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Viruses that infect the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus have the potential to impact the growth, productivity, diversity and abundance of their hosts. In this study, changes in the microdiversity of cyanomyoviruses were investigated in 10 environmental samples taken along a North–South Atlantic Ocean transect using a myoviral-specific PCR-sequencing approach. Phylogenetic analyses of 630 viral g20 clones from this study, with 786 published g20 sequences, revealed that myoviral populations in the Atlantic Ocean had higher diversity than previously reported, with several novel putative g20 clades. Some of these clades were detected throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Multivariate statistical analyses did not reveal any significant correlations between myoviral diversity and environmental parameters, although myoviral diversity appeared to be lowest in samples collected from the north and south of the transect where Prochlorococcus diversity was also lowest. The results were correlated to the abundance and diversity of the co-occurring Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus populations, but revealed no significant correlations to either of the two potential host genera. This study provides evidence that cyanophages have extremely high and variable diversity and are distributed over large areas of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

At five European sites, differing in atmospheric Sinputs by a factor of 6, and differing in S isotope signatures ofthese inputs by up to 14 (CDT), we investigated thedirection and magnitude of an assimilation-related 34S shiftand the relationship between atmospheric deposition and Sretention in selected ecosystem compartments. Bulk precipitationand spruce throughfall were collected between 1994 and 1996 inthe Isle of Mull (Scotland), Connemara (Ireland), Thorne Moors(England), Rybárenská slat' and Oceán (both Czech Republic) andanalyzed for sulfate concentrations and 34S ratios. Eighteenreplicate samples per site of living Sphagnum collected inunforested peatlands and 18 samples of spruce forest floorcollected near each of the peatlands were also analyzed for Sconcentrations and 34S ratios. Assimilation of S was associatedwith a negative 34S shift. Plant tissues systematicallypreferred the light isotope 32S, on average by 2. There wasa strong positive correlation between the non-marine portion ofthe atmospheric S input and total S concentration in forest floorand Sphagnum, respectively (R = 0.97 and R = 0.85). Elevated Sinputs lead to higher S retention in these two organic-richcompartments of the ecosystem. It follows that equal emphasismust be placed on organic S as on adsorption/desorption ofinorganic sulfate when studying acidification reversal inecosystems. The sea-shore sites had rainfall enriched in theheavy isotope 34S due to an admixture of sea-spray. The inlandsites had low 34S reflecting 34S of sulfur emitted from localcoal-burning power stations. Sphagnum had always lower S contentsand higher 34S ratios compared to forest floor. The within-siterange of 34S ratios of Sphagnum and forest floor was wide (upto 12) suggesting that at least six replicate samples shouldbe taken when using 34S as a tracer.  相似文献   

Hanna Ranta  Pinja Satri 《Grana》2013,52(4):274-284
Many anemophilous, early‐flowering tree genera include allergy plants of world‐wide significance. We studied the synchronisation of high and low pollen years in the genera Betula, Alnus, Corylus, Salix and Populus and the cumulative effects that an increasing number of taxa has on the number of days of exposure to different levels of allergenic pollen in North Europe. The proximal causes of the inter‐annual variations of airborne pollen loads were analysed with a multiple regression analysis. The annual fluctuations of airborne pollen sums were compared between genera and found to be positively correlated among all combinations of genera at the three study sites. Most correlations were statistically significant (p<0.05). The comparison between Betula and Alnus is discussed first. Betula pollen was clearly the most abundant airborne pollen type. The presence of Alnus pollen, however, significantly increased the predisposal to allergenic pollen. At all sites, the number of days per year when the Betula and Alnus pollen counts together exceeded 10 and 100?grains m?3 of air, was found to be greater than the number of days when the Betula pollen counts alone exceeded 10 and 100?m?3 of air. The difference was statistically significant. In Kuopio, the difference was found to be statistically significant even for grains per 1?000?m?3 of air of Betula and Alnus together compared with the same count of Betula pollen alone. Betula, Alnus and Corylus belong to the order Fagales and have cross‐reacting main allergens. The flowering of Alder and Corylus culminate at the same time, two to four weeks earlier than that of Betula. Due to synchronization of high and low years and the mostly non‐overlapping flowering seasons, the time of exposure to pollen may be very long during the high years. Furthermore, Alnus and Corylus pollen may prime allergic people before the onset of the Betula season.  相似文献   

The airborne pollen concentration of the four mostfrequent and most allergenic taxa in Poland; Alnus, Betula, Poaceae, and Artemisia atPozna in the years 1995–1996 has been analyzed,using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. Theappearance of the earliest pollen producing taxa wasobserved as early as January and February, which isrelevant information for people subject to allergiesin the Pozna region, where Spring usually beginsin March. The periods of high and very high pollenconcentration of individual taxa have been comparedfor the two years.  相似文献   

Tropical landscapes are dominated by agroecosystems, but the potential value of agroecosystems for the survival of species is often overlooked. In agroecosystems, species conservation is especially important when functional groups such as predators are affected. In Central Sulawesi, we sampled arthropods on cocoa in a gradient of land-use intensity from extensively used forest gardens to intensively used agroforestry systems. The abundance and diversity of all arthropods did not correlate with land-use intensity, so human impact was not followed by high species losses. However, the number of species and abundance of the phytophagous arthropods increased and that of the entomophagous arthropods decreased with land-use intensity. The reduced predator–prey ratio in intensified systems can be related to their reduced species richness of shade trees and the changed microclimate (increased temperature, decreased humidity and canopy cover). In conclusion, transformation of traditional into intensified agroforestry systems had a great impact on arthropod community structure on cocoa. Since predator–prey ratios decreased with increasing land-use intensity, local farmers should have least pest problems in the traditionally diversified agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

The timing of pollen appearance in the atmosphere provides a general idea of the flowering onset of plants over a wide area. Woody plants in temperate regions have evolved mechanisms to preserve cells from the risk of frost during adverse weather conditions in the period prior to flowering regulated mainly by temperature. A number of indices have been developed to quantify the rest and heat requirements of temperature, which will enable the plant to adapt to environmental conditions. However, flowering is a dynamic and complex phenomenon and it is difficult to separate individual effects of different meteorological parameters. The use of modified bioclimatic indices could be a major step forward. In this study the Alnus glutinosa flowering in four different areas in north‐western Spain in the period 1995–2003 is examined, and trends identified by means of information gathered by Hirst pollen traps. Temperature plays an important role in the maturation of reproductive organs and pollen production. Comparison with bioclimatic indices showed that temperature during the 25–55 days preceding pollen release was the main controlling factor, and that relationship between flowering time and bioclimatic indicator values differs according to local conditions. In colder areas, rest and heat temperature requirements are greater because the trees need protection over a longer period; in the Mediterranean region of north‐western Spain, the rest temperature requirement and the threshold temperature are both higher than in Eurosiberian areas. Ombrothermic, Continentality and Thermicity indices are thus useful tools for characterizing the various bioclimatic areas of north‐western Spain.  相似文献   

Gynodioecious species are defined by the co-occurrence of two clearly separated categories of plants: females and hermaphrodites. The hermaphroditic category may, however, not be homogeneous, as male fitness may vary among hermaphrodites as a result of many biological factors. In this study, we analysed estimates of pollen quantity and viability in the gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima, comparing hermaphrodites bearing a male-fertile cytotype and hermaphrodites bearing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes, which are counteracted by nuclear restoration factors. We show that: (i) pollen quantity continuously varies among restored hermaphrodites, suggesting a complex genetic determination of nuclear restoration; (ii) pollen viability was lower in restored (CMS) hermaphrodites than in non-CMS hermaphrodites, probably because of incomplete restoration in some of these plants; and (iii) pollen quantity and viability also varied among hermaphrodites with male-fertile cytotypes, possibly a result of a silent cost of restoration. Finally, we discuss the consequences of these results for pollen flow and the dynamics of gynodioecy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical study of the sea-land breeze in Mar del Plata (Argentina) to characterize the periods of the year when the breeze affects pollen transport, particularly the dispersion of airborne Poaceae pollen between urban and rural areas. In order to analyse the sea breeze circulation, hourly data from coastal, urban and rural meteorological stations were used. The effect of the sea breeze on the particulate matter was analysed from syncronic hourly airborne pollen records from an urban and a rural area. A sea-land breeze appeared between spring and early autumn in the hours of greatest diurnal warming. Results showed that the surface wind direction most probably associated with this phenomenon is NE and E, the time of occurrence shifting to new directions following the counterclockwise rotation, according to theoretical models for the Southern Hemisphere. Poaceae emission takes place in the morning, during the hours of maximum insolation. However, after the occurrence of the breeze, a rise in pollen concentration between 2000 hours and 0200 hours is detected because of pollen reentrainment brought about by air recirculation. The results showed that breeze transport brings a regional component to pollen assemblage.  相似文献   

Moss polsters, pollen traps and lake surface sediment samples are commonly used as climate calibration data or as modern analogues for reconstructing vegetation from fossil profiles, but the differences in pollen content between these media have received little attention. This study aims to analyse how the three media differ in reflecting individual vegetation types and spatial differences in vegetation. 119 modern samples (64 moss polsters, 37 lake surface sediment samples and 18 pollen traps from which a collection was made annually) were taken from northern Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula as a broad transect crossing the northernmost forest limits of Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (mountain birch), Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) and Picea abies (Norway spruce). The pollen assemblages from these samples were compared with the surrounding vegetation visually and via PCA (principle components analysis) and cluster analysis. Both comparisons allow a correct distinction between pollen assemblages of arctic/alpine heath, mountain birch dominated areas, and boreal coniferous forests. The differences between the vegetation zones are stronger than the differences between the sampling media. Nevertheless, lake sediment samples from the mountain birch woodland zone tend to overestimate pine and underestimate birch. Pollen traps are biased towards lower tree pollen percentages and higher values of shrubs, herbs and Cyperaceae. This bias is especially strong in traps that have missing years in the data. Irrespective of the vegetation zone, pollen traps tend to have lower Pinus pollen percentages than in the adjacent moss polsters.  相似文献   

Long-term tree-line fluctuations have been studied using pollen and plant macrofossils preserved in lake sediments from three sites on an oceanic to continental transect in southern Norway. After deglaciation the early Holocene vegetation developed from an open pioneer herb-dominated vegetation into dwarf-shrub heath with shrubs, which was soon colonised by Betula and later also by Pinus sylvestris at the two lower sites. Maximum tree-line altitudes occurred in the early-to mid-Holocene. P. sylvestris reached 100–150 m higher than at present in continental areas, and 35–100 m higher on the west coast during the Holocene. Betula pubescens grew at altitudes that today reach 1300 m a.s.l. in Jotunheimen and 800 m a.s.l. in western Norway. The Pinus forest was at the two southwestern sites mixed with Betula and Alnus was closer to the sites between 8500 and 7500 cal years BP. A shift from mixed pine-birch woodland to birch woodland is seen from ca. 4300 cal years BP with the development of a sub-alpine birch belt followed by further recession of the birch forest. On the west coast, birch dominated only during the last 500–1000 years. Further decrease of woodland and opening of the landscape in the last 2000 years occurred due to climatic change and human impact such as sheep and cattle grazing.  相似文献   

Functional pollen is needed to successfully complete fertilization. Pollen is formed inside the anthers following a specific sequence of developmental stages, from microsporocyte meiosis to pollen release, that concerns microsporocytes/microspores and anther wall tissues. The processes involved may not be synchronous within a flower, an anther, and even a microsporangium. Asynchrony has been barely analyzed, and its biological consequences have not been yet assessed. In this review, different processes of pollen development and lifetime, stressing on the possible consequences of their differential timing on pollen performance, are summarized. Development is usually synchronized until microsporocyte meiosis I (occasionally until meiosis II). Afterwards, a period of mostly asynchronous events extends up to anther opening as regards: (1) meiosis II (sometimes); (2) microspore vacuolization and later reduction of vacuoles; (3) amylogenesis, amylolysis, and carbohydrate inter-conversion; (4) the first haploid mitosis; and (5) intine formation. Asynchrony would promote metabolic differences among developing microspores and therefore physiologically heterogeneous pollen grains within a single microsporangium. Asynchrony would increase the effect of competition for resources during development and pollen tube growth and also for water during (re)hydration on the stigma. The differences generated by developmental asynchronies may have an adaptive role since more efficient pollen grains would be selected with regard to homeostasis, desiccation tolerance, resilience, speed of (re)hydration, and germination. The performance of each pollen grain which landed onto the stigma will be the result of a series of selective steps determined by its development, physiological state at maturity, and successive environmental constrains.  相似文献   

Thirty-two new derivatives of cerpegin (1,1,5-trimethylfuro[3,4-c]pyridine-3,4-dione) were designed and synthesized in high yield by a new method, combining several C1 and N5 substituents. All compounds were tested for their inhibitory effect on the CT-L, T-L and PA proteolytic activities of a purified mammalian 20S proteasome. Only one molecule inhibited both CT-L and PA activities. Sixteen molecules specifically inhibited PA at the micromolar range, out of which fourteen had IC50 values around 5 μM and two had IC50 values closer to 2 μM. Except in one case, neither calpain I nor cathepsin B was inhibited. In silico docking suggests a unique mode of binding of the most efficient compounds to the β1 catalytic site (PA activity) in relation to the chemical nature of C1 substituents.  相似文献   

We explored the relationships between surface-soil (1–20 cm) organic carbon isotopic signatures and associated climatic factors in central-east Asia in an attempt to develop transfer functions that can be used to retrieve the paleoclimatic information stored in the thick eolian–paleosol sequences within the area. Our analysis shows that the negative correlation between the surface-soil organic δ13C values and the mean annual precipitation is robust (R2 = 0.453; n = 196; p < 0.05) and the negative correlation with the growing-season (April–September) precipitation is more significant (R2 = 0.4966; n = 196; p < 0.05). Our study further shows that the positive correlation between the surface-soil organic δ13C values and mean growing-season aridity is most significant (R2 = 0.5805; n = 196; p < 0.05). We have smoothed both the organic δ13C values and the mean growing-season aridity values using a 3-point moving-window average-filter method in an attempt to remove some of random errors and found that the positive correlation between the two is further increased (R2 =  0.7784; n =  192; p < 0.05). These robust linear relationships demonstrate their value in reconstructing paleoclimate changes in the study area. The documented climatic dependency of the surface-soil carbon isotopic composition in the study area might have resulted both from the humidity-related isotopic enrichment processes of the dominant C3 plants (stomatal conductance and photosynthetic discrimination) and from the aridity-related abundance of C4 plants (mainly Chenopodiaceae species) along the S–N bioclimatic gradient.  相似文献   

In order to survive periods of adverse cold climatic conditions, plant requirements are satisfied by means of physiological adaptations to prevent cells from freezing. Thus, the growth of woody plants in temperate regions slows down and they enter into a physiological state called dormancy. In order to identify the chilling and heat requirements to overcome the dormancy period of Betula in the south of Europe, a comparative study was carried out with aerobiological pollen data of a 7-year (1995-2001) period in Vigo (Spain) and Perugia (Italy). To satisfy chilling requirements, base temperatures of 7 degrees C and 5.75 degrees C showed a lower standard variation coefficient: 3.94% and 2.36% in Perugia and Vigo respectively. In the case of heat accumulation, the sum of mean temperatures in Perugia and the sum of maximum temperatures in Vigo were the parameters that showed a minor coefficient of variation (11.13% and 14.51% respectively).  相似文献   

Newsome SD  Miller GH  Magee JW  Fogel ML 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):1151-1162
The cause(s) of the late Pleistocene megafauna extinction on the Australian continent remains largely unresolved. Unraveling climatic forcing mechanisms from direct or indirect human agents of ecosystem alteration has proven to be extremely difficult in Australia due to the lack of (1) well-dated vertebrate fossils and (2) paleo-environmental and -ecological records spanning the past approximately 100 ka when regional climatic conditions are known to have significantly varied. We have examined the nitrogen isotope composition (δ(15)N) of modern emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) eggshells collected along a precipitation gradient in Australia, along with modern climatological data and dietary δ(15)N values. We then used modern patterns to interpret an approximately 130-ka record of δ(15)N values in extant Dromaius and extinct Genyornis newtoni eggshells from Lake Eyre to obtain a novel mean annual precipitation (MAP) record for central Australia spanning the extinction interval. Our data also provide the first detailed information on the trophic ecology and environmental preferences of two closely related taxa, one extant and one extinct. Dromaius eggshell δ(15)N values show a significant shift to higher values during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene, which we interpret to indicate more frequent arid conditions (<200 mm MAP), relative to δ(15)N from samples just prior to the megafauna extinction. Genyornis eggshells had δ(15)N values reflecting wetter nesting conditions overall relative to those of coeval Dromaius, perhaps indicating that Genyornis was more reliant on mesic conditions. Lastly, the Dromaius eggshell record shows a significant decrease in δ(13)C values prior to the extinction, whereas the Genyornis record does not. Neither species showed a concomitant change in δ(15)N prior to the extinction, which suggests that a significant change in vegetation surrounding Lake Eyre occurred prior to an increase in local aridity.  相似文献   

Rates of shell production rarely exceed 500 g CaCO3.m-2yr-1 in clastic sediments. Loss of shell carbonate by dissolution greatly exceeds loss by bioerosion and abrasion in most habitats. Rates of shell dissolution in modern sediments, estimated from rates of organic carbon degradation or measured directly, usually exceed 1000 g CaCo3.M-2yr-1. This taphonomic loss is concentrated at or just below the sediment-water interface in the taphonomically-active zone (TAZ). Consequently, except where rates of shell production are very high or rates of organic carbon degradation very low, shells cannot permanently accumulate on the sea floor. Preservation requires rapid burial, usually by physical 'event' processes, to slow down taphonomic loss. Only near the base of the TAZ does the long-term sedimentation rate become an effective mediator of shell preservation as sediment accumulation gradually removes buried shell material from the taphonomically-active zone.  相似文献   

The first results are presented of an aerobiological analysis of the atmosphere of the town of Almería, carried out between November 1995 and October 1996. A Lanzoni volumetric spore trap was used for sample collection. The composition and seasonal evolution of the pollen spectrum were determined over a 1-year period in relation to the vegetation and climatic conditions of the study area. Twenty-six pollen types were identified as accounting for >0.05% of the total pollen collected. The main sources of airborne pollen were Palmae (17.76%),Olea (16.10%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (13.99%), Urticaceae (10.18%) and Poaceae (8.64%). The annual pollen variation presented a period of maximum emission from March to June, with a subsequent, less intensive period from August to November. The minimum pollen values were obtained from December to February. The highest concentrations occurred in May, which was also the month which presented the highest pollen diversity, whereas the lowest values were observed in January.  相似文献   

The data of repeated surveys (1955, 1971, 1982, and 2013) of the vegetation on a transect crossing the Volga–Akhtuba floodplain near the settlement of Bolkhuny (Astrakhan region) have been analyzed. The highest xerophytization rate of the vegetation was revealed in 2013.  相似文献   

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