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Cellular tropism of vaccinia virus (VACV) is regulated by host range genes, including K1L, C7L, and E3L. While E3L is known to support viral replication by antagonizing interferon (IFN) effectors, including PKR, the exact functions of K1L and C7L are unclear. Here, we show that K1L and C7L can also inhibit antiviral effectors induced by type I IFN. In human Huh7 and MCF-7 cells, a VACV mutant lacking both K1L and C7L (vK1LC7L) replicated as efficiently as wild-type (WT) VACV, even in the presence of IFN. However, pretreating the cells with type I IFN, while having very little effect on WT VACV, blocked the replication of vK1LC7L at the step of intermediate viral gene translation. Restoring either K1L or C7L to vK1LC7L fully restored the IFN resistance phenotype. The deletion of K1L and C7L from VACV did not affect the ability of the virus to inhibit IFN signaling or its ability to inhibit the phosphorylation of PKR and the α subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2, indicating that K1L and C7L function by antagonizing an IFN effector(s) but with a mechanism that is different from those of IFN antagonists previously identified for VACV. Mutations of K1L that inactivate the host range function also rendered K1L unable to antagonize IFN, suggesting that K1L supports VACV replication in mammalian cells by antagonizing the same antiviral factor(s) that is induced by IFN in Huh7 cells.Vaccinia virus (VACV) is the prototypical member of the poxvirus family of large, complex, double-stranded DNA viruses (21). VACV has a very broad host range and is capable of infecting many vertebrate animal species. Its host range, however, can be significantly narrowed by deleting from its genome some of the so-called host range genes, the most important of which are E3L, K1L, and C7L (17). VACV mutants deleted of E3L (ΔE3L) or both K1L and C7L (ΔK1LΔC7L) replicate abortively and express only a subset of viral genes in most mammalian cell lines (3, 24). These mutants are highly attenuated in animal hosts but are capable of eliciting immune responses, making them attractive vaccine vectors for infectious diseases and cancers (27, 28). NYVAC, a VACV strain derived through deletion of 18 genes, including both K1L and C7L (27), has been used as the vector for an AIDS vaccine (2).The functions of E3L and the host factors that restrict the replication of the ΔE3L mutant have been studied extensively. E3L encodes a 20-kDa and a 25-kDa protein that bind double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and Z form DNA (6, 15). The E3 proteins antagonize the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase PKR (5), which exists as an inactive form in the cells and undergoes autophosphorylation and activation upon binding to dsRNA. The activated PKR phosphorylates the α subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2α), resulting in a block in protein translation at the initiation step. The infection of most mammalian cells by the ΔE3L mutant leads to the activation of PKR and a block in translating viral mRNAs (16). The replication of the ΔE3L mutant in nonpermissive HeLa cells can be rescued by silencing PKR expression (32), while its replication in permissive Huh7 (human hepatoma) cells can be blocked by upregulating PKR expression with interferon (IFN) treatment (1). In addition to affecting PKR, E3 has also been shown to inactivate IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) (14), another IFN effector that plays a role in host defense against VACV.Like the replication of the ΔE3L mutant, the replication of the ΔK1LΔC7L mutant in nonpermissive HeLa cells is blocked at the translation of viral mRNA. However, the host factors that restrict the replication of the ΔK1LΔC7L mutant and the molecular functions of K1L or C7L remain a mystery. K1 and C7 share no amino acid sequence homology, but either K1L or C7L can complement the replication defect of the ΔK1LΔC7L mutant in most cell lines. The exception is rabbit RK13 cells, where K1L but not C7L can complement (24). K1L is present in only a few orthopoxviruses, while C7L or a functional homologue of C7L is present in almost all mammalian poxviruses (18). K1 comprises multiple ankyrin repeats, a protein motif that is involved in protein-ligand interaction. It was shown to prevent the degradation of IκBα and to thus inhibit host NF-κB activation in RK13 cells (25). C7L has no homologue outside the poxvirus family, and its molecular function remains unknown. It may play a role in inhibiting cellular apoptosis in response to VACV infection (23).As E3L supports VACV replication by antagonizing innate antiviral pathways that are inducible by IFNs, we hypothesize that K1L and C7L might function similarly by antagonizing IFN effectors. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis and found that both K1L and C7L can antagonize antiviral activities induced by type I IFNs. We found that K1L and C7L do not antagonize IFN by inhibiting IFN signaling or PKR activation, demonstrating that K1L and C7L are novel IFN antagonists functioning differently than previously identified IFN antagonists in VACV. Furthermore, we tested a panel of K1L mutant viruses and showed that K1L''s functions of regulating VACV host range and of antagonizing IFN are genetically nonsegregable, suggesting that K1L supports VACV replication in mammalian cells by antagonizing the same antiviral factor(s) that is induced by IFN in Huh7 cells.  相似文献   

Subnuclear localization of topoisomerase I (top I) is determined by its DNA relaxation activity and a net of its interactions with in majority unidentified nucleolar and nucleoplasmic elements. Here, we recognized SR protein SRSF1 (Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1, previously known as SF2/ASF) as a new element of the net. In HeLa cells, overexpression of SRSF1 recruited top I to the nucleoplasm whereas its silencing concentrated it in the nucleolus. Effect of SRSF1 was independent of top I relaxation activity and was the best pronounced for the mutant inactive in relaxation reaction. In HCT116 cells where top I was not released from the nucleolus upon halting relaxation activity, it was also not relocated by elevated level of SRSF1. Out of remaining SR proteins, SRSF5, SRSF7, and SRSF9 did not influence the localization of top I in HeLa cells whereas overexpression of SRSF2, SRSF3, SRSF6, and partly SRSF4 concentrated top I in the nucleolus, most possibly due to the reduction of the SRSF1 accessibility. Specific effect of SRSF1 was exerted because of its distinct RS domain. Silencing of SRSF1 compensated the deletion of the top I N-terminal region, individually responsible for nucleoplasmic localization of the mutant, and restored the wild-type phenotype of deletion mutant localization. SRSF1 was essential for the camptothecin-induced clearance from the nucleolus. These results suggest a possible role of SRSF1 in establishing partition of top I between the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm in some cell types with distinct combinations of SR proteins levels.  相似文献   

Human DNA topoisomerase I (topo I) catalyzes DNA relaxation and phosphorylates SRSF1. Whereas the structure of topo I complexed with DNA has been resolved, the structure of topo I in the complex with SRSF1 and structural determinants of topo I activities in this complex are not known. The main obstacle to resolving the structure is a contribution of unfolded domains of topo I and SRSF1 in formation of the complex. To overcome this difficulty, we employed a three-step strategy: identifying the interaction regions, modeling the complex, and validating the model with biochemical methods. The binding sites in both topo I and SRSF1 are localized in the structured regions as well as in the unfolded domains. One observes cooperation between the binding sites in topo I but not in SRSF1. Our results indicate two features of the unfolded RS domain of SRSF1 containing phosphorylated residues that are critical for the kinase activity of topo I: its spatial arrangement relative to topo I and the organization of its sequence. The efficiency of phosphorylation of SRSF1 depends on the length and flexibility of the spacer between the two RRM domains that uniquely determine an arrangement of the RS domain relative to topo I. The spacer also influences inhibition of DNA nicking, a prerequisite for DNA relaxation. To be phosphorylated, the RS domain has to include a short sequence recognized by topo I. A lack of this sequence in the mutants of SRSF1 or its spatial inaccessibility in SRSF9 makes them inadequate as topo I/kinase substrates.  相似文献   

Wnt pathway-driven proliferation and renewal of the intestinal epithelium must be tightly controlled to prevent development of cancer and barrier dysfunction. Although type I interferons (IFN) produced in the gut under the influence of microbiota are known for their antiproliferative effects, the role of these cytokines in regulating intestinal epithelial cell renewal is largely unknown. Here we report a novel role for IFN in the context of intestinal knockout of casein kinase 1α (CK1α), which controls the ubiquitination and degradation of both β-catenin and the IFNAR1 chain of the IFN receptor. Ablation of CK1α leads to the activation of both β-catenin and IFN pathways and prevents the unlimited proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells despite constitutive β-catenin activity. IFN signaling contributes to the activation of the p53 pathway and the appearance of apoptotic and senescence markers in the CK1α-deficient gut. Concurrent genetic ablation of CK1α and IFNAR1 leads to intestinal hyperplasia, robust attenuation of apoptosis, and rapid and lethal loss of barrier function. These data indicate that IFN play an important role in controlling the proliferation and function of the intestinal epithelium in the context of β-catenin activation.  相似文献   

Toscana virus (TOSV) is a phlebovirus, of the Bunyaviridae family, that is responsible for central nervous system (CNS) injury in humans. Previous data have shown that the TOSV NSs protein is a gamma interferon (IFN-β) antagonist when transiently overexpressed in mammalian cells, inhibiting IRF-3 induction (G. Gori Savellini, F. Weber, C. Terrosi, M. Habjan, B. Martorelli, and M. G. Cusi, J. Gen. Virol. 92:71–79, 2011). In this study, we investigated whether an upstream sensor, which has a role in the signaling cascade leading to the production of type I IFN, was involved. We found a significant decrease in RIG-I protein levels in cells overexpressing TOSV NSs, suggesting that the nonstructural protein interacts with RIG-I and targets it for proteasomal degradation. In fact, the MG-132 proteasome inhibitor was able to restore IFN-β promoter activation in cells expressing NSs, demonstrating the existence of an evasion mechanism based on inhibition of the RIG-I sensor. Furthermore, a C-terminal truncated NSs protein (ΔNSs), although able to interact with RIG-I, did not affect the RIG-I-mediated IFN-β promoter activation, suggesting that the NSs domains responsible for RIG-I-mediated signaling and interaction with RIG-I are mapped on different regions. These results contribute to identify a novel mechanism for bunyaviruses by which TOSV NSs counteracts the early IFN response.  相似文献   

Invasive fungal infections by Candida albicans (Ca) are a frequent cause of lethal sepsis in intensive care unit patients. While a contribution of type I interferons (IFNs-I) in fungal sepsis remains unknown, these immunostimulatory cytokines mediate the lethal effects of endotoxemia and bacterial sepsis. Using a mouse model lacking a functional IFN-I receptor (Ifnar1−/−), we demonstrate a remarkable protection against invasive Ca infections. We discover a mechanism whereby IFN-I signaling controls the recruitment of inflammatory myeloid cells, including Ly6Chi monocytes and neutrophils, to infected kidneys by driving expression of the chemokines CCL2 and KC. Within kidneys, monocytes differentiate into inflammatory DCs but fail to functionally mature in Ifnar1−/− mice, as demonstrated by the impaired upregulation of the key activation markers PDCA1 and iNOS. The increased activity of inflammatory monocytes and neutrophils results in hyper-inflammation and lethal kidney pathology. Pharmacological diminution of monocytes and neutrophils by treating mice with pioglitazone, a synthetic agonist of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ), strongly reduces renal immunopathology during Ca infection and improves mouse survival. Taken together, our data connect for the first time the sepsis-promoting functions of IFNs-I to the CCL2-mediated recruitment and the activation of inflammatory monocytes/DCs with high host-destructing potency. Moreover, our data demonstrate a therapeutic relevance of PPAR-γ agonists for microbial infectious diseases where inflammatory myeloid cells may contribute to fatal tissue damage.  相似文献   

DNA ligase I-deficient 46BR.1G1 cells show a delay in the maturation of replicative intermediates resulting in the accumulation of single- and double-stranded DNA breaks. As a consequence the ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein kinase (ATM) is constitutively phosphorylated at a basal level. Here, we use 46BR.1G1 cells as a model system to study the cell response to chronic replication-dependent DNA damage. Starting from a proteomic approach, we demonstrate that the phosphorylation level of factors controlling constitutive and alternative splicing is affected by the damage elicited by DNA ligase I deficiency. In particular, we show that SRSF1 is hyperphosphorylated in 46BR.1G1 cells compared to control fibroblasts. This hyperphosphorylation can be partially prevented by inhibiting ATM activity with caffeine. Notably, hyperphosphorylation of SRSF1 affects the subnuclear distribution of the protein and the alternative splicing pattern of target genes. We also unveil a modulation of SRSF1 phosphorylation after exposure of MRC-5V1 control fibroblasts to different exogenous sources of DNA damage. Altogether, our observations indicate that a relevant aspect of the cell response to DNA damage involves the post-translational regulation of splicing factor SRSF1 which is associated with a shift in the alternative splicing program of target genes to control cell survival or cell death.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFNs) are a critical component of the first line of antiviral defense. The activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) expressed by dendritic cells triggers different signaling cascades that result in the production of large amounts of IFNs. However, the functional consequences of TLR activation and differential IFN production in specific cell populations other than antigen-presenting cells have not yet been fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated TLR expression and polarization in airway epithelial cells (AECs) and the consequences of TLR agonist stimulation for the production of type I (IFN-α/β) and type III (IFN-λ) IFNs. Our results show that the pattern of expression and polarization of all TLRs in primary AEC cultures mirrors that of the human airways ex vivo and is receptor specific. The antiviral TLRs (TLR3, TLR7, and TLR9) are mostly expressed on the apical cell surfaces of epithelial cells in the human trachea and in primary polarized AECs. Type III IFN is the predominant IFN produced by the airway epithelium, and TLR3 is the only TLR that mediates IFN production by AECs, while all TLR agonists tested are capable of inducing AEC activation and interleukin-8 production. In response to influenza virus infection, AECs can produce IFN-λ in an IFNAR- and STAT1-independent manner. Our results emphasize the importance of using primary well-differentiated AECs to study TLR and antiviral responses and provide further insight into the regulation of IFN production during the antiviral response of the lung epithelium.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe tick-borne flavivirus, Kyasanur Forest disease virus (KFDV) causes seasonal infections and periodic outbreaks in south-west India. The current vaccine offers poor protection with reported issues of coverage and immunogenicity. Since there are no approved prophylactic therapeutics for KFDV, type I IFN-α/β subtypes were assessed for antiviral potency against KFDV in cell culture.Conclusions/SignificanceTreatment of cell culture with IFN does not appear to be suitable for KFDV eradication and the assay used for such studies should be carefully considered. Further, it appears that the NS5 protein is sufficient to permit KFDV to bypass the antiviral properties of IFN. We suggest that other prophylactic therapeutics should be evaluated in place of IFN for treatment of individuals with KFDV disease.  相似文献   

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