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Cellular transfer of cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity (CBH) was studied. Guinea pigs immunized for CBH with incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA) provided cells which could transfer delayed and basophil-rich reactions in skin tests of recipients. Guinea pigs immunized with complete classical tuberculin-type delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DH), which are characteristically devoid of basophils. However, recipients of cells from donors with DH, surprisingly, were found to have delayed skin reactions containing large basophil infiltrates which were lacking in the donors. Thus, recipients of classical cell transfers of tuberculin-type DH had delayed reactions which resembled CBH. Control experiments verified that the cell transfer of CBH from donors with DH was due to passive transfer with live cells and not transfer of contaminating humoral factors or active sensitization of recipients. It was concluded that cutaneous basophil responses were suppressed in CFA-immunized donors and expressed in cell transfer recipients. Cells from donors immunized with CFA were enriched for nonadherent and nonimmunoglobulin-bearing lymphocytes by passage through nylon wool columns, and these cells transferred conjugate specific CBH reactions. It was concluded that cells mediating these transfers were probably T cells. The finding of basophils in cell transfers of DH and a variety of other findings suggesting complex regulation of basophil numbers in tissue lead to the conclusion that the term CBH be used to simply describe a basophil-containing skin reaction.  相似文献   

Попытки доказатель стьа инфекционной аллергии с помощью т уберкулиновых кожных проб у крольч ат, которым быливпры снутыклеткиселез енкиинуклеопроте идные фракции взрос лых сенсибилизирова нных кроликов, во все х случаях давали отр ицательные результа ты. Введение тех же пр епаратов взрослым реципиентам создав ало инфекционную аллергию. Крольчата, сенсибил изированные немедл енно после рождения 25 мг вакцины ВЦЖ, по ис течении 3 недель обра зовалл гемагглютин ационные антитела, о днако туберкулинов ая кожная реакция у них у всех бывала отр ицательной. Клетки селезенки зтих крол ьчат при перенесении их взрослым реципие нтам вызывали у них типичную кожную туб еркулиновуы реакцию. Опыты доказывают, чт о у молодых животных инфекционная аллер гия создается но ее н евозможно доказать ввиду мало развитой реактивности кожи. По той же причине невоз можно также пользов атся крольчатами дл я пассивного перено са инфекционной алл ергии.  相似文献   

An adoptive local transfer method has been used to study the immunological features and genetic restriction of cell interaction during the development of the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to tuberculin in mice. Peritoneal cells from the BCG-infected mice transfer the DTH to intact animals (into hind footpad) in both syngeneic and allogeneic donor-recipient combinations. Nonadherent cells (macrophage-deleted) transfer the reaction in syngeneic but not allogeneic combination. The use of H-2 recombinant mouse strains demonstrated that successful transfer of the DTH requires I-A subregion compatibility. Treatment of CBA cells with anti-Thy-1.2 antiserum abrogates the reaction transfer. These results indicate that antigen presentation to immune T-cells proliferating during DTH to tuberculin is mediated through the molecular products of the I-A subregion.  相似文献   

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