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The positional distribution of fatty acids in glycerolipidsfrom thalli of Porphyra yezoensis was studied by enzymatic hydrolysis.In monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, icosapentaenoic acid was amajor fatty acid at both the sn-1 and sn-2 positions of theglycerol moiety, whereas palmitic acid was a minor componentat both positions. In digalactosyl diacylglycerol and sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, icosapentaenoic and palmitic acids were almostexclusively distributed at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively.In phosphatidylglycerol, palmitic and trans--13-hexadecenoicacid were exclusively located at the sn-2 position. In phosphatidylcholine,icosapentaenoic acid occurred in both the sn-l and sn-2 positions,whereas palmitic acid was confined to the sn-1 position. Itis suggested that monogalactosyl diacylglycerol in P. yezoensissynthesized in both the cytoplasmic and chloroplastic pathways,while the diacylglycerol moieties of the other chloroplast lipidsare virtually all derived from the chloroplastic pathway. (Received March 7, 1986; Accepted April 6, 1987)  相似文献   

2-Hydroxy-succinaldehyde was detected by a GC/MS analysis of trapped aldehydic compounds obtained after Fe2+/ascorbate lipid peroxidation of arachidonic acid. Precursor molecules of aldehydes are hydroperoxy compounds. Thus the generation of the two aldehydic groups in 2-hydroxysuccinaldehyde requires a precursor molecule with two hydroperoxy groups. The hydroxy group in 2-position is generated by a third hydroperoxidation reaction. The detection of 2-hydroxysuccinaldehyde—although found only in traces—is the first example for triple dioxigenation of unsaturated fatty acid. Linolenic acid produces 2-hydroxysuccinaldehyde in much lower amounts than arachidonic acid. A similar oxidation of linoleic acid was not observed.  相似文献   

The marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum can accumulate up to 30% of the omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and, as such, is considered a good source for the industrial production of EPA. However, P. tricornutum does not naturally accumulate significant levels of the more valuable omega-3 LC-PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Previously, we have engineered P. tricornutum to accumulate elevated levels of DHA and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) by overexpressing heterologous genes encoding enzyme activities of the LC-PUFA biosynthetic pathway. Here, the transgenic strain Pt_Elo5 has been investigated for the scalable production of EPA and DHA. Studies have been performed at the laboratory scale on the cultures growing in up to 1 L flasks a 3.5 L bubble column, a 550 L closed photobioreactor and a 1250 L raceway pond with artificial illumination. Detailed studies were carried out on the effect of different media, carbon sources and illumination on omega-3 LC-PUFAs production by transgenic strain Pt_Elo5 and wild type P. tricornutum grown in 3.5 L bubble columns. The highest content of DHA (7.5% of total fatty acids, TFA) in transgenic strain was achieved in cultures grown in seawater salts, Instant Ocean (IO), supplemented with F/2 nutrients (F2N) under continuous light. After identifying the optimal conditions for omega-3 LC-PUFA accumulation in the small-scale experiments we compared EPA and DHA levels of the transgenic strain grown in a larger fence-style tubular photobioreactor and a raceway pond. We observed a significant production of DHA over EPA, generating an EPA/DPA/DHA profile of 8.7%/4.5%/12.3% of TFA in cells grown in a photobioreactor, equivalent to 6.4 μg/mg dry weight DHA in a mid-exponentially growing algal culture. Omega-3 LC-PUFAs production in a raceway pond at ambient temperature but supplemented with artificial illumination (110 μmol photons m-2s-1 ) on a 16:8h light:dark cycle, in natural seawater and F/2 nutrients was 24.8% EPA and 10.3% DHA. Transgenic strain grown in RP produced the highest levels of EPA (12.8%) incorporated in neutral lipids. However, the highest partitioning of DHA in neutral lipids was observed in cultures grown in PBR (7.1%). Our results clearly demonstrate the potential for the development of the transgenic Pt_Elo5 as a platform for the commercial production of EPA and DHA.  相似文献   

A precursor of a known long life free radical species which gives a triplet ESR signal was detected among the reaction products of dehydroascorbic acid and amino acids. Experimentally, this compound was transformed to the radical species by dilution with 1: 1 pyridinewater or some buffer solutions of pH 5~7. The yield of the precursor was significantly improved by the addition of ascorbic acid to the reaction system.  相似文献   

In the marine red alga, Griffithsia pacifica, the repair processinitiated upon death of an intercalary cell is mediated by aglycoprotein hormone, rhodomorphin. In this paper we show thatthe glycosidic portion of the molecule has terminal -D-mannosylresidues which are at least in part responsible for the bindingof rhodomorphin by concanavalin A. The protein portion of themolecule contains disulfide bridges. These bridges must be intactfor biologically active hormone to be recovered from a denaturedstate. Isolation of active rhodomorphin from SDS-PAGE indicatesa molecular weight of 15,000–17,500. This agrees wellwith our previously published [Watson and Waaland (1983) PlantPhysiol. 71: 327] molecular weight from gel filtration of 14,000. (Received February 26, 1986; Accepted June 2, 1986)  相似文献   

In a mixture of chloroplasts and microsomes from spinach leaves,all the leaf lipids were synthesized from (1-14C)-acetate. Inthis system, all the lipids contained labelled oleate, linoleateand linolenate but labelled linolenate was mainly concentratedinto diacylgalactosylglycerol (MGDG). A small but significantlabelling was found in the linolenate of the diacyldigalactosylglycerol(DGDG). On the other hand, labelled hexadecamonoenoic acid (C16:1),hexadecadienoic acid (C16:2) and hexadecatrienoic acid (C16:3)were only found into MGDG. In such a reconstituted system, atthe end of the incubation period, labelled MGDG was almost exclusivelyrecovered into the chloroplast while the labelled phosphatidylcholine(PC) was found highly concentrated in the microsomes In the MGDG of the chloroplast, C16:1, C16:2 and C16:3 werefound at the C2 position of the glycerol while oleic acid (C18:1),linoleic acid (C18:2) and a-linolenic acid (18:3) esterifiedspecifically the position 1 of the glycerol. No C18 acids werefound in position 2. In the PC of the microsomes, C18:1, C18:2and C18:3 were found at the Cl and C2 positions of the glycerolwhile palmitic acid esterified exclusively the Cl of the glycerol. The biosynthetic pathway of trienoic fatty acids in leaves ofhigher plants is discussed. (Received July 19, 1982; Accepted October 18, 1982)  相似文献   

The rate constants for reaction of several lipid-soluble antioxidants with trichloromethylperoxyl radicals are tabulated.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3',5'-pyrophosphate, previously isolated from the red alga Porphyra perforata , possesses biological properties similar to those of a cyclic AMP-like compound isolated from higher plants. Both compounds are potent inhibitors of bovine cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and bovine phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

The free amino-acid contents of the apical and middle parts of the thallus, as well as the receptacles of fertile and juvenile specimens, of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus collected from seven different biotopes of the Murman shore, Barents Sea have been studied for the first time. The free amino-acid composition of the studied algae specimens was dominated by alanine, along with aspartic and glutamic acid. The distribution of free amino acids in the thallus of Fucus is uneven and depends on the habitat. The free aminoacid contents in the spring vary considerably between different parts of the thallus; however, certain regular patterns of their distribution are observed. A correlation has been found between the level of some individual amino acids in different parts of the thallus of fertile and juvenile algae and the salinity of the seawater.  相似文献   

Previously, some changes were noticed in energy metabolism of rats fed a low casein diet. In connection with these phenomena, influence of a low casein diet on the composition and amounts of free fatty acids in liver homogenate after autolyzing for a few hours was investigated. For the measurement of free fatty acids, they were purified by a method with some devices in purification procedure using KOH. It was found that amounts of free fatty acids in liver homogenate after autolyzing for a few hours were lower in rats fed a low casein diet.  相似文献   

The cladocerans Ceriodaphnia richardi, Daphnia ambigua, D. gessneri and Moina micrura were used to access food quality of Lake Monte Alegre’s seston. Experiments were carried out in summer and autumn as growth assays with lake seston only (control) and seston supplemented with phosphate, fatty acids or Synechococcus, and Scenedesmus. In summer, high C:P ratios in seston suggested strong phosphorus limitation, however, contrary to the expectations of stoichiometric theory, the addition of phosphate to seston did not improve cladoceran growth. Addition of PUFA increased growth rates and clutch size of D. gessneri, suggesting a possible deficiency in essential fatty acids in summer. Addition of Scenedesmus increased significantly growth rates of the cladocerans D. gessneri and C. cornuta, suggesting energy limitation in summer. In autumn, C:P ratios were lower than in summer, but still above the threshold ratio for Daphnia. At this time, addition of phosphate increased significantly growth rates of Daphnia suggesting strong P limitation, especially in D. gessneri. However, energy limitation was still important in autumn, as suggested by a further increase in growth rates in +Syn and +Sce treatments. Energy limitation was especially strong for Moina micrura, which is a fast-growing species, with high P content. Algal digestion resistance is a plausible hypothesis for energy limitation, since carbon concentrations in both seasons were above incipient limiting levels. These results show that the seston C:P ratio was not a consistent predictor of cladoceran P limitation and that factors other than P and energy limitation seem to be also important, such as PUFA or other biochemical factors. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

A novel strictly anaerobic bacterium designated strain SSD-17B(T) was isolated from the hypersaline brine-sediment interface of the Shaban Deep, Red Sea. Cells were pleomorphic but usually consisted of a central coccoid body with one or two "tentacle-like" protrusions. These protrusions actively alternated between a straight, relaxed form and a contracted, corkscrew-like one. A peptidoglycan layer was not detected by electron microscopy. The organism forms "fried-egg"-like colonies on MM-X medium. The organism is strictly anaerobic and halophilic and has an optimum temperature for growth of about 30 to 37 degrees C and an optimum pH of about 7. Nitrate and nitrite are reduced; lactate is a fermentation product. The fatty acid profile is dominated by straight saturated and unsaturated chain compounds. Menaquinone 4 is the major respiratory quinone. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated strain SSD-17B(T) represents a novel and distinct lineage within the radiation of the domain Bacteria. The branching position of strain SSD-17B(T) was equidistant to the taxa considered to be representative lineages of the phyla Firmicutes and Tenericutes (with its sole class Mollicutes). The phenotypic and phylogenetic data clearly show the distinctiveness of this unusual bacterium, and we therefore propose that strain SSD-17B(T) (= DSM 18853 = JCM 14575) represents a new genus and a new species, for which we recommend the name Haloplasma contractile gen. nov., sp. nov. We are also of the opinion that the organism represents a new order-level taxon, for which we propose the name Haloplasmatales.  相似文献   



Secondary adaptation to aquatic life occurred independently in several amniote lineages, including reptiles during the Mesozoic and mammals during the Cenozoic. These evolutionary shifts to aquatic environments imply major morphological modifications, especially of the feeding apparatus. Mesozoic (250–65 Myr) marine reptiles, such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurid squamates, crocodiles, and turtles, exhibit a wide range of adaptations to aquatic feeding and a broad overlap of their tooth morphospaces with those of Cenozoic marine mammals. However, despite these multiple feeding behavior convergences, suction feeding, though being a common feeding strategy in aquatic vertebrates and in marine mammals in particular, has been extremely rarely reported for Mesozoic marine reptiles.

Principal Findings

A relative of fossil protostegid and dermochelyoid sea turtles, Ocepechelon bouyai gen. et sp. nov. is a new giant chelonioid from the Late Maastrichtian (67 Myr) of Morocco exhibiting remarkable adaptations to marine life (among others, very dorsally and posteriorly located nostrils). The 70-cm-long skull of Ocepechelon not only makes it one of the largest marine turtles ever described, but also deviates significantly from typical turtle cranial morphology. It shares unique convergences with both syngnathid fishes (unique long tubular bony snout ending in a rounded and anteriorly directed mouth) and beaked whales (large size and elongated edentulous jaws). This striking anatomy suggests extreme adaptation for suction feeding unmatched among known turtles.


The feeding apparatus of Ocepechelon, a bony pipette-like snout, is unique among tetrapods. This new taxon exemplifies the successful systematic and ecological diversification of chelonioid turtles during the Late Cretaceous. This new evidence for a unique trophic specialization in turtles, along with the abundant marine vertebrate faunas associated to Ocepechelon in the Late Maastrichtian phosphatic beds of Morocco, further supports the hypothesis that marine life was, at least locally, very diversified just prior to the Cretaceous/Palaeogene (K/Pg) biotic crisis.  相似文献   

N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanine is an excellent peptide substrate for carboxy-peptidase A; at 30 degrees C and pH 7.5, K(m) is 2.6 x 10(-5) M while k(cat) is 177 s(-1) (k(cat)/K(m) = 6.8 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). Indole-3-acetic acid is a noncompetitive or mixed inhibitor towards the peptide and toward hippuryl-L-phenylalanine; plots of E/V vs [Inhibitor] are linear. N-Benzoyl-L-phenylalanine is a competitive inhibitor of peptide hydrolysis, and plots of E/V vs [Inhibitor] are again linear. One molecule of inhibitor binds per active site, and these inhibitors bind in different sites. At constant peptide substrate concentration and a series of constant concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid, plots of E/V vs the concentration of N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine are linear and intersect behind the E/V axis and above the [Inhibitor] axis. This shows that both inhibitors can bind simultaneously and that binding of one facilitates the binding of the other (beta = 0.18). Employing the ester substrate hippuryl-DL,beta-phenyllactate, the same type of behavior is observed in the reverse sense; N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine is a linear noncompetitive inhibitor and indole-3-acetic acid is a linear competitive inhibitor. Again the two inhibitor plot is linear and intersects above the [Inhibitor] axis (beta = 0.12). Previous X-ray crystallographic studies have indicated that indole-3-acetic acid binds in the hydrophobic pocket of the S'(1) site, while N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine binds in the S(1)-S(2) site. The product complex for hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanine (phenylalanine + N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine) occupies both of these sites. However, the present work shows that the peptide substrate does not bind to the enzyme at pH 7.5 so as to be competitive with indole-3-acetic acid. The binding sites may be formed via conformational changes induced or stabilized by substrate and product binding. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a novel therapeutic target for type-2 diabetes, which negatively regulates the insulin signaling transduction. Bis (2, 3-dibromo-4, 5-dihydroxybenzyl) ether (BDDE), a novel bromophenol isolated from the Red Alga, is a novel PTP1B inhibitor. But the anti-diabetic effects are not clear. In the present study, we evaluated the in vitro and in vivo antidiabetic effects of BDDE.


The insulin-resistant HepG2 cells were used to evaluate the in vitro antidiabetic effects of BDDE. MTT assay was used to determine the safety concentrations in HepG2 cells. Glucose assay kit was used to check glucose uptake after treated with BDDE. Western blotting assay was used to explore the potent mechanisms. The db/db mice were used to evaluate the in vivo antidiabetic effects of BDDE. Body weight, blood glucose, Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), lipid profile, and insulin level were checked at the respective time points. Gastrocnemii were dissected and used to analyze the PTP1B and insulin receptor β (IRβ) expression.


BDDE increased the insulin-resisted glucose uptake in HepG2 cells. BDDE also decreased the expression of PTP1B and activated the substrates and downstream signals in insulin signal pathway, such as IRβ, insulin receptor substrate-1/2 (IRS1/2), phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). In the db/db mice model, BDDE significantly decreased the blood glucose, HbA1c and triglyceride (TG) levels. BDDE also decreased the expression of PTP1B and activated the phosphorylation of IRβ in gastrocnemii. Moreover, BDDE at high doses downregulated the body weight without affecting food and water intake.


Our results suggest that BDDE as a new PTP1B inhibitor improves glucose metabolism by stimulating the insulin signaling and could be used in the treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Pardaxin, an amphipathic polypeptide secreted by the Red Sea flatfish Pardachirus marmoratus whose sequence is NH2-G-F-F-A-L-I-P-K-I-I-S-S-P-L-F-K-T-L-L-S-A-V-G-S-A-L-S-S-S-G-G-Q-E, was synthesized by the solid-phase method. The structure was verified by sequencing. The synthetic polypeptide changed the resistance of lipid bilayers by forming pores. At 10(-7)-10(-8) M, the synthetic pardaxin increased the frequency of the spontaneous release of quanta of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction by up to 100-fold, resembling the native product. Synthetic pardaxin seems to be a suitable tool for investigating the molecular structures underlying channel selectivity.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA for maize root-form phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(PEPC) was isolated. In the coding region, the root-form PEPCshowed 76 and 77% identity with the C4- and C3-form PEPCs ofmaize, respectively, at the nucleotide level. At the amino acidlevel, the root-form was 81 and 85% identical to the C4- andC3-form PEPCs, respectively. The entire coding region was insertedinto a pET32a expression vector so that it was expressed underthe control of T7 promoter. The purified recombinant root-formPEPC had a Vmax value of about 28 mol min–1(mg protein)1at pH 8.0. The Km values of root-form PEPC for PEP and Mg2+were one-tenth or less of those of C4-form PEPC when assayedat either pH 7.3 or 8.0, while the value for HCO3 wasabout one-half of that of C4-form PEPC at pH 8.0. Glucose 6-phosphateand glycine had little effect on the root-form PEPC at pH 7.3;they caused two-fold activation of the C4-form PEPC. The Ki(L-malate) values at pH 7.3 were 0.12 and 0.43 raM for the root-and C4-form PEPCs, respectively. Comparison of hydropathy profilesamong the maize PEPC isoforms suggested that several stretchesof amino acid sequences may contribute in some way to theircharacteristic kinetic properties. The root-form PEPC was phosphorylatedby both mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinase and maize leafprotein kinase, and the phosphorylated enzyme was less sensitiveto L-malate. 1These authors contributed equally to this work. 2Present address: Otsuka Chemical Co. Ltd., 463 Kagasuno, Kawauchi-cho,Tokushima, 771-0130 Japan. 3Present address: Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Research Center,1-98, Kasugade, Naka 3-cho-me, Konohana-ku, Osaka, 554-0022Japan.  相似文献   

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