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Shell damage and parasitic infections are frequent in gastropods, influencing key snail host life‐history traits such as survival, growth, and reproduction. However, their interactions and potential effects on hosts and parasites have never been tested. Host–parasite interactions are particularly interesting in the context of the recently discovered division of labor in trematodes infecting marine snails. Some species have colonies consisting of two different castes present at varying ratios; reproductive members and nonreproductive soldiers specialized in defending the colony. We assessed snail host survival, growth, and shell regeneration in interaction with infections by two trematode species, Philophthalmus sp. and Maritrema novaezealandense, following damage to the shell in the New Zealand mud snail Zeacumantus subcarinatus. We concomitantly assessed caste‐ratio adjustment between nonreproductive soldiers and reproductive members in colonies of the trematode Philophthalmus sp. in response to interspecific competition and shell damage to its snail host. Shell damage, but not parasitic infection, significantly increased snail mortality, likely due to secondary infections by pathogens. However, trematode infection and shell damage did not negatively affect shell regeneration or growth in Z. subcarinatus; infected snails actually produced more new shell than their uninfected counterparts. Both interspecific competition and shell damage to the snail host induced caste‐ratio adjustment in Philophthalmus sp. colonies. The proportion of nonreproductive soldiers increased in response to interspecific competition and host shell damage, likely to defend the parasite colony and potentially the snail host against increasing threats. These results indicate that secondary infections by pathogens following shell damage to snails both significantly increased snail mortality and induced caste‐ratio adjustments in parasites. This is the first evidence that parasites with a division of labor may be able to produce nonreproductive soldiers according to environmental factors other than interspecific competition with other parasites.  相似文献   

Parasitism changes the host environment and may influence resource allocation between reproductive effort and somatic maintenance. We characterized the impact of dose-dependent schistosome exposure and/or infection establishment on intermediate host survival and reproduction. Four matched groups of Biomphalaria glabrata snails were individually exposed to increasing doses of Schistosoma mansoni parasites, with a fifth control group remaining unexposed. Increased mortality was observed amongst both snails infected and also those snails exposed to the parasite but within which infection did not establish, although only exposed but uninfected snails showed a dose-dependent increase in mortality. Snails also facultatively altered their reproductive output in response to parasite exposure: egg mass production decreased with increasing parasite dose in patently infected snails, whilst, in contrast, exposed but uninfected snails demonstrated a positive association between egg mass production and parasite dose in the post-patent period. These results uniquely suggest an exposure-dose-dependent post-patent fecundity compensation occurring in relation to the risk of future parasite-associated mortality.  相似文献   

Co-infection of host organisms by multiple parasite species has evolutionary consequences for all participants in the symbiosis. In this study, we co-exposed aquatic-snails (Biomphalaria glabrata) to two of their trematode parasites, Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma caproni. In co-exposed snails, E. caproni prevalence was 63% compared to only 23% for S. mansoni. Co-exposed E. caproni-infected snails exhibited reduced fecundity, higher mortality, and higher parasite reproduction (higher virulence) compared to hosts exposed to echinostomes alone. Conversely, co-exposed S. mansoni-infected snails released fewer parasites and produced greater numbers of eggs compared to hosts exposed to S. mansoni alone. These results suggest that co-exposure not only influences the establishment (presence or absence) of particular parasite species, but also impacts host life history, parasite reproduction, and the virulence of the interaction.  相似文献   

Host condition as a constraint for parasite reproduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Environmental stress has been suggested to increase host susceptibility to infections and reduce host ability to resist parasite growth and reproduction, thus benefiting parasites. This prediction stems from expected costs of immune defence; hosts in poor condition should have less resources to be allocated to immune function. However, the alternative hypothesis for response to environmental stress is that hosts in poor condition provide less resources for parasites and/or suffer higher mortality, leading to reduced parasite growth, reproduction and survival. We contrasted these alternative hypotheses in a trematode–snail ( Diplostomum spathaceum – Lymnaea stagnalis ) system by asking: (1) how host condition affects parasite reproduction (amount and quality of produced transmission stages) and (2) how host condition affects the survival of infected host individuals. We experimentally manipulated host condition by starving the snails, and found that parasites produced fewer and poorer quality transmission stages in stressed hosts. Furthermore, starvation increased snail mortality. These findings indicate that in well-established trematode infections, reduced ability of immune allocation has no effect on host exploitation by parasites. Instead, deteriorating resources for the snail host can directly limit the amount of resources available for the parasite. This, together with increased host mortality, may have negative effects on parasite populations in the wild.  相似文献   

Using field surveys and experimental infections, we investigated the influence of a trematode parasite on life history traits of adult Lymnaea elodes snails. We found that parasitism significantly affected the growth, fecundity, and survival of host snails. Within five of the six natural L. elodes populations we sampled, shell length of echinostome-infected hosts was significantly greater than for uninfected conspecifics. Furthermore, we show that gigantism occurs among experimentally infected snails due to an accelerated growth rate and size-selective mortality following an Echinostoma revolutum infection. The fecundity of infected snails sharply decreased beginning at 3 weeks post exposure (PE) and all egg production eventually ceased for most hosts by 5–6 weeks PE. Energy constraints, imposed by parasite development, alter the host energy budget. Early in the infection, parasite depletion of host energy reserves reduces host reproduction, but sufficient resources remain to allow accelerated host growth. Mortality was increased among host snails at two distinct stages: shortly after exposure and several weeks after cercariae were first released. We did not observe tissue degradation in snails during the first 4 weeks after exposure to the parasite, but destruction of host tissues was noted among snails dying later in the infection. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

In natural host populations, parasitism is considered to be omnipresent and to play an important role in shaping host life history and population dynamics. Here, we study parasitism in natural populations of the zooplankton host Daphnia magna investigating their individual and population level effects during a 2-year field study. Our results revealed a rich and highly prevalent community of parasites, with eight endoparasite species (four microsporidia, one amoeba, two bacteria and one nematode) and six epibionts (belonging to five different taxa: Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyceae, Ciliata, Fungi and Rotifera). Several of the endoparasites were associated with a severe overall fecundity reduction of the hosts, while such effects were not seen for epibionts. In particular, infections by Pasteuria ramosa, White Fat Cell Disease and Flabelliforma magnivora were strongly associated with a reduction in overall D. magna fecundity. Across the sampling period, average population fecundity of D. magna was negatively associated with overall infection intensity and total endoparasite richness. Population density of D. magna was negatively correlated to overall endoparasite prevalence and positively correlated with epibiont richness. Finally, the reduction in host fecundity caused by different parasite species was negatively correlated to both parasite prevalence and the length of the time period during which the parasite persisted in the host population. Consistent with epidemiological models, these results indicate that parasite mediated host damages influence the population dynamics of both hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

Parasites are capable of rapid evolutionary changes relative to their hosts, due to short life cycle, short generation time, and high fecundity. The direction of the evolution of parasite virulence can be studied in cross-transfer experiments, combining hosts and parasites from different localities, and comparing the outcome of established (sympatric and potentially locally adapted) and novel (allopatric) combinations of hosts and parasites. We aimed to compare the compatibility with snails hosts, the infectivity of metacercariae in rabbits and rats, and the fitness among different combinations (French-FF and Spanish-SS sympatries and allopatry-FS). The first isolate of Fasciola hepatica and its corresponding intermediate host, Lymnaea truncatula originated from Lugo's northwestern Spain. The second isolate of parasite and snail was collected in the Limoges area in central France. The Spanish snails were more susceptible to their sympatric trematode than the French snails. The Spanish flukes were more infective to intermediate hosts (snails) than the French flukes, but subsequent definitive hosts (rats or rabbits) infections remained similar. The estimated fitness was low in sympatric infections and highly similar (from 4.7 to 5.3). The fitness similarity corresponds, however, to different variations in life-history traits that could represent different strategies among the host-parasite local combinations. The infection rate in snails, metacercarial productivity, metacercarial infectivity, and the estimated fitness were better for allopatric combination (FS). The susceptibility data showed a higher efficiency of flukes in the allopatric snail population than in their local snail population. However, our results were obtained after one generation and from a single isolate and it remains to be determined if all allopatric fluke-snail isolates may present a better fitness. Nevertheless our results indicate that introduction of liver fluke-infected cattle should be monitored carefully, as it could result in the introduction of more efficient parasites.  相似文献   

Parasites are ubiquitous and can strongly affect their hosts through mechanisms such as behavioural changes, increased energetic costs and/or immunomodulation. When parasites are detrimental to their hosts, they should act as physiological stressors and elicit the release of glucocorticoids. Alternatively, previously elevated glucocorticoid levels could facilitate parasite infection due to neuroimmunomodulation. However, results are equivocal, with studies showing either positive, negative or no relationship between parasite infection and glucocorticoid levels. Since factors such as parasite type, infection severity or host age and sex can influence the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship, we review the main mechanisms driving this relationship. We then perform a phylogenetic meta‐analysis of 110 records from 65 studies in mammalian hosts from experimental and observational studies to quantify the general direction of this relationship and to identify ecological and methodological drivers of the observed variability. Our review produced equivocal results concerning the direction of the relationship, but there was stronger support for a positive relationship, although causality remained unclear. Mechanisms such as host manipulation for parasite survival, host response to infection, cumulative effects of multiple stressors, and neuro‐immunomodulatory effects of glucocorticoids could explain the positive relationship. Our meta‐analysis results revealed an overall positive relationship between glucocorticoids and parasitism among both experimental and observational studies. Because all experimental studies included were parasite manipulations, we conclude that parasites caused in general an increase in glucocorticoid levels. To obtain a better understanding of the directionality of this link, experimental manipulation of glucocorticoid levels is now required to assess the causal effects of high glucocorticoid levels on parasite infection. Neither parasite type, the method used to assess parasite infection nor phylogeny influenced the relationship, and there was no evidence for publication bias. Future studies should attempt to be as comprehensive as possible, including moderators potentially influencing the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship. We particularly emphasise the importance of testing hosts of a broad age range, concomitantly measuring sex hormone levels or at least reproductive status, and for observational studies, also considering food availability, host body condition and social stressors to obtain a better understanding of the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship.  相似文献   

Maternal host choices during oviposition by herbivorous insects determine the fitness of their offspring and may be influenced by environmental changes that can alter host‐plant quality. This is of particular relevance to ‘push‐pull’ cropping systems where host preferences are exploited to manage insect pest populations. We tested how drought stress in maize and companion plants that are used in these systems affect oviposition preference, larval feeding, and development of the spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Five host species were tested (all Poaceae): maize (Zea mays L.), Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), signal grass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Stapf], Brachiaria cv. ‘Mulato’, and molasses grass [Melinis minutiflora (Beauv.)]. Under drought stress, maize experienced as much oviposition as control unstressed maize in choice and no‐choice experiments. Similarly, larval leaf damage was not significantly different in drought‐stressed vs. unstressed maize. In contrast, oviposition occurred less on drought‐stressed than on unstressed Napier and signal grass. Oviposition acceptance and leaf damage remained low in both drought‐stressed and unstressed molasses grass and Mulato. Larval survival and development remained high in drought‐stressed maize, but not in Napier, signal, and molasses grass and Mulato, where survival and development were low in both drought‐stressed and unstressed plants. Our results indicate that herbivore responses to drought‐stressed plants depend on the plant species and that drought stress can change host preference and acceptance rankings. In particular, trap‐crops such as Napier grass may not divert oviposition from the main maize crop under drought stress conditions.  相似文献   


Host life history traits are often shaped by trade-offs between the current and potential future costs of parasitism. Reproductive tissues are not normally essential for host survival and diversion of resources elsewhere is a common effect of parasitic infection. Variations in reproductive output may therefore indicate overall fitness correlated to the host response to parasite pressure. Here, we investigated reproductive fitness in a Biomphalaria glabrata—Schistosoma mansoni system, a laboratory model for schistosomiasis. Five matched groups of unselected B. glabrata snails were individually exposed to doses of 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 S. mansoni miracidia, respectively. A sixth group remained unexposed providing a control. Fertility (defined as actual reproductive performance, measured as the number of offspring produced) and fecundity (defined as potential reproductive capacity, measured as number of eggs and embryos formed) were monitored for each group at weekly intervals. Our results revealed that both parasite dose and infection status had a significant effect on the potential reproductive capacity of the host, but this was not always reflected in the actual reproductive success. Egg mass production showed a negative association with increasing parasite dose in patently infected snails. In contrast, snails exposed to the parasite, but within which infection did not establish, demonstrated a positive association between egg mass production and parasite dose. This suggests the existence of a fecundity compensation mechanism occurring within the post-patent period of infection. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of such an effect in a snail-trematode system and, indeed, in any host-parasite association.  相似文献   

1. Insects lack the acquired immune system of vertebrates, but there is some evidence that insect immunity can be primed against an encountered pathogen to mitigate the intensity of future infections within a life stage. 2. Many invertebrates have multiple life‐history stages separated by complete metamorphosis, but different life stages can often be infected by the same pathogens, and the potential loss of immune priming during metamorphosis could therefore have detrimental effects on the host. Evidence that invertebrate immune priming can persist through metamorphosis is still missing, and consequently it is unclear how host–parasite interactions change across different life‐history stages in the context of infection history. 3. By experimentally manipulating the infection history of the flour beetle Tribolium confusum, we show that intestinal gregarine parasite infections during the larval stage reduced parasite load in adults, demonstrating that a host‐controlled mechanism for parasite resistance can persist through complete metamorphosis in insects. 4. Infections reduced larval developmental rates and increased host mortality but only during the crucial metamorphic stage, indicating that parasites impact multiple life stages. In general, our results demonstrate that invertebrates can show surprisingly robust immune priming despite dramatic physiological changes and protect hosts across completely different life‐history stages.  相似文献   

Host fecundity reduction is a life-history trait that is commonly exhibited in parasitic associations. It is particularly prevalent in female invertebrate hosts that invest heavily in egg production during a relatively short life span. Here, Hilary Hurd uses examples of parasitized insects and trematode infections of snails to consider the evolutionary significance of this response to infection. Studies of host egg production and reports of the physiological mechanisms underlying reduction of host reproductive success are used to evaluate the hypotheses that fecundity reduction might be a by-product of infection, or an adaptive strategy on the part of parasite or host.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes show levels of genetic diversity comparable to other taxa, but the functional consequences of this are not understood. Thus, a large body of theoretical work highlights the potential consequences of parasite genetic diversity for the epidemiology of parasite infections and its possible implications for the evolution of host and parasite populations. However, few relevant empirical data are available from parasites in general and none from parasitic nematodes in particular. Here, we test two hypotheses. First, that different parasitic nematode genotypes vary in life-history traits, such as survivorship and fecundity, which may cause variation in infection dynamics. Second, that different parasitic nematode genotypes interact within the host (either directly or via the host immune system) to increase the mean reproductive output of mixed-genotype infections compared with single-genotype infections. We test these hypotheses in laboratory infections using genetically homogeneous lines of Strongyloides ratti. We find that nematode genotypes do vary in their survivorship and fecundity and, consequently, in their dynamics of infection. However, we find little evidence of interactions between genotypes within hosts under a variety of trickle- and single-infected infection regimes.  相似文献   

The environmental factors that drive the evolution of parasite life histories are mostly unknown. Given that hosts provide the principal environmental features parasites have to deal with, and given that these features (such as resource availability and immune responses) are well characterized by the life history of the host, we may expect natural selection to result in covariation between parasite and host life histories. Moreover, some parasites show a high degree of host specificity, and cladistic analyses have shown that host and parasite phylogenies can be highly congruent. These considerations suggest that parasite and host life histories may covary. The central argument in the theory of life history evolution concerns the existence of trade-offs between traits. For parasitic nematodes it has been shown that larger body sizes induce higher fecundity, but this is achieved at the expense of delayed maturity. As high adult mortality would select for reduced age at maturity, the selective benefit of increased fecundity is expressed only if adult mortality is low. Parasite adult mortality may depend on a number of factors, including host longevity. Here we tested the hypothesis concerning the positive covariation between parasite body size (which reflects parasite longevity) and host longevity. To achieve this goal, we used the association between the pinworms (Oxyuridae, Nematoda) and their primate hosts. Oxyurids are highly host specific and are supposed to be involved in a coevolutionary process with their hosts. We found that female parasite body length was positively correlated with host longevity after correcting for phylogeny and host body mass. Conversely, male parasite body length and host longevity were not correlated. These results confirm that host longevity may represent a constraint on the evolution of body size in oxyurids, at least in females. The discrepancy between female and male oxyurids is likely to depend on the particular mode of reproduction of this taxon (haplodiploidy), which should result in weak (or even null) selection pressures to an increase of body size in males.  相似文献   

The population biology of parasite-induced changes in host behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ability of parasites to change the behavior of infected hosts has been documented and reviewed by a number of different authors (Holmes and Bethel, 1972; Moore, 1984a). This review attempts to quantify the population dynamic consequences of this behavior by developing simple mathematical models for the most frequently recorded of such parasite life cycles. Although changes in the behavior of infected hosts do occur for pathogens with direct life cycles, they are most commonly recorded in the intermediate hosts of parasites with complex life cycles. All the changes in host behavior serve to increase rates of transmission of the parasites between hosts. In the simplest case the changes in behavior increase rates of contact between infected and susceptible conspecific hosts, whereas in the more complex cases fairly sophisticated manipulations of the host's behavioral repertory are achieved. Three topics are dealt with in some detail: (1) the behavior of the insect vectors of such diseases as malaria and trypanosomiasis; (2) the intermediate hosts of helminths whose behavior is affected in such a way as to make them more susceptible to predation by the definitive host in the life cycle; and (3) the behavior and fecundity of molluscs infected with asexually reproducing parasitic flatworms. In each case an expression is derived for R0, the basic reproductive rate of the parasite when first introduced into the population. This is used to determine the threshold numbers of definitive and intermediate hosts needed to maintain a population of the pathogen. In all cases, parasite-induced changes in host behavior tend to increase R0 and reduce the threshold number of hosts required to sustain the infection. The population dynamics of the interaction between parasites and their hosts are then explored using phase plane analyses. This suggests that both the parasite and intermediate host populations may show oscillatory patterns of abundance. When the density of the latter is low, parasite-induced changes in host behavior increase this tendency to oscillate. When intermediate host population densities are high, parasite population density is determined principally by interactions between the parasites and their definitive hosts, and changes in the behavior of intermediate hosts are less important in determining parasite density. Analysis of these models also suggests that both asexual reproduction of the parasite within a host and parasite-induced reduction in host fecundity may be stabilizing mechanisms when they occur in the intermediate hosts of parasite species with indirect life cycles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Organisms are frequently coinfected by multiple parasite strains and species, and interactions between parasites within hosts are known to influence parasite prevalence and diversity, as well as epidemic timing. Importantly, interactions between coinfecting parasites can be affected by the order in which they infect hosts (i.e. within‐host priority effects). In this study, we use a single‐host, two‐pathogen, SI model with environmental transmission to explore how within‐host priority effects scale up to alter host population‐scale infection patterns. Specifically, we ask how parasite prevalence changes in the presence of different types of priority effects. We consider two scenarios without priority effects and four scenarios with priority effects where there is either an advantage or a disadvantage to being the first to infect in a coinfected host. Models without priority effects always predict negative relationships between the prevalences of both parasites. In contrast, models with priority effects can yield unimodal prevalence relationships where the prevalence of a focal parasite is minimized or maximized at intermediate prevalences of a coinfecting parasite. The mechanism behind this pattern is that as the prevalence of the coinfecting parasite increases, most infections of the focal parasite change from occurring as solo infections, to first arrival coinfections, to second arrival coinfections. The corresponding changes in parasite fitness as the focal parasite moves from one infection class to another then map to changes in focal parasite prevalence. Further, we found that even when parasites interact negatively within a host, they still can have positive prevalence relationships at the population scale. These results suggest that within‐host priority effects can change host population‐scale infection patterns in systematic (and initially counterintuitive) ways, and that taking them into account may improve disease forecasting in coinfected populations.  相似文献   

Variation in susceptibility is ubiquitous in multi‐host, multi‐parasite assemblages, and can have profound implications for ecology and evolution in these systems. The extent to which susceptibility to parasites is phylogenetically conserved among hosts can be revealed by analysing diverse regional communities. We screened for haemosporidian parasites in 3983 birds representing 40 families and 523 species, spanning ~ 4500 m elevation in the tropical Andes. To quantify the influence of host phylogeny on infection status, we applied Bayesian phylogenetic multilevel models that included a suite of environmental, spatial, temporal, life history and ecological predictors. We found evidence of deeply conserved susceptibility across the avian tree; host phylogeny explained substantial variation in infection status, and results were robust to phylogenetic uncertainty. Our study suggests that susceptibility is governed, in part, by conserved, latent aspects of anti‐parasite defence. This demonstrates the importance of deep phylogeny for understanding present‐day ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Surprisingly little is known about what determines a parasite's host range, which is essential in enabling us to predict the fate of novel infections. In this study, we evaluate the importance of both host and parasite phylogeny in determining the ability of parasites to infect novel host species. Using experimental lab assays, we infected 24 taxonomically diverse species of Drosophila flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) with five different nematode species (Tylenchida: Allantonematidae: Howardula, Parasitylenchus), and measured parasite infection success, growth, and effects on female host fecundity (i.e., virulence). These nematodes are obligate parasites of mushroom-feeding Drosophila, particularly quinaria and testacca group species, often with severe fitness consequences on their hosts. We show that the potential host ranges of the nematodes are much larger than their actual ranges, even for parasites with only one known host species in nature. Novel hosts that are distantly related from the native host are much less likely to be infected, but among more closely related hosts, there is much variation in susceptibility. Potential host ranges differ greatly between the related parasite species. All nematode species that successfully infected novel hosts produced infective juveniles in these hosts. Most novel infections did not result in significant reductions in the fecundity of female hosts, with one exception: the host specialist Parasitylenchus nearcticus sterilized all quinaria group hosts, only one of which is a host in nature. The large potential host ranges of these parasites, in combination with the high potential for host colonization due to shared mushroom breeding sites, explain the widespread host switching observed in comparisons of nematode and Drosophila phylogenies.  相似文献   

Host–parasite co‐evolution can lead to genetic differentiation among isolated host–parasite populations and local adaptation between parasites and their hosts. However, tests of local adaptation rarely consider multiple fitness‐related traits although focus on a single component of fitness can be misleading. Here, we concomitantly examined genetic structure and co‐divergence patterns of the trematode Coitocaecum parvum and its crustacean host Paracalliope fluviatilis among isolated populations using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI). We then performed experimental cross‐infections between two genetically divergent host–parasite populations. Both hosts and parasites displayed genetic differentiation among populations, although genetic structure was less pronounced in the parasite. Data also supported a co‐divergence scenario between C. parvum and P. fluviatilis potentially related to local co‐adaptation. Results from cross‐infections indicated that some parasite lineages seemed to be locally adapted to their sympatric (home) hosts in which they achieved higher infection and survival rates than in allopatric (away) amphipods. However, local, intrinsic host and parasite characteristics (host behavioural or immunological resistance to infections, parasite infectivity or growth rate) also influenced patterns of host–parasite interactions. For example, overall host vulnerability to C. parvum varied between populations, regardless of parasite origin (local vs. foreign), potentially swamping apparent local co‐adaptation effects. Furthermore, local adaptation effects seemed trait specific; different components of parasite fitness (infection and survival rates, growth) responded differently to cross‐infections. Overall, data show that genetic differentiation is not inevitably coupled with local adaptation, and that the latter must be interpreted with caution in a multi‐trait context.  相似文献   

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