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Plants use self‐incompatibility to reject pollen bearing alleles in common at the S‐locus. These systems are classified as gametophytic (GSI) if recognition involves haploid pollen or sporophytic (SSI) if recognition involves diploid paternal genotypes. Dominance in SSI systems reduces the number of S‐alleles, but it has not been clear which system should maintain greater diversity when all else is equal. We simulated finite populations to compare the equilibrium number of S‐alleles in populations with either GSI or a co‐dominant SSI system. When population size was constant, SSI systems maintained more S‐alleles than GSI systems. When populations fluctuated in response to an S‐Allee effect, fewer S‐alleles were observed in SSI systems when S‐allele diversity was low, and SSI populations were vulnerable to extinction over a broader range of parameters. Turnover rates at the S‐locus were also faster in SSI populations experiencing strong S‐Allee effects. Given the variable expectations concerning S‐allele diversity in these systems, we reviewed published estimates of S‐allele diversity. GSI populations have significantly more S‐alleles on average than SSI populations (GSI = 25.70 and SSI = 16.80). Dominance likely contributes to this pattern, although the demographic consequences of the S‐Allee effect may be important in populations with fewer than 10 S‐alleles.  相似文献   

Carrageenans in the gametophytic and sporophytic stages of Chondrus crispus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The morphologically similar sporophytic and gametophytic plants of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse were examined and it was shown that the former contain -carrageenan. The gametophytes contain - and two additional carrageenans which are KCl-soluble and may comprise up to 25% of the total carrageenan. After alkaline modification, these KCl-soluble components were separated into a gel and a soluble carrageenan. The gel was indistinguishable from -carrageenan and presumably was derived from -carrageenan while the KCl-soluble fraction possessed a unique infrared spectrum easily distinguished from alkali-modified -carrageenan. This appears to represent a third carrageenan in the gametophytes.Our observations suggest that the biologically separate plants of C. crispus exhibit distinctive patterns of sulfation of their galactans. The sporophytes add SO4 2- at C2 of the precursor, whereas the gametophytes appear to add it principally at the available C4 positions. Both types of plant are capable of sulfating at C6 of the 4-linked galactose unit.Issued as NRC No. 13119.  相似文献   

It is commonly observed that plant species' range margins are enriched for increased selfing rates and, in otherwise self‐incompatible species, for self‐compatibility (SC). This has often been attributed to a response to selection under mate and/or pollinator limitation. However, range expansion can also cause reduced inbreeding depression, and this could facilitate the evolution of selfing in the absence of mate or pollinator limitation. Here, we explore this idea using spatially explicit individual‐based simulations of a range expansion, in which inbreeding depression, variation in self‐incompatibility (SI), and mate availability evolve. Under a wide range of conditions, the simulated range expansion brought about the evolution of selfing after the loss of SI in range‐marginal populations. Under conditions of high recombination between the self‐incompatibility locus (S‐locus) and viability loci, SC remained marginal in the expanded metapopulation and could not invade the range core, which remained self‐incompatible. In contrast, under low recombination and migration rates, SC was frequently able to displace SI in the range core by maintaining its association with a genomic background with purged genetic load. We conclude that the evolution of inbreeding depression during a range expansion promotes the evolution of SC at range margins, especially under high rates of recombination.?  相似文献   

Summary The overlap of gametophytic and sporophytic gene expression in barley was studied by means of enzyme electrophoresis. Of the isozymes found, 60% were expressed in both gametophyte and sporophyte, 30% were sporophyte specific, and 10% were gametophyte specific. A considerable amount of the barley genome is thus potentially amenable to gametophytic selection. The estimated sizes of the common, sporophytic and gametophytic domains in barley gene expression correspond with the estimates obtained in other plant species.  相似文献   

Extensive survey of the S‐locus diversity of plant species with RNase‐based gametophytic self‐incompatibility has failed to identify neutral variation segregating within S‐allele specificities. Although this is the expected result according to population genetics theory, it conflicts with recent models of S‐allele evolution, which suggest that new specificities might arise by a continuous process of subtle changes that individually do not alter the specificity of the S‐genes, but whose cumulative effects result in new S‐allele functions. Genomic analysis of S‐RNase sequences associated with the S104 (=S4, =Sb) allele of European pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars yielded two distinct variants (named herein S104‐1 and S104‐2) that differed at five nucleotide positions within the open reading frame, two of which resulted in changes in the predicted protein sequence. Test‐cross experiments indicated that the S‐alleles associated with the S104‐1 and S104‐2RNases exhibit the same pollen and pistil functions, suggesting that they are two neutral variants segregating within the S104 haplotype of European pear. These allelic forms might represent transitional states in the process of generating new specificities in the species, in accordance with models that predict S‐function transition through neutral intermediates. This possibility was further evaluated through the pattern of molecular evolution of functionally distinct European pear S‐RNases, which indicated that most recent S‐allele diversification in this species proceeded in the absence of adaptive selective pressure.  相似文献   

Summary Pollinations were made on either the tip or the basal portions of the stigmatic surface in Dianthus chinensis. These two treatments provided, respectively, either good or modest opportunity for pollen tube competition. The pollen used came from a single clone. Technical and statistical methods were used to reduce greatly the influence of variation in seed weight. Seeds resulting from the two contrasting treatments were planted, and it was found that there were statistically significant differences in germination time and seedling weight between treatments. These results suggest that the quality of the F1 generation can be significantly modified by competition between pollen tubes from a single plant.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature controls the developmental fate of isolated Brassica napus microspores in vitro. Culture at 32.5°C leads to sporophytic development and the formation of embryos. Here we show that culture at 17.5°C leads to gametophytic development, and the formation of pollen-like structures at high frequencies (up to 80% after 7 days in culture). Early stages of both developmental pathways are observed in culture at 25.0°C, and embryos are produced at low frequencies (0.7%) at that temperature. Culturing B. napus microspores at 32.5°C versus 17.5°C brings the switch from gametophytic to sporophytic development under simple experimental control and provides a convenient tool for investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling this developmental switch.  相似文献   

Ovarian self‐incompatibility, including pre‐ and post‐zygotic reactions, is a complex mechanism for which we still lack many details relating to its function and significance. The joint presence of ovarian self‐incompatibility with style polymorphism is a rare combination that is found in the genus Narcissus. Usually, style polymorphic species have heteromorphic (diallelic and linked to style length locus) incompatibility, which prevents fertilization between individuals of the same morph, thereby helping to maintain equal proportions of floral morphs in populations. However, when present, self‐incompatibility in Narcissus is not linked to style polymorphism and cross‐fertilization within each morph is possible. Hence, self‐incompatibility in Narcissus is of particular interest when attempting to unravel the nature of the rejection reaction and aiming to assess possible cryptic differences in the fertilization process in intra‐ and inter‐morph crosses, which might ultimately explain the wide variation of morph‐ratio in the field. We examined the breeding system of Narcissus papyraceus, a style‐dimorphic species that has biased morph ratios in most of its populations. We studied pollen‐tube growth in the pistil and ovule fate after experimentally controlled hand pollinations. The growth of pollen tubes in self‐ and intra‐ and inter‐morph crosses was similar up to the point of micropyle penetration in both morphs but, subsequently, a pre‐zygotic failure appeared to affect male and female gametophytes in selfed pistils. A high proportion of ovules from self‐pollinated flowers showed signs of collapse and self‐pollen tubes were blocked or behaved abnormally before entering the embryo sac. Self‐incompatibility was stronger in the long‐styled morph than in the short‐styled morph. We did not find any conclusive sign of differential functioning between intra‐ and inter‐morph cross‐pollinations in any morph. These results enable us to rule out the possible effects of pollen–pistil interactions in N. papyraceus as a cause of morph‐ratio biases and confirm the exceptional nature of the self‐incompatibility mechanism in this polymorphic species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 629–643.  相似文献   

Distyly, floral polymorphism frequently associated with reciprocal herkogamy, self‐ and intramorph incompatibility and secondary dimorphism, constitutes an important sexual system in the Rubiaceae. Here we report an unusual kind of distyly associated with self‐ and/or intramorph compatibility in a perennial herb, Hedyotis acutangula. Floral morphology, ancillary dimorphisms and compatibility of the two morphs were studied. H. acutangula did not exhibit precise reciprocal herkogamy, but this did not affect the equality of floral morphs in the population, as usually found in distylous plants. Both pin and thrum pollen retained relatively high viability for 8 h. The pollen to ovule ratio was 72.5 in pin flowers and 54.4 in thrum flowers. Pistils of pin flowers remained receptive for longer than those of thrum flowers. No apparent difference in the germination rate of pin and thrum pollen grains was observed when cultured in vitro, although growth of thrum pollen tubes was much faster than that of pin pollen tubes. Artificial pollination revealed that pollen tube growth in legitimate intermorph crosses was faster than in either intramorph crosses or self‐pollination, suggesting the occurrence of cryptic self‐incompatibility in this species. Cryptic self‐incompatibility functioned differently in the two morphs, with pollen tube growth rates after legitimate and illegitimate pollination much more highly differentiated in pin flowers than in thrum flowers. No fruit was produced in emasculated netted flowers, suggesting the absence of apomixis. Our results indicate that H. acutangula is distylous, with a cryptic self‐incompatibility breeding system.  相似文献   

 We examined the effects of pollen competition (pollen load size) on sporophytic vigor and gametophytic performance in Cucurbita texana, a wild gourd, while controlling for alternative interpretations of the data. Under field conditions we compared the vigor of progeny produced from large and small pollen loads and examined the in vitro performance of the pollen produced by the progeny. We found that the progeny from large pollen loads germinated faster and had a greater reproductive output (male flowers and fruits) than progeny produced from small pollen loads. In addition, we found that the pollen produced on plants derived from large pollen loads grew faster in vitro than the pollen produced on plants derived from small pollen loads. These findings indicate that pollen competition affects the performance of the resulting sporophytic generation and the microgametophytes they produce. Received: 26 January 1997 / Revision accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Many angiosperms prevent inbreeding through a self‐incompatibility (SI) system, but the loss of SI has been frequent in their evolutionary history. The loss of SI may often lead to an increase in the selfing rate, with the purging of inbreeding depression and the ultimate evolution of a selfing syndrome, where plants have smaller flowers with reduced pollen and nectar production. In this study, we used approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) to estimate the timing of divergence between populations of the plant Linaria cavanillesii that differ in SI status and in which SI is associated with low inbreeding depression but not with a transition to full selfing or a selfing syndrome. Our analysis suggests that the mixed‐mating self‐compatible (SC) population may have begun to diverge from the SI populations around 2810 generation ago, a period perhaps too short for the evolution of a selfing syndrome. We conjecture that the SC population of L. cavanillesii is at an intermediate stage of transition between outcrossing and selfing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the photosynthetic performance of gametophytic and sporophytic (‘Chantransia’) stages of Kumanoa ambigua in culture under UV radiation. We hypothesized that both life history stages of K. ambigua would exhibit different photosynthetic responses to UVR exposure. Experiments were performed under three conditions: (i) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) only (400–700 nm), P control; (ii) PAR + UVA (320–700 nm), PA treatment; and (iii) PAR + UVA + UVB (280–700 nm), PAB treatment. The photosynthetic parameters were measured as in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence. Differences were found between life stages, observing higher values of NPQ and effective quantum yields (ΔF/Fm′) under UVA and PAR in gametophytes compared to sporophytes. One type of mycosporine‐like amino acid (MAA) was detected in the gametophyte in all treatments, but not in the ‘Chantransia’ stage. The increased photosynthetic performance for some parameters and the presence of MAA in gametophyte suggest that it is less sensitive to UV radiation, particularly UVA, in comparison to sporophyte under culture conditions. This approach is relevant for a better understanding of the adaptation and physiological acclimation of freshwater Rhodophyta to varying light climates in terms of global changes.  相似文献   

Transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility in angiosperms may be frequently driven by selection for reproductive assurance when mates or pollinators are rare, and are often succeeded by loss of inbreeding depression by purging. Here, we use experimental evolution to investigate the spread of self‐compatibility from one such population of the perennial plant Linaria cavanillesii into self‐incompatible (SI) populations that still have high inbreeding depression. We introduced self‐compatible (SC) individuals at different frequencies into replicate experimental populations of L. cavanillesii that varied in access to pollinators. Our experiment revealed a rapid shift to self‐compatibility in all replicates, driven by both greater seed set and greater outcross siring success of SC individuals. We discuss our results in the light of computer simulations that confirm the tendency of self‐compatibility to spread into SI populations under the observed conditions. Our study illustrates the ease with which self‐compatibility can spread among populations, a requisite for species‐wide transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility.  相似文献   

Late‐acting (ovarian) self‐incompatibility, characterized by minimal or zero seed production following self‐pollen tube growth to the ovules, is expected to show phylogenetic clustering, but can otherwise be difficult to distinguish from early‐acting inbreeding depression. In Amaryllidaceae, late‐acting self‐incompatibility has been proposed for Narcissus (Narcisseae) and Cyrtanthus (Cyrtantheae). Here, we investigate whether it occurs in the horticulturally important genus Clivia (Haemantheae) and test whether species in this genus experience ovule discounting in wild populations. Seed‐set results following controlled hand pollinations revealed that Clivia miniata and C. gardenii are largely self‐sterile. Self‐ and cross‐pollinated flowers of both species had similar proportions of pollen tubes entering the ovary, and those of C. gardenii also did not differ in the proportions of pollen tubes that penetrated ovules, thus ruling out classical gametophytic self‐incompatibility acting in the style, but not early inbreeding depression. Flowers that received equal mixtures of self‐ and cross‐pollen set fewer seeds than those that received cross‐pollen only, but it was unclear whether this effect was a result of ovule discounting or interactions on the stigma. The prevention of self‐pollination by the emasculation of either single flowers or whole inflorescences in wild populations did not affect seed set, suggesting that ovule discounting is not a major natural limitation on seed production. Flowers typically produce one to three large fleshy seeds from approximately 16 available ovules, even when supplementally hand pollinated, suggesting that fecundity is mostly resource limited. The results of this study suggest that Clivia spp. are largely self‐sterile as a result of either a late‐acting self‐incompatibility system or severe early inbreeding depression, but ovule discounting caused by self‐pollination is not a major constraint on fecundity. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 155–168.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - In Physcomitrium patens, PpRH1/PpRH2 are GUCT-domain-containing DEAD-BOX RNA helicases localize to the nucleus. They are implicated in cell and tissue development in all...  相似文献   

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