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Over‐winter survival of salmonids in streams is thought to be an important population regulation mechanism. Yet because of the difficulty of conducting field studies due to adverse weather or ice conditions, compared to other seasons, salmonid ecology during winter is least understood. Consequently, we sought to examine interspecific feeding associations of an important salmonid stream assemblage in the Lake Ontario watershed during winter. The diets of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr, brown trout (S. trutta) parr, and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) parr were significantly different in February but not in March. Salmonid diets differed from the benthos and the drift during both months. Dipterans (chironomids, simuliids, and tipulids) and ephemerellids were the major prey taxa consumed. All three species fed more heavily on prey items from the benthos than from the drift. The diet of Atlantic salmon had the highest similarity to the benthos whereas the diet of brown trout had the lowest similarity to the drift. All three salmonid species generally selected ephemerellids, limnephilids, and chironomids and avoided elmids. These winter feeding observations are the first reported for this specific salmonid assemblage and will help managers better understand interspecific associations during this critical period.  相似文献   

The intensity of male–male aggression during mating is predicted to increase with the operational sex ratio (OSR) (the ratio of sexually active males to females). We observed aggressive behaviour in relation to OSR within alternative phenotypes (large anadromous males and small ‘sneaker’ mature male parr) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, as they competed for access to anadromous females in large outdoor arenas immediately prior to spawning events as well as throughout the spawning season. Anadromous males were primarily aggressive outside of spawning events, and their aggression increased with OSR over a narrow range of 0.08–4. By contrast, mature male parr were aggressive just prior to spawning, with a decrease in aggression over a broad range of OSRs from 1 to 7.4. Similarly, literature data for three other salmonid species indicated a decrease in aggression with increasing OSRs over a range of 1–6.33. These observations suggest that there is considerable variability in competitive behaviour, even within alternative phenotypes. Because our data are derived from repeated observations on the same individuals of different genetic origin, further confirmation of these findings is desirable. Nevertheless, our study underscores the importance of measuring competitive behaviour and OSR at ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales, both of which may differ between alternative maturation phenotypes.  相似文献   

The overwinter mortality rate of underyearling S2 Atlantic salmon parr (fish that will remain in fresh water for at least two years prior to smoltification) was almost ten times greater than that of S1 parr (fish that will smoltify after 1 year in fresh water) kept under similar conditions. The loss of condition ( K factor) of the S2 parr was proportionally greater than that of S1 parr during the early winter months and this coincided with a marked lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia in the S2 parr. Limited evidence indicates that S2 parr have chronically elevated blood cortisol levels during the winter months. It is suggested that chronic stress resulting (in part) from nutritional deficiency has a debilitating effect on the defence systems of these fish. The ultimate cause of mortality in most cases was bacterial fin-rot and/or fungal ( Saprolegnia ) infection. These findings are discussed in relation to the habitat requirements of overwintering salmonid fish.  相似文献   

In general, hatchery salmonid smolts experience higher mortality during migration than wild smolts, which is suggested to be due to domestication effects and that hatchery fish lack experience of the natural environment. However, possible differences in feeding during smolt migration between hatchery and wild smolts have rarely been addressed. We compared the number of feeding smolts and stomach fullness among wild Atlantic salmon smolts, hatchery-reared smolts released as 1-year-old parr, and hatchery-reared smolts released as 2-year-old smolts during their descent to sea in River Tornionjoki. In addition, estimations of prey selection among the smolt groups were conducted. A high proportion of wild smolts and smolts stocked as parr actively fed during the smolt migration. A lower proportion of smolts stocked as smolts was feeding and their stomach fullness were much reduced in comparison with the two other groups. The study also indicated that the feeding of migrating smolts is selective rather than opportunistic. In conclusion, this study suggests that stocked 2-year-old smolts may enter sea with an inferior foraging behaviour and it is a possibility that this may contribute to the observed low post-smolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Following the outbreak of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) at salmon farms in Scotland, UK, a survey was established to determine the extent of infection in wild fish. All fish tested were free from the clinical symptoms of ISA. Isolations of ISAV were made from 5 sea trout within areas where ISA affected salmon farms were located. Evidence for ISAV in other sea trout was provided by ISA RT-PCR diagnostic tests. Results from ISA RT-PCR tests reveal evidence for ISAV being present in salmon parr, adult salmon and juvenile brown trout in rivers distant from salmon farms and indicate that, at the time of the survey (1998-1999), ISAV may have been widely distributed. Nucleotide sequence analysis of segments 2 and 8 showed that for most sequences from wild fish there was 100% homology with ISAV isolated from clinically affected farmed fish although evidence is presented which indicates variability in ISAV sequences from wild fish. Modelling the RT-PCR findings indicates that ISAV among salmonid fish was spatially non-random. Brown trout, sea trout and salmon (adult and parr) show a pattern of occasionally large numbers of positive samples against a background of very low numbers.  相似文献   

This study examined whether dominant migratory males (adopting fighter tactics) of the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou would more aggressively attack large mature male parr (adopting sneaker tactics) as large mature male parr are expected to have the potential to cause a greater decrease in fertilization success. The frequency of aggressive behaviour was not related to the body size of males, and it increased with the frequency of interactions with mature male parr. The fertilization success of mature male parr was much lower than migratory males, and no relationship was observed between fertilization success and aggressive behaviour. The low fertilization success of mature male parr, despite infrequent aggressive behaviour by migratory males, indicates that there might be little benefit for migratory males to attack mature male parr more aggressively according to their body size.  相似文献   

A von Bertalanffy growth model for young-of the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in a small French coastal stream was fitted using water temperatures and densities of juvenile salmonids (S. salar and brown trout Salmo trutta) as covariates influencing daily growth rate. The Bayesian framework was used as a template to integrate prior information from external data sets. The relative influence of the covariates on parr growth was quantified and results showed that growth of S. salar juveniles depended on both water temperatures and densities, but that most of the spatiotemporal variability of growth resulted from local spatiotemporal variations of 0+ age salmonid (S. salar and S. trutta) densities. Further analysis revealed that the fluctuations in young-of-the-year salmonid densities are likely to dominate the effects of potential future warming of water temperature due to climate change. It is concluded that factors that could affect salmonid densities might well have a greater effect on S. salar population dynamics than factors influencing water temperatures.  相似文献   

Swimming ability of wild brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis , brown trout Salmo trutta , anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , and landlocked Atlantic salmon was examined using fixed and increasing velocity tests. Although brook trout and salmon parr were collected from the same site, brook trout were found generally in slow-moving pools whereas salmon were more common in faster riffle areas. Salmon parr could hold station indefinitely in currents in which brook trout could only maintain themselves briefly. Therefore, selection of fast-water areas by salmon parr may impose a velocity barrier to sympatric juvenile brook trout, reducing competition between the species. Performance comparisons also indicate that anadromous Atlantic salmon possess slightly greater sustained ability than landlocked salmon, possibly due to altered selective pressure associated with their different life histories. Finally, fishways and culverts in Newfoundland can now be designed using models generated from performance data collected from native salmonid species.  相似文献   

The olfactory responses of mature male Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) parr to known odorants were studied after exposure of the olfactory epithelia to water of varying pH. Electrophysiological recordings from the olfactory epithelia indicated that the responses of fish to both testosterone and urine from ovulated female Atlantic salmon were significantly reduced at pH 5·5 and 4·5 and abolished at pH 3·5. Concentration response studies indicated that at pH 5·5 and 6·5 significantly higher concentrations of testosterone and urine were required to produce the same amplitude responses as controls. Both testosterone and urine have previously been shown to be important chemical cues eliciting behavioural and physiological responses in Atlantic salmon. The results are therefore discussed in relation to the possible sublethal effects of acidification on reproduction and behaviour of Atlantic salmon and the effects on salmonid stocks.  相似文献   

European beaver dams impeded movements of anadromous salmonids as it was established by fishing survey, fish tagging and redd counts in two lowland streams in Lithuania. Significant differences in abundancies of other litophilic fish species and evenness of representation by species in the community were detected upstream and downstream of the beaver dams. Sea trout parr marked with RFID tags passed through several successive beaver dams in upstream direction, but no tagged fish were detected above the uppermost dam. Increase in abundances of salmonid parr in the stream between the beaver dams and decrease below the dams were recorded in November, at the time of spawning of Atlantic salmon and sea trout, but no significant changes were detected in the sections upstream of the dams. After construction of several additional beaver dams in the downstream sections of the studied streams, abundance of Atlantic salmon parr downstream of the dams decreased considerably in comparison with that estimated before construction.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sexually immature and sexually mature precocious male Baltic salmon,Salmo salar, parr from Umeälven (Ume river) were tested for rheotactic behaviour and adaptation to seawater before, during, and after the time period for smolt migration. Size of fish at the beginning of the experiment in January was on average 13.5 cm. Rheotactic behaviour was tested in annular stream tanks with photocells to measure upstream and downstream movements. Samples of fish were given a Seawater challenge test at monthly intervals in order to determine their ability to adapt to 20%. saltwater. During spring, both immature and sexually precocious parr became silvery and showed progressive development of downstream-directed movements. In early June the fish exhibited good hypoosmoregulatory ability in 20%. saltwater and swimming was predominantly downstream. During late June and early July there was a marked reversal in swimming behaviour, accompanied by a dramatic change in saltwater adaptation. The fish moved mainly upstream and showed decreasing ability to meet the seawater challenge test. This was accompanied by a loss of silvery coloration. The annual cycle of swimming behaviour and seawater adaptation is discussed in relation to the appearance of a smolt-window, i.e., a critical interval for smolt migration.  相似文献   

The identification of two wild salmonid smolts, suspected to be hybrids between Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) and trout ( S trutta ) on morphological grounds, was confirmed by electrophoretic separation of serum proteins. A third, trout-like, hybrid was identified in a sample of parr. Hybrids showed presence of both parent types of esterase, prealbumin and transferrin.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon or parr ( Salmo salar L.) maintain station at certain locations in flowing stream water. This position choice is assumed to involve the maximization of energy intake, based upon food availability which is usually directly related to water flow rate. Conversely energy expenditure, including station holding behaviour, foraging and defending preferred sites, is inversely related to water flow rate. Adaptations of parr to life in fast flows implies that station holding is energetically inexpensive at water speeds up to the maximum sustained holding speed, which is fish specific, thus the most important energetic consideration for parr is the ability to maximize food intake. Ten groups of three parr were each observed for 60 min within an artificial stream tank over a heterogeneous substratum. Individual position choice and behaviour were recorded continuously. For each location chosen by the parr the potential upstream line‐of‐sight (LOS), defined as the maximum distance upstream that the water surface would be visible, was calculated. At those sites where foraging behaviour was observed, the mean upstream potential LOS was significantly greater than at sites where other behaviours were observed and at 400 randomly generated sites within the tank. When foraging, parr usually take food from the stream drift and there is a significant time expenditure on food location, identification and catching. Results presented here would seem to confirm that to maximize time available to make these decisions, a fish would be expected to maximize the distance over which it can observe potential food particles.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon or parr (Salmo salar L.) maintain station at certain locations in flowing stream water. This position choice is assumed to involve the maximization of energy intake, based upon food availability which is usually directly related to water flow rate. Conversely energy expenditure, including station holding behaviour, foraging and defending preferred sites, is inversely related to water flow rate. Adaptations of parr to life in fast flows implies that station holding is energetically inexpensive at water speeds up to the maximum sustained holding speed, which is fish specific, thus the most important energetic consideration for parr is the ability to maximize food intake. Ten groups of three parr were each observed for 60 min within an artificial stream tank over a heterogeneous substratum. Individual position choice and behaviour were recorded continuously. For each location chosen by the parr the potential upstream line‐of‐sight (LOS), defined as the maximum distance upstream that the water surface would be visible, was calculated. At those sites where foraging behaviour was observed, the mean upstream potential LOS was significantly greater than at sites where other behaviours were observed and at 400 randomly generated sites within the tank. When foraging, parr usually take food from the stream drift and there is a significant time expenditure on food location, identification and catching. Results presented here would seem to confirm that to maximize time available to make these decisions, a fish would be expected to maximize the distance over which it can observe potential food particles.  相似文献   

In the eastern Baltic rivers, anadromous salmonid parr are known to smoltify and migrate to the sea from March until June, depending on latitude, climate and hydrological conditions. In this study, we present the first records of autumn descent of brown trout Salmo trutta and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the Baltic Sea Basin. Otolith microchemistry analyses revealed that these individuals hatched in freshwater and had migrated to the brackish water shortly prior to capture. The fish were collected in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2013 from Eru Bay (surface salinity 4.5–6.5 ‰), Gulf of Finland. This relatively wide temporal range of observations indicates that the autumn descent of anadromous salmonids is not a random event. These results imply that autumn descent needs more consideration in the context of the effective stock management, assessment and restoration of Baltic salmonid populations and their habitats.  相似文献   


The shallow water caridean shrimps Heptacarpus pictus and H. paludicola are polymorphic in colour pattern. Populations of these species collected over colour‐variable substrates showed the greatest degree of coloration in terms of the proportion of individuals displaying a distinct colour pattern. The frequencies of H. Pictus colour morphs varied significantly between most sampling periods. Apostatic selection by fish predators is suggested as one hypothesis which could explain these changes in morph frequency.

Experiments with Heptacarpus pictus on rapid colour change showed that, although some pigment migration did occur in the chromatosomes studied, the macroscopic appearance of the colour patterns was not altered when shrimps were shifted from black to white backgrounds or vice versa. The results of background choice experiments with H. pictus suggest that these shrimp do not seek out colour backgrounds that would seem to be a matching background in a concealing coloration. This behaviour is consistent with the morphology of the colour patterns which appears to be a disruptive coloration rather than a concealing coloration that closely matches a particular substrate.  相似文献   

Cryptic prey coloration typically bears a resemblance to the habitat the prey uses. It has been suggested that coloration which visually matches a random sample of the background maximizes background matching. We studied this previously untested hypothesis, as well as another, little studied principle of concealment, disruptive coloration, and whether it could, acting in addition to background matching, provide another plausible means of achieving camouflage. We presented great tits (Parus major) with artificial background-matching and disruptive prey (DP), and measured detection times. First, we studied whether any random sample of a background produces equally good crypsis. This turned out to not be the case. Next, we compared the DP and the best background-matching prey and found that they were equally cryptic. We repeated the tests using prey with all the coloration elements being whole, instead of some of them being broken by the prey outline, but this did not change the result. We conclude that resemblance of the background is an important aspect of concealment, but that coloration matching a random visual sample of the background is neither sufficient nor necessary to minimize the probability of detection. Further, our study lends empirical support to the principle of disruptive coloration.  相似文献   

Cryptic coloration is an adaptative defensive mechanism against predators. Color patterns can become cryptic through background coloration‐matching and disruptive coloration. Disruptive coloration may evolve in visually heterogeneous microhabitats, whereas background matching could be favored in chromatically homogeneous microhabitats. In this work, we used digital photography to explore the potential use of disruptive coloration and background matching in males and females of two grasshopper species of the Sphenarium genus in different habitats. We found chromatic differences in the two grasshopper species that may be explained by local adaptation. We also found that the females and males of both species are dichromatic and seem to follow different color cryptic strategies, males are more disruptive than females, whereas females have a high background matching with less disruptive elements. The selective pressures of the predators in different microhabitats and the differences in mobility between sexes may explain the color pattern divergence between females and males. Nevertheless, more field experiments are needed in order to understand the relative importance of disruptive and background matching coloration in the evolution of sexual dichromatism in these grasshoppers.  相似文献   

Coconut crabs (Birgus latro) are strikingly variable in coloration, but the significance of this colour diversity has never been investigated. We studied coloration, morphology, behaviour and background matching of adult coconut crabs, the world’s largest terrestrial invertebrate, at the western edge of its distribution on Pemba Island, Tanzania. Adults are evidently polymorphic; they come in red and blue types (3:1 ratio on Pemba). The best predictor of colour morph was ventral hue, which, using a discriminant function analysis, correctly classified 96% of the crabs assigned into a predefined colour group. In contrast, principal component analyses suggested a degree of overlapping colour variation. We found no evidence that coloration was sex or size-linked. Males were larger than females and the Pemba adult population appeared male-biased (3:1). We also report that red adults may match the background better than do blue adults on land, whereas blue match better near shore than do red. We postulate that although colour diversity in coconut crabs may be genetically determined, potentially through a crustacyanin gene polymorphism influencing the stability of integument pigmentation, its maintenance may involve several ecological drivers.  相似文献   

Natural selection shapes the evolution of anti-predator defences, such as camouflage. It is currently contentious whether crypsis and disruptive coloration are alternative mechanisms of camouflage or whether they are interrelated anti-predator defences. Disruptively coloured prey is characterized by highly contrasting patterns to conceal the body shape, whereas cryptic prey minimizes the contrasts to background. Determining bird predation of artificial moths, we found that moths which were dissimilar from the background but sported disruptive patterns on the edge of their wings survived better in heterogeneous habitats than did moths with the same patterns inside of the wings and better than cryptic moths. Despite lower contrasts to background, crypsis did not provide fitness benefits over disruptive coloration on the body outline. We conclude that disruptive coloration on the edge camouflages its bearer independent of background matching. We suggest that this result is explainable because disruptive coloration is effective by exploiting predators' cognitive mechanisms of prey recognition and not their sensory mechanisms of signal detection. Relative to disruptive patterns on the body outline, disruptive markings on the body interior are less effective. Camouflage owing to disruptive coloration on the body interior is background-specific and is as effective as crypsis in heterogeneous habitats. Hence, we hypothesize that two proximate mechanisms explain the diversity of visual anti-predator defences. First, disruptive coloration on the body outline provides camouflage independent of the background. Second, background matching and disruptive coloration on the body interior provide camouflage, but their protection is background-specific.  相似文献   

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