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Information from pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs was used to reconstruct ritual burial traditions in the first half of the third millennium b.c. The floor of the burial chamber of the Paravani barrow and a ceremonial wagon were covered with flax textiles (Linum), as evidenced by the abundance of flax microfibres. The wagon was made of pine (Pinus), oak (Quercus) and juniper (Juniperus) wood. This is demonstrated by parenchyma cells of wood which were linked to the destroyed remains of the wagon. The presence of an animal skin could be established. The presence of the skin is evidenced by large amounts of pollen, ascospores of coprophilous fungi, hairs of dermestid beetle larvae and the bristle of a moth grub. According to the taxonomic composition of the flowers used for decoration of the ceremonial wagon and numerous mite remains, the burial occurred during the first half of the summer.  相似文献   

The results of a palynological analysis of the organic content of earthenware pots from the Kodiani burial mound (27th–25th centuries b.c.) are reported. The character of the palynological spectrum differs significantly from that of a buried soil within the same burial mound. In the samples taken from the pots, pollen concentration is very high, pollen grains are perfectly preserved and an abundance of pollen from insect-pollinated plants is recorded. It is well known that these features are peculiar to honey palynospectra. In all three pots the pollen of Rosaceae, a family of plants that produce good honey, is dominant. However, the second, third and fourth most dominant pollen types in all three samples are different. For example, Tilia pollen is the second dominant in only one pot. In the second pot, Apiaceae and Poaceae are predominant, and in the third pot, Poaceae, both wild and cultural, is the second dominant. It is clear that the different pots contained different types of honey. The variety of honey types indicates highly developed bee-keeping in the Early Bronze Age. In the same regions of Georgia, agriculture was also highly developed. Wheat cultivation was very important. According to the palynospectra, the landscape and climate of this period were probably quite different to those of today.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the development of a salt marsh environment during the Holocene marine transgression in the North Adriatic coast (North Italy) near the pre-Roman and Roman towns of Cittanova and Concordia Sagittaria. Pollen, plant macrofossils, non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) and foraminifers are analysed in cores and archaeological excavations to indicate the development of salt marsh plant communities. Other independent proxies (foraminifers, plant macrofossils, molluscs) confirm the ecological interpretation based on pollen records. The relevance of NPPs as indicators of salt marsh environment is evaluated. Linings of foraminifers are the most frequent NPP type, recorded in 85% of the brackish sediments. They may tentatively be referred to the genus Ammonia, a very common benthonic genus in the present lagoons of the North Adriatic Sea. Radiocarbon dates available from previous work allow the salt marsh development to be dated in the sector from the east of the Lagoon of Venice to the Lagoon of Caorle. Near Cittanova, salt marshes developed before 6700 yrs cal. b.p. At Concordia Sagittaria, the first evidence dates from ca. 6700 yrs cal. b.p. and a phase of freshwater conditions is recorded in the sediments of ca. 4500 yrs cal. b.p.  相似文献   

Peroxidase, esterase, and acid phosphatase isozymes of environmentally induced L and S genotrophs, nuclear DNA reversion types, and the orginal plastic (Pl) type of the flax variety Stormont Cirrus have been compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Differences were observed in particular line was not correlated with the nuclear DNA amount. The relationship between the isozyme pattern and the phenotypes of the lines in which they are expressed is discussed.  相似文献   

In ice-wedge polygon mires, small-scaled microrelief of ridges enclosing small depressions results in a short-distance vegetation mosaic. The correct recognition of these landscape elements in palaeoecological studies of peat sections in order to reconstruct their patterns and dynamics requires insight in the short-distance relationship between vegetation and pollen deposition. This paper presents an analysis of pollen surface samples in a high-resolution (1 m) transect across an ice-wedge polygon near Kytalyk (NE Siberia), including a discussion on the morphology of some critical pollen types and non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs). We found a strong correlation between vegetation and surface elevation and a fair correspondence between pollen deposition and vegetation. Distribution of NPPs reflects surface elevation well, with algal spores dominating deep spots and testate amoebae prevailing on higher spots. Peak pollen/spore values unrelated to high species coverages (e.g. of Salix, Betula, Sphagnum, Poaceae) indicate that single plants within a population may cause the bulk of the pollen production. The absence of pollen of taxa with an important presence in the vegetation (e.g. Utricularia) must be attributable to low pollen productivity. Distributional patterns point at pollen transport by water in the polygon troughs/depressions. Our study shows that Arctic pollen records mainly reflect short-distance vegetation patterns. Palaeosequences consequently allow accurate reconstruction of local microtopography and its dynamics, but should not be over-interpreted in terms of changing (over)regional vegetation patterns and associated drivers.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a modern dataset of non-pollen palynomorphs and its application to a ca. 2,000 year peat record from the same area in the western Pyrenees (Basque Country, France). The modern dataset is composed of 35 surface samples (moss polsters) from a mountainous pasture-woodland landscape. Airborne fungal spores (ascospores and conidia), found dominant in the dataset, are linked to the degree of landscape openness and grazing pressure. The complete spectrum of 13 selected spore-types of dung-related Ascomycetes is positively linked with grazing pressure. However, different dung affinities between the spore-types have been identified. These are types clearly related to high grazing pressure and types with no or unclear dung indicative value. The modern dataset is used to aid interpretation of the local fossil pollen record as an independent ‘proxy’ to assess past pastoral dynamics. This study confirms the utility of modern non-pollen palynomorphs from terrestrial ecosystems in the reconstruction of historical local pastoral activities but also shows their limitation. It may be necessary to extend such study to wetland ecosystems and to investigate the spatial dimension of some fungal spores.  相似文献   

Summary Mean seed weight data were obtained from the F1 and F2 of a six-by-six diallel cross with flax (Linum usita-tissimum L.). Pronounced reciprocal differences appeared in the F1, but had largely disappeared by the F2. The genetic control of mean seed weight was examined using two types of analysis of variance. The models underlying both analyses were fitted to the data by matrix methods supplying weighted least-squares estimates of the parameters in the models. Weights, the use of which dealt with the problem of variation in the reliability of means, were the reciprocals of the variances of individual cell (cross/self) means in the diallel data table. Elimination of redundant parameters supplied the minimum adequate models for each analysis type. Dominance was apparently masked by the large transient maternal effects in the F1, but surfaced in the F2, where dominance was towards larger mean seed weight. This may be coupled with findings elsewhere of possible advantages for larger seed weights to speculate on a role in preserving infrequent hybrid progeny among inbreeding (flax) species. Maternal effects producing larger seed size, plus dominance with the same result might be valuable, in conjunction with growth and competitive advantages conferred by larger seed, in preventing early elimination of rare hybrids.  相似文献   

In order to obtain nuclear recessive albina mutants, seeds ofLinum usitatissimum ‘Antares’ were treated withethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) for 4 h at a concentration of0.5% (v/v). After the mutagenic treatment, the M1 seeds weresown in the greenhouse, selfed and the resulting M2 seeds ofeach M1 plant were harvested separately. Observation of albinamutants in the M2 generation facilitated the estimation of thegenetically effective cell number (GECN). In flax, four cellscontribute to the formation of the inflorescence. The transmissionof the albinism trait was further analysed in the progeny derivedfrom the albina mutants. In four of these mutants, the albinismcharacter was found to be encoded by recessive nuclear genes.The utility of these mutants as a source of regenerating explantsor of protoplasts was tested. These features are critical tothe development of interspecific hybrids in flax by creatinga universal hybridizer which carries a positive and dominanttrait (e.g. resistance to an antibiotic) and a recessive trait(e.g. nuclear recessive albinism). Key words: Albinism, ethyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis, genetically effective cell number, Linum usitatissimum  相似文献   

The existence of five tetraploid species that derive from a common polyploidization event about 1 million years ago makes Gossypium (cotton) an attractive genus in which to study polyploid evolution and offers opportunities for crop improvement through introgression. To date, only crosses (HB) between the cultivated tetraploid cottons Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense have been genetically mapped. Genetic analysis of a cross (HT) between G. hirsutum and the Hawaiian endemic G. tomentosum is reported here. Overall, chromosomal lengths are closely correlated between the HB and HT maps, although there is generally more recombination in HT, consistent with a closer relationship between the two species. Interspecific differences in local recombination rates are observed, perhaps involving a number of possible factors. Our data corroborate cytogenetic evidence that chromosome arm translocations have not played a role in the divergence of polyploid cottons. However, one terminal inversion on chromosome (chr.) 3 does appear to differentiate G. tomentosum from G. barbadense; a few other apparent differences in marker order fall near gaps in the HT map and/or lack the suppression of recombination expected of inversions, and thus remain uncertain. Genetic analysis of a discrete trait that is characteristic of G. tomentosum, nectarilessness, mapped not to the classically reported location on chr. 12 but to the homoeologous location on chr. 26. We propose some hypotheses for further study to explore this incongruity. Preliminary quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of this small population, albeit with a high probability of false negatives, suggests a different genetic control of leaf morphology in HT than in HB, which also warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary A fuzzless-lintless mutant was identified in MCU.5 (Gossypium hirsutum) cotton in 1984. The inheritance of this character is reported in this paper. The fuzzless-lintless mutant was crossed with fuzzy-linted parents viz. MCU.5, MCU.7, Express Sindh (W), Piedmont Cleveland and Sindis Wild and the segregation pattern was studied in F2 and BC1F1 generations. The segregation ratios for fuzzy-linted and fuzzless-lintless were 151 in the first cross, 631 in the second, third and fourth crosses and 2551 in the fifth cross. These ratios indicated that this character is controlled by 2–4 gene pairs, and the fuzzless-lintless character is a recessive to fuzzy-linted character. The chi-square test was significant only in the BC1F1 generation with MCU.7 and Express Sindh (W). The test revealed that the observed values deviated significantly from the expected ratio of 71, suggesting that this character is also influenced by modifier gene complex.  相似文献   

In order to meet the future requirement of using non-antibiotic resistance genes for the production of transgenic plants, we have adapted the selectable marker system PMI/mannose to be used in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cv. Barbara. The Escherichia coli pmi gene encodes a phosphomannose isomerase (E.C. that converts mannose-6-phosphate, an inhibitor of glycolysis, into fructose-6-phosphate (glycolysis intermediate). Its expression in transformed cells allows them to grow on mannose-selective medium. The Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 (pGV2260) harbouring the binary vector pNOV2819 that carries the pmi gene under the control of the Cestrum yellow leaf curling virus constitutive promoter was used for transformation experiments. Transgenic flax plants able to root on mannose-containing medium were obtained from hypocotyl-derived calli that had been selected on a combination of 20 g L−1 sucrose and 10 g L−1 mannose. Their transgenic state was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting. Transgene expression was detected by RT-PCR in leaves, stems and roots of in vitro grown primary transformants. The mean transformation efficiency of 3.6%, that reached 6.4% in one experiment was comparable to that obtained when using the nptII selectable marker on the same cultivar. The ability of T1 seeds to germinate on mannose-containing medium confirmed the Mendelian inheritance of the pmi gene in the progeny of primary transformants. These results indicate that the PMI/mannose selection system can be successfully used for the recovery of flax transgenic plants under safe conditions for human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Linum usitatissimum L. (flax) has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years in China. Throughout the history of its cultivation, flax was mainly used for oil and medicine. It was not until the last 100 years that fibre flax began to be cultivated and used. This paper discusses the distribution, cultivation and use of flax in China especially in the past, based on literature reviews and ethnobotanical surveys for its traditional uses. The modern distribution of wild flax species in China is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Cotton plants accumulate gossypol and related sesquiterpene aldehydes, which function as phytoalexins against pathogens and feeding deterrents to herbivorous insects. However, to date little is known about the biosynthesis of volatile terpenes in this crop. Herein is reported that 5 monoterpenes and 11 sesquiterpenes from extracts of a glanded cotton cultivar, Gossypium hirsutum cv. CCRI12, were detected by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). By EST data mining combined with Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE), full-length cDNAs of three terpene synthases (TPSs), GhTPS1, GhTPS2 and GhTPS3 were isolated. By in vitro assays of the recombinant proteins, it was found that GhTPS1 and GhTPS2 are sesquiterpene synthases: the former converted farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) into β-caryophyllene and α-humulene in a ratio of 2:1, whereas the latter produced several sesquiterpenes with guaia-1(10),11-diene as the major product. By contrast, GhTPS3 is a monoterpene synthase, which produced α-pinene, β-pinene, β-phellandrene and trace amounts of other monoterpenes from geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). The TPS activities were also supported by Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) in the cotton plant. GhTPS1 and GhTPS3 were highly expressed in the cotton plant overall, whereas GhTPS2 was expressed only in leaves. When stimulated by mechanical wounding, Verticillium dahliae (Vde) elicitor or methyl jasmonate (MeJA), production of terpenes and expression of the corresponding synthase genes were induced. These data demonstrate that the three genes account for the biosynthesis of volatile terpenes of cotton, at least of this Upland cotton.  相似文献   

Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) band relative mobility (R m) and activity were examined in leaf extracts of Durrant's flax genotrophs, L and S, and flax genotypes, R and M. MDH activity in leaves from just below the inflorescence was higher in the two smaller, sparsely branched plant types, S and M, than in the larger, more branched plant types, L and R. The MDH electrophoretic banding pattern in flax leaf extracts consisted of three major anionic bands, MDH-1, MDH-2, and MDH-3. NoR m differences were detected between corresponding isozymes of genotypes R and M. For the genotrophs, however, all three bands of S migrated faster than the corresponding bands of L. Codominance was absent in F1 hybrids; SR m was dominant for MDH-2 and MDH-3 and LR m was dominant for MDH-1. The observations suggest that MDHR m in L and S may be controlled by a modifier locus (or loci). Previous studies indicate that a modifier locus may also control heritable genotrophic differences in peroxidase (PER) and acid phosphates (AP)R m. The three enzyme systems are compared.The financial assistance of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is acknowledged with thanks.  相似文献   

In this palaeobiological and palaeopathological study of skeletal remains, we attempt to define the physical characteristics, living conditions and the state of health of a small sample from two early Iron Age (IX-VIII century BC) graves at Capo Colonna, Trani (Bari, Apulia, southern Italy). In the thoraco-lumbar segment (T11-L1) of the vertebral column of an adult male 35 years old, we found wedge-shaped deformation of the anterior part of T12 with kyphosis of the affected tract. Digital radiography and volumetric reconstruction by 3D CT indicated that the alteration did not result from an infectious process (Pott's disease). Instead, it was a traumatic lesion probably caused by falling from a height. The archaeological investigation revealed extraordinary arrangements of the bodies in the graves: they were buried with a boulder placed on the coffin. This practice has been seen in similar graves in the Balkan area, particularly in Greece, from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages. The most likely explanation is a funeral ritual characterized by necrophobia, the purpose of which was to prevent the deceased from returning to terrorize the living.  相似文献   

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