐hypothalamic pathway is negatively modulated by GABAergic granule cells in the AOB. Since these cells are constantly replenished by neural stem cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle throughout adulthood and adult neurogenesis is required for mate recognition and fertility, we tested the hypothesis that pheromones from familiar and unfamiliar males may have different effects on adult AOB neurogenesis in female mice. When female mice were exposed to bedding used by a male or lived with one, cell proliferation and neuroblast production in the SVZ were increased. Furthermore, survival of newly generated cells in the AOB was enhanced. This survival effect was transient and mediated by norepinephrine. Interestingly, male bedding‐induced newborn cell survival in the AOB but not cell proliferation in the SVZ was attenuated when females were subjected to bedding from an unfamiliar male. Our results indicate that male pheromones from familiar and unfamiliar males exert different effects on neurogenesis in the adult female AOB. Given that adult neurogenesis is required for reproductive behaviors, these divergent pheromonal effects may provide a mechanism for the Bruce effect. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 632–645, 2013  相似文献   

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