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Daniel Riveline A. Ott Frank Jülicher Donald A. Winkelmann Olivier Cardoso Jean-Jacques Lacapère Soffia Magnúsdóttir J. L. Viovy Laurence Gorre-Talini Jacques Prost 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》1998,27(4):403-408
We have developed a novel technique which allows one to direct the two dimensional motion of actin filaments on a myosin coated sheet using a weak electric field parallel to the plane of motion. The filament velocity can be increased or decreased, and even reversed, as a function of orientation and strength of the field. PMMA (poly(methylmethacrylate)) gratings, which act as rails for actin, allow one for the first time to explore three quadrants of the force velocity diagram. We discuss effective friction, duty ratio and stall force at different myosin densities. A discontinuity in the velocity force relationship suggests the existence of dynamical phase transition. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 1998 相似文献
A class of proteins dubbed pipmodulins bind to and sequester the phospholipid PIP2 in the plasma membrane. Local release of PIP2 controls actin dynamics in specific subcellular regions and plays a critical role in regulating actin-based cell motility and morphogenesis. 相似文献
In vitro motility assays, in which fluorescently labeled actin filaments are propelled by myosin molecules adhered to a glass coverslip, require that actin filament velocity be determined. We have developed a computer-assisted filament tracking system that reduced the analysis time, minimized investigator bias, and provided greater accuracy in locating actin filaments in video images. The tracking routine successfully tracked filaments under experimental conditions where filament density, size, and extent of photobleaching varied dramatically. Videotaped images of actin filament motility were digitized and processed to enhance filament image contrast relative to background. Once processed, filament images were cross correlated between frames and a filament path was determined. The changes in filament centroid or center position between video frames were then used to calculate filament velocity. The tracking routine performance was evaluated and the sources of noise that contributed to errors in velocity were identified and quantified. Errors originated in algorithms for filament centroid determination and in the choice of sampling interval between video frames. With knowledge of these error sources, the investigator can maximize the accuracy of the velocity calculation through access to user-definable computer program parameters. 相似文献
Certain kinds of cellular movements are apparently driven by actin polymerization. Examples include the lamellipodia of spreading and migrating embryonic cells, and the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, that propels itself through its host's cytoplasm by constructing behind it a polymerized tail of cross-linked actin filaments. Peskin et al. (1993) formulated a model to explain how a polymerizing filament could rectify the Brownian motion of an object so as to produce unidirectional force (Peskin, C., G. Odell, and G. Oster. 1993. Cellular motions and thermal fluctuations: the Brownian ratchet. Biophys. J. 65:316-324). Their "Brownian ratchet" model assumed that the filament was stiff and that thermal fluctuations affected only the "load," i.e., the object being pushed. However, under many conditions of biological interest, the thermal fluctuations of the load are insufficient to produce the observed motions. Here we shall show that the thermal motions of the polymerizing filaments can produce a directed force. This "elastic Brownian ratchet" can explain quantitatively the propulsion of Listeria and the protrusive mechanics of lamellipodia. The model also explains how the polymerization process nucleates the orthogonal structure of the actin network in lamellipodia. 相似文献
Kovar DR 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(7):R244-R247
A new study has found that retrograde flow of budding yeast actin cables is facilitated by myosin II but is inhibited by a specific tropomyosin isoform (Tpm2p). Budding yeast therefore contains a minimal component system for elucidating the mechanistic details of retrograde actin flow. 相似文献
We use an in vitro motility assay to determine the biochemical basis for a hypermotile state of myosin-based actin sliding. It is widely assumed that the sole biochemical determinant of actin-sliding velocities, V, is actin-myosin detachment kinetics (1/tauon), yet we recently reported that, above a critical ATP concentration of approximately 100 microM, V exceeds the detachment limit by more than 2-fold. To determine the biochemical basis for this hypermotile state, we measure the effects of ATP and inorganic phosphate, Pi, on V and observe that at low [ATP] V decreases as ln [Pi], whereas above 100 microM ATP the hypermotile V is independent of Pi. The ln [Pi] dependence of V at low [ATP] is consistent with a macroscopic model of muscle shortening, similar to Hill's contractile component, which predicts that V varies linearly with an internal force (Hill's active state) that drives actin movement against the viscous drag of myosin heads strongly bound to actin (Hill's dashpot). At high [ATP], we suggest that the hypermotile V is caused by shear thinning of the resistive population of strongly bound myosin heads. Our data and analysis indicate that, in addition to contributions from tauon and myosin's step size, d, V is influenced by the biochemistry of myosin's working step as well as resistive properties of actin and myosin. 相似文献
Simultaneous visualization of peroxisomes and cytoskeletal elements reveals actin and not microtubule-based peroxisome motility in plants 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
Peroxisomes were visualized in living plant cells using a yellow fluorescent protein tagged with a peroxisomal targeting signal consisting of the SKL motif. Simultaneous visualization of peroxisomes and microfilaments/microtubules was accomplished in onion (Allium cepa) epidermal cells transiently expressing the yellow fluorescent protein-peroxi construct, a green fluorescent protein-mTalin construct that labels filamentous-actin filaments, and a green fluorescent protein-microtubule-binding domain construct that labels microtubules. The covisualization of peroxisomes and cytoskeletal elements revealed that, contrary to the reports from animal cells, peroxisomes in plants appear to associate with actin filaments and not microtubules. That peroxisome movement is actin based was shown by pharmacological studies. For this analysis we used onion epidermal cells and various cell types of Arabidopsis including trichomes, root hairs, and root cortex cells exhibiting different modes of growth. In transient onion epidermis assay and in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, an interference with the actin cytoskeleton resulted in progressive loss of saltatory movement followed by the aggregation and a complete cessation of peroxisome motility within 30 min of drug application. Microtubule depolymerization or stabilization had no effect. 相似文献
Successful malaria transmission from the mosquito vector to the mammalian host depends crucially on active sporozoite motility. Sporozoite locomotion and host cell invasion are driven by the parasite's own actin/myosin motor. A unique feature of this motor machinery is the presence of very short subpellicular actin filaments. Therefore, F‐actin stabilizing proteins likely play a central role in parasite locomotion. Here, we investigated the role of the Plasmodium berghei actin capping protein (PbCP), an orthologue of the heterodimeric regulator of filament barbed end growth, by reverse genetics. Parasites containing a deletion of the CP beta‐subunit developed normally during the pathogenic erythrocytic cycle. However, due to reduced ookinete motility, mutant parasites form fewer oocysts and sporozoites in the Anopheles vector. These sporozoites display a vital deficiency in forward gliding motility and fail to colonize the mosquito salivary glands, resulting in complete attenuation of life cycle progression. Together, our results show that the CP beta‐subunit exerts an essential role in the insect vector before malaria transmission to the mammalian host. The vital role is restricted to fast locomotion, as displayed by Plasmodium sporozoites. 相似文献
Studies on the motility of Plasmodium sporozoites 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
J P Vanderberg 《The Journal of protozoology》1974,21(4):527-537
Cytoplasmic actin and cochlear outer hair cell motility 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dr. Norma Slepecky 《Cell and tissue research》1989,257(1):69-75
Summary Isolated outer hair cells of the guinea pig lacking a cuticular plate and its associated infracuticular network retain the ability to shorten longitudinally and become thinner. Membrane ghosts lacking cytoplasm retain the cylindrical shape of the hair-cell, and although they do not shorten, they retain the ability to constrict and become thinner. These data suggest that cytoplasmic components are associated with outer hair-cell longitudinal shortening and that the lateral wall is responsible for maintaing cell shape and for constriction. Actin, a protein associated with the cytoskeleton and cell motility, is thought to be involved in outer hair-cell motility. To study its role, actin was localized in isolated outer hair cells by use of phalloidin labeled with fluorescein and antibodies against actin coupled to colloidal gold. In permeabilized guinea-pig hair cells stained with phalloidin, actin filaments are found along the lateral wall. In frozen-fixed hair cells actin filaments are distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. Electron-microscopic studies show that antibodies label actin throughout the outer hair-cell body. Thus cytoplasmic actin filaments may provide the structural basis for the contraction-like events. 相似文献
While it is now recognised that transport within the endomembrane system may occur via membranous tubules, spatial regulation of this process is poorly understood. We have investigated the role of the cytoskeleton in regulating the motility and morphology of the motile vacuole system in hyphae of the fungus Pisolithus tinctorius by studying (1) the effects of anti-microtubule (oryzalin, nocodazole) and anti-actin drugs (cytochalasins, latrunculin) on vacuolar activity, monitored by fluorescence microscopy of living cells; and (2) the ultrastructural relationship of microtubules, actin microfilaments, and vacuoles in hyphae prepared by rapid-freezing and freeze-substitution. Anti-microtubule drugs reduced the tubular component of the vacuole system in a dose-dependent and reversible manner, the extent of which correlated strongly with the degree of disruption of the microtubule network (monitored by immunofluorescence microscopy). The highest doses of anti-microtubule drugs completely eliminated tubular vacuoles, and only spherical vacuoles were observed. In contrast, anti-actin drugs did not reduce the frequency of tubular vacuoles or the motility of these vacuoles, even though immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed perturbation of microfilament organisation. Electron microscopy showed that vacuoles were always accompanied by microtubules. Bundles of microtubules were found running in parallel along the length of tubular vacuoles and individual microtubules were often within one microtubule diameter of a vacuole membrane. Our results strongly support a role for microtubules, but not actin microfilaments, in the spatial regulation of vacuole motility and morphology in fungal hyphae. 相似文献
Control of actin assembly dynamics in cell motility 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In fibroblasts and keratocytes, motility is actin dependent, while microtubules play a secondary role, providing directional guidance. We demonstrate here that the motility of glioblastoma cells is exceptional, in that it occurs in cells depleted of assembled actin. Cells display persistent motility in the presence of actin inhibitors at concentrations sufficient to fully disassemble actin. Such actin independent motility is characterized by the extension of cell protrusions containing abundant microtubule polymers. Strikingly, glioblastoma cells exhibit no motility in the presence of microtubule inhibitors, at concentrations that disassemble labile microtubule polymers. In accord with an unconventional mode of motility, glioblastoma cells have some unusual requirements for the Rho GTPases. While Rac1 is required for lamellipodial protrusions in fibroblasts, expression of dominant negative Rac1 does not suppress glioblastoma migration. Other GTPase mutants are largely without unique effect, except dominant positive Rac1-Q61L, and rapidly cycling Rac1-F28L, which substantially suppress glioblastoma motility. We conclude that glioblastoma cells display an unprecedented mode of intrinsic motility that can occur in the absence of actin polymer, and that appears to require polymerized microtubules. 相似文献
To reach its final destination in the liver, the sporozoite (the stage of the malaria parasite that is transmitted by the mosquito vector) needs to glide through tissues and traverse host cells. Although the molecular bases of these behaviors are typically considered separately, two recent reports suggest the first molecular link between the two via a novel protein called 'TRAP-like protein'. 相似文献
The actin cytoskeleton in normal and pathological cell motility 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Lambrechts A Van Troys M Ampe C 《The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology》2004,36(10):1890-1909
Cell motility is crucial for tissue formation and for development of organisms. Later on cell migration remains essential throughout the lifetime of the organism for wound healing and immune responses. The actin cytoskeleton is the cellular engine that drives cell motility downstream of a complex signal transduction cascade. The basic molecular machinery underlying the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments consists of a variety of actin binding proteins that regulate the dynamic behavior of the cytoskeleton in response to different signals. The multitude of proteins and regulatory mechanisms partaking in this system makes it vulnerable to mutations and alterations in expression levels that ultimately may cause diseases. The most familiar one is cancer that in later stages is characterized by active aberrant cell migration. Indeed tumor invasion and metastasis are increasingly being associated with deregulation of the actin system. 相似文献
A function for filamentous alpha-smooth muscle actin: retardation of motility in fibroblasts 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(1):67-80
Actins are known to comprise six mammalian isoforms of which beta- and gamma-nonmuscle actins are present in all cells, whereas alpha-smooth muscle (alpha-sm) actin is normally restricted to cells of the smooth muscle lineages. alpha-Sm actin has been found also to be expressed transiently in certain nonmuscle cells, in particular fibroblasts, which are referred to as myofibroblasts. The functional significance of alpha-sm actin in fibroblasts is unknown. However, myofibroblasts appear to play a prominent role in stromal reaction in breast cancer, at the site of wound repair, and in fibrotic reactions. Here, we show that the presence of alpha-sm actin is a signal for retardation of migratory behavior in fibroblasts. Comparison in a migration assay of fibroblast cell strains with and without alpha-sm actin revealed migratory restraint in alpha-sm actin-positive fibroblasts. Electroporation of monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1A4, which recognizes specifically the NH2-terminal Ac-EEED sequence of alpha-sm actin, significantly increased the frequency of migrating cells over that obtained with an unrelated antibody or a mAb against beta-actin. Time- lapse video microscopy revealed migratory rates of 4.8 and 3.0 microns/h, respectively. To knock out the alpha-sm actin protein, several antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide (ODNs) were tested. One of these, 3'UTI, which is complementary to a highly evolutionary conserved 3' untranslated (3'UT) sequence of alpha-sm actin mRNA, was found to block alpha-sm actin synthesis completely without affecting the synthesis of any other proteins as analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Targeting by antisense 3'UTI significantly increased motility compared with the corresponding sense ODN. alpha-Sm actin inhibition also led to the formation of less prominent focal adhesions as revealed by immunofluorescence staining against vinculin, talin, and beta1-integrin. We propose that an important function of filamentous alpha-sm actin is to immobilize the cells. 相似文献
Hengning Ke Jennifer Y Zhang Steven K Akiyama John E French 《Cell Adhesion & Migration》2011,5(1):6-10
In addition to its well-defined role as an antagonist in apoptosis, we propose that BCL2 may act as an intracellular suppressor of cell motility and adhesion under certain conditions. Our evidence shows that, when overexpressed in both cancer and non-cancer cells, BCL2 can form a complex with actin and gelsolin that functions to decrease gelsolin-severing activity to increase actin polymerization and, thus, suppress cell adhesive processes. The linkage between increased BCL2 and increased actin polymerization on the one hand and suppression of cell adhesion, spreading and motility on the other hand, is a novel observation that may provide a plausible explanation for why BCL2 overexpression in some tumors is correlated with improved patient survival. In addition, we have identified conditions in vitro in which F-actin polymerization can be increased while cell motility is reduced. These findings underscore the possibility that BCL2 may be involved in modulating cytoskeleton reorganization and may provide an opportunity to explore signal transduction pathways important for cell adhesion and migration and to develop small molecule therapies for suppression of cancer metastasis.Key words: BCL2, actin polymerization, cell motility, adhesion 相似文献
The form and function of actin in the nucleus have been enigmatic for over 30 years. Recently actin has been assigned numerous functional roles in the nucleus, but its form remains a mystery. The intricate relationship between actin form and function in the cytoplasm implies that understanding the structural properties of nuclear actin is elementary to fully understanding its function. In this issue, McDonald et al. (p. 541) use fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to tackle the question of whether nuclear actin exists as monomers or polymers. 相似文献