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An X-ray diffraction study of poly-L-arginine hydrochloride   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Suwalsky  W Traub 《Biopolymers》1972,11(3):623-632
An x-ray study has been made of polyarginine hydrochloride to investigate whether, like polylysine hydrochloride, it can undergo conformational changes merely from variations in the degree of hydration. X-ray powder and fiber photographs of specimens containing up to about five molecules of water per arginine residue show features characteristic of α-helical structures including a 5.4-Å layer line and a meridional 1.5-Å reflection. Increasing the water content from 1/2 to 61/2 molecules per residue causes the a axis of the hexagonal unit cell to increase from 14.4 Å to 15.8 Å, with no appreciable change in the 27.0 Å c axis. Removal of the last half molecule of water results in a very diffuse α pattern, but on rehydration the sharp pattern reappears. Specimens containing five to twenty water molecules per residue show quite a different pattern, the spacing of which do not vary appreciably with hydration. This pattern includes a meridional 3.4-Å reflection, a feature commonly shown by β structures, and indeed all the reflections can be satisfactorily indexed in terms of a monoclinic unit cell with a = 9.26 Å, b = 22.05 Å, c = 6.76 Å, and γ = 108.9°. These dimensions are shown by models to be compatible with a β pleated-sheet structure.  相似文献   

M Suwalsky  M Bunster 《Biopolymers》1975,14(6):1197-1204
An X-ray study of the synthetic polypeptide poly(L -homoarginine hydrochloride) has been made to investigate whether, like the chemically related polypeptides poly(L -lysine hydrochloride), poly(L -arginine hydrochloride), and poly(L -ornithine hydrobromide), it can undergo conformational transitions merely from variations in its degree of hydration. X-ray photographs of powder and oriented specimens containing one to 15 molecules of water per L -homoarginine hydrochloride residue showed that this polymer forms only a β-pleated-sheet structure. The pleated sheets, formed by antiparallel polypeptide chains hydrogen-bonded to each other, are piled up along the b axis in an alternating sequence (“sandwich structure”). This structure did not appreciably change with variations of the degree of hydration, and the observed reflections at 56% relative humidity (1.8 molecules of water per residue) could be indexed satisfactorily in terms of a monoclinic unit cell, of space group P21, with a = 9.34 Å, b = 40.07 Å, c = 6.94 Å, and γ = 106°. These dimensions are shown by models to be compatible with the proposed structure, and the calculated density of 1.27 g/cm3 agrees well with the experimental value of 1.29 g/cm3. Removal of the last molecule of water results in a very diffuse pattern, while specimens containing 20 molecules of water per residue show only reflections due to water.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a member of the globin family expressed in the vertebrate brain, involved in neuroprotection. A combined approach of X-ray diffraction (XRD) on single crystal and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in solution, allows to determine the oxidation state and the structure of the Fe-heme both in the bis-histidine and the CO-bound (NgbCO) states. The overall data demonstrate that under X-ray the iron is photoreduced fairly rapidly, and that the previously reported X-ray structure of ferric Ngb [B. Vallone, K. Nienhaus, M. Brunori, G.U. Nienhaus, Proteins 56 (2004) 85-92] very likely refers to a photoreduced species indistinguishable from the dithionite reduced protein. Results from the XAS analysis of NgbCO in solution are in good agreement with XRD data on the crystal. However prolonged X-ray exposure at 15 K determines CO release. This preliminary result paves the way to experiments aimed at the characterization of pentacoordinate ferrous Ngb, the only species competent in binding external ligands such as O2, CO or NO.  相似文献   

Quinn PJ  Wolf C 《The FEBS journal》2010,277(22):4685-4698
Protein sorting and assembly in membrane biogenesis and function involves the creation of ordered domains of lipids known as membrane rafts. The rafts are comprised of all the major classes of lipids, including glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids and sterol. Cholesterol is known to interact with sphingomyelin to form a liquid-ordered bilayer phase. Domains formed by sphingomyelin and cholesterol, however, represent relatively small proportions of the lipids found in membrane rafts and the properties of other raft lipids are not well characterized. We examined the structure of lipid bilayers comprised of aqueous dispersions of ternary mixtures of phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins from tissue extracts and cholesterol using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction methods. Analysis of the Bragg reflections using peak-fitting methods enables the distinction of three coexisting bilayer structures: (a) a quasicrystalline structure comprised of equimolar proportions of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, (b) a liquid-ordered bilayer of phospholipid and cholesterol, and (c) fluid phospholipid bilayers. The structures have been assigned on the basis of lamellar repeat spacings, relative scattering intensities and bilayer thickness of binary and ternary lipid mixtures of varying composition subjected to thermal scans between 20 and 50 °C. The results suggest that the order created by the quasicrystalline phase may provide an appropriate scaffold for the organization and assembly of raft proteins on both sides of the membrane. Co-existing liquid-ordered structures comprised of phospholipid and cholesterol provides an additional membrane environment for assembly of different raft proteins.  相似文献   

M. Suwalsky  A. Llanos 《Biopolymers》1977,16(2):403-413
A structural study of the synthetic polypeptide poly(L -lysine hydrobromide) has been made by X-ray fiber techniques. The investigation was undertaken to determine whelther this polymer undergoes conformational transitions as a function of hydration in a manner similar to other chemically related basic polypeptides. Specifically, a comparison with the previously reported structures of the hydrochloride form of poly(L -lysine) was sought. Homogeneous powder mixtures with various amounts of water and oriented fibers of poly(L -lysine hydrobromide) at different relative humidities were X-ray photographed. Reversible transitions amorphous state ? β-pleated sheet ? α-helix ? isotropic solution as a function of increasing/decreasing degrees of hydration were found. The β-pleated-sheet conformation was observed between 33% and 76% relative humidities (containing about one and three molecules of water per residue, respectively). Each pleated sheet was formed by “antiparallel” chains, and the sheets were piled up along the b-axis. The spacings of this conformation did not vary appreciably with hydration. The observed reflections at 52% relative humidity (1.4 molecules of water per residue) could be indexed satisfactorily in terms of an orthorhombic unit cell, of space group P21221, with a = 9.52 Å, b = 16.44 Å, and c = 6.80 Å. These dimensions were shown by models to be compatible with the proposed structure. The α-helix conformation was present in specimens photographed at 76% relative humidity and up, and containing between three and fifteen molecules of water per residue. The helices were packed parallel to each other in a hexagonal array but randomly along or about their lengths. Increasing the hydration from five to fifteen molecules of water per residue causes the a-axis to increase from 16.9 to 20.8 Å. Twenty molecules of water per residue produced an isotropic solution. Despite some structural differences between the hydrobromide and hydrochloride forms it is concluded that the role played by the anions is mainly related to determining the water content levels at which conformational changes occur. Therefore, the anions do not significantly influence the prevailing conformation in this particular system, but might affect the packing arrangement of the polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Oda T  Namba K  Maéda Y 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(4):2727-2736
Knowledge of the phalloidin binding position in F-actin and the relevant understanding of the mechanism of F-actin stabilization would help to define the structural characteristics of the F-actin filament. To determine the position of bound phalloidin experimentally, x-ray fiber diffraction data were obtained from well-oriented sols of F-actin and the phalloidin-F-actin complex. The differences in the layer-line intensity distributions, which were clearly observed even at low resolution (8 A), produced well-resolved peaks corresponding to interphalloidin vectors in the cylindrically averaged difference-Patterson map, from which the radial binding position was determined to be approximately 10 A from the filament axis. Then, the azimuthal and axial positions were determined by single isomorphous replacement phasing and a cross-Patterson map in radial projection to be approximately 84 degrees and 0.5 A relative to the actin mass center. The refined position was close to the position found by prior researchers. The position of rhodamine attached to phalloidin in the rhodamine-phalloidin-F-actin complex was also determined, in which the conjugated Leu(OH)(7) residue was found to face the outside of the filament. The position and orientation of the bound phalloidin so determined explain the increase in the interactions between long-pitch strands of F-actin and would also account for the inhibition of phosphate release, which might also contribute to the F-actin stabilization. The method of analysis developed in this study is applicable for the determination of binding positions of other drugs, such as jasplakinolide and dolastatin 11.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine-cholesterol mixtures at a molar ratio of 2:1 were investigated by X-ray diffraction. Phase separation of cholesterol independent of temperature was detected, indicating limited solubility of cholesterol in phosphatidylserine bilayers. The second phase present, the mixed phospholipid-cholesterol phase, continued to undergo melting as determined by changes with temperature in both the small angle scattering profile and in the acyl chain packing.  相似文献   

Low-angle X-ray diffraction patterns have been recorded from the cornea. A fibre diagram was obtained: the reflections from the axial period of collagen were on the equator while reflections from the collagen fibril lattice structure were on the meridian. Only the reflections from tha array of collagen fibrils have been studied. These reflections contain a primary first-order reflection and up to four subsidiary maxima. The first-order reflection from the array provides an estimate of the interfibril separation distance. Evidence is presented that the subsidiary maxima are consistent with the intensity transform of a uniform cylinder with a constant radius. Values for the fibril diameters and the interfibril distances are obtained for corneas from rabbit, cow and frog and from corneas of two marine fishes: toadfish and skate. Although the volume fraction of the collagen fibrils cannot be directly evaluated, an upper limit can be given. Thus, an upper limit of 0.28 was obtained for rabbit cornea.  相似文献   

Using a synchrotron X-ray source, it has been possible to record a low-angle diffraction pattern from fresh bovine corneal stroma.The pattern can be interpreted as arising from the short-range order packing of collagen fibrils in lamellae. Model calculations suggest that the positions of the fibrils remain correlated over distances corresponding to, at most, three fibril diameters (~ 120 nm). These results support theories of transparency of the cornea based on short-range order.Further, a study of the fibril spacing as a function of hydration confirms that water uptake occurs largely between the lamellae and in regions devoid of collagen fibrils, and shows that the fibril diameter increases with hydration.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone insulin forms a spherical aggregate, called a spherulite, at low pH and high temperature. A spherulite is composed of a core and many fibrils extending from it. These fibrils are thought to be amyloid fibers with a beta-sheet structure. In the present study, spherulites with a diameter of 50-100 microm were examined by X-ray fiber diffraction using a 6 microm beam. When a spherulite was scanned with the microbeam and the observed diffraction patterns were arranged in a two-dimensional array, the direction of the scatter was centrosymmetric, demonstrating a symmetric growth of fibrils. There were diffraction peaks at Bragg spacings of 23 nm, 3.3 nm and 1.2 nm in the direction perpendicular to the fibrils and 0.48 nm along the fibrils. The 0.48 nm reflection shows that the hydrogen bonds between beta-strands are along the fibril. The 23 nm reflection corresponds to the separation between fibrils, the 3.3 nm reflection is due to the arrangement of protofilaments, and the 1.2 nm reflection arises from the arrangement of peptide chains. On the basis of these results, a model of a fibril with an extended insulin molecule is proposed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Fab of McPC603, a phosphocholine-binding mouse myeloma protein, has been refined at 2.7 A resolution by a combination of restrained least-squares refinement and molecular modeling. The overall structure remains as previously reported, with an elbow bend angle between the variable and constant modules of 133 degrees. Some adjustments have been made in the structure of the loops as a result of the refinement. The hypervariable loops are all visible in the electron density map with the exception of three residues in the first hypervariable loop of the light chain. A sulfate ion occupies the site of binding of the phosphate moiety of phosphocholine.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant (LS) is an extra-cellular lipid-protein system responsible for maintaining low surface tension in the lung and alveolar stability. Serum proteins cause dysfunction of this material, e.g. in adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). BLES is a clinically used LS consisting of most of the lipids and associated proteins from bovine lung lavage. Aqueous phases of BLES at 30% and 70% hydration, with and without 5% by weight of bovine serum albumin (BSA), calculated on the amount of lipids, were studied using X-ray diffraction during cooling from 42 to 5 degrees C. The diffraction curves are consistent with a transition from a lamellar liquid crystalline phase to a gel phase transition at cooling in the interval 30-20 degrees C. The long-spacings correspond to a reduction of the bilayer thickness during this transition. The wide-angle region shows a peak at 4.1 A below 25 degrees C, which is characteristic of the hexagonal chain packing of the gel phase. The perturbation of the bilayers by the presence of BSA seems to induce a significant decrease of the bilayer thickness. Calculations on the observed limits of swelling (taking place in the range 50-60%) indicate that BSA is closely associated with the BLES bilayers, probably due to electrostatic interaction with the cationic surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. This study show that the LS lipid structural organizations are extremely susceptible to small amounts of serum albumin, which may have implications in surfactant related lung disease and clinical applications of surfactant therapy.  相似文献   

Free-electron lasers could provide femtosecond X-ray flashes with a peak brilliance 10-11 orders of magnitude higher than that which is currently available from synchrotrons. Such pulses may allow structural studies of single biomolecules before radiation damage destroys them and may permit the imaging of complex structures without the need to amplify scattered radiation through Bragg reflections.  相似文献   

The wide angle X-ray diffraction pattern of air-dried lens capsule collagen under tension is the same as the tendon collagen diffraction pattern with regard to the main reflections, and indicates that lens capsule collagen has the characteristic three-stranded helical structure with an axial repeat of 0.29 nm as tendon collagen. The low angle X-ray diffraction pattern shows several weak diffraction maxima corresponding to the meridional reflections of capsule collagen which show orders of 63.0 nm periodicity. This is an evidence of quarter staggered molecular assembly typical of tendon collagen even if less ordered. The results are consistent with the existence in lens capsule collagen of clearly defined molecular units, which can be oriented by stress and are packed in a poor-ordered fibrillar assembly.  相似文献   

Amorphous whey, whey-permeate and lactose powders have been crystallised at various air temperatures and humidities, and these crystallised powders have been examined using X-ray diffraction. The most stable lactose crystal under normal storage conditions, alpha-lactose monohydrate, forms preferentially in whey and whey-permeate powders at 50 degrees C, provided sufficient moisture is available, whereas anhydrous beta-lactose and mixed anhydrous lactose crystals, which are unstable under normal storage conditions, form preferentially at 90 degrees C. Thus, faster crystallisation at higher temperatures is offset by the formation of lactose-crystal forms that are less stable under normal storage conditions. Very little alpha-lactose monohydrate crystallised in the pure lactose powders over the range of temperatures and humidities tested, because the crystallisation of alpha- and beta-lactose is considerably more rapid than the mutarotation of beta- to alpha-lactose in the amorphous phase and the hydration of alpha-lactose during crystallisation. Protein and salts hinder the crystallisation process, which provides more time for mutarotation and crystal hydration in the whey and whey-permeate powders.  相似文献   

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