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Appearance, pharmacokinetics and distribution of astaxanthin all-E-, 9Z- and 13Z-geometrical and (3R,3'R)-, (3R,3'S)- and (3S,3'S)-optical isomers in plasma fractions were studied in three middle-aged male volunteers (41-50 years) after ingestion of a single meal containing first a 10-mg dose equivalent of astaxanthin from astaxanthin diesters, followed by a dose of 100 mg astaxanthin equivalents after 4 weeks. Direct resolution of geometrical isomers and optical isomers of astaxanthin dicamphanates by HPLC after saponification showed that the astaxanthin consisted of 95.2% all-E-, 1.2% 9Z- and 3.6% 13Z-astaxanthin, of (3R,3'R)-, (3R,3'S; meso)- and (3S,3'S)-astaxanthin in a 31:49:20 ratio. The plasma astaxanthin concentration-time curves were measured during 76 h. Astaxanthin esters were not detected in plasma. Maximum levels of astaxanthin (C(max)=0.28+/-0.1 mg/l) were reached 11.5 h after administration and the plasma astaxanthin elimination half-life was 52+/-40 h. The C(max) at the low dose was 0.08 mg/l and showed that, the dose response was non-linear. The (3R,3'R)-astaxanthin optical isomer accumulated selectively in plasma compared to the (3R,3'S)- and (3S,3'S)-isomers, and comprised 54% of total astaxanthin in the blood and only 31% of total astaxanthin in the administered dose. The astaxanthin Z-isomers were absorbed selectively into plasma and comprised approximately 32% of total astaxanthin 6-7.5 h postprandially. The proportion of all-E-astaxanthin was significantly higher in the very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons (VLDL/CM) plasma lipoprotein fraction than in the high density lipoproteins (HDL) and low denisty lipoproteins (LDL) fractions (P<0.05). The results indicate that a selective process increase the relative proportion of astaxanthin Z-isomers compared to the all-E-astaxanthin before uptake in blood and that the astaxanthin esters are hydrolyzed selectively during absorption.  相似文献   

Antiviral activity (99.5% inhibition) against the Autographa californica polyhedrosis nuclear virus AcNPV+GFP was shown by a polypeptide of approximately 10 kDa, isolated from the exoskeleton of Pleuroncodes planipes, the pelagic red crab. This thermo-stable polypeptide retained its anti-viral properties after being exposed to 76 °C for 30 min and showed no apparent cytotoxic effect. Its anti-viral activity was observed when incubated with the virus, previous to the inoculation of cells. Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS), this polypeptide showed sequence identity to a fragment of a myohemeritrin-like metalloprotein found in the Scoloplos armiger sea worm (VFYANLDEEHK).  相似文献   

Appearance, pharmacokinetics, and distribution of astaxanthin E/Z and R/S isomers in plasma and lipoprotein fractions were studied in 3 middle-aged male volunteers (37-43 years) after ingestion of a single meal containing a 100 mg dose of astaxanthin. The astaxanthin source consisted of 74% all-E-, 9% 9Z-, 17% 13Z-astaxanthin (3R,3'R-, 3R,3'S; meso-, and 3S,3'S-astaxanthin in a 1:2:1 ratio). The plasma astaxanthin concentration--time curves were measured during 72 hr. Maximum levels of astaxanthin (1.3 +/- 0.1 mg/L) were reached 6.7 +/- 1.2 hr after administration, and the plasma astaxanthin elimination half-life was 21 +/- 11 hr. 13Z-Astaxanthin accumulated selectively, whereas the 3 and 3'R/S astaxanthin distribution was similar to that of the experimental meal. Astaxanthin was present mainly in very low-density lipoproteins containing chylomicrons (VLDL/CM; 36-64% of total astaxanthin), whereas low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) contained 29% and 24% of total astaxanthin, respectively. The astaxanthin isomer distribution in plasma, VLDL/CM, LDL, and HDL was not affected by time. The results indicate that a selective process increases the relative proportion of astaxanthin Z-isomers compared to the all-E-astaxanthin during blood uptake and that astaxanthin E/Z isomers have similar pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Two new cyclohexene long-chain fatty acid esters, namely Dulcisenes A and B, were isolated from the twigs of the Uvaria dulcis together with seven known compounds, uvarigranol E, (−)-zeylenol, ellipeiopsol B, 5,7-dihydroxyflavone, 8-hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxyflavanone, lupeol, and benzyl benzoate. The structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric analyses, including 1D, 2D NMR and HR TOF MS. Several of these metabolites were tested for cytotoxicity against HepG2, A549, S102, HuCCA-1, HeLa, MDA-MB-231, T47D, HL-60, and P388 cell lines.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Three methods of recuperating and preserving enzyme activity from freshly-caught langostilla were assessed. In the pressing and acetone extract methods, the recovered specific activity was similar.
  • 2.2. Protease activity was higher between 6.5 and 8 pH, and was sensitive to high temperatures.
  • 3.3. In PAGE and serine inhibition assays, one fraction resembled bovine trypsin.
  • 4.4. The composition of proteins and molecules bearing protease activity from the hepatopancreas and stomach of both fed and starved animals was similar, indicating proteases are not induced but constitutive.

In order to find new lead compounds with antitumour activies, thirteen new fatty acid esters of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol (PPD) were synthesized using oleoyl chloride or fatty acids and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC). Their cytotoxic activities were tested using the MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] method, and the structure-activity relationships between the fatty acid esters of PPD and their cytotoxic activities are discussed.  相似文献   

The plastid genome of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cv. Berkeley was site-specifically modified with the addition of three transgenes, which encoded β,β-carotenoid 3,3′-hydroxylase (CrtZ) and β,β-carotenoid 4,4′-ketolase (4,4′-oxygenase; CrtW) from a marine bacterium Brevundimonas sp. strain SD212, and isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase from a marine bacterium Paracoccus sp. strain N81106. Constructed transplastomic lettuce plants were able to grow on soil at a growth rate similar to that of non-transformed lettuce cv. Berkeley and generate flowers and seeds. The germination ratio of the lettuce transformants (T0) (98.8 %) was higher than that of non-transformed lettuce (93.1 %). The transplastomic lettuce (T1) leaves produced the astaxanthin fatty acid (myristate or palmitate) diester (49.2 % of total carotenoids), astaxanthin monoester (18.2 %), and the free forms of astaxanthin (10.0 %) and the other ketocarotenoids (17.5 %), which indicated that artificial ketocarotenoids corresponded to 94.9 % of total carotenoids (230 μg/g fresh weight). Native carotenoids were there lactucaxanthin (3.8 %) and lutein (1.3 %) only. This is the first report to structurally identify the astaxanthin esters biosynthesized in transgenic or transplastomic plants producing astaxanthin. The singlet oxygen-quenching activity of the total carotenoids extracted from the transplastomic leaves was similar to that of astaxanthin (mostly esterified) from the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis.  相似文献   

9'Z-(3S,5R,6R,3'S,5'R,6'S)-Neoxanthin reisolated from spinach (Spinacea oleracea) and characterized by HPLC, VIS, MS, and 2D (1)H NMR, has been submitted to photoinduced stereomutation in the presence of iodine or diphenyl diselenide at conditions not involving isomerization of the allenic bond. The six individual geometrical isomers, all-E,9Z,9'Z,13Z,13'Z,15Z and three minor di-Z-isomers, presumably 9,9'-di-Z,9',13-di-Z and 9',13'-di-Z, present in the equilibrium mixture have been characterized by HPLC, VIS data, 1H NMR and reversibility tests. Judged by the quantitative composition of the equilibrium mixture the naturally occurring 9'Z-isomer is thermodynamically less stable than the all-E-isomer. The availability of these isomers facilitates future search in natural sources. 9'Z-(6R90% of total neoxanthin in spinach and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), consistent with previous findings of its abundance in chloroplasts. all-E90% of total violaxanthin in the same sources. It is postulated that a neoxanthin Delta9'-isomerase is present and involved in the biosynthesis of abscisic acid in higher plants. Allenic S-isomers are of interest as postulated biosynthetic precursors of R-allenes. All-E-(6S)- and 9'Z-(6S)-neoxanthin were available as semi-synthetic model compounds. The allenic (6S)-diastereomers could not be detected in spinach or broccoli.  相似文献   

The fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis metabolized linoleic acid extensively to (8R)-hydroperoxylinoleic acid, (8R)-hydroxylinoleic acid, and threo-(7S,8S)-dihydroxylinoleic acid. When G. graminis was incubated with linoleic acid under an atmosphere of oxygen-18, the isotope was incorporated into (8R)-hydroxylinoleic acid and 7,8-dihydroxylinoleic acid. The two hydroxyls of the latter contained either two oxygen-18 or two oxygen-16 atoms, whereas a molecular species that contained both oxygen isotopes was formed in negligible amounts. Glutathione peroxidase inhibited the biosynthesis of 7,8-dihydroxylinoleic acid. These findings demonstrated that the diol was formed from (8R)-hydroperoxylinoleic acid by intramolecular hydroxylation at carbon 7, catalyzed by a hydroperoxide isomerase. The (8R)-dioxygenase appeared to metabolize substrates with a saturated carboxylic side chain and a 9Z-double bond. G. graminis also formed omega 2- and omega 3-hydroxy metabolites of the fatty acids. In addition, linoleic acid was converted to small amounts of nearly (65% R) racemic 10-hydroxy-8,12-octadecadienoic acid by incorporation of atmospheric oxygen. An unstable metabolite, 11-hydroxylinoleic acid, could also be isolated as well as (13R,13S)-hydroxy-(9E,9Z), (11E)-octadecadienoic acids and (9R,9S)-hydroxy-(10E), (12E,12Z)-octadecadienoic acids. In summary, G. graminis contains a prominent linoleic acid (8R)-dioxygenase, which differs from the lipoxygenase family of dioxygenases by catalyzing the formation of a hydroperoxide without affecting the double bonds of the substrate.  相似文献   

Sulfo-N-succinimidyl esters of LCFAs are a powerful tool to investigate the functional significance of plasmalemmal proteins in the LCFA uptake process. This notion is based on the following observations. First, sulfo-N-succinimidyl oleate (SSO) was found to inhibit the bulk of LCFA uptake into various cell types, i.e. rat adipocytes, type II pneumocytes and cardiac myocytes. Second, using cardiac giant membrane vesicles, in which LCFA uptake can be investigated in the absence of mitochondrial -oxidation, SSO retained the ability to largely inhibit LCFA uptake, indicating that inhibition of LCFA transsarcolemmal transport is its primary action. Third, SSO has no inhibitory effect on glucose and octanoate uptake into giant membrane vesicles derived from heart and skeletal muscle, indicating that its action is specific for LCFA uptake. Finally, SSO specifically binds to the 88 kDa plasmalemmal fatty acid transporter FAT, a rat homologue of human CD36, resulting in an arrest of the transport function of this protein.In addition to its inhibitory action at the plasma membrane level, evidence is presented for the lack of a direct inhibitory effect on subsequent LCFA metabolism. First, the relative contribution of oxidation and esterification to LCFA uptake is not altered in the presence of SSO. Second, isoproterenol-mediated channeling of LCFAs into oxidative pathways is not affected by sulfo-N-succinimidyl palmitate (SSP). As an example of its application we used SSP to study the role of FAT/CD36 in contraction- and insulin-stimulated LCFA uptake by cardiac myocytes , showing that this transporter is a primary site of regulation of cellular LCFA utilization.  相似文献   

Although alcohol abuse is known to cause an array of ethanol-induced red blood cell (RBC) abnormalities, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) are toxic, nonoxidative ethanol metabolites that have been found in blood, plasma, and tissues. Because FAEEs have been shown to be incorporated into phospholipid bilayers, we conducted a controlled ethanol intake study to test the hypothesis that FAEEs accumulate and persist within RBCs following ethanol ingestion. We demonstrated that RBC FAEEs account for approximately 5% to 20% of total whole-blood FAEEs, and that the fatty acid composition of FAEEs in RBCs and plasma are different and vary differently over time. These data indicate that a significant percentage of FAEEs in the blood is associated with RBCs and that the metabolism of RBC FAEEs and that of plasma FAEEs (bound to albumin or lipoproteins) are largely independent.  相似文献   

The permeability properties of liposomes prepared at pH 8.7 from a fatty acid and either methyl oleate or methyl elaidate, with or without cholesterol, were investigated. The fatty acids used were oleic acid, elaidic acid, and the selenium-containing fatty acids 9-selenaheptadecanoic acid and 13-selenaheneicosanoic acid. The liposomes trapped sucrose and carboxyfluorescein. Their volume change resulting from osmotic shock was directly proportional to the change in absorbance (light scattering). Liposomes prepared from oleic acid and either methyl oleate or methyl elaidate underwent osmotic swelling much more slowly than liposomes prepared from elaidic acid and either methyl oleate or methyl elaidate. Incorporation of cholesterol decreased the initial rate of erythritol permeation, especially in liposomes containing methyl oleate. The swelling rates of liposomes prepared with the selenium-containing fatty acids indicated that incorporation of methyl elaidate gave more tightly packed bilayers than did incorporation of methyl oleate. The effect of cholesterol on the initial rate of erythritol influx was greater in oleic acid and elaidic acid liposomes than in selenium-containing fatty acid liposomes, indicating that the large bulk of the selenium heteroatom suppresses the ability of cholesterol to interact with the hydrocarbon chain.  相似文献   

Five enzymes have been isolated from the hepatopancreas of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschatica by means of ion exchange and gel chromatography: two acid (AcP) and one alkaline (AlkP) phosphomonoesterases, one alkaline phosphodiesterase (AlkPI), and one acid phosphodiesterase (AcPD). The pH optimum values of these enzymes are: AlkPs and AlkPD, 7.5; AcP, 5.5; and AcPD, 5.0. The activity of AlkP and AlkPD demands Mg2+ ions. The molecular weights of the enzymes (kDa) are the following: AlkP, 80; AcPs, 80 and 82; AlkPD, 51; and AcPD, 57. The enzymes are relatively thermostable (ID 50 from 47 to 62°C). AlkP is inhibited by NaCl (IC 50 at 0.4 M). The AcP, AcPD, and AlkPD activities are tolerant of high ionic strength.  相似文献   

Five enzymes have been isolated from the hepatopancreas of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschatica by means of ion exchange and gel chromatography: two acid (AcP) and one alkaline (AlkP) phosphmonoesterases, one alkaline phosphodiesterase (AlkPD), and one acid phosphodiesterase (AcPD). The pH optimum values of these enzymes are: AlkPs and AlkPD, 7.5; AcP, 5.5; and AcPD, 5.0. The activity of AlkP and AlkPD demands Mg2+ ions. The molecular weights of the enzymes (kDa) are the following: AlkP, 80: AcPs, 80 and 82; AlkPD, 51; and AcPD, 57. The enzymes are relatively thermostable (ID50 from 47 to 62 degrees C). AlkP is inhibited by NaCl (IC50 at 0.4 M). The AcP, AcPD, and AlkPD activities are tolerant of high ionic strength.  相似文献   

Analyses of red pepper extracts which had been pretreated with lipase type VII (EC from Candida rugosa showed for the first time pepper carotenoid esters to be substrates of this enzyme. However, the extent of enzymatic hydrolysis depends on the respective carotenoid and was not quantitative compared to chemical saponification. After enzymatic cleavage, 67-89% of total capsanthin, 61-65% of total zeaxanthin, 70-81% of total beta-cryptoxanthin and 70-86% of total violaxanthin were detected in free form. Nevertheless, the method described here offers the possibility to cleave in part several carotenoid esters originating from red pepper quickly and under comparatively mild reaction conditions. Replacement of the generally performed alkaline hydrolysis by enzymatic cleavage allows the resulting product to be used in food industry as "natural" coloring agent e.g. to colour cheese and jellies.  相似文献   

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