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An ankle-foot orthosis powered by artificial pneumatic muscles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We developed a pneumatically powered orthosis for the human ankle joint. The orthosis consisted of a carbon fiber shell, hinge joint, and two artificial pneumatic muscles. One artificial pneumatic muscle provided plantar flexion torque and the second one provided dorsiflexion torque. Computer software adjusted air pressure in each artificial muscle independently so that artificial muscle force was proportional to rectified low-pass-filtered electromyography (EMG) amplitude (i.e., proportional myoelectric control). Tibialis anterior EMG activated the artificial dorsiflexor and soleus EMG activated the artificial plantar flexor. We collected joint kinematic and artificial muscle force data as one healthy participant walked on a treadmill with the orthosis. Peak plantar flexor torque provided by the orthosis was 70 Nm, and peak dorsiflexor torque provided by the orthosis was 38 Nm. The orthosis could be useful for basic science studies on human locomotion or possibly for gait rehabilitation after neurological injury.  相似文献   

When humans hop or run on different surfaces, they adjust their effective leg stiffness to offset changes in surface stiffness. As a result, the overall stiffness of the leg-surface series combination remains independent of surface stiffness. The purpose of this study was to determine whether humans make a similar adjustment when springs are placed in parallel with the leg via a lower limb orthosis. We studied seven human subjects hopping in place on one leg while wearing an ankle-foot orthosis. We used an ankle-foot orthosis because the ankle joint is primarily responsible for leg stiffness during hopping. A spring was added to the ankle-foot orthosis so that it increased orthosis stiffness by providing plantar flexor torque during ankle dorsiflexion. We hypothesized that subjects would decrease their biological ankle stiffness when the spring was added to the orthosis, keeping total ankle stiffness constant. We collected kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic data during hopping with and without the spring on the orthosis. We found that total ankle stiffness and leg stiffness did not change across the two orthosis conditions (ANOVA, P > 0.05). This was possible because subjects decreased their biological ankle stiffness to offset the orthosis spring stiffness (P < 0.0001). The reduction in biological ankle stiffness was accompanied by decreases in soleus, medial gastrocnemius, and lateral gastrocnemius muscle activation (P < 0.0002). These results suggest that an elastic exoskeleton might improve human running performance by reducing muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

Plantarflexion resistance of an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) plays an important role to prevent foot-drop, but its impact on push-off has not been well investigated in individuals post-stroke. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plantarflexion resistance of an articulated AFO on ankle and knee joint power of the limb wearing the AFO in individuals post-stroke. Gait analysis was performed on 10 individuals with chronic stroke using a Vicon 3-dimensional motion capture system and a Bertec split-belt instrumented treadmill. They walked on the treadmill under 4 plantarflexion resistance levels (S1 < S2<S3 < S4) set on the AFO with resistance adjustable ankle joints. The ankle and knee joint power calculations were performed using Visual3D, and mean values were plotted across a gait cycle. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences in the peak ankle joint power generation according to the plantarflexion resistance of the AFO (P = 0.008). No significant differences were found in the knee joint power. Peak ankle joint power generation [Median (IQR: Interquartile range)] were S1: 0.0517 (0.0238–0.1071) W/kg, S2: 0.0342 (0.0132–0.0862) W/kg, S3: 0.0353 (0.0127–0.0821) W/kg, and S4: 0.0234 (0.0087–0.06764) W/kg. Reduction of the peak ankle joint power generation appeared to be related to reduction in the peak plantarflexion angular velocity at late stance due to increases in the plantarflexion resistance of the AFO. This study showed that peak ankle joint power generation was significantly, and somewhat systematically, affected by plantarflexion resistance of the AFO in individuals post-stroke.  相似文献   

The evaluation of mechanical behavior of plastic Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) is important since AFO can provide an efficient support to patients with disabilities in locomotion. This paper reports on a novel testing apparatus that allows: (a) the evaluation of AFO stiffness in sagittal and frontal planes; (b) the conduction of semi-automatic trials; and, finally, (c) a global accuracy associated to the AFO stiffness values always less than 4%. The stiffness values are determined by the measurements of the imposed relative displacements between the foot and the shank of the orthosis and the induced reaction forces. The data collected together in an exact 2-D approach, together with those provided by gait analysis systems, allows to better understand gait alteration induced by ankle orthosis, and to improve clinical management of patients.  相似文献   

Mechanical tuning of an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is important in improving gait in individuals post-stroke. Alignment and resistance are two factors that are tunable in articulated AFOs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of changing AFO ankle alignment on lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics with constant dorsiflexion and plantarflexion resistance in individuals post-stroke. Gait analysis was performed on 10 individuals post-stroke under four distinct alignment conditions using an articulated AFO with an ankle joint whose alignment is adjustable in the sagittal plane. Kinematic and kinetic data of lower limb joints were recorded using a Vicon 3-dimensional motion capture system and Bertec split-belt instrumented treadmill. The incremental changes in the alignment of the articulated AFO toward dorsiflexion angles significantly affected ankle and knee joint angles and knee joint moments while walking in individuals post-stroke. No significant differences were found in the hip joint parameters. The alignment of the articulated AFO was suggested to play an important role in improving knee joint kinematics and kinetics in stance through improvement of ankle joint kinematics while walking in individuals post-stroke. Future studies should investigate long-term effects of AFO alignment on gait in the community in individuals post-stroke.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the relationship between the mechanical power developed during new anaerobic power test and muscular fiber distribution. Ten track and field male athletes were used as subjects, whose muscle fiber composition (m. vastus lateralis) varied from 25 to 58 fast twitch (FT) fibers. The test consisted of measuring the flight time with a special timer during 60 s continuous jumping. A formula was derived to allow the calculation of mechanical power during a certain period of time (e.g., in the present study every 15 s during 60 s of jumping performance). The relationship between the mechanical power for the first 15 s period correlated best with fast twitch (FT) fiber distribution (r = 0.86, p less than 0.005). However, the power output during the successive 15 s periods demonstrated lower correlation with FT, and this relationship became statistically non-significant after 30 s of work. The sensitivity to fatigue of the test was supported by the relationship observed between the decrease of power during 60 s jumping performance and the percentage of FT fibers (r = 0.73, p less than 0.01). Thus, the present findings suggest that muscular performance, as determined by the new jumping test, is influenced by skeletal muscle fiber composition. The new test, which primarily evaluates maximal short term muscular power, also proved sensitive in assessing fatigue patterns during 60 s of strenuous work.  相似文献   

Like any other kind of cell, muscle cells produce energy by oxidizing the fuel substrate that they absorb together with the needed oxygen from the surroundings. Oxidation occurs entirely within the cell. It means that the reactants and products of reaction must at some time be dissolved in the cell’s cytosol. If a cell operates at steady state, its cytosol composition remains constant. Therefore, the cytosol in a muscle that produces work at steady state must contain a constant amount of fuel, oxygen, and product of reaction dissolved in it. The greater the power produced, the higher the concentration of these solutes. There is a limit, however, to the maximum amount of solutes that the cytosol can contain without damaging the cell. General thermodynamic arguments, which are reviewed in this paper, help relate this limit to the dehydration and overhydration limits of the cell. The present analysis shows that the same limits entail a limit to the maximum power that a muscle can produce at steady state. This limit depends on the composition of the fuel mixture used by the muscle. The analysis also determines the number of fuel carbon atoms that must be oxidized in parallel within a cell to produce a given power. It may well happen that a muscle cannot reach the maximum attainable power because it cannot activate all the parallel oxidation paths that are needed to produce it. This may be due to a series of reasons ranging from health issues to a lack of training. The paper shows how the methods of indirect calorimetry can provide all the experimental data needed to determine the actual number of parallel oxidation paths that at steady state must be active in a muscle in a given exercise. A diagram relating muscle power to the number of parallel oxidation paths and fuel composition is finally presented. It provides a means to assess the power capacity of animal muscles and can be applied to evaluate their fitness, stamina, margins for improvement, and athletic potential.  相似文献   

Loss of mobility due to lower limb paralysis is a common result of thoracic level spinal cord injury. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) can restore primitive gait in the vicinity of a wheelchair by using electrical stimulation to generate muscle contractions. A new concept for FES-assisted gait is presented that combines electrical stimulation with an orthosis that contains a fluid power system to store and transfer energy during the gait cycle. The energy storage orthosis (ESO) can be driven through a complete gait cycle using only stimulation of the quadriceps muscles. The conceptual design of the ESO was completed and implemented in a dynamic simulation model and in a benchtop prototype for engineering measurements. No studies were conducted with human subjects. The results demonstrate the potential of the ESO concept for a feasible gait-assist system and the validity of the simulation model as a means for designing the system.  相似文献   

High-force pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs) are used for force assistance with minimal displacement applications. However, poor control due to dynamic nonlinearities has limited PMA applications. A simulated control system is developed consisting of: (1) a controller relating an input position angle to an output proportional pressure regulator voltage, (2) a phenomenological model of the PMA with an internal dynamic force loop (system time constant information), (3) a physical model of a human sit-to-stand task and (4) an external position angle feed-back loop. The results indicate that PMA assistance regarding the human sit-to-stand task is feasible within a specified PMA operational pressure range.  相似文献   

High-force pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs) are used for force assistance with minimal displacement applications. However, poor control due to dynamic nonlinearities has limited PMA applications. A simulated control system is developed consisting of: (1) a controller relating an input position angle to an output proportional pressure regulator voltage, (2) a phenomenological model of the PMA with an internal dynamic force loop (system time constant information), (3) a physical model of a human sit-to-stand task and (4) an external position angle feed-back loop. The results indicate that PMA assistance regarding the human sit-to-stand task is feasible within a specified PMA operational pressure range.  相似文献   

In this paper the author presents a mathematical model of a device that can be seen as a segment of an artificial worm (following the paradigm earthworm) and as an artificial muscle as well. Confining considerations to statics, the model shows up as an ordinary parameter-dependent boundary value problem. It is tackled numerically in various particular forms by means of Maple and thus gives a good view of the segment's behavior during inflation and under longitudinal load. Segments of maximal volume present a useful preliminary stage of the investigations.Thanks are to Klaus Zimmermann and his Motion Systems Group at TU Ilmenau for discussions and experiments, to Katrin Knabe for typing, and to an unknown reviewer for directing the author's attention to physical nonlinearity.  相似文献   

Different methods of calculating the mechanical energy cost of a movement presented in the literature can give results differing by an order of magnitude. The assumptions made concerning the transfer of energy between different parts of the body are part of the problem. This investigation assesses the role of transfer in energy saving and specifically, the possibility of two-joint muscles reducing the mechanical energy cost of a movement compared to a system having one-joint muscles only. An algorithm was developed which recruited one-joint or both one- and two-joint muscles to supply the net joint moments. The work performed under these two conditions was then compared. It was found that activation of both one- and two-joint musculature reduced the mechanical work cost during walking by between 7 and 29% over that required by single-joint musculature alone. This investigation supports suggestions in the literature that one of the functions of two-joint musculature is to reduce the mechanical energy cost and probably the metabolic cost of movement.  相似文献   

The pre-sacral vertebrae of most sauropod dinosaurs were surrounded by interconnected, air-filled diverticula, penetrating into the bones and creating an intricate internal cavity system within the vertebrae. Computational finite-element models of two sauropod cervical vertebrae now demonstrate the mechanical reason for vertebral pneumaticity. The analyses show that the structure of the cervical vertebrae leads to an even distribution of all occurring stress fields along the vertebrae, concentrated mainly on their external surface and the vertebral laminae. The regions between vertebral laminae and the interior part of the vertebral body including thin bony struts and septa are mostly unloaded and pneumatic structures are positioned in these regions of minimal stress. The morphology of sauropod cervical vertebrae was influenced by strongly segmented axial neck muscles, which require only small attachment areas on each vertebra, and pneumatic epithelia that are able to resorb bone that is not mechanically loaded. The interaction of these soft tissues with the bony tissue of the vertebrae produced lightweight, air-filled vertebrae in which most stresses were borne by the external cortical bone. Cervical pneumaticity was therefore an important prerequisite for neck enlargement in sauropods. Thus, we expect that vertebral pneumaticity in other parts of the body to have a similar role in enabling gigantism.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The prothoracic and mesothoracic extensor tibiae muscles of the locust respond to activity in the “slow” extensor tibiae motoneuron (SETi) with very slow contractions and a low fusion frequency, while their phasic contractions are more rapid than those of the metathoracic extensor tibiae muscle.
  • 2.2. SETi activity can induce a memory or “catch” effect in which a high tension is maintained by a lower frequency than is needed to develop it. “Catch” tension is reduced by phasic contractions of the muscle or by activity in the inhibitory axon.
  • 3.3. A bundle of tonic fibres isolated from the metathoracic extensor tibiae muscle exhibits co-ordinated rhythmic contractions similar to those recorded from intact muscles.
  • 4.4. Depolarizations of the tonic fibres coincide with the contractions and are sometimes accompanied by bursts of EPSPs and IPSPs.
  • 5.5. The tonic fibres are electrically-coupled.

This study investigated the effects of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) on expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms in compressed (anterior tibialis, AT) and uncompressed (cremaster muscles, CM) skeletal muscles. Following IPC application of 0.5, 1, and 5h on both legs of rats, the endothelial NOS (eNOS) mRNA expression was significantly up-regulated to 1.2-, 1.8, and 2.7-fold from normal, respectively, in both AT and CM, and protein expression increased more than 1.5-fold of normal at each time point. Similarly, neuronal NOS expression was up-regulated, but to a lesser degree. In contrast, inducible NOS expression was significantly and time-dependently down-regulated in both muscles. After IPC cessation, eNOS levels returned to normal in both AT and CM. The results confirm our hypothesis that IPC-induced vasodilation is mediated by regulating expression of NOS isoforms, in particular eNOS, in both compressed and uncompressed skeletal muscles. The results also suggest the importance of precisely characterizing expression of each NOS isoform in tissue pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Muscles driving rhythmic locomotion typically show strong dependence of power on the timing or phase of activation. This is particularly true in insects' main flight muscles, canonical examples of muscles thought to have a dedicated power function. However, in the moth (Manduca sexta), these muscles normally activate at a phase where the instantaneous slope of the power-phase curve is steep and well below maximum power. We provide four lines of evidence demonstrating that, contrary to the current paradigm, the moth's nervous system establishes significant control authority in these muscles through precise timing modulation: (i) left-right pairs of flight muscles normally fire precisely, within 0.5-0.6 ms of each other; (ii) during a yawing optomotor response, left-right muscle timing differences shift throughout a wider 8 ms timing window, enabling at least a 50 per cent left-right power differential; (iii) timing differences correlate with turning torque; and (iv) the downstroke power muscles alone causally account for 47 per cent of turning torque. To establish (iv), we altered muscle activation during intact behaviour by stimulating individual muscle potentials to impose left-right timing differences. Because many organisms also have muscles operating with high power-phase gains (Δ(power)/Δ(phase)), this motor control strategy may be ubiquitous in locomotor systems.  相似文献   

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