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Adaptive radiation (AR) theory predicts that groups sharing the same source of ecological opportunity (EO) will experience deterministic species diversification and morphological evolution. Thus, deterministic ecological and morphological evolution should be correlated with deterministic patterns in the tempo and mode of speciation for groups in similar habitats and time periods. We test this hypothesis using well-sampled phylogenies of four squamate groups that colonized the New World (NW) in the Late Oligocene. We use both standard and coalescent models to assess species diversification, as well as likelihood models to examine morphological evolution. All squamate groups show similar early pulses of speciation, as well as diversity-dependent ecological limits on clade size at a continental scale. In contrast, processes of morphological evolution are not easily predictable and do not show similar pulses of early and rapid change. Patterns of morphological and species diversification thus appear uncoupled across these groups. This indicates that the processes that drive diversification and disparification are not mechanistically linked, even among similar groups of taxa experiencing the same sources of EO. It also suggests that processes of phenotypic diversification cannot be predicted solely from the existence of an AR or knowledge of the process of diversification.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in resource‐use traits can have profound ecological and evolutionary implications. Among the most striking examples are resource polymorphisms, where alternative morphs that utilize different resources evolve within a population. An underappreciated aspect of their evolution is that the same conditions that favor resource polymorphism—competition and ecological opportunity—might foster additional rounds of diversification within already existing morphs. We examined these issues in spadefoot toad tadpoles that develop into either a generalist "omnivore" or a specialist "carnivore" morph. Specifically, we assessed the morphological diversity of tadpoles from natural ponds and experimentally induced carnivores reared on alternative diets. We also surveyed natural ponds to determine if the strength of intramorph competition and the diversity and abundance of dietary resources (measures of ecological opportunity) influenced the diversity of within‐morph variation. We found that five omnivore and four carnivore types were present in natural ponds; alternative diets led to shape differences, some of which mirrored variation in the wild; and both competition and ecological opportunity were associated with enhanced morphological diversity in natural ponds. Such fine‐scale intraspecific variation might represent an underappreciated form of biodiversity and might constitute a crucible of evolutionary innovation and diversification.  相似文献   

Lizard scales vary in size, shape and texture among and within species. The overall function of scales in squamates is attributed to protection against abrasion, solar radiation and water loss. We quantified scale number of Anolis lizards across a large sample of species (142 species) and examined whether this variation was related either to structural or to climatic habitat diversity. We found that species in dry environments have fewer, larger scales than species in humid environments. This is consistent with the hypothesis that scales reduce evaporative water loss through the skin. In addition, scale number varied among groups of ecomorphs and was correlated with aspects of the structural microhabitat (i.e. perch height and perch diameter). This was unexpected because ecomorph groups are based on morphological features related to locomotion in different structural microhabitats. Body scales are not likely to play an important role in locomotion in Anolis lizards. The observed variation may relate to other features of the ecomorph niche and more work is needed to understand the putative adaptive basis of these patterns. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 570–579.  相似文献   

Simpson's “early burst” model of adaptive radiation was intended to explain the early proliferation of morphological and functional variation in diversifying clades. Yet, despite much empirical testing, questions remain regarding its frequency across the tree of life. Here, we evaluate the support for an early burst model of adaptive radiation in 14 ecomorphological traits plus body mass for the extant mammalian order Carnivora and its constituent families. We find strong support for early bursts of dental evolution, suggesting a classic Simpsonian adaptive radiation along dietary resource axes. However, the signal of this early burst is not consistently recovered in analyses at the family level, where support for a variety of different models emerges. Furthermore, we find no evidence for early burst–like dynamics in size–related traits, and Bayesian analyses of evolutionary correlations corroborate a decoupling of size and dental evolution, driven in part by dietary specialization. Our results are consistent with the perspective that trait diversification unfolds hierarchically, with early bursts restricted to traits associated with higher level niches, such as macrohabitat use or dietary strategy, and thus with the origins of higher taxa. The lack of support for early burst adaptive radiation in previous phylogenetic studies may be a consequence of focusing on low‐level niche traits (i.e., those associated with microhabitat use) in clades at shallow phylogenetic levels. A richer understanding of early burst adaptive radiation will require a renewed focus on functional traits and their evolution over higher level clades.  相似文献   

Early burst patterns of diversification have become closely linked with concepts of adaptive radiation, reflecting interest in the role of ecological opportunity in modulating diversification. But, this model has not been widely explored on coral reefs, where biodiversity is exceptional, but many lineages have high dispersal capabilities and a pan‐tropical distribution. We analyze adaptive radiation in labrid fishes, arguably the most ecologically dominant and diverse radiation of fishes on coral reefs. We test for time‐dependent speciation, trophic diversification, and origination of 15 functional innovations, and early bursts in a series of functional morphological traits associated with feeding and locomotion. We find no evidence of time‐dependent or early burst evolution. Instead, the pace of speciation, ecological diversification, and trait evolution has been relatively constant. The origination of functional innovations has slowed over time, although few arose early. The labrid radiation seems to have occurred in response to extensive and still increasing ecological opportunity, but within a rich community of antagonists that may have prevented abrupt diversification. Labrid diversification is closely tied to a series of substantial functional innovations that individually broadened ecological diversity, ultimately allowing them to invade virtually every trophic niche held by fishes on coral reefs.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of adaptation is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms and constraints governing diversification. However, most case studies focus on loss of complex traits or parallel speciation in similar environments. It is still unclear how the genetic architecture of these local adaptive processes compares to the architecture of evolutionary transitions contributing to morphological and ecological novelty. Here, we identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) between two trophic specialists in an excellent case study for examining the origins of ecological novelty: a sympatric radiation of pupfishes endemic to San Salvador Island, Bahamas, containing a large‐jawed scale‐eater and a short‐jawed molluscivore with a skeletal nasal protrusion. These specialized niches and trophic traits are unique among over 2000 related species. Measurements of the fitness landscape on San Salvador demonstrate multiple fitness peaks and a larger fitness valley isolating the scale‐eater from the putative ancestral intermediate phenotype of the generalist, suggesting that more large‐effect QTL should contribute to its unique phenotype. We evaluated this prediction using an F2 intercross between these specialists. We present the first linkage map for pupfishes and detect significant QTL for sex and eight skeletal traits. Large‐effect QTL contributed more to enlarged scale‐eater jaws than the molluscivore nasal protrusion, consistent with predictions from the adaptive landscape. The microevolutionary genetic architecture of large‐effect QTL for oral jaws parallels the exceptional diversification rates of oral jaws within the San Salvador radiation observed over macroevolutionary timescales and may have facilitated exceptional trophic novelty in this system.  相似文献   

Many of the classic examples of adaptive radiation, including Caribbean Anolis lizards, are found on islands. However, Anolis also exhibits substantial species richness and ecomorphological disparity on mainland Central and South America. We compared patterns and rates of morphological evolution to investigate whether, in fact, island Anolis are exceptionally diverse relative to their mainland counterparts. Quite the contrary, we found that rates and extent of diversification were comparable--Anolis adaptive radiation is not an island phenomenon. However, mainland and Caribbean anoles occupy different parts of morphological space; in independent colonizations of both island and mainland habitats, island anoles have evolved shorter limbs and better-developed toe pads. These patterns suggest that the two areas are on different evolutionary trajectories. The ecological causes of these differences are unknown, but may relate to differences in predation or competition among mainland and island communities.  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity is frequently proposed as the sole ingredient for adaptive radiation into novel niches. An additional trigger may be genome‐wide hybridization resulting from “hybrid swarm.” However, these hypotheses have been difficult to test due to the rarity of comparable control environments lacking adaptive radiations. Here I exploit such a pattern in microendemic radiations of Caribbean pupfishes. I show that a sympatric three species radiation on San Salvador Island, Bahamas diversified 1445 times faster than neighboring islands in jaw length due to the evolution of a novel scale‐eating adaptive zone from a generalist ancestral niche. I then sampled 22 generalist populations on seven neighboring islands and measured morphological diversity, stomach content diversity, dietary isotopic diversity, genetic diversity, lake/island areas, macroalgae richness, and Caribbean‐wide patterns of gene flow. None of these standard metrics of ecological opportunity or gene flow were associated with adaptive radiation, except for slight increases in macroalgae richness. Thus, exceptional trophic diversification is highly localized despite myriad generalist populations in comparable environmental and genetic backgrounds. This study provides a strong counterexample to the ecological and hybrid swarm theories of adaptive radiation and suggests that diversification of novel specialists on a sparse fitness landscape is constrained by more than ecological opportunity and gene flow.  相似文献   

For studies investigating trait evolution, there are at least two important questions. First, have traits under consideration influenced cladogenesis and extinction in the group? Second, how do fossil data alter inferences about trait evolution or diversification‐rate dynamics? However, relatively few studies have assessed these questions. Here, we use recently developed methods to test for trait‐dependent diversification in the New World colubrid snake tribe Lampropeltini. We also integrate data from fossil taxa into phylogenetic estimation of evolutionary parameters using a simple Monte Carlo randomization test. These analyses suggest that ecological conditions in temperate regions are tied to higher rates of cladogenesis, but that body size is not related to diversification in the group. We also find that the inclusion of fossil taxa alters absolute estimates of size and the rate of size evolution, but not the overall pattern of ecomorphological diversification, as well as estimates of evolutionary rates, particularly extinction.  相似文献   

Passiflora L. has more than 575 species distributed especially in the Neotropics. The chromosome number variation in the genus is highly congruent with its main subgenera, but its basic chromosome number (x) and the underlying events responsible for this variation have remained controversial. Here, we provide a robust and well-resolved time-calibrated phylogeny that includes 102 taxa, and by means of phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) we tested the relative importance of polyploidy and dysploidy events to Passiflora karyotype evolution and diversification. Passiflora arose 42.9 Mya, with subgenus diversification at the end of the Palaeogene (Eocene-Oligocene). The basic chromosome number of the genus is proposed as x?=?6, and a strong recent diversification found in the Passiflora subgenus (Miocene) correlated to genome size increase and a chromosome change from n?=?6 to n?=?9 by ascending dysploidy. Polyploidy, conversely, appeared restricted to few lineages, such as Astrophea and Deidamioides subgenera, and did not lead to diversification increases. Our findings suggest that ascending dysploidy provided a great advantage for generating long-term persistent lineages and promoting species diversification. Thus, chromosome numbers/genome size changes may have contributed to morphological/ecological traits that explain the pattern of diversification observed in the genus Passiflora.  相似文献   

According to theory, adaptive radiation is triggered by ecological opportunity that can arise through the colonization of new habitats, the extinction of antagonists or the origin of key innovations. In the course of an adaptive radiation, diversification and morphological evolution are expected to slow down after an initial phase of rapid adaptation to vacant ecological niches, followed by speciation. Such ‘early bursts’ of diversification are thought to occur because niche space becomes increasingly filled over time. The diversification of Antarctic notothenioid fishes into over 120 species has become one of the prime examples of adaptive radiation in the marine realm and has likely been triggered by an evolutionary key innovation in the form of the emergence of antifreeze glycoproteins. Here, we test, using a novel time‐calibrated phylogeny of 49 species and five traits that characterize notothenioid body size and shape as well as buoyancy adaptations and habitat preferences, whether the notothenioid adaptive radiation is compatible with an early burst scenario. Extensive Bayesian model comparison shows that phylogenetic age estimates are highly dependent on model choice and that models with unlinked gene trees are generally better supported and result in younger age estimates. We find strong evidence for elevated diversification rates in Antarctic notothenioids compared to outgroups, yet no sign of rate heterogeneity in the course of the radiation, except that the notothenioid family Artedidraconidae appears to show secondarily elevated diversification rates. We further observe an early burst in trophic morphology, suggesting that the notothenioid radiation proceeds in stages similar to other prominent examples of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The adaptive landscape provides the foundational bridge between micro‐ and macroevolution. One well‐known caveat to this perspective is that fitness surfaces depend on ecological context, including competitor frequency, traits measured, and resource abundance. However, this view is based largely on intraspecific studies. It is still unknown how context‐dependence affects the larger features of peaks and valleys on the landscape which ultimately drive speciation and adaptive radiation. Here, I explore this question using one of the most complex fitness landscapes measured in the wild in a sympatric pupfish radiation endemic to San Salvador Island, Bahamas by tracking survival and growth of laboratory‐reared F2 hybrids. I present new analyses of the effects of competitor frequency, dietary isotopes, and trait subsets on this fitness landscape. Contrary to expectations, decreasing competitor frequency increased survival only among very common phenotypes, whereas less common phenotypes rarely survived despite few competitors, suggesting that performance, not competitor frequency, shapes large‐scale features of the fitness landscape. Dietary isotopes were weakly correlated with phenotype and growth, but did not explain additional survival variation. Nonlinear fitness surfaces varied substantially among trait subsets, revealing one‐, two‐, and three‐peak landscapes, demonstrating the complexity of selection in the wild, even among similar functional traits.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have often assumed that ecological generalism comes at the expense of less intense exploitation of specific resources and that this trade-off will promote the evolution of ecologically specialized daughter species. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach with butterflies as a model system, we test hypotheses that incorporate changes in niche breadth and location into explanations of the taxonomic diversification of insect herbivores. Specifically, we compare the oscillation hypothesis, where speciation is driven by host-plant generalists giving rise to specialist daughter species, to the musical chairs hypothesis, where speciation is driven by host-plant switching, without changes in niche breadth. Contrary to the predictions of the oscillation hypothesis, we recover a negative relationship between host-plant breadth and diversification rate and find that changes in host breadth are seldom coupled to speciation events. By contrast, we present evidence for a positive relationship between rates of host switching and butterfly diversification, consonant with the musical chairs hypothesis. These results suggest that the costs of trophic generalism in plant-feeding insects may have been overvalued and that transitions from generalists to ecological specialists may not be an important driver of speciation in general.  相似文献   

Sperm morphological traits are highly variable among species and are commonly thought to evolve by post‐copulatory sexual selection. However, little is known about the evolutionary dynamics of sperm morphology, and whether rates of evolutionary change are variable over time and among taxonomic groups. Here, we examine sperm morphology from 21 species of Old World leaf warblers (Phylloscopidae), a group of generally dull, sexually monochromatic birds, which are known to have high levels of extra‐pair paternity. We found that sperm length differs markedly across species, spanning about 40% of the range observed across a larger selection of passerine birds. Furthermore, we found strong support for an ‘early‐burst’ model of trait evolution, implying that the majority of divergence in sperm length has occurred early in the evolutionary history of this clade with subsequent evolutionary stasis. This large early divergence matches the early divergence reported in ecological traits (i.e. body size and feeding behaviour). Our findings demonstrate that rates of evolution in sperm morphology can change over time in passerine taxa, and that evolutionary stasis in sperm traits can occur even in species exhibiting characteristics consistent with moderate‐to‐high levels of sperm competition. It remains a major challenge to identify the selection mechanisms and possible constraints responsible for these variable rates of sperm evolution.  相似文献   

The temporal origins of the extraordinary biodiversity of the Neotropical region are highly debated. Recent empirical work has found support for alternative models on the tempo of speciation in Neotropical species further fuelling the debate. However, relationships within many Neotropical lineages are poorly understood, and it is unclear how this uncertainty impacts inferences on the evolution of taxa in the region. We examined the robustness of diversification patterns in the avian genus Forpus by testing whether the use of different units of biodiversity (i.e. biological species and statistically inferred species) impacted diversification rates and inferences regarding important biogeographic breaks in the genus. We found that the best‐fit model of diversification for the biological species data set was a declining rate of diversification; whereas a model of constant diversification was the best‐fit model for statistically inferred species or subspecies. Moreover, the relative importance of different landscape features in delimiting genetic structure across the landscape varied across data sets with differing units of biodiversity. Patterns based on divergence times among biological species indicated old speciation events across major geographic and river barriers. In contrast, data sets more inclusive of the diversity in Forpus illustrate the role of both old divergence across major landscape features and more recent divergences that are possibly attributed to Pleistocene climatic changes. Overall, these results indicate that conflicting models on the temporal origins of Neotropical birds may be attributable to sampling biases.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the Mexican sierras has been shaped by various geological and climatic events over the past several million years. The relative impacts of these historical events on diversification in highland taxa, however, remain largely uncertain owing to a paucity of studies on broadly‐distributed montane species. We investigated the origins of genetic diversification in widely‐distributed endemic alligator lizards in the genus Barisia to help develop a better understanding of the complex processes structuring biological diversity in the Mexican highlands. We estimated lineage divergence dates and the diversification rate from mitochondrial DNA sequences, and combined divergence dates with reconstructions of ancestral geographical ranges to track lineage diversification across geography through time. Based on our results, we inferred ten geographically structured, well supported mitochondrial lineages within Barisia. Diversification of a widely‐distributed ancestor appears tied to the formation of the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt across central Mexico during the Miocene and Pliocene. The formation of filter barriers such as major river drainages may have later subdivided lineages. The results of the present study provide additional support for the increasing number of studies that suggest Neogene events heavily impacted genetic diversification in widespread montane taxa. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 382–394.  相似文献   

Animals communicate via a variety of sensory channels and signals. Studies on acoustic and visual communication systems suggest that differences in the physical environment contribute to the variety of signalling behaviour, with species investing in those signals that are transmitted best under the local conditions. Whether or not environmental tuning also occurs in chemical communication systems has received much less attention. In the present study, we examined the effect of several aspects of the physical environment on the chemical communication system of lacertid lizards (family Lacertidae). The numbers of femoral pores are used as a proxy reflecting how much a particular species invests in and relies upon chemical signalling. Femoral pores are specialized epidermal structures that function as a secretion channel for the waxy substance produced by glands. In some lacertid species, the secretion carries infochemicals that play an important role in social communication. The number of femoral pores varies considerably among species. We have compiled data on femoral pore numbers for 162 species and tested for the effects of climate and substrate use. After correcting for body size and taking the phylogenetic relationships among the species into account, we found no effect of climate conditions or latitude on species pore numbers. Substrate use did affect pore numbers: shrub‐climbing species tended to have fewer femoral pores than species inhabiting other substrates. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 44–57.  相似文献   

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