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Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an innate immune protein. The aim of our study was to determine whether genetically determined MBL deficiency is associated with susceptibility to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and whether MBL2 genotypes are associated with JRA severity.  相似文献   



The Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) pathway of complement plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury after experimental ischemic stroke. As comparable data in human ischemic stroke are limited, we investigated in more detail the association of MBL deficiency with infarction volume and functional outcome in a large cohort of patients receiving intravenous thrombolysis or conservative treatment.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a post hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study, admission MBL concentrations were determined in 353 consecutive patients with an acute ischemic stroke of whom 287 and 66 patients received conservative and thrombolytic treatment, respectively. Stroke severity, infarction volume, and functional outcome were studied in relation to MBL concentrations at presentation to the emergency department. MBL levels on admission were not influenced by the time from symptom onset to presentation (p = 0.53). In the conservative treatment group patients with mild strokes at presentation, small infarction volumes or favorable outcomes after three months demonstrated 1.5 to 2.6-fold lower median MBL levels (p = 0.025, p = 0.0027 and p = 0.046, respectively) compared to patients with more severe strokes. Moreover, MBL deficient patients (<100 ng/ml) were subject to a considerably decreased risk of an unfavorable outcome three months after ischemic stroke (adjusted odds ratio 0.38, p<0.05) and showed smaller lesion volumes (mean size 0.6 vs. 18.4 ml, p = 0.0025). In contrast, no association of MBL concentration with infarction volume or functional outcome was found in the thrombolysis group. However, the small sample size limits the significance of this observation.


MBL deficiency is associated with smaller cerebral infarcts and favorable outcome in patients receiving conservative treatment. Our data suggest an important role of the lectin pathway in the pathophysiology of cerebral I/R injury and might pave the way for new therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Snakes elicit a higher level of fear than other vertebrate animals, yet specific cues responsible for fear of snakes are equivocal. The bright colouration hypothesis suggests that fear responses to snakes are triggered by aposematic colouration, not by snakes per se. We investigated the role of aposematic colouration in fear of snakes in a sample of 10- to 15-year-old Slovak children. Both aposematically and cryptically coloured snakes presented as both colour and black-and-white pictures received higher perceived fear scores than other vertebrates. This suggests that aposematic colouration does not play a crucial role in eliciting fear of snakes. Our results support the snake detection theory suggesting that the human visual system has been influenced by long coexistence between predatory snakes and mammals. As a result, humans have evolved an attentional bias ultimately focused on the correct and rapid detection of these threats.  相似文献   

While the ecological consequences of roads are well described, little is known of their role as agents of natural selection, which can shape adaptive and maladaptive responses in populations influenced by roads. This knowledge gap persists despite a growing appreciation for the influence of evolution in human-altered environments. There, insights indicate that natural selection typically results in local adaptation. Thus, populations influenced by road-induced selection should evolve fitness advantages in their local environment. Contrary to this expectation, wood frog tadpoles from roadside populations show evidence of a fitness disadvantage, consistent with local maladaptation. Specifically, in reciprocal transplants, roadside populations survive at lower rates compared to populations away from roads. A key question remaining is whether roadside environmental conditions experienced by early stage embryos induce this outcome. This represents an important missing piece in evaluating the evolutionary nature of this maladaptation pattern. Here, I address this gap using a reciprocal transplant experiment designed to test the hypothesis that embryonic exposure to roadside pond water induces a survival disadvantage. Contrary to this hypothesis, my results show that reduced survival persists when embryonic exposure is controlled. This outcome indicates that the survival disadvantage is parentally mediated, either genetically and/or through inherited environmental effects. This result suggests that roadside populations are either truly maladapted or potentially locally adapted at later life stages. I discuss these interpretations, noting that regardless of mechanism, patterns consistent with maladaptation have important implications for conservation. In light of the pervasiveness of roads, further resolution explaining maladaptive responses remains a critical challenge in conservation.  相似文献   

Correlated suites of behaviours, or behavioural syndromes, appear to be widespread, and yet few studies have explored how they arise and are maintained. One possibility holds that correlational selection can generate and maintain behavioural syndrome if certain behavioural combinations enjoy greater fitness than other combinations. Here we test this correlational selection hypothesis by comparing behavioural syndrome structure with a multivariate fitness surface based on reproductive success of male water striders. We measured the structure of a behavioural syndrome including dispersal ability, exploration behaviour, latency to remount and sex recognition sensitivity in males. We then measured the relationship between these behaviours and mating success in a range of sex ratio environments. Despite the presence of some significant correlational selection, behavioural syndrome structure was not associated with correlational selection on behaviours. Although we cannot conclusively reject the correlational selection hypothesis, our evidence suggests that correlational selection and resulting linkage disequilibrium might not be responsible for maintaining the strong correlations between behaviours. Instead, we suggest alternative ways in which this behavioural syndrome may have arisen and outline the need for physiological and quantitative genetic tests of these suggestions.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on understanding the evolution of parental care, with fishes providing important model systems for understanding patterns of variation within and between species. Classic theory predicts that individuals will care for offspring when the fitness benefits through increased offspring survival and growth outweigh the cost to the parents through decreased future reproductive opportunities. Yet, a puzzling observation not explained by this basic theory is the fact that in some species individuals defend and provision unrelated offspring and thus exhibit alloparental care. The tessellated darter, Etheostoma olmstedi, represents one of the first known examples of allopaternal care in fishes. In this species, males often clean and guard eggs fertilized but deserted by other males. Allopaternal care has been argued to occur in the tessellated darter because of competition for a limited number of mating sites where less dominant males accept territories with eggs when other breeding sites are not available. Here, we test this hypothesis using male territory choice experiments. When allowed to choose between two otherwise identical territories either containing eggs fertilized by another male or with no eggs, males spent significantly more time at territories with eggs. This demonstrates that competition for mating territories is not the primary factor explaining the existence of allopaternal care in the tessellated darter. Instead, males of this species may exhibit allopaternal care to dilute predator pressure on their own eggs or because females prefer to mate with males whose territories contain eggs.  相似文献   



Accidental epiphytism is common among vascular plants in forest ecosystems around the globe. A frequent observation in surveys of accidental epiphytes is the occurrence of few species with high epiphytic abundance, while most co-occurring terrestrial species are rarely found as epiphytes.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a serum protein of the innate immune system. After binding to a microorganism, MBL in complex with MBL-associated serine proteases activates the complement system, resulting in cleavage of complement factor C3. Cleaved C3 on the surface of the microorganism mediates opsonization for clearance, but the impact of MBL on subsequent phagocytosis has not been widely studied. We investigated the role of MBL in complement activation and phagocytosis of various bacteria and yeast species by flow cytometry. We measured both the C3 deposition during serum opsonization of fluorescent-labeled microorganisms as well as subsequent uptake of these microorganisms by human neutrophils. In MBL-deficient sera, a consistently decreased C3 deposition on both zymosan and Candida albicans was found and a reduced phagocytosis by neutrophils that was restored by exogenous MBL. This indicates that the lectin pathway of complement activation is important for the opsonophagocytosis of yeasts. In contrast, the C1q-dependent classical pathway dominated in the opsonization and phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli, whereas no effect of MBL was found. Both the lectin and the classical pathway of complement activation were highly amplified by the alternative route for opsonophagocytosis by neutrophils of yeast as well as microbial species. In summary, our data demonstrate that yeast species are preferentially opsonized and subsequently phagocytosed via activation of the lectin pathway of complement, whereas the uptake of bacterial strains was found to be largely MBL independent.  相似文献   



Soil characteristics have been hypothesised as one of the possible mechanisms leading to monodominance of Gilbertiodendron dewerei in some areas of Central Africa where higher-diversity forest would be expected. However, the differences in soil characteristics between the G. dewevrei-dominated forest and its adjacent mixed forest are still poorly understood. Here we present the soil characteristics of the G. dewevrei forest and quantify whether soil physical and chemical properties in this monodominant forest are significantly different from the adjacent mixed forest.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We sampled top soil (0–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–30 cm) and subsoil (150–200 cm) using an augur in 6 × 1 ha areas of intact central Africa forest in SE Cameroon, three independent patches of G. dewevrei-dominated forest and three adjacent areas (450–800 m apart), all chosen to be topographically homogeneous. Analysis – subjected to Bonferroni correction procedure – revealed no significant differences between the monodominant and mixed forests in terms of soil texture, median particle size, bulk density, pH, carbon (C) content, nitrogen (N) content, C:N ratio, C:total NaOH-extractable P ratio and concentrations of labile phosphorous (P), inorganic NaOH-extractable P, total NaOH-extractable P, aluminium, barium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium and zinc. Prior to Bonferroni correction procedure, there was a significant lower level of silicon concentration found in the monodominant than mixed forest deep soil; and a significant lower level of nickel concentration in the monodominant than mixed forest top soil. Nevertheless, these were likely to be the results of multiple tests of significance.


Our results do not provide clear evidence of soil mediation for the location of monodominant forests in relation to adjacent mixed forests. It is also likely that G. dewevrei does not influence soil chemistry in the monodominant forests.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration in unpalatable organisms acts as a warning signal of their unprofitability, a phenomenon known as aposematism. The protection conferred by such colouration can lead to evolutionary convergence in warning signals between aposematic species, because sharing warning signals reduces the per capita cost of predator learning. Consequently, most aposematic species display a single colour pattern and participate in a single mimetic community (i.e. mimicry ring) at any given locality. However, some, like the Amazonian butterfly Heliconius numata, are polymorphic and participate in several mimicry rings within the same locality. We tested whether the unexpected polymorphism of H. numata could be due to a weak defence against predators. Poorly defended species participating in a mimicry ring are subject to negative frequency dependent selection, because their presence weakens the protection provided by the shared signal. This could promote polymorphism and participation in multiple mimicry rings. Using wild caught great tits (Parus major), we compared the palatability of H. numata to one of its locally monomorphic co-mimics (Mechanitis polymnia) and to two other locally monomorphic Heliconius species (H. melpomene and H. erato). The tested birds strongly rejected the polymorphic species H. numata, as well as the two other Heliconius species. Unexpectedly, a significantly weaker rejection was found towards M. polymnia, which relies on different toxic compounds to Heliconius. Our study demonstrates that the origin of polymorphic mimicry in H. numata is unlikely to stem from low unpalatability and raises new questions on defence variation within mimetic communities.  相似文献   

The average effect of errors acting on a genetic code (the change in amino-acid meaning resulting from point mutation and mistranslation) may be quantified as its ''load''. The natural genetic code shows a clear property of minimizing this load when compared against randomly generated variant codes. Two hypotheses may be considered to explain this property. First, it is possible that the natural code is the result of selection to minimize this load. Second, it is possible that the property is an historical artefact. It has previously been reported that amino acids that have been assigned to codons starting with the same base come from the same biosynthetic pathway. This probably reflects the manner in which the code evolved from a simpler code, and says more about the physicochemical mechanisms of code assembly than about selection. The apparent load minimization of the code may therefore follow as a consequence of the fact that the code could not have evolved any other way than to allow biochemically related amino acids to have related codons. Here then, we ask whether this ''historical'' force alone can explain the efficiency of the natural code in minimizing the effects of error. We therefore compare the error-minimizing ability of the natural code with that of alternative codes which, rather than being a random selection, are restricted such that amino acids from the same biochemical pathway all share the same first base. We find that although on average the restricted set of codes show a slightly higher efficiency than random ones, the real code remains extremely efficient relative to this subset P = 0.0003. This indicates that for the most part historical features do not explain the load- minimization property of the natural code. The importance of selection is further supported by the finding that the natural code''s efficiency improves relative to that of historically related codes after allowance is made for realistic mutational and mistranslational biases. Once mistranslational biases have been considered, fewer than four per 100,000 alternative codes are better than the natural code.  相似文献   

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have subnormal vitamin B6 status, both quantitatively and functionally. Abnormal vitamin B6 status in rheumatoid arthritis has been associated with spontaneous tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α production and markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Impaired vitamin B6 status could be a result of inflammation, and these patients may have higher demand for vitamin B6. The aim of this study was to determine if daily supplementation with 50 mg of pyridoxine for 30 days can correct the static and/or the functional abnormalities of vitamin B6 status seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and further investigate if pyridoxine supplementation has any effects on the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α or IL-6 production of arthritis. This was a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study involving patients with rheumatoid arthritis with plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate below the 25th percentile of the Framingham Heart Cohort Study. Vitamin B6 status was assessed via plasma and erythrocyte pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentrations, the erythrocyte aspartate aminotransferase activity coefficient (αEAST), net homocysteine increase in response to a methionine load test (ΔtHcy), and 24 h urinary xanthurenic acid (XA) excretion in response to a tryptophan load test. Urinary 4-pyridoxic acid (4-PA) was measured to examine the impact of pyridoxine treatment on vitamin B6 excretion in these patients. Pro-inflammatory cytokine (TNF-α and IL-6) production, C-reactive protein levels and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate before and after supplementation were also examined. Pyridoxine supplementation significantly improved plasma and erythrocyte pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentrations, erythrocyte αEAST, urinary 4-PA, and XA excretion. These improvements were apparent regardless of baseline B6 levels. Pyridoxine supplementation also showed a trend (p < 0.09) towards a reduction in post-methionine load ΔtHcy. Supplementation did not affect pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Although pyridoxine supplementation did not suppress pro-inflammatory cytokine production in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the suboptimal vitamin B6 status seen in rheumatoid arthritis can be corrected by 50 mg pyridoxine supplementation for 30 days. Data from the present study suggest that patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have higher requirements for vitamin B6 than those in a normal healthy population.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):97-99

(1) Net assimilation and respiration rates were measured at intervals after re-moistening, following various periods of desiccation, in Hookeria lucens, Hylocomium splendens, Neckera crispa, Plagiochila spinulosa, Plagiothecium undulatum, Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Saccogyna viticulosa, Scorpiurium circinatum and Tortula ruraliformis.

(2) Rhacomitrium lanuginosum was extremely resistant, recovering apparently normally after 239 days' desiccation at 32% R.H.; Plagiochila spinulosa and Hookeria lucens were the most sensitive.

(3) Rhacomitrium lanuginosum and Tortula ruraliformis were most quickly damaged at the highest humidity (76%) and Plagiothecium undulatum at the lowest humidity tested (32%).

(4) Saccogyna viticulosa and Scorpiurium circinatum combined relatively rapid impairment and slow recovery of assimilation with the capacity to survive long dry periods.

(5) Dark respiration was relatively slow (commonly c. 5–20% of net assimilation). It usually showed a slight initial stimulation and a longer-term build-up following moderate or prolonged desiccation.

(6) Desiccation responses of bryophytes can be characterized in terms of parameters defining rate of loss of photosynthetic capacity with desiccationtime, rate of recovery after short periods of desiccation, and survival.  相似文献   

Schwilk  D.W.  Keeley  J.E.  Bond  W.J. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):77-84
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis is a widely accepted generalization regarding patterns of species diversity, but may not hold true where fire is the disturbance. In the Mediterranean-climate shrublands of South Africa, called fynbos, fire is the most importance disturbance and a controlling factor in community dynamics. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis states that diversity will be highest at sites that have had an intermediate frequency of disturbance and will be lower at sites that have experienced very high or very low disturbance frequencies. Measures of diversity are sensitive to scale; therefore, we compared species richness for three fire regimes in South African mountain fynbos to test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis over different spatial scales from 1 m2 to 0.1 hectares. Species diversity response to fire frequency was highly scale-dependent, but the relationship between species diversity and disturbance frequency was opposite that predicted by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. At the largest spatial scales, species diversity was highest at the least frequently burned sites (40 years between fires) and lowest at the sites of moderate (15 to 26 years between fires) and high fire frequency (alternating four and six year fire cycle). Community heterogeneity, measured both as the slope of the species-area curve for a site and as the mean dissimilarity in species composition among subplots within a site, correlated with species diversity at the largest spatial scales. Community heterogeneity was highest at the least frequently burned sites and lowest at the sites that experienced an intermediate fire frequency.  相似文献   

Because culture requires transmission of information between individuals, thinking about the origin of culture has mainly focused on the genetic evolution of abilities for social learning. Current theory considers how social learning affects the adaptiveness of a single cultural trait, yet human culture consists of the accumulation of very many traits. Here we introduce a new modeling strategy that tracks the adaptive value of many cultural traits, showing that genetic evolution favors only limited social learning owing to the accumulation of maladaptive as well as adaptive culture. We further show that culture can be adaptive, and refined social learning can evolve, if individuals can identify and discard maladaptive culture. This suggests that the evolution of such "adaptive filtering" mechanisms may have been crucial for the birth of human culture.  相似文献   



Mannose-binding Lectin protein (MBL) has been suggested to be relevant in the defence against infections in immunosuppressed individuals. In a Swedish adult cohort immunosuppressed from both the underlying disease and from iatrogenic treatments for their underlying disease we investigated the role of MBL in susceptibility to infection.


In this cross sectional, prospective study, blood samples obtained from 96 neutropaenic febrile episodes, representing 82 individuals were analysed for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MBL2 gene. Concurrent measurement of plasma MBL protein concentrations was also performed for observation of acute response during febrile episodes.


No association was observed between MBL2 genotype or plasma MBL concentrations, and the type or frequency of infection. Adding to the literature, we found no evidence that viral infections or co-infections with virus and bacteria would be predisposed by MBL deficiency. We further saw no correlation between MBL2 genotype and the risk of fever. However, fever duration in febrile neutropaenic episodes was negatively associated with MBL2 SNP mutations (p<0.05). Patients with MBL2 SNP mutations presented a median febrile duration of 1.8 days compared with 3 days amongst patients with wildtype MBL2 genotype.


We found no clear association between infection, or infection type to MBL2 genotypes or plasma MBL concentration, and add to the reports casting doubts on the benefit of recombinant MBL replacement therapy use during iatrogenic neutropaenia.  相似文献   

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