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Understanding the origins of species richness patterns is a fundamental goal in ecology and evolutionary biology. Much research has focused on explaining two kinds of species richness patterns: (i) spatial species richness patterns (e.g. the latitudinal diversity gradient), and (ii) clade-based species richness patterns (e.g. the predominance of angiosperm species among plants). Here, I highlight a third kind of richness pattern: trait-based species richness (e.g. the number of species with each state of a character, such as diet or body size). Trait-based richness patterns are relevant to many topics in ecology and evolution, from ecosystem function to adaptive radiation to the paradox of sex. Although many studies have described particular trait-based richness patterns, the origins of these patterns remain far less understood, and trait-based richness has not been emphasised as a general category of richness patterns. Here, I describe a conceptual framework for how trait-based richness patterns arise compared to other richness patterns. A systematic review suggests that trait-based richness patterns are most often explained by when each state originates within a group (i.e. older states generally have higher richness), and not by differences in transition rates among states or faster diversification of species with certain states. This latter result contrasts with the widespread emphasis on diversification rates in species-richness research. I show that many recent studies of spatial richness patterns are actually studies of trait-based richness patterns, potentially confounding the causes of these patterns. Finally, I describe a plethora of unanswered questions related to trait-based richness patterns.  相似文献   

Plant feeding insects and the plants they feed upon represent an ecological association that is thought to be a key factor for the diversification of many plant feeding insects, through differential adaptation to different plant selective pressures. While a number of studies have investigated diversification of plant feeding insects above the species level, relatively less attention has been given to patterns of diversification within species, particularly those that also require plants for oviposition and subsequent larval development. In the case of plant feeding insects that also require plant tissues for the completion of their reproductive cycle through larval development, the divergent selective pressure not only acts on adults, but on the full life history of the insect. Here we focus attention on Rhinusa antirrhini (Curculionidae), a species of weevil broadly distributed across Europe that both feeds on, and oviposits and develops within, species of the plant genus Linaria (Plantaginaceae). Using a combination of mtDNA (COII) and nuclear DNA (EF1‐α) sequencing and copulation experiments we assess evidence for host associated genetic differentiation within R. antirrhini. We find substantial genetic variation within this species that is best explained by ecological specialisation on different host plant taxa. This genetic differentiation is most pronounced in the mtDNA marker, with patterns of genetic variation at the nuclear marker suggesting incomplete lineage sorting and/or gene flow between different host plant forms of R. antirrhini, whose origin is estimated to date to the mid‐Pliocene (3.77 Mya; 2.91–4.80 Mya).  相似文献   

Biotic interchange between geographic regions can promote rapid diversification. However, what are the important factors that determine the rate of diversification (e.g., trait‐dependent diversification) vary between study systems. The evolutionary history of Dynastes beetles, which can be found in both North and South Americas and exhibit two different altitudinal preferences (highland and lowland) is tested for the effects of biotic interchange between continents and different ecological preferences on the rate of species diversification. Additionally, the hypotheses of geological time‐dependent and lineage specific diversification rates are also tested. Results from this study indicate that in Dynastes beetles a pre‐landbridge dispersal hypothesis from South to North America is preferred and that the speciation rates estimated using BAMM are similar between lineages of different geographic origins and different altitudinal preferences (i.e., diversification rate is not trait‐dependent). On the other hand, my result from marcoevolutionary cohort analysis based on BAMM outputs suggests that the rate of speciation in Dynastes beetles is, instead of trait‐dependent (geographic and ecological), lineage specific. Furthermore, a steadily increasing speciation rate can be found in Pliocene and Pleistocene, which implies that geological and climatic events, i.e., colonizing North America, habitat reformation in the Amazonia, and forest contraction in Pleistocene, may have together shaped the current biodiversity pattern in Dynastes beetles.  相似文献   

Understanding why species richness peaks along the Andes is a fundamental question in the study of Neotropical biodiversity. Several biogeographic and diversification scenarios have been proposed in the literature, but there is confusion about the processes underlying each scenario, and assessing their relative contribution is not straightforward. Here, we propose to refine these scenarios into a framework which evaluates four evolutionary mechanisms: higher speciation rate in the Andes, lower extinction rates in the Andes, older colonization times and higher colonization rates of the Andes from adjacent areas. We apply this framework to a species‐rich subtribe of Neotropical butterflies whose diversity peaks in the Andes, the Godyridina (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini). We generated a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the Godyridina and fitted time‐dependent diversification models. Using trait‐dependent diversification models and ancestral state reconstruction methods we then compared different biogeographic scenarios. We found strong evidence that the rates of colonization into the Andes were higher than the other way round. Those colonizations and the subsequent local diversification at equal rates in the Andes and in non‐Andean regions mechanically increased the species richness of Andean regions compared to that of non‐Andean regions (‘species‐attractor’ hypothesis). We also found support for increasing speciation rates associated with Andean lineages. Our work highlights the importance of the Andean slopes in repeatedly attracting non‐Andean lineages, most likely as a result of the diversity of habitats and/or host plants. Applying this analytical framework to other clades will bring important insights into the evolutionary mechanisms underlying the most species‐rich biodiversity hotspot on the planet.  相似文献   

Through the course of an adaptive radiation, the evolutionary speed of cladogenesis and ecologically relevant trait evolution are expected to slow as species diversity increases, niches become occupied, and ecological opportunity declines. We develop new likelihood‐based models to test diversity‐dependent evolution in the auks, one of only a few families of seabirds adapted to underwater “flight,” and which exhibit a large variety of bill sizes and shapes. Consistent with the expectations of adaptive radiation, we find both a decline in rates of cladogenesis (a sixfold decline) and bill shape (a 64‐fold decline) evolution as diversity increased. Bill shape diverged into two clades at the basal cladogenesis event with one clade possessing mostly long, narrow bills used to forage primarily on fish, and the other with short thick bills used to forage primarily on plankton. Following this initial divergence in bill shape, size, a known correlate of both prey size and maximum diving depth, diverged rapidly within each of these clades. These results suggest that adaptive radiation in foraging traits underwent initial divergence in bill shape to occupy different food resources, followed by size differentiation to subdivide each niche along the depth axis of the water column.  相似文献   

The Neotropical region is the most biodiverse on Earth, in a large part due to the highly diverse tropical Andean biota. The Andes are a potentially important driver of diversification within the mountains and for neighboring regions. We compared the role of the Andes in diversification among three subtribes of Ithomiini butterflies endemic to the Neotropics, Dircennina, Oleriina, and Godyridina. The diversification patterns of Godyridina have been studied previously. Here, we generate the first time‐calibrated phylogeny for the largest ithomiine subtribe, Dircennina, and we reanalyze a published phylogeny of Oleriina to test different biogeographic scenarios involving the Andes within an identical framework. We found common diversification patterns across the three subtribes, as well as major differences. In Dircennina and Oleriina, our results reveal a congruent pattern of diversification related to the Andes with an Andean origin, which contrasts with the Amazonian origin and multiple Andean colonizations of Godyridina. In each of the three subtribes, a clade diversified in the Northern Andes at a faster rate. Diversification within Amazonia occurred in Oleriina and Godyridina, while virtually no speciation occurred in Dircennina in this region. Dircennina was therefore characterized by higher diversification rates within the Andes compared to non‐Andean regions, while in Oleriina and Godyridina, we found no difference between these regions. Our results and discussion highlight the importance of comparative approaches in biogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Syndromes, wherein multiple traits evolve convergently in response to a shared selective driver, form a central concept in ecology and evolution. Recent work has questioned the existence of some classic syndromes, such as pollination and seed dispersal syndromes. Here, we discuss some of the major issues that have afflicted research into syndromes in macroevolution and ecology. First, correlated evolution of traits and hypothesized selective drivers is often relied on as the only evidence for adaptation of those traits to those hypothesized drivers, without supporting evidence. Second, the selective driver is often inferred from a combination of traits without explicit testing. Third, researchers often measure traits that are easy for humans to observe rather than measuring traits that are suited to testing the hypothesis of adaptation. Finally, species are often chosen for study because of their striking phenotypes, which leads to the illusion of syndromes and divergence. We argue that these issues can be avoided by combining studies of trait variation across entire clades or communities with explicit tests of adaptive hypotheses and that taking this approach will lead to a better understanding of syndrome‐like evolution and its drivers.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism(s) that favour cooperation among individuals competing for the same resources provides direct insights into the evolution of grouping behaviour. In a hybrid zone between golden-/yellow-collared (Manacus vitellinus) and white-collared (Manacus candei) manakins, males form aggregations composed of white and yellow males solely to attract females ('mixed leks'). Previous work shows that yellow males in these mixed leks experience a clear mating advantage over white males, resulting in the preferential introgression of yellow plumage allele(s) into the white species. However, the yellow male mating advantage only occurs in mixed leks with high frequencies of yellow males, and only a few of these males probably mate. Hence, it remains unclear why unsuccessful males join leks. Here, we used microsatellite markers to estimate pairwise relatedness among males within and between leks to test whether indirect genetic benefits of helping kin ('kin selection') can promote grouping. We found that yellow males are significantly more related to each other within than between leks, while relatedness among white males did not differ within and between leks. This suggests that yellow males may indirectly enhance their own reproductive success by preferentially lekking with relatives because yellow plumage is under positive frequency-dependent selection (positive FDS). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that kin selection may promote grouping and facilitate positive FDS for yellow males, mediating the movement of yellow plumage across this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Ecological processes are manifest in the evolution and form of phenotype diversity. The great abundance of parasitoid species has led to speculation whether rates of speciation and extinction are dependent on parasitoid diversity. If these factors are mutually exclusive, species diversity should fluctuate instead of remaining relatively constant over time. It is not known whether radiations constrained by coevolutionary interactions conform to density‐dependent diversification processes. Here we test the prediction that parasitoid fig wasp diversification responds to changes in ecological opportunity and density‐independent processes. A phylogenetic approach is used to estimate relative divergence times and infer diversification rate changes using γ‐statistics. Monte Carlo constant rates tests that accommodate incomplete sampling could not reject constant rates diversification. Parasitoid fig wasp diversification is consistent with a more complex explanation than density‐dependent cladogenesis. The results suggest contemporary African parasitoid fig wasp diversity remains a legacy of an ancient ecological opportunity facilitated by fig tree diversification following the breakup of Pan‐African forests and evolution of the savanna biome over the last 55 Ma and the more recent aridification of the African continent in the last 5 Ma. These results imply that amplified phenotypic differentiation of specialist insects coevolving with plants is coupled to evolutionarily infrequent changes in ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Drosophila cardini group includes 15 species, which are subdivided into the D. cardini and D. dunni subgroups. Although many phylogenetic hypotheses have been proposed for this group during the last five decades (based on patterns of reproductive isolation, morphology of male genitalia, chromosomal inversions, isozyme variation, or molecular sequence data), these are mostly discordant with each other. We aimed to clarify some of the evolutionary patterns related to the origin of this incongruence, while also attempting to provide a better-supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the D. cardini subgroup. For this purpose, sequences from three mitochondrial and three nuclear loci were gathered for at least eight species, and both individual gene trees and joint species tree estimates were evaluated. Although there was concordance among gene trees within each of the nuclear and mitochondrial sets, considerable incongruence was revealed in the comparisons between these two data sets. The branching position of D. neocardini was the main source of incongruence, and species trees reconstructed using different approaches with and without this species were particularly incongruent. In addition to providing a better approximation of the evolutionary history of the D. cardini group, this study suggests that incomplete lineage sorting or introgression may be biasing previous species tree estimates. More generally, the results also suggest that the use of supermatrix methods can lead to an overestimation of support for the inferred relationships, and highlight the potential effects of different taxon sampling strategies in phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic mosaics, in which various phenotypes and different genomic regions show discordant patterns of species or population divergence, offer unique opportunities to study the role of ancestral and introgressed genetic variation in phenotypic evolution. Here, we investigated the evolution of discordant phenotypic and genetic divergence in a monophyletic clade of four songbird taxa—pied wheatear (O. pleschanka), Cyprus wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca), and western and eastern subspecies of black‐eared wheatear (O. h. hispanica and O. h. melanoleuca). Phenotypically, black back and neck sides distinguish pied and Cyprus wheatears from the white‐backed/necked black‐eared wheatears. Meanwhile, mitochondrial variation only distinguishes western black‐eared wheatear. In the absence of nuclear genetic data, and given frequent hybridization among eastern black‐eared and pied wheatear, it remains unclear whether introgression is responsible for discordance between mitochondrial divergence patterns and phenotypic similarities, or whether plumage coloration evolved in parallel. Multispecies coalescent analyses of about 20,000 SNPs obtained from RAD data mapped to a draft genome assembly resolve the species tree, provide evidence for the parallel evolution of colour phenotypes and establish western and eastern black‐eared wheatears as independent taxa that should be recognized as full species. The presence of the entire admixture spectrum in the Iranian hybrid zone and the detection of footprints of introgression from pied into eastern black‐eared wheatear beyond the hybrid zone despite strong geographic structure of ancestry proportions furthermore suggest a potential role for introgression in parallel plumage colour evolution. Our results support the importance of standing heterospecific and/or ancestral variation in phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Species delimitation through which infers species boundaries is emerging as a major work in modern systematics. Hop‐hornbeam species in Ostrya (Betulaceae) are well known for their hard and heavy woods. Five species were described in China and their interspecific delimitations remain unclear. In this study, we firstly explored their distributions in all recorded field sites distributed in China. We then selected 110 samples from 22 natural populations of five species from this genus and one type specimen of O. yunnanensis, for molecular barcoding analyses. We sequenced four chloroplast (cp) DNA fragments (trnH–psbA, trnL–trnF, rps16, and trnG) and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region for all samples. Sequence variations of Ostrya from four cpDNA fragments identified three groups that showed no correspondence to any morphological delimitation because of the incomplete lineage sorting and/or possible interspecific introgression in the history. However, phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequence variations discerned four species, O. japonica, O. rehderiana, O. trichocarpa, and O. multinervis while O. yunnanensis nested within O. multinervis. Morphological clustering also discerned four species and showed the complete consistency with molecular evidence. Moreover, our phylogenetic analyses‐based ITS sequence variations suggested that O. trichocarpa comprised an isolated lineage different from the other Eurasian ones. Based on these results, hop‐hornbeams in China should be treated as four separate species. Our results further highlight the importance of ITS sequence variations in delimitating and discerning the closely related species in plants.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods have moulded the evolutionary history of European cold-adapted organisms. The role of the different mountain massifs has, however, not been accurately investigated in the case of high-altitude insect species. Here, we focus on three closely related species of non-flying leaf beetles of the genus Oreina (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), which are often found in sympatry within the mountain ranges of Europe. After showing that the species concept as currently applied does not match barcoding results, we show, based on more than 700 sequences from one nuclear and three mitochondrial genes, the role of biogeography in shaping the phylogenetic hypothesis. Dating the phylogeny using an insect molecular clock, we show that the earliest lineages diverged more than 1 Mya and that the main shift in diversification rate occurred between 0.36 and 0.18 Mya. By using a probabilistic approach on the parsimony-based dispersal/vicariance framework (MP-DIVA) as well as a direct likelihood method of state change optimization, we show that the Alps acted as a cross-roads with multiple events of dispersal to and reinvasion from neighbouring mountains. However, the relative importance of vicariance vs. dispersal events on the process of rapid diversification remains difficult to evaluate because of a bias towards overestimation of vicariance in the DIVA algorithm. Parallels are drawn with recent studies of cold-adapted species, although our study reveals novel patterns in diversity and genetic links between European mountains, and highlights the importance of neglected regions, such as the Jura and the Balkanic range.  相似文献   

In insect societies, worker vs. queen development (reproductive caste) is typically governed by environmental factors, but many Pogonomyrmex seed-harvester ants exhibit strict genetic caste determination, resulting in an obligate mutualism between two reproductively isolated lineages. Same-lineage matings produce fertile queens while alternate-lineage matings produce sterile workers. Because new virgin queens mate randomly with multiple males of each lineage type, and both worker and queen phenotypes are required for colony growth and future reproduction, fitness is influenced by the relative frequency of each lineage involved in the mutualistic breeding system. While models based solely on frequency-dependent selection predict the convergence of lineage frequencies towards equal (0.5/0.5), we surveyed the lineage ratios of 49 systems across the range of the mutualism and found that the global lineage frequency differed significantly from equal. Multiple regression analysis of our system survey data revealed that the density and relative frequency of one lineage decreases at lower elevations, while the frequency of the alternate lineage increases with total colony density. While the production of the first worker cohort is largely frequency dependent, relying on the random acquisition of worker-biased sperm stores, subsequent colony growth is independent of lineage frequency. We provide a simulation model showing that a net ecological advantage held by one lineage can lead to the maintenance of stable but asymmetric lineage frequencies. Collectively, these findings suggest that a combination of frequency-dependent and frequency-independent mechanisms can generate many different localized and independently evolving system equilibria.  相似文献   

The complex and dynamic history of the Anatolian Peninsula during the Pleistocene set the stage for species diversification. However, the evolutionary history of biodiversity in the region is shrouded by the challenges of studying species divergence in the recent, dynamic past. Here, we study the Poecilimon bosphoricus (PB) species group to understand how the bush crickets' diversification and the regions' complex history are coupled. Specifically, using sequences of two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments from over 500 individuals for a comprehensive set of taxa with extensive geographic sampling, we infer the phylogenetic and geographic setting of species divergence. In addition, we use the molecular data to examine hypothesized species boundaries that were defined morphologically. Our analyses of the timing of divergence confirm the recent origin of the PB complex, indicating its diversification coincided with the dynamic geology and climate of the Pleistocene. Moreover, the geography of divergence suggests a history of fragmentation followed by admixture of populations, suggestive of a ring species. However, the evolutionary history based on genetic divergence conflicts with morphologically defined species boundaries raising the prospects that incipient species divergences may be relatively ephemeral. As such, the morphological differences observed in the PB complex may not to be sufficient to have prevented homogenizing gene flow in the past. Alternatively, with the recent origin of the complex, the lack of time for lineage sorting may underlie the discord between morphological species boundaries and genetic differentiation. Under either hypothesis, geography—not taxonomy—is the best predictor of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Natural selection and drift can act on populations individually, simultaneously or in tandem and our understanding of phenotypic divergence depends on our ability to recognize the contribution of each. According to the quantitative theory of evolution, if an organism has diversified through neutral evolutionary processes (mutation and drift), variation of phenotypic characteristics between different geographic localities (B) should be directly proportional to the variation within localities (W), that is,  W. Significant deviations from this null model imply that non‐neutral forces such as natural selection are acting on a phenotype. We investigated the relative contributions of drift and selection to intraspecific diversity using southern African horseshoe bats as a test case. We characterized phenotypic diversity across the distributional range of Rhinolophus simulator (n = 101) and Rhinolophus swinnyi (n = 125) using several traits associated with flight and echolocation. Our results suggest that geographic variation in both species was predominantly caused by disruptive natural selection (B was not directly proportional to W). Evidence for correlated selection (co‐selection) among traits further confirmed that our results were not compatible with drift. Selection rather than drift is likely the predominant evolutionary process shaping intraspecific variation in traits that strongly impact fitness.  相似文献   

The advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction or recombination for the accumulation of mutant genes in a population is studied under the joint effects of recurrent mutations, selection, and random sampling drift. To obtain the rate at which mutant genes are incorporated three different methods are used; numerical integration of Kolmogorov backward equations, simulation of stochastic difference equations, and Monte Carlo experiments. The first two methods are used in a two-locus system to obtain the fixation probability of double mutants and other related quantities under five different selection models. The third one is conducted for a multiple-locus system and the rate of accumulation of mutant genes per locus is studied. Comparison of the results between sexual and asexual populations shows that the effect of recombination depends on initial linkage disequilibrium, mutation rate v, selection intensity s, and population size Ne. The mode of selection is also an important factor and the large effect of recombination is observed when mutant genes are individually deleterious but collectively favorable. Under a given model of selection, the great advantage or disadvantage of recombination is achieved when a large extent of genetic polymorphism is produced not by mutation but by recombination. Extreme values of Nes and Nev make the effect insignificant. The results of Monte Carlo experiments also reveal the presence of interaction between selection and sampling drift even when the loci segregate independently and selection is multiplicative. Although this interaction is usually small, there are cases in which one locus theory cannot be used freely. In those cases, the effect of recombination is prominent and one locus theory gives an overestimate of the rate.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones are considered potent modulators of trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. As such, selection should affect glucocorticoid physiology, although relatively little is known about how selection may act on glucocorticoid profiles. In general, the evolution of physiology is less studied and less well understood than morphological or life history traits. Here, we used a long‐term data set from a population of mountain white‐crowned sparrows to estimate natural selection on glucocorticoid profiles. Our study suggests that survival selection favours higher hormone concentrations for multiple components of glucocorticoid physiology (both baseline and stress‐induced glucocorticoid levels). Fecundity selection varies depending on the component of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal physiology; greater reproductive output was associated with higher baseline glucocorticoid levels, but lower stress‐induced glucocorticoid levels. Additionally, the selection gradient was greater for glucocorticoids than for a morphological trait (wing length). These results support the hypothesis that stress‐induced glucocorticoids increase survival over reproduction within a wild population (the CORT‐trade‐off hypothesis). Taken together, these results add to our knowledge of how selection operates on physiological traits and also provide an evolutionary and ecological perspective on several key open issues in the field of glucocorticoid physiology.  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity has been associated with increases in diversification rates across the tree of life. Under an ecological diversification model, the emergence of novel environments is hypothesized to promote morpho- and ecospace evolution. Whether this model holds at the clade level within the most species-rich angiosperm genus found in North America (Carex, Cyperaceae) is yet to be tested. Recent works demonstrate a temporal coupling of climate cooling and widespread colonization of Carex in North America, implicating ecological diversification. In addition, research has consistently found asymmetric patterns of lineage-level diversification in the genus. Why does variation in clade sizes exist in the genus? Is ecological diversification involved? In this study, we tested whether rates of morphological and ecological trait evolution are correlated with clade-level species richness in Carex of North America north of Mexico. We constructed a phylogeny of 477 species—an almost complete regional sample. We estimated rates of evolution of morphological traits, habitat, and climatic niche and assessed whether differences in rates of evolution correlate with species richness differences in replicate non-nested sister clades. Our work demonstrates significant positive correlations between climatic niche rates, habitat and reproductive morphological evolution, and species richness. This coupling of trait and niche evolution and species richness in a diverse, continental clade sample strongly suggests that the ability of clades to explore niche and functional space has shaped disparities in richness and functional diversity across the North American flora region. Our findings highlight the importance of the evolutionary history of trait and niche evolution in shaping continental and regional floras.  相似文献   

Molecular tools were used to investigate relationships between species of Plectropomus , an Indo-Pacific group with a potentially recent evolutionary history on the Great Barrier Reef. Plectropomus laevis appeared to be basal, with evidence of hybridization between P. leopardus/maculatus and P. maculatusllaevis .  相似文献   

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