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PurposeTo compare the respiratory and neurological outcomes at two years of age of preterm children born before 33 weeks of gestation (WG) after early preterm premature rupture of membranes (EPPROM) between 14 and 24 WG with preterm children without EPPROM.ResultsNinety-four cases with EPPROM before 24WG have been included. The 31 children born from 26WG to 32WG were matched with 62 controls. The EPPROM group had poorer clinical evaluation at one year for motor (p = 0.003) and cognitive developmental scores (p = 0.016). Neuromotor rehabilitation was performed more often (p = 0.013). However, there was no difference at 2 years of age. Children born after EPPROM were hospitalized more often for bronchiolitis (p<0.001) during their first 2 years, which correlates with increased incidence of pneumothorax (p = 0.017), pulmonary hypoplasia (p = 0.004) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (p = 0.005) during neonatal period.ConclusionAt two years, despite an increase in severe bronchiolitis and the need for more neuromotor rehabilitation during the first month of the life after discharge, there was no difference in neurological outcomes in the very preterm children of the EPPROM group compared to those born at a similar GA without EPPROM.  相似文献   



Delayed cord clamping (DCC, ≥30s) increases blood volume in newborns and is associated with fewer blood transfusions and short-term neonatal complications. The optimal timing of cord clamping for very preterm infants should maximize placental transfusion without interfering with stabilization and resuscitation.


We compared the effect of different durations of DCC, 30-45s vs. 60-75s, on delivery room (DR) and neonatal outcomes in preterm infants <32 weeks gestational age (GA).


This is a single-center prospective observational study. Data were collected prospectively from eligible infants from two groups: 30-45s DCC group (January 2008 to February 2011, n = 187) and 60-75s DCC group (March 2011 to April 2014, n = 166).


The 60-75s DCC group compared to the 30-45s DCC group had higher hematocrits at <2 hours (49.2% vs. 47.4%, p = 0.02). In infants <28 weeks GA, the 12–36 hours hematocrit was higher in the 60-75s DCC group compared to the 30-45s DCC group (47.9% vs. 42.1%, p = 0.002). The 60-75s DCC group had reductions in DR intubation (11% vs. 22%, p = 0.004), hypothermia on admission (1% vs. 5%, p = 0.01), surfactant therapy (13% vs. 28%, p = 0.001), intubation in the first 24 hours (20% vs. 34%, p = 0.004), any intubation (27% vs. 40%, p = 0.007), and any red blood cell transfusion (20% vs. 33%, p = 0.008) during the hospitalization compared to the 30-45s DCC group. These reductions remained significant after adjusting for GA, gender and >48 hours of antenatal steroid exposure. There was no difference between the two groups in neonatal death, intraventricular hemorrhage, chronic lung disease, late onset sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis and severe retinopathy of prematurity.


In this study cohort increasing DCC duration from 30-45s to 60-75s is associated with decreased hypothermia on admission, neonatal respiratory interventions and red blood cell transfusions without increase in neonatal mortality and morbidities.  相似文献   



Altered brain development is evident in children born very preterm (24–32 weeks gestational age), including reduction in gray and white matter volumes, and thinner cortex, from infancy to adolescence compared to term-born peers. However, many questions remain regarding the etiology. Infants born very preterm are exposed to repeated procedural pain-related stress during a period of very rapid brain development. In this vulnerable population, we have previously found that neonatal pain-related stress is associated with atypical brain development from birth to term-equivalent age. Our present aim was to evaluate whether neonatal pain-related stress (adjusted for clinical confounders of prematurity) is associated with altered cortical thickness in very preterm children at school age.


42 right-handed children born very preterm (24–32 weeks gestational age) followed longitudinally from birth underwent 3-D T1 MRI neuroimaging at mean age 7.9 yrs. Children with severe brain injury and major motor/sensory/cognitive impairment were excluded. Regional cortical thickness was calculated using custom developed software utilizing FreeSurfer segmentation data. The association between neonatal pain-related stress (defined as the number of skin-breaking procedures) accounting for clinical confounders (gestational age, illness severity, infection, mechanical ventilation, surgeries, and morphine exposure), was examined in relation to cortical thickness using constrained principal component analysis followed by generalized linear modeling.


After correcting for multiple comparisons and adjusting for neonatal clinical factors, greater neonatal pain-related stress was associated with significantly thinner cortex in 21/66 cerebral regions (p-values ranged from 0.00001 to 0.014), predominately in the frontal and parietal lobes.


In very preterm children without major sensory, motor or cognitive impairments, neonatal pain-related stress appears to be associated with thinner cortex in multiple regions at school age, independent of other neonatal risk factors.  相似文献   



To investigate the personality in very preterm individuals (VPT; gestational age, GA, <32 weeks) at adult age in two cohorts born in 1974–76 and 1980–82, respectively, and to illuminate the effect of increased survival rates and the clinical implications of deviations in personality.


Demographic data were extracted for all individuals born in Denmark in 1974–76 and 1980–82. From each period one index-group each comprising 150 individuals with the lowest gestational age was selected. Thereafter two control groups born at term were matched by gender, age and residential area. Personality was assessed with the short version of NEO PI-R, and psychiatric diagnoses were obtained from the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register.


Of all the individuals born <32 weeks of gestation in 1980–82 67% were alive in 2006 vs. 43% of those born in 1974–76 (p<0.0001). A total of 433 individuals participated in the study, 76% of the VPT groups (n = 227, mean GA = 27.9) and 69% of the control groups (n = 206). There were no significant differences on personality scores between the two VPT groups. Compared to the control groups, the combined VPT groups scored higher on neuroticism (p = 0.005) and agreeableness (p = 0.012), but lower on extraversion (p = 0.002). Psychiatric disorder was strongly associated with higher scores on neuroticism and lower scores on extraversion.


Improved survival of VPT infants was not associated with increased deviances in the personality as adults. The personality traits in VPT individuals differ moderately from those of term born controls. High scores in neuroticism and low scores in extraversion were associated with increased risk psychiatric disorders. VPT adults also showed signs of positive adaptation in the form of an agreeable and confident attitude towards others.

What this paper adds

The much improved survival rate in very preterm infants during the early years of active neonatology was not associated with increased risk of personality deviation. There are signs of positive adaptation in the form of increased agreeableness in young adults born very preterm.  相似文献   



The hippocampus has been reported to be structurally and functionally altered as a sequel of very preterm birth (<33 weeks gestation), possibly due its vulnerability to hypoxic–ischemic damage in the neonatal period. We examined hippocampal volumes and subregional morphology in very preterm born individuals in mid- and late adolescence and their association with psychiatric outcome.


Structural brain magnetic resonance images were acquired at two time points (baseline and follow-up) from 65 ex-preterm adolescents (mean age = 15.5 and 19.6 years) and 36 term-born controls (mean age=15.0 and 19.0 years). Hippocampal volumes and subregional morphometric differences were measured from manual tracings and with three-dimensional shape analysis. Psychiatric outcome was assessed with the Rutter Parents’ Scale at baseline, the General Health Questionnaire at follow-up and the Peters Delusional Inventory at both time points.


In contrast to previous studies we did not find significant difference in the cross-sectional or longitudinal hippocampal volumes between individuals born preterm and controls, despite preterm individual having significantly smaller whole brain volumes. Shape analysis at baseline revealed subregional deformations in 28% of total bilateral hippocampal surface, reflecting atrophy, in ex-preterm individuals compared to controls, and in 22% at follow-up. In ex-preterm individuals, longitudinal changes in hippocampal shape accounted for 11% of the total surface, while in controls they reached 20%. In the whole sample (both groups) larger right hippocampal volume and bilateral anterior surface deformations at baseline were associated with delusional ideation scores at follow-up.


This study suggests a dynamic association between cross-sectional hippocampal volumes, longitudinal changes and surface deformations and psychosis proneness.  相似文献   



To retrospectively investigate the changes of SpO2 and respiratory drive in preterm infants at birth after administration of 100% oxygen.


Respiratory parameters, FiO2 and oximetry of infants <32 weeks gestation before and after receiving FiO2 1.0 were reviewed during continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or positive pressure ventilation (PPV).


Results are given as median (IQR) or percentages where appropriate. Suitable recordings were made in 50 infants (GA 27 (26–29) weeks), 17 received CPAP and 33 PPV. SpO2 increased rapidly in the first minute after FiO2 1.0 and remained stable. The duration of FiO2 1.0 tended to be shorter in the CPAP group than in the PPV group (CPAP vs. PPV: 65 (33–105) vs. 100 (40–280) s; p = 0.05), SpO2 >95% occurred more often in PPV group (53% vs. 69%) and lasted longer (70(40–95) vs. 120(50–202) s). In CPAP group, minute volume increased from 134 (76–265) mL/kg/min 1 minute before to 240 (157–370) mL/kg/min (p<0.01) 1 minute after start FiO2 1.0 and remained stable at 2 minutes (252 (135–376) mL/kg/min; ns). The rate of rise to maximum tidal volume increased (from 13.8 (8.0–22.4) mL/kg/s to 18.2 (11.0–27.5) mL/kg/s; p<0.0001) to 18.8 (11.8–27.8) mL/kg/s; ns). In the PPV group respiratory rate increased from 0(0–4) to 9(0–20) at 1 minute (p<0.001) to 23 (0–34) breaths per minute at 2 minutes (p<0.01).


In preterm infants at birth, a rapid increase in oxygenation, resulting from a transient increase to 100% oxygen might improve respiratory drive, but increases the risk for hyperoxia.  相似文献   

The developmental significance of the frequently encountered white matter signal abnormality (WMSA) findings on MRI around term-equivalent age (TEA) in very preterm infants, remains in question. The use of conventional qualitative analysis methods is subjective, lacks sufficient reliability for producing accurate and reproducible WMSA diagnosis, and possibly contributes to suboptimal neurodevelopmental outcome prediction. The advantages of quantitative over qualitative diagnostic approaches have been widely acknowledged and demonstrated. The purpose of this study is to objectively and accurately quantify WMSA on TEA T2-weighted MRI in very preterm infants and to assess whether such quantifications predict 2-year language and cognitive developmental outcomes. To this end, we constructed a probabilistic brain atlas, exclusively for very preterm infants to embed tissue distributions (i.e. to encode shapes, locations and geometrical proportion of anatomical structures). Guided with this atlas, we then developed a fully automated method for WMSA detection and quantification using T2-weighted images. Computer simulations and experiments using in vivo very preterm data showed very high detection accuracy. WMSA volume, particularly in the centrum semiovale, on TEA MRI was a significant predictor of standardized language and cognitive scores at 2 years of age. Independent validation of our automated WMSA detection algorithm and school age follow-up are important next steps.  相似文献   



Maternal antibodies, transported over the placenta during pregnancy, contribute to the protection of infants from infectious diseases during the first months of life. In term infants, this protection does not last until the first recommended measles-mumps-rubella vaccination at 14 months in the Netherlands, while these viruses still circulate. The aim of the study was to investigate the antibody concentration against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) in mothers and preterm infants or healthy term infants at birth.


Antibody concentrations specific for MMRV were measured in cord blood samples from preterm (gestational age <32 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 g) and term infants, and matched maternal serum samples, using a fluorescent bead-based multiplex immune-assay.


Due to lower placental transfer ratios of antibodies against MMRV in 96 preterm infants (range 0.75–0.87) compared to 42 term infants (range 1.39–1.65), the preterm infants showed 1.7–2.5 times lower geometric mean concentrations at birth compared to term infants. Maternal antibody concentration is the most important determinant of infant antibody concentration against MMRV.


Preterm infants benefit to a lesser extent from maternal antibodies against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella than term infants, posing them even earlier at risk for infectious diseases caused by these still circulating viruses.  相似文献   



Extremely preterm infants are at high risk of neonatal mortality and adverse outcome. Survival rates are slowly improving, but increased survival may come at the expense of more handicaps.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Prospective population-based cohort study of all infants born at 23 to 27 weeks of gestation in the Netherlands in 2007. 276 of 345 (80%) infants were born alive. Early neonatal death occurred in 96 (34.8%) live born infants, including 61 cases of delivery room death. 29 (10.5%) infants died during the late neonatal period. Survival rates for live born infants at 23, 24, 25 and 26 weeks of gestation were 0%, 6.7%, 57.9% and 71% respectively. 43.1% of 144 surviving infants developed severe neonatal morbidity (retinopathy of prematurity grade ≥3, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and/or severe brain injury). At two years of age 70.6% of the children had no disability, 17.6% was mild disabled and 11.8% had a moderate-to-severe disability. Severe brain injury (p = 0.028), retinopathy of prematurity grade ≥3 (p = 0.024), low gestational age (p = 0.019) and non-Dutch nationality of the mother (p = 0.004) increased the risk of disability.


52% of extremely preterm infants born in the Netherlands in 2007 survived. Surviving infants had less severe neonatal morbidity compared to previous studies. At two years of age less than 30% of the infants were disabled. Disability was associated with gestational age and neonatal morbidity.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4-5):661-671
Differences in the activity-rest behavior of preterm and full-term infants provide an important contribution to the analysis of the ontogeny of circadian rhythms. In this study, we recorded the activity-rest behavior of 17 preterm and 8 full-term infants at the approximate age of 20 months over an average of 10 days by means of actigraphic monitoring (Actiwatch®, Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd.). At the same time, the parents of the infants kept a daily diary. The activity-rest rhythm, the nighttime sleep duration, the daytime rest duration, as well as the sleep quality of the infants were analyzed. Preterm and full-term infants at the age of 20 months show a circadian rhythm with a period length between 23 h 32 min (23:32 h) and 24 h 23 min (24:23 h). It can be concluded that the preterm and full-term infants all reached a vital developmental step by showing the dominant circadian rhythm in the spectrum. The daytime rest duration of preterm infants is significantly shorter than that of full-term infants. The sleep quality of preterm infants is significantly lower than that of full-term infants, which means that the preterm infants have a larger percentage of less restful nighttime sleep. In other studies preterm infants show an over-proportional frequency of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For this reason, future analyses should reveal whether or not actigraphic monitoring is a suitable means for an early identification of activity-rest behavior in children who may develop ADHD.  相似文献   

Differences in the activity-rest behavior of preterm and full-term infants provide an important contribution to the analysis of the ontogeny of circadian rhythms. In this study, we recorded the activity-rest behavior of 17 preterm and 8 full-term infants at the approximate age of 20 months over an average of 10 days by means of actigraphic monitoring (Actiwatch®, Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd.). At the same time, the parents of the infants kept a daily diary. The activity-rest rhythm, the nighttime sleep duration, the daytime rest duration, as well as the sleep quality of the infants were analyzed. Preterm and full-term infants at the age of 20 months show a circadian rhythm with a period length between 23 h 32 min (23:32 h) and 24 h 23 min (24:23 h). It can be concluded that the preterm and full-term infants all reached a vital developmental step by showing the dominant circadian rhythm in the spectrum. The daytime rest duration of preterm infants is significantly shorter than that of full-term infants. The sleep quality of preterm infants is significantly lower than that of full-term infants, which means that the preterm infants have a larger percentage of less restful nighttime sleep. In other studies preterm infants show an over-proportional frequency of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For this reason, future analyses should reveal whether or not actigraphic monitoring is a suitable means for an early identification of activity-rest behavior in children who may develop ADHD.  相似文献   



To investigate the differences in breathing pattern and effort in infants at birth who failed or succeeded on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) during the first 48 hours after birth.


Respiratory function recordings of 32 preterm infants were reviewed of which 15 infants with a gestational age of 28.6 (0.7) weeks failed CPAP and 17 infants with a GA of 30.1 (0.4) weeks did not fail CPAP. Frequency, duration and tidal volumes (VT) of expiratory holds (EHs), peak inspiratory flows, CPAP-level and FiO2-levels were analysed.


EH incidence increased <6 minutes after birth and remained stable thereafter. EH peak inspiratory flows and VT were similar between CPAP-fail and CPAP-success infants. At 9-12 minutes, CPAP-fail infants more frequently used smaller VTs, 0-9 ml/kg and required higher peak inspiratory flows. However, CPAP-success infants often used large VTs (>9 ml/kg) with higher peak inspiratory flows than CPAP-fail infants (71.8 ± 15.8 vs. 15.5 ± 5.2 ml/kg.s, p <0.05). CPAP-fail infants required higher FiO2 (0.31 ± 0.03 vs. 0.21 ± 0.01), higher CPAP pressures (6.62 ± 0.3 vs. 5.67 ± 0.26 cmH2O) and more positive pressure-delivered breaths (45 ± 12 vs. 19 ± 9%) (p <0.05)


At 9-12 minutes after birth, CPAP-fail infants more commonly used lower VTs and required higher peak inspiratory flow rates while receiving greater respiratory support. VT was less variable and larger VT was infrequently used reflecting early signs of fatigue.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to compare health outcomes and hospital care use of very low birth weight (VLBW), and very preterm (VLGA) infants in seven European countries. Analysis was performed on linkable patient-level registry data from seven European countries between 2006 and 2008 (Finland, Hungary, Italy (the Province of Rome), the Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, and Sweden). Mortality and length of stay (LoS) were adjusted for differences in gestational age (GA), sex, intrauterine growth, Apgar score at five minutes, parity and multiple births. The analysis included 16,087 infants. Both the 30-day and one-year adjusted mortality rates were lowest in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden and Norway) and Scotland and highest in Hungary and the Netherlands. For survivors, the adjusted average LoS during the first year of life ranged from 56 days in the Netherlands and Scotland to 81 days in Hungary. There were large differences between European countries in mortality rates and LoS in VLBW and VLGA infants. Substantial data linkage problems were observed in most countries due to inadequate identification procedures at birth, which limit data validity and should be addressed by policy makers across Europe.  相似文献   

Preterm birth is associated with abnormal respiratory functions throughout life. The mechanisms underlying these long-term consequences are still unclear. Shortening of telomeres was associated with many conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We aimed to search for an association between telomere length and lung function in adolescents born preterm. Lung function and telomere length were measured in 236 adolescents born preterm and 38 born full-term from the longitudinal EPIPAGE cohort. Associations between telomere length and spirometric indices were tested in univariate and multivariate models accounting for confounding factors in the study population. Airflows were significantly lower in adolescents born preterm than controls; forced expiratory volume in one second was 12% lower in the extremely preterm born group than controls (p<0.001). Lower birth weight, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and postnatal sepsis were significantly associated with lower airflow values. Gender was the only factor that was significantly associated with telomere length. Telomere length correlated with forced expiratory flow 25–75 in the extremely preterm adolescent group in univariate and multivariate analyses (p = 0.01 and p = 0.02, respectively). We evidenced an association between telomere length and abnormal airflow in a population of adolescents born extremely preterm. There was no evident association with perinatal events. This suggests other involved factors, such as a continuing airway oxidative stress leading to persistent inflammation and altered lung function, ultimately increasing susceptibility to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   



To compare the effects of stress dose hydrocortisone therapy with placebo on survival without neurodevelopmental impairments in high-risk preterm infants.

Study Design

We recruited 64 extremely low birth weight (birth weight ≤1000g) infants between the ages of 10 and 21 postnatal days who were ventilator-dependent and at high-risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Infants were randomized to a tapering 7-day course of stress dose hydrocortisone or saline placebo. The primary outcome at follow-up was a composite of death, cognitive or language delay, cerebral palsy, severe hearing loss, or bilateral blindness at a corrected age of 18–22 months. Secondary outcomes included continued use of respiratory therapies and somatic growth.


Fifty-seven infants had adequate data for the primary outcome. Of the 28 infants randomized to hydrocortisone, 19 (68%) died or survived with impairment compared with 22 of the 29 infants (76%) assigned to placebo (relative risk: 0.83; 95% CI, 0.61 to 1.14). The rates of death for those in the hydrocortisone and placebo groups were 31% and 41%, respectively (P = 0.42). Randomization to hydrocortisone also did not significantly affect the frequency of supplemental oxygen use, positive airway pressure support, or need for respiratory medications.


In high-risk extremely low birth weight infants, stress dose hydrocortisone therapy after 10 days of age had no statistically significant effect on the incidence of death or neurodevelopmental impairment at 18–22 months. These results may inform the design and conduct of future clinical trials.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00167544  相似文献   

Individuals who were born very preterm (VPT; <33 gestational weeks) are at risk of experiencing deficits in tasks involving executive function in childhood and beyond. In addition, the type and severity of neonatal brain injury associated with very preterm birth may exert differential effects on executive functioning by altering its neuroanatomical substrates. Here we addressed this question by investigating with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) the haemodynamic response during executive-type processing using a phonological verbal fluency and a working memory task in VPT-born young adults who had experienced differing degrees of neonatal brain injury. 12 VPT individuals with a history of periventricular haemorrhage and ventricular dilatation (PVH+VD), 17 VPT individuals with a history of uncomplicated periventricular haemorrhage (UPVH), 13 VPT individuals with no history of neonatal brain injury and 17 controls received an MRI scan whilst completing a verbal fluency task with two cognitive loads (‘easy’ and ‘hard’ letters). Two groups of VPT individuals (PVH+VD; n = 10, UPVH; n = 8) performed an n-back task with three cognitive loads (1-, 2-, 3-back). Results demonstrated that VPT individuals displayed hyperactivation in frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices and in caudate nucleus, insula and thalamus compared to controls, as demands of the verbal fluency task increased, regardless of type of neonatal brain injury. On the other hand, during the n-back task and as working memory load increased, the PVH+VD group showed less engagement of the frontal cortex than the UPVH group. In conclusion, this study suggests that the functional neuroanatomy of different executive-type processes is altered following VPT birth and that neural activation associated with specific aspects of executive function (i.e., working memory) may be particularly sensitive to the extent of neonatal brain injury.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2022,28(9):835-841
ObjectiveTo the assess the iodine status of preterm infants born in an area of iodine sufficiency using the urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and compare these values across different feeding practices during the first 7 days of life.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, 88 preterm infants born at 30 to 34 weeks of gestation and admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of a referral hospital in Tehran (Iran) were included. The infant UIC and TSH levels and breast milk iodine concentration in mothers who were exclusively breastfeeding were measured.ResultsMedian (interquartile range [IQR]) UIC and TSH levels in the study population were 81 (39-189) μg/L and 1.60 (0.80-2.85) mIU/L, respectively. When preterm infants were stratified by the type of feeding, the median (IQR) UICs were 64 (42-126) μg/L in parenteral nutrition, 125 (41-195) μg/L in exclusively breastfeeding, 57 (28-123) μg/L in formula feeding, and 45 (35-132) μg/L in mixed feeding, with no statistically significant difference between the groups (P = .31). The median (IQR) breast milk iodine concentration was 271 (177-521) μg/L in preterm infants exclusively fed their mothers’ own milk. There was no significant difference in the proportion of the TSH levels of >5 mIU/L between preterm infants who received enteral and parenteral nutrition (P = .27).ConclusionPreterm infants are at risk of iodine deficiency even in an area where the general population has adequate iodine. Only the preterm infants who received exclusively their mothers’ own milk had marginally adequate iodine status. Further studies are warranted to determine the necessity of iodine supplementation for this vulnerable group.  相似文献   



To investigate if the lack of gestational age correction may explain some of the school failure seen in ex-preterm infants.


A cohort study based on the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). The primary outcome was a low Key Stage 1 score (KS1) score at age 7 or having special educational needs (SEN). Exposure groups were defined as preterm (<37 weeks gestation, n = 722) or term (37–42 weeks, n = 11,268). Conditional regression models were derived, matching preterm to term infants on date of birth (DOB), expected date of delivery (EDD) or expected date of delivery and year of school entry. Multiple imputation was used to account for missing covariate data.


When matching for DOB, infants born preterm had an increased odds of a low KS1 score (OR 1.73 (1.45–2.06)) and this association persisted after adjusting for potential confounders (OR 1.57 (1.25–1.97)). The association persisted in the analysis matching for EDD (fully adjusted OR 1.53 (1.21–1.94)) but attenuated substantially after additionally restricting to those infants who entered school at the same time as the control infants (fully adjusted OR 1.25 (0.98–1.60)). A compatible reduction in the population attributable risk fraction was seen from 4.60% to 2.12%, and year of school entry appeared to modify the association between gestational age and the risk of a poor KS1 score (p = 0.029).


This study provides evidence that the school year placement and assessment of ex-preterm infants based on their actual birthday (rather than their EDD) may increase their risk of learning difficulties with corresponding school failure.  相似文献   



Small for gestational age (SGA) is not only a major indicator of perinatal mortality and morbidity, but also the morbidity risks in later in life. We aim to estimate the association between the birth of SGA infants and the risk factors and adverse perinatal outcomes among twenty-nine countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia in 359 health facilities in 2010–11.


We analysed facility-based, cross-sectional data from the WHO Multi-country Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health. We constructed multilevel logistic regression models with random effects for facilities and countries to estimate the risk factors for SGA infants using country-specific birthweight reference standards in preterm and term delivery, and SGA’s association with adverse perinatal outcomes. We compared the risks and adverse perinatal outcomes with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants categorized by preterm and term delivery.


A total of 295,829 singleton infants delivered were analysed. The overall prevalence of SGA was highest in Cambodia (18.8%), Nepal (17.9%), the Occupied Palestinian Territory (16.1%), and Japan (16.0%), while the lowest was observed in Afghanistan (4.8%), Uganda (6.6%) and Thailand (9.7%). The risk of preterm SGA infants was significantly higher among nulliparous mothers and mothers with chronic hypertension and preeclampsia/eclampsia (aOR: 2.89; 95% CI: 2.55–3.28) compared with AGA infants. Higher risks of term SGA were observed among sociodemographic factors and women with preeclampsia/eclampsia, anaemia and other medical conditions. Multiparity (> = 3) (AOR: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.83–0.92) was a protective factor for term SGA. The risk of perinatal mortality was significantly higher in preterm SGA deliveries in low to high HDI countries.


Preterm SGA is associated with medical conditions related to preeclampsia, but not with sociodemographic status. Term SGA is associated with sociodemographic status and various medical conditions.  相似文献   

Premature infants exhibit widespread insults and delays in white matter maturation that can be sensitively detected early using diffusion tensor imaging. Diffusion tensor tractography facilitates in vivo visualization of white matter tracts and has the potential to be more sensitive than simpler two-dimensional DTI-based measures. However, the reliability and reproducibility of performing tractography for major white matter tracts in preterm infants is not known. The main objective of our study was to develop highly reliable and repeatable methods for ten white matter tracts in extremely low birth weight infants (birth weight ≤1000 g) at term-equivalent age. To demonstrate clinical utility, we also compared fiber microstructural and macrostructural parameters between preterm and healthy term controls. Twenty-nine ELBW infants and a control group of 15 healthy term newborns were studied. A team of researchers experienced in neuroanatomy/neuroimaging established the manual segmentation protocol based on a priori anatomical knowledge and an extensive training period to identify sources of variability. Intra- and inter-rater reliability and repeatability was tested using intra-class correlation coefficient, within-subject standard deviation (SD), repeatability, and Dice similarity index. Our results support our primary goal of developing highly reliable and reproducible comprehensive methods for manual segmentation of 10 white matter tracts in ELBW infants. The within-subject SD was within 1–2% and repeatability within 3–7% of the mean values for all 10 tracts. The intra-rater Dice index was excellent with a range of 0.97 to 0.99, and as expected, the inter-rater Dice index was lower (range: 0.80 to 0.91), but still within a very good reliability range. ELBW infants exhibited fewer fiber numbers and/or abnormal microstructure in a majority of the ten quantified tracts, consistent with injury/delayed development. This protocol could serve as a valuable tool for prompt evaluation of the impact of neuroprotective therapies and as a prognostic biomarker for neurodevelopmental impairments.  相似文献   

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