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The supply of nitrogen regulates yeast genes affecting nitrogen catabolism, pseudohyphal growth, and meiotic sporulation. Ure2p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a negative regulator of nitrogen catabolism that inhibits Gln3p, a positive regulator of DAL5, and other genes of nitrogen assimilation. Dal5p, the allantoate permease, allows ureidosuccinate uptake (Usa(+)) when cells grow on a poor nitrogen source such as proline. We find that overproduction of Mks1p allows uptake of ureidosuccinate on ammonia and lack of Mks1p prevents uptake of ureidosuccinate or Dal5p expression on proline. Overexpression of Mks1p does not affect cellular levels of Ure2p. An mks1 ure2 double mutant can take up ureidosuccinate on either ammonia or proline. Moreover, overexpression of Ure2p suppresses the ability of Mks1p overexpression to allow ureidosuccinate uptake on ammonia. These results suggest that Mks1p is involved in nitrogen control upstream of Ure2p as follows: NH(3) dash, vertical Mks1p dash, vertical Ure2p dash, vertical Gln3p --> DAL5. Either overproduction of Mks1p or deletion of MKS1 interferes with pseudohyphal growth.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitotic exit network (MEN) is a conserved set of genes that mediate the transition from mitosis to G(1) by regulating mitotic cyclin degradation and the inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK). Here, we demonstrate that, in addition to mitotic exit, S. cerevisiae MEN gene MOB1 is required for cytokinesis and cell separation. The cytokinesis defect was evident in mob1 mutants under conditions in which there was no mitotic-exit defect. Observation of live cells showed that yeast myosin II, Myo1p, was present in the contractile ring at the bud neck but that the ring failed to contract and disassemble. The cytokinesis defect persisted for several mitotic cycles, resulting in chains of cells with correctly segregated nuclei but with uncontracted actomyosin rings. The cytokinesis proteins Cdc3p (a septin), actin, and Iqg1p/ Cyk1p (an IQGAP-like protein) appeared to correctly localize in mob1 mutants, suggesting that MOB1 functions subsequent to actomyosin ring assembly. We also examined the subcellular distribution of Mob1p during the cell cycle and found that Mob1p first localized to the spindle pole bodies during mid-anaphase and then localized to a ring at the bud neck just before and during cytokinesis. Localization of Mob1p to the bud neck required CDC3, MEN genes CDC5, CDC14, CDC15, and DBF2, and spindle pole body gene NUD1 but was independent of MYO1. The localization of Mob1p to both spindle poles was abolished in cdc15 and nud1 mutants and was perturbed in cdc5 and cdc14 mutants. These results suggest that the MEN functions during the mitosis-to-G(1) transition to control cyclin-CDK inactivation and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is found at the periphery of the cell and around the nucleus. The segregation of ER through the mother-bud neck may occur by more than one mechanism because perinuclear, but not peripheral ER, requires microtubules for this event. To identify genes whose products are required for cortical ER inheritance, we have used a Tn3-based transposon library to mutagenize cells expressing a green fluorescent protein-tagged ER marker protein (Hmg1p). This approach has revealed that AUX1/SWA2 plays a role in ER inheritance. The COOH terminus of Aux1p/Swa2p contains a J-domain that is highly related to the J-domain of auxilin, which stimulates the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles. Deletion of the J-domain of Aux1p/Swa2p leads to vacuole fragmentation and membrane accumulation but does not affect the migration of peripheral ER into daughter cells. These findings suggest that Aux1p/Swa2p may be a bifunctional protein with roles in membrane traffic and cortical ER inheritance. In support of this hypothesis, we find that Aux1p/Swa2p localizes to ER membranes.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved molecular mechanisms for the efficient transmission of organelles during cell division. Little is known about how peroxisomes are inherited. Inp1p is a peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affects both the morphology of peroxisomes and their partitioning during cell division. In vivo 4-dimensional video microscopy showed an inability of mother cells to retain a subset of peroxisomes in dividing cells lacking the INP1 gene, whereas cells overexpressing INP1 exhibited immobilized peroxisomes that failed to be partitioned to the bud. Overproduced Inp1p localized to both peroxisomes and the cell cortex, supporting an interaction of Inp1p with specific structures lining the cell periphery. The levels of Inp1p vary with the cell cycle. Inp1p binds Pex25p, Pex30p, and Vps1p, which have been implicated in controlling peroxisome division. Our findings are consistent with Inp1p acting as a factor that retains peroxisomes in cells and controls peroxisome division. Inp1p is the first peroxisomal protein directly implicated in peroxisome inheritance.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the DAL81 gene, previously thought to be specifically required for induced expression of the allantoin pathway genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, functions in a more global manner. The data presented show it to be required for utilization of 4-aminobutyrate as a nitrogen source and for 4-aminobutyrate-induced increases in the steady-state levels of UGA1 mRNA. The DAL81 gene encodes a 970-amino-acid protein containing sequences homologous to the Zn(II)2Cys6 motif and two stretches of polyglutamine residues. Deletion of sequences homologous to the Zn(II)2Cys6 motif did not result in a detectable loss of function. On the other hand, loss of one of the polyglutamine stretches, but not the other, resulted in a 50% loss of DAL81 function.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of transfer RNA is a process that requires many different factors. In this study, we describe a genetic screen aimed to identify gene products participating in this process. By screening for mutations lethal in combination with a sup61-T47:2C allele, coding for a mutant form of, the nonessential TAN1 gene was identified. We show that the TAN1 gene product is required for formation of the modified nucleoside N(4)-acetylcytidine (ac(4)C) in tRNA. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ac(4)C is present at position 12 in tRNAs specific for leucine and serine as well as in 18S ribosomal RNA. Analysis of RNA isolated from a tan1-null mutant revealed that ac(4)C was absent in tRNA, but not rRNA. Although no tRNA acetyltransferase activity by a GST-Tan1 fusion protein was detected, a gel-shift assay revealed that Tan1p binds tRNA, suggesting a direct role in synthesis of ac(4)C(12). The absence of the TAN1 gene in the sup61-T47:2C mutant caused a decreased level of mature, indicating that ac(4)C(12) and/or Tan1p is important for tRNA stability.  相似文献   

Previous genetic evidence led to the conclusion that proteinase B of yeast was not involved in the function of chitin synthetase 1 (Chs1), based on the demonstration of normal septum formation, cell division and chitin deposition in mutants devoid of the proteinase (Zubenko, G.S., Mitchell, A.P., and Jones, E.W. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 2395-2399). Later, however, it was found that the essential enzyme for septum formation is chitin synthetase 2, whereas Chs1 acts as an auxiliary enzyme, whose absence results in daughter cell lysis under acidic conditions (Cabib, E., Sburlati, A., Bowers, B. and Silverman, S.J. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 108, 1665-1672). By using the lytic behavior as a criterion, we have now found that prb1 strains are not defective in Chs1 function. Certain strains contain a recessive suppressor of lysis which could mask the Chs1 defect. However, appropriate crosses and transformation experiments showed that the prb1 mutants do not harbor the suppressor. It may now be concluded with confidence that proteinase B is not required for chitin synthetase 1 function.  相似文献   

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