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The G protein-coupled protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is irreversibly proteolytically activated by thrombin. Hence, the precise regulation of PAR1 signaling is important for proper cellular responses. In addition to desensitization, internalization and lysosomal sorting of activated PAR1 are critical for the termination of signaling. Unlike most G protein-coupled receptors, PAR1 internalization is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex 2 (AP-2) and epsin-1, rather than β-arrestins. However, the function of AP-2 and epsin-1 in the regulation of PAR1 signaling is not known. Here, we report that AP-2, and not epsin-1, regulates activated PAR1-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis via two different mechanisms that involve, in part, a subset of R4 subfamily of “regulator of G protein signaling” (RGS) proteins. A significantly greater increase in activated PAR1 signaling was observed in cells depleted of AP-2 using siRNA or in cells expressing a PAR1 420AKKAA424 mutant with defective AP-2 binding. This effect was attributed to AP-2 modulation of PAR1 surface expression and efficiency of G protein coupling. We further found that ectopic expression of R4 subfamily members RGS2, RGS3, RGS4, and RGS5 reduced activated PAR1 wild-type signaling, whereas signaling by the PAR1 AKKAA mutant was minimally affected. Intriguingly, siRNA-mediated depletion analysis revealed a function for RGS5 in the regulation of signaling by the PAR1 wild type but not the AKKAA mutant. Moreover, activation of the PAR1 wild type, and not the AKKAA mutant, induced Gαq association with RGS3 via an AP-2-dependent mechanism. Thus, AP-2 regulates activated PAR1 signaling by altering receptor surface expression and through recruitment of RGS proteins.  相似文献   

Activation of heterotrimeric G proteins is generally believed to induce dissociation of Gα and Gβγ subunits, which are then free to bind to and change the catalytic activity of a variety of intracellular enzymes. We have previously found that in cells, Gαq subunits remain complexed with its major effector, phospholipase Cβ1, through the activation cycle. To determine whether this behavior may be operative in other systems, we carried out Förster resonance energy transfer studies and found that eYFP-Gαi and eCFP-Gβγ remain associated after stimulation in HEK293 cells. We also found that the level of Forster resonance energy transfer between Alexa546-phospholipase Cβ2 and eGFP-Gβγ is significant and unchanged upon activation in HEK293 cells, thus showing that these proteins can localize into stable signaling complexes. To understand the basis for this stabilization, we carried out in vitro studies using a series of single-Cys mutants labeled with fluorescence tags and monitored their interaction with Gβγ subunits and changes in their fluorescence properties and accessibility upon activation and Gβγ binding. Our studies suggest a significant change in the orientation between G protein subunits upon activation that allows the G proteins to remain complexed while activating effectors.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P2) helps control various endolysosome functions including organelle morphology, membrane recycling, and ion transport. Further highlighting its importance, PtdIns(3,5)P2 misregulation leads to the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The Fab1/PIKfyve lipid kinase phosphorylates PtdIns(3)P into PtdIns(3,5)P2 whereas the Fig4/Sac3 lipid phosphatase antagonizes this reaction. Interestingly, Fab1 and Fig4 form a common protein complex that coordinates synthesis and degradation of PtdIns(3,5)P2 by a poorly understood process. Assembly of the Fab1 complex requires Vac14/ArPIKfyve, a multimeric scaffolding adaptor protein that coordinates synthesis and turnover of PtdIns(3,5)P2. However, the properties and function of Vac14 multimerization remain mostly uncharacterized. Here we identify several conserved C-terminal motifs on Vac14 required for self-interaction and provide evidence that Vac14 likely forms a dimer. We also show that monomeric Vac14 mutants do not support interaction with Fab1 or Fig4, suggesting that Vac14 multimerization is likely the first molecular event in the assembly of the Fab1 complex. Finally, we show that cells expressing monomeric Vac14 mutants have enlarged vacuoles that do not fragment after hyperosmotic shock, which indicates that PtdIns(3,5)P2 levels are greatly abated. Therefore, our observations support an essential role for the Vac14 homocomplex in controlling PtdIns(3,5)P2 levels.  相似文献   

11-cis-Retinol has previously been shown in physiological experiments to promote dark adaptation and recovery of photoresponsiveness of bleached salamander red cones but not of bleached salamander red rods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the direct interaction of 11-cis-retinol with expressed human and salamander cone opsins, and to determine by microspectrophotometry pigment formation in isolated salamander photoreceptors. We show here in a cell-free system using incorporation of radioactive guanosine 5′-3-O-(thio)triphosphate into transducin as an index of activity, that 11-cis-retinol inactivates expressed salamander cone opsins, acting an inverse agonist. Similar results were obtained with expressed human red and green opsins. 11-cis-Retinol had no significant effect on the activity of human blue cone opsin. In contrast, 11-cis-retinol activates the expressed salamander and human red rod opsins, acting as an agonist. Using microspectrophotometry of salamander cone photoreceptors before and after bleaching and following subsequent treatment with 11-cis-retinol, we show that 11-cis-retinol promotes pigment formation. Pigment was not formed in salamander red rods or green rods (containing the same opsin as blue cones) treated under the same conditions. These results demonstrate that 11-cis-retinol is not a useful substrate for rod photoreceptors although it is for cone photoreceptors. These data support the premise that rods and cones have mechanisms for handling retinoids and regenerating visual pigment that are specific to photoreceptor type. These mechanisms are critical to providing regenerated pigments in a time scale required for the function of these two types of photoreceptors.11-cis-Retinol is the precursor to 11-cis-retinal, the 11-cis-aldehyde form of vitamin A and the chromophore that combines covalently with rod and cone opsin proteins to form visual pigments. 11-cis-Retinal is consumed during visual signaling, and its continual synthesis is required. Photon absorption by the visual pigments causes the isomerization of its chromophore to the all-trans configuration. This initiates two processes critical for vision: activation of the photoreceptor cell and the eventual recovery of the original photosensitivity of the cells, requiring regeneration of the visual pigments. As cones are used for bright light vision, these two processes must work more rapidly in cones than in rods and thus cones have a higher requirement of 11-cis-retinoids as suggested by Rushton (1, 2).Photoreceptor activation begins with photoisomerization of the chromophore within the visual pigment. This results in a subsequent conformational change of the protein part of the visual pigment that is able to activate its G protein transducin, which in turn activates a PDE that lowers the concentration of cGMP and closes cGMP-gated ion channels. These steps comprise the visual signal transduction cascade (see Ref. 3 for review).The visual cycle involves regeneration of the visual pigment, which ultimately deactivates the protein and accomplishes the recovery of the photosensitivity of the photoreceptor cell. Classically, this process involves both the photoreceptor cell and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).4 After photoisomerization of the chromophore and formation of the active visual pigment, all-trans-retinal is released from the opsin and reduced to all-trans-retinol, which is then transported to the RPE where it is isomerized to 11-cis-retinol through a number of steps. In the RPE, 11-cis-retinol is oxidized to the aldehyde form, which is transported back to the photoreceptor cell and can be directly used by all of the opsins to regenerate an inactive pigment ready for photoactivation. The details of this model have been extensively reviewed (4, 5). Alternatively, recent work suggests that cones have an additional source of 11-cis-retinoids from Müller cells (68). Like the RPE cells, Müller cells have been shown to be able to convert all-trans-retinol to 11-cis-retinol (6). Unlike in the RPE cells, 11-cis-retinol is not oxidized to 11-cis-retinal in Müller cells.Jones et al. (9) demonstrated that administration of 11-cis-retinol to bleached salamander red cones could restore photosensitivity. A logical conclusion was that red cones were able to oxidize 11-cis-retinol to the aldehyde and regenerate visual pigments although noncovalent binding of 11-cis-retinol to red cone opsins generating a light-sensitive complex could not be excluded. On the other hand, 11-cis-retinol does not restore photosensitivity to bleached salamander rod cells but appears to directly activate the cells (9, 10). The data suggested that the rods were not able to oxidize 11-cis-retinol, but that the retinol itself could activate the signal transduction cascade, and indeed we recently demonstrated that 11-cis-retinol acts as an agonist to expressed bovine rod opsin (11). Our aim here was to study the action of 11-cis-retinol on cone opsins and cone photoreceptor cells to determine the efficacy of an alternate visual cycle for cones.The photoreceptor cells used in this study are from tiger salamander, and the expressed opsins used for biochemical experiments are those from salamander and human. Photoreceptor cells are generally identified by cell morphology and the type of opsin it contains that can be further complicated by the findings that some cone cells have multiple opsins (12, 13). Recently genetic analysis has determined that opsins fall into five classes (reviewed in Refs. 14 and 15). We have studied opsins falling into four of these classes and use common color-derived names for the opsins and photoreceptor cells. The classic rod cells used for scotopic vision contain rhodopsin, the visual pigment for the rod opsin (RH1 opsin) and appeared red and thus have been designated as red rods. Some species such as salamanders have an additional rod cell whose photosensitivity is blue-shifted from that of the red rod and thus designated as green rods. In the tiger salamander, the green rods contain the identical opsin (SWS2 opsin) found in blue cones (16). The human blue cones contain an opsin from a different class (SWS1 opsin), which is homologous to the salamander UV cone opsin. The human red and green and salamander red cone opsins all belong to the same class of opsins (M/LWS opsins). Absorption properties of visual pigments are further modulated in some animals including the tiger salamander by use of 11-cis-retinal with an additional double bond (3,4-dehydro or A2 11-cis-retinal) resulting in red-shifted absorbance from pigments containing 11-cis-retinal (A1 11-cis-retinal).We show here that 11-cis-retinol is not an agonist to cone opsins and does not itself generate a light-sensitive opsin. We further show using microspectrophotometry that both red and blue salamander cone cells regenerate visual pigments from 11-cis-retinol, whereas pigments could not be regenerated with 11-cis-retinol in bleached salamander red and green rods even though the latter contains the same opsin as the salamander blue cone. Thus, rods and cones have mechanisms for handling retinoids and regenerating visual pigment that are specific to photoreceptor type, and these mechanisms are critical to providing regenerated pigments in a time scale required for the function of these two types of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Glucose produces multiple effects inSaccharomyces cerevisiae,as it controls the expression of many genes and the activity of various enzymes. However, the elements involved in glucose signaling are not well characterized. In this work the capacity of galactose to bring about the same effects than glucose has been assessed. Galactose mimics glucose only partially; it is suggested that it does not interact with a “sensor” in the plasma membrane and that it produces a weaker intracellular signal than glucose. To examine whether trehalose-6P synthase (Tps1) is required to transduce the glucose signal, we have constructed atps1 hxk2/tps1 HXK2strain which, at difference of atps1strain, grows on glucose, and, at difference of atps1 hxk2strain, still possess the Hxk2 protein, possibly involved in glucose repression. From the response of this strain to glucose, we conclude that Tps1 does not play a prominent role in glucose signaling.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of photoreceptor properties was performed in the retina of the nocturnal deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, using pigmented (wildtype) and albino animals. The aim was to establish whether the deer mouse is a more suitable model species than the house mouse for photoreceptor studies, and whether oculocutaneous albinism affects its photoreceptor properties. In retinal flatmounts, cone photoreceptors were identified by opsin immunostaining, and their numbers, spectral types, and distributions across the retina were determined. Rod photoreceptors were counted using differential interference contrast microscopy. Pigmented P. maniculatus have a rod-dominated retina with rod densities of about 450.000/mm2 and cone densities of 3000 - 6500/mm2. Two cone opsins, shortwave sensitive (S) and middle-to-longwave sensitive (M), are present and expressed in distinct cone types. Partial sequencing of the S opsin gene strongly supports UV sensitivity of the S cone visual pigment. The S cones constitute a 5-15% minority of the cones. Different from house mouse, S and M cone distributions do not have dorsoventral gradients, and coexpression of both opsins in single cones is exceptional (<2% of the cones). In albino P. maniculatus, rod densities are reduced by approximately 40% (270.000/mm2). Overall, cone density and the density of cones exclusively expressing S opsin are not significantly different from pigmented P. maniculatus. However, in albino retinas S opsin is coexpressed with M opsin in 60-90% of the cones and therefore the population of cones expressing only M opsin is significantly reduced to 5-25%. In conclusion, deer mouse cone properties largely conform to the general mammalian pattern, hence the deer mouse may be better suited than the house mouse for the study of certain basic cone properties, including the effects of albinism on cone opsin expression.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SpA) is the most popular affinity ligand for immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1). However, the molecular basis for the dissociation dynamics of SpA-IgG1 complex is unclear. Herein, coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with the Martini force field were used to study the dissociation dynamics of the complex. The CG-MD simulations were first verified by the agreement in the structural and interactional properties of SpA and human IgG1 (hIgG1) in the association process between the CG-MD and all-atom MD at different NaCl concentrations. Then, the CG-MD simulation studies focused on the molecular insight into the dissociation dynamics of SpA-hIgG1 complex at pH 3.0. It is found that there are four steps in the dissociation process of the complex. First, there is a slight conformational adjustment of helix II in SpA. This is followed by the phenomena that the electrostatic interactions provided by the three hot spots (Glu143, Arg146 and Lys154) of helix II of SpA break up, leading to the dissociation of helix II from the binding site of hIgG1. Subsequently, breakup of the hydrophobic interactions between helix I (Phe132, Tyr133 and His137) in SpA and hIgG1 occurs, resulting in the disengagement of helix I from its binding site of hIgG1. Finally, the non-specific interactions between SpA and hIgG1 decrease slowly till disappearance, leading to the complete dissociation of the SpA-hIgG1 complex. This work has revealed that CG-MD coupled with the Martini force field is an effective method for studying the dissociation dynamics of protein-protein complex.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels play a pivotal role in phototransduction. Mutations in the cone CNG channel subunits CNGA3 and CNGB3 are associated with achromatopsia and cone dystrophies. We have shown endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-associated apoptotic cone death and increased phosphorylation of the ER Ca2+ channel inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor 1 (IP3R1) in CNG channel-deficient mice. We also presented a remarkable elevation of cGMP and an increased activity of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase G, PKG) in CNG channel deficiency. This work investigated whether cGMP/PKG signaling regulates ER stress and IP3R1 phosphorylation in CNG channel-deficient cones. Treatment with PKG inhibitor and deletion of guanylate cyclase-1 (GC1), the enzyme producing cGMP in cones, were used to suppress cGMP/PKG signaling in cone-dominant Cnga3−/−/Nrl−/− mice. We found that treatment with PKG inhibitor or deletion of GC1 effectively reduced apoptotic cone death, increased expression levels of cone proteins, and decreased activation of Müller glial cells. Furthermore, we observed significantly increased phosphorylation of IP3R1 and reduced ER stress. Our findings demonstrate a role of cGMP/PKG signaling in ER stress and ER Ca2+ channel regulation and provide insights into the mechanism of cone degeneration in CNG channel deficiency.  相似文献   

The importance of plant heterotrimeric G protein functions has recently been recognized. Rice and Arabidopsis mutants of genes coding the subunits of the G proteins have been isolated and physiological studies on these mutants have suggested that plant heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in several intra-signaling pathways driven by external signals, such as gibberellin, auxin, abscisic acid, brassinolide, ethylene, light, and elicitor. The possible functions of rice heterotrimeric G proteins in gibberellin signaling are discussed here.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic chaperonin-containing TCP-1 (CCT) folds the cytoskeletal protein actin. The folding mechanism of this 16-subunit, 1-MDa machine is poorly characterised due to the absence of quantitative in vitro assays. We identified phosducin-like protein 2, Plp2p (=PLP2), as an ATP-elutable binding partner of yeast CCT while establishing the CCT interactome. In a novel in vitro CCT-ACT1 folding assay that is functional under physiological conditions, PLP2 is a stimulatory co-factor. In a single ATP-driven cycle, PLP2-CCT-ACT1 complexes yield 30-fold more native actin than CCT-ACT1 complexes. PLP2 interacts directly with ACT1 through the C-terminus of its thioredoxin fold and the CCT-binding subdomain 4 of actin. The in vitro CCT-ACT1-PLP2 folding cycle of the preassembled complex takes 90 s at 30 °C, several times slower than the canonical chaperonin GroEL. The specific interactions between PLP2, CCT and ACT1 in the yeast-component in vitro system and the pronounced stimulatory effect of PLP2 on actin folding are consistent with in vivo genetic approaches demonstrating an essential and positive role for PLP2 in cellular processes involving actin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In mammalian systems, however, several members of the PLP family, including human PDCL3, the orthologue of PLP2, have been shown to be inhibitory toward CCT-mediated folding of actin in vivo and in vitro. Here, using a rabbit-reticulocyte-derived in vitro translation system, we found that inhibition of β-actin folding by PDCL3 can be relieved by exchanging its acidic C-terminal extension for that of PLP2. It seems that additional levels of regulatory control of CCT activity by this PLP have emerged in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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