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The self‐incompatibility (SI) response occurs widely in flowering plants as a means of preventing self‐fertilization. In these self/non‐self discrimination systems, plant pistils reject self or genetically related pollen. In the Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae, pistil‐secreted S‐RNases enter the pollen tube and function as cytotoxins to specifically arrest self‐pollen tube growth. Recent studies have revealed that the S‐locus F‐box (SLF) protein controls the pollen expression of SI in these families. However, the precise role of SLF remains largely unknown. Here we report that PhSSK1 (Petunia hybrida SLF‐interacting Skp1‐like1), an equivalent of AhSSK1 of Antirrhinum hispanicum, is expressed specifically in pollen and acts as an adaptor in an SCF(Skp1‐Cullin1‐F‐box)SLF complex, indicating that this pollen‐specific SSK1‐SLF interaction occurs in both Petunia and Antirrhinum, two species from the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae, respectively. Substantial reduction of PhSSK1 in pollen reduced cross‐pollen compatibility (CPC) in the S‐RNase‐based SI response, suggesting that the pollen S determinant contributes to inhibiting rather than protecting the S‐RNase activity, at least in solanaceous plants. Furthermore, our results provide an example that a specific Skp1‐like protein other than the known conserved ones can be recruited into a canonical SCF complex as an adaptor.  相似文献   

Theory of plant mating system evolution predicts the spread of self‐compatibility (SC) in a predominantly self‐incompatible population when inbreeding depression (ID; the decline in fitness because of selfing) is small and when compatible mates are limited. I tested these two predictions by measuring the occurrence of SC in 13 natural populations of Ranunculus reptans L. that varied in ID and frequency of cross‐incompatible mates. Enforced selfing experiments were conducted in 2 years. In the first year, self‐pollination was applied at two flower ages to investigate the occurrence of delayed SC. I found that SC was not uncommon across all populations, but self‐compatible plants usually produced few seeds. There was no evidence for delayed SC. The occurrence of SC was not associated with population‐level ID, but populations with more limited availability of compatible mates had a significantly higher frequency of plants that were at least partially self‐compatible. The results indicate that, in R. reptans, a shortage of available mates in small populations may cause the evolution of partial SC and mixed mating.  相似文献   

The adoption of self-fertilization from an ancestral outcrossing state is one of the most common evolutionary transitions in the flowering plants. In the mustard family, outcrossing is typically enforced by sporophytic self-incompatibility (SI), but there are also many self-compatible species. The genus Leavenworthia contains taxa that either possess or lack SI. Here, we present data showing that SI is associated with strict outcrossing and that there is widespread trans-specific sequence polymorphism at the locus involved in the recognition of self-pollen (the S-locus). This ancestral polymorphism is consistent with the presence of an outcrossing mating system in the common ancestor of Leavenworthia species, and suggests that there have been several independent losses of SI in the group. When compared with other mustard species, the bulk of Leavenworthia S-allele sequences are highly diverged from those found in other Brassicaceae and show relatively low levels of nucleotide diversity, a pattern that suggests the common ancestor of the genus likely underwent a strong population bottleneck. The hypothesis of postbottleneck S-locus rediversification is supported by tests showing stronger positive selection acting on S-alleles from Leavenworthia than those found in other Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry is a self‐incompatible fruit tree species in the Rosaceae. As other species in the family, sweet cherry exhibits S‐RNase‐based gametophytic self‐incompatibility. This mechanism is genetically determined by the S‐locus that encodes the pollen and pistil determinants, SFB and S‐RNase, respectively. Several self‐compatible sweet cherry genotypes have been described and most of them have mutations at the S‐locus leading to self‐compatibility. However, ‘Cristobalina’ sweet cherry is self‐compatible due to a mutation in a pollen function modifier that is not linked to the S‐locus. To investigate the physiology of self‐compatibility in this cultivar, S‐locus segregation in crosses involving ‘Cristobalina’ pollen, and pollen tube growth in self‐ and cross‐pollinations, were studied. In the crosses with genotypes sharing only one S‐haplotype, the non‐self S‐haplotype was inherited more frequently than the self S‐haplotype. Pollen tube growth studies revealed that the time to travel the whole length of the style was longer for self‐pollen tubes than for cross‐pollen tubes. Together, these results suggest that ‘Cristobalina’ pollen tube growth is slower after self‐pollination than after cross‐pollination. This reproductive strategy would allow self‐fertilisation in the absence of compatible pollen but would promote cross‐fertilisation if cross‐compatible pollen is available, a possible case of cryptic self‐incompatibility. This bet‐hedging strategy might be advantageous for an ecotype that is native to the mountains of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, in the geographical limits of the distribution of this species. ‘Cristobalina’ blooming takes place very early in the season when mating possibilities are scarce and, consequently, self‐compatibility may be the only possibility for this genotype to produce offspring.  相似文献   

Loci subject to negative frequency-dependent selection are expected to exhibit higher effective migration rates compared to reference loci. Although the number of gene copies transferred between populations by migration is the same for all genes, those subject to negative frequency-dependent selection are more likely to be retained in the immigrant population because rare alleles are selectively favored. So far, evidence for this prediction has been indirect, based on summary statistics rather than on migration rate estimates. Here, we introduce an approximate Bayesian procedure to jointly estimate migration rates at two predefined sets of loci between two populations. We applied the procedure to compare migration rate estimates at the self-incompatibility locus (S-locus) with that at 10 reference loci in two plant species, Leavenworthia alabamica and L. crassa (Brassicaceae). The maximum likelihood estimate for the proportion of migrants (m) was four times higher at the S-locus than at reference loci, but the difference was not statistically significant. Lack of significance might be due to insufficient data, but perhaps also to the recent divergence of the two species (311 ka), because we also show using simulations that the effective migration rate at the S-locus is expected to increase with increasing divergence time. These findings aid in understanding the evolutionary dynamics of negative frequency-dependent selection and they suggest that divergence time should be accounted for when employing migration rates to help detect negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Fertilization proteins of marine broadcast spawning species often show signals of positive selection. Among geographically isolated populations, positive selection within populations can lead to differences between them, and may result in reproductive isolation upon secondary contact. Here, we test for positive selection in the reproductive compatibility locus, bindin, in two populations of a sea star on either side of a phylogeographic break. We find evidence for positive selection at codon sites in both populations, which are under neutral or purifying selection in the reciprocal population. The signal of positive selection is stronger and more robust in the population where effective population size is larger and bindin diversity is greater. In addition, we find high variation in coding sequence length caused by large indels at two repetitive domains within the gene, with greater length diversity in the larger population. These findings provide evidence of population‐divergent positive selection in a fertilization compatibility locus, and suggest that sexual selection can lead to reproductive divergence between conspecific marine populations.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, shifts from outcrossing to partial or complete self‐fertilization have occurred independently thousands of times, yet the underlying adaptive processes are difficult to discern. Selfing's ability to provide reproductive assurance when pollination is uncertain is an oft‐cited ecological explanation for its evolution, but this benefit may be outweighed by costs diminishing its selective advantage over outcrossing. We directly studied the fitness effects of a self‐compatibility mutation that was backcrossed into a self‐incompatible (SI) population of Leavenworthia alabamica, illuminating the direction and magnitude of selection on the mating‐system modifier. In array experiments conducted in two years, self‐compatible (SC) plants produced 17–26% more seed, but this advantage was counteracted by extensive seed discounting—the replacement of high‐quality outcrossed seeds by selfed seeds. Using a simple model and simulations, we demonstrate that SC mutations with these attributes rarely spread to high frequency in natural populations, unless inbreeding depression falls below a threshold value (0.57 ≤ δthreshold ≤ 0.70) in SI populations. A combination of heavy seed discounting and inbreeding depression likely explains why outcrossing adaptations such as self‐incompatibility are maintained generally, despite persistent input of selfing mutations, and frequent limits on outcross seed production in nature.  相似文献   

Nutrient self‐selection represents an important behaviour that has been measured across many taxa. Despite the amount of research on this phenomenon, few studies report the evaluation of the effects of environmental variables such as temperature on nutrient selection by animals. In the present study, the nutrient selections of the silverfish Lepisma saccharina L. are measured across a range of temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) using feeding arenas with three nutrient choices: carbohydrate (sucrose), protein (casein) and fat (lard). An overall preference for carbohydrates is shown across the range of temperatures, followed by protein, and then fat. However, the proportional consumption of each dietary component changes with temperature; the proportional carbohydrate consumption decreases dramatically with increasing temperature (>94% of the diet at 15 °C but <58% at 30 °C), whereas the proportional protein and lipid consumption increases with increasing temperature up to 30 °C. Changes in nutrient selection with temperature may be related to the dietary requirements of the insect at different temperatures.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in studying the molecular mechanisms of recent adaptations caused by positive selection in the genomics era. Such endeavors to detect recent positive selection, however, have been severely handicapped by false positives due to the confounding impact of demography and the population structure. To reduce false positives, it is critical to conduct a functional analysis to identify the true candidate genes/mutations from those that are filtered through neutrality tests. However, the extremely high cost of such functional analysis may restrict studies within a small number of model species. In particular, when the false positive rate of neutrality tests is high, the efficiency of the functional analysis will also be very low. Therefore, although the recent improvements have been made in the (joint) inference of demography and selection, our ultimate goal, which is to understand the mechanism of adaptation generally in a wide variety of natural populations, may not be achieved using the currently available approaches. More attention should thus be spent on the development of more reliable tests that could not only free themselves from the confounding impact of demography and the population structure but also have reasonable power to detect selection.  相似文献   

The prevailing demographic model for Drosophila melanogaster suggests that the colonization of North America occurred very recently from a subset of European flies that rapidly expanded across the continent. This model implies a sudden population growth and range expansion consistent with very low or no population subdivision. As flies adapt to new environments, local adaptation events may be expected. To describe demographic and selective events during North American colonization, we have generated a data set of 35 individual whole‐genome sequences from inbred lines of D. melanogaster from a west coast US population (Winters, California, USA) and compared them with a public genome data set from Raleigh (Raleigh, North Carolina, USA). We analysed nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and described levels of variation and divergence within and between these two North American D. melanogaster populations. Both populations exhibit negative values of Tajima's D across the genome, a common signature of demographic expansion. We also detected a low but significant level of genome‐wide differentiation between the two populations, as well as multiple allele surfing events, which can be the result of gene drift in local subpopulations on the edge of an expansion wave. In contrast to this genome‐wide pattern, we uncovered a 50‐kilobase segment in chromosome arm 3L that showed all the hallmarks of a soft selective sweep in both populations. A comparison of allele frequencies within this divergent region among six populations from three continents allowed us to cluster these populations in two differentiated groups, providing evidence for the action of natural selection on a global scale.  相似文献   

High‐density genotype data were analyzed in three lines of swine that express substantial variation in sow fertility to uncover regions of the genome potentially influenced during selection for litter size traits. The experimental lines examined include the Nebraska Index Line (NIL), which has been subjected to long‐term selection for litter size; a control line derived from the same population that founded NIL; and a commercial Duroc × Hampshire (D × H) population, in which no selection for litter size was practiced. Regions of the genome potentially affected by selection for litter size traits in NIL were determined by multiple lines of evidence, including altered allelic frequency compared to the other lines, loss of heterozygosity and relative extended haplotype homozygosity. Additionally, a genome‐wide association study for litter size traits was conducted in a population based on NIL and commercial maternal line genetics. Several genomic regions identified as putative signatures of selection overlapped with QTL for litter size traits. One of these regions, located on SSC2 (13–14 Mb), includes the candidate gene P2X3R, which plays a role in implantation and sustained release of hormones associated with reproductive processes. Sequencing identified synonymous SNPs in P2X3R that are fixed in NIL but polymorphic with nearly equal frequencies in the D × H line, indicating a potential role of P2X3R in sow fertility. These results suggest that data derived from these lines can help to uncover and understand a portion of the genetic variance associated with fertility traits in swine.  相似文献   

Pollen germination and pollen‐tube growth under natural conditions were observed in a population of a distylous species, Primula sieboldii, in which partial self‐compatibility has been demonstrated in some long‐styled genets. We observed post‐pollination processes microscopically in styles collected after self‐morph and inter‐morph hand pollination (with standardized pollen load on the stigmas) in four genets each from the following three ‘genet types’: self‐incompatible long‐styled (SI), partially self‐compatible long‐styled (SC) and self‐incompatible short‐styled morph genets. Irrespective of the genet type, pollen germination began within 24 h after pollination and tubes of pollen reached to the style base with 48–96 h after inter‐morph pollination. Although pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination in the SC genets, the number of germinated pollen tubes was significantly lower than in the case of inter‐morph pollination. Few pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination of the SI or short‐styled genets. In SC genets, the rate of pollen‐tube growth did not differ between self‐morph and inter‐morph pollination (~1.9 mm/day). Therefore, differences in self‐compatibility between SC and SI genets in P. sieboldii are likely to be attributable to differential pollen germination rates rather than to differential pollen‐tube growth rates.  相似文献   

The identification of regions that have undergone selection is one of the principal goals of theoretical and applied evolutionary genetics. Such studies can also provide information about the evolutionary processes involved in shaping genomes, as well as physical and functional information about genes/genomic regions. Domestication followed by breed formation and selection schemes has allowed the formation of very diverse livestock breeds adapted to a wide variety of environments and with special characteristics. The advances in genomics in the last five years have enabled the development of several methods to detect selection signatures and have resulted in the publication of a considerable number of studies involving livestock species. The aims of this review are to describe the principal effects of natural/artificial selection on livestock genomes, to present the main methods used to detect selection signatures and to discuss some recent results in this area. This review should be useful also to research scientists working with wild animals/non-domesticated species and plant biologists working with breeding and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: A mixture of outcrossing and selfing is often observed in plant populations. Although mixed mating is ubiquitous, it has several potential evolutionary explanations. Mixed mating may be actively maintained by selection, passively determined by the pollination environment, or a transitional stage during the evolution of self-fertilization. ? Methods: We studied patterns of self-compatibility and selfing rates in a population of Leavenworthia alabamica that recently lost self-incompatibility. We also experimentally tested whether natural selection against selfing at the pre- or postzygotic stage is sufficient to explain mixed mating in this population. ? Key results: Visualizing pollen tube growth following self-pollination, we found that nearly all plants were fully self-compatible. Progeny array analysis revealed that the average selfing rate of the population was s = 0.523. The inbreeding coefficient in the parents (F = 0.539) exceeded the amount expected if the selfing rate (s) were constant [F(eq) = s/(2 - s)], indicating either population subdivision or higher selfing rates in the past. Inference of family-level selfing rates revealed substantial variation. Experiments found that self and outcross pollen fertilized nearly equal numbers of ovules in competition. Comparison of seed production following self- or cross-pollination failed to implicate early acting inbreeding depression as a factor maintaining mixed mating. ? Conclusions: The results of our experiments suggest that mixed mating is not maintained by selection against self-pollen or zygotes in this population. Mixed mating is most likely a byproduct of the pollination process but may also be a transitional stage during the evolution of higher selfing rates.  相似文献   

  • One of the most fundamental, although controversial, questions related to the evolution of plant mating systems is the distribution of outcrossing rates. Self‐compatibility, and especially autonomous self‐pollination, can become particularly beneficial in anthropogenically degraded habitats with impoverished pollinator assemblages and increased pollen limitation.
  • In a hand‐pollination experiment with 46 meadow plants from the ?elezné hory Mts., Czech Republic, we evaluated the species' ability to adopt different mating systems. For a subset of the species, we also tested seed germination for inbreeding depression. Subsequently, we analysed relationships between the species' mating systems and 12 floral and life‐history traits.
  • We found a relatively discrete distribution of the studied species into four groups. Fully and partially self‐incompatible species formed the largest group, followed by self‐compatible non‐selfers and mixed mating species. The germination experiment showed an absence of inbreeding depression in 19 out of 22 examined species. Nectar sugar per flower, nectar sugar per shoot and dichogamy were significant associated with the mating system.
  • Spontaneous selfing ability and self‐incompatibility in species of the meadow communities had a discrete distribution, conforming to the general distribution of mating and breeding systems in angiosperms. The low frequency of spontaneous selfers and the lack of inbreeding depression at germination suggest the existence of a selection against selfing at the later ontogenetic stages. Some floral traits, such as the level of dichogamy and amount of nectar reward, may strongly impact the balance between selfing and outcrossing rates in the self‐compatible species and thus shape the evolution of mating systems.

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